Kicu'ba Ojo Yesu te
(Matayo 4:1-11Marako 1:12-13)
1 Yesu egote ni Golo Yaradene yasi twi Tori Alokado be ago Tori ugu nda te le vocowa ya, 2 kicu'ba ojo ta ndaro te lau u'duna 'butesu, tu gi cini ana si nda nya ŋga aza kote, ago okyena vosi nda te täbiri ro. 3 Kicu'ba atate ndäri ekye: “Ondro ka'do mini orivoya Ŋgwa Lu ro owo mita kuni ono kotozaru ambata ro.” 4 Oko Yesu zatadrite ekye: “Taegyi atate ekye: ‘Lidri ni ko orine toto alo ambata si.’ ” 5 'Dooko kicu'ba lutu nda te kuru ago ka'da 'bädri cini se abe mirina 'bädri'bai si te ndäri ndriŋwa. 6 Kicu'ba atate ndäri ekye: “Mozona mbara cini ono ndi miri ndi ŋgadriamba cini ono be. Ozo vona te cini märi, ago mozona ndi 'dise mabe onjina ri. 7 Vona cini ono a'dona ndi miro, ka'do ondro nyämätu ma te owo.”
8 Yesu zatadrite ekye: “Taegyi atate ekye: ‘Beṛo miri Opi Lu miro mätune ago ruindune toto ndäri ayani!’ ”
9 'Dooko kicu'ba ugu Yesu te Yerusalema ya ago edre nda te le kuru doṛi Yekalu ro dri, ago atate ndäri ekye: “Ondro ka'do mi ni orivoya Ŋgwa Lu ro owo, nyevo andivo miro vuru ni nosi. 10 Tana taegyi atate ekye: ‘Lu ozona ta 'da malaika ndaro ri ta miro otine.’ 11 Taegyi ata kpate ekye: ‘Ànya okonayi mi 'da drí anyaro ya ukyi kuni oga pa miro 'da.’ ” 12 Oko Yesu zatadrite ekye: “Taegyi atate ekye: ‘Beṛo ko miri ta Opi Lu miro ro ojone.’ ” 13 Ondro kicu'ba konde ta Yesu ro ojona te ta cini yasi oko, nda e'be nda te tiko.
Yesu Eto Losi Ndaro te Galilaya ya
(Matayo 4:12-17Marako 1:14-15)
14 'Dooko Yesu gote Galilaya ya, ago mbara Tori Alokado ro orivoya nda be. Lazo ta ndaro ro larirute wari cini ana yasi. 15 Nda emba ŋga te zoitaeriro ànyaro yasi ago 'dicini räṛu nda te.
Aga Yesu Tezo Nazareta ya
(Matayo 13:53-58Marako 6:1-6)
16 'Dooko Yesu oyite Nazareta ya, vose nda mbate kigye ana ya, ago Sabata si nda oyite oso ondoalo ronye zotaeriro ya. Nda ŋgate kuru Taegyi uzine; 17 ago ozo buku nebi Yesaya rote nda rigye, nda pere buku se oroṛobe ana te ago usu vose egyi ta be kigye ekye:
18 “Tori Opi ro orivoya mädri,
tana nda nji ma ni lazokado ezine ati'bai ri.
Nda zo ma te ta 'dionjiro dritai ro ayone kamba'bai ri,
ago ta voondre logoro ayone miako'bai ri,
'dise kamba'bai ro onjine oyine dritai ro,
19 ago ta ayone anjioko tu esate
se Opi opana lidri ndaro 'da.”
20 Yesu roṛo buku roṛoroṛo rote, ozote kovole ruindu'ba ri, ago rite vuru. Lidri cini zotaeriro ya mi ànyaro lewite nda dri, 21 nda atate ànyari ekye: “Ondro ono vo taegyi ono ya ono tana sate ŋgye mina ya, oso nyèribe uzivona ya ronye.” 22 Ànya cini atayite kado ta ndaro ta ago laroyite ata se kado nda katabe ŋgälä ana tana ro. Ànya atayite ekye: “Inye'do nda ṛo ko ŋgwa Yosepa roya?” 23 Nda atate ànyari ekye: “Mama ndi endaro misina taoni ono mina 'da märi ekye: ‘Ede'ba nyede andivo miro.’ Nyìtina ta kpa 'da märi ta oyene noŋwa 'ba'desi 'ba maro roya oso ŋgase nyèri tana be ayete Kaperenauma ya ronye.” 24 Yesu go ata te ekye: “Endaro mata ämiri ono, äru nebi kote alona 'ba'desi 'ba modo ndaro roya.
25 “Nyèri ta maro, orivoya taŋgye yi anjioko, ävuzii amba orivoya Yisaraele ya tu Eliya rosi, tuse 'bu ku'di kote ndroa na nätu kpäkyi ago mä'bu kozipara 'dete wari cini ya ana si. 26 Caoko azo Eliya kote 'diaza alo re Yisaraele ya, oko toto ävuzi se koribe Zarefata ya wari Sidona roya re ayani. 27 Ago lidri amba orivoya Yisaraele ya se ka ugu rueza ni adravo koziro kyini ro ri tu nebi Elisa rosi; caoko alo aza ànyaro ede kote, oko toto Namana Siria'ba ro ayani.” 28 Ondro lidri zotaeriro ya keri ta ono te oko, ànya a'dote kyilaro. 29 Ànya ŋgayite kuru, ànya seyi Yesu te tesi ni 'ba'desi yasi, ago lutuyi nda te dridopi lutu se abe 'ba'desi ànyaro be driigye ana ro dri. Ànya leyite nda du'dune kärägu yasi, 30 oko nda abate lowa lakosi ago oyite.
Mano se Tori Undiro be ana
(Marako 1:21-28)
31 'Dooko Yesu oyite Kaperenauma 'ba'desi se Galilaya ya ana ya nda emba lidri te kigye lau Sabata si. 32 Ànya cini laro tawi liti se nda emba ŋga be kigye si tana ro, tana nda ata ta te drikaca si. 33 Mano aza orivoya zotaeriro ya tori undiro demona robe nda ya, nda trete ṛeṛe kporo amba si ekye: 34 “A! Yesu Nazareta ro, mile e'di ama be ya? Nyikyi noŋwa ono ama tufune ya? Mäni mi te; mini Lazo'ba Alokado Lu ro owo!”
35 Yesu ta tori te ekye: “Nya'do titiro ago nyefo tesi ni mano ono yasi!” Demona vo mano ana te vuru ànya kandra ago efote tesi ni nda yasi teinye ŋga kozi aza oye ako ndäri.
36 Lidri cini larote ago atate azi ri ekye: “Ata nonye kwoi e'di ya? Drikaca ndi mbara be si mano ono kozo ta be torii undiro ri, ànya efo ndi tesi!” 37 Ago ta iti ta Yesu rota tana larirute vo cini yasi wari ana ya.
Yesu Ede Lidri Amba te
(Matayo 8:14-17Marako 1:29-34)
38 Yesu e'be zotaeriro te ago oyite 'ba Simona roya. Adraŋwa Simona ro orivoya adravo ro driu'bo kozi be; ago ànya peyi ta anyaro te Yesu ri. 39 Nda oyite ago edrete kitapara anyaro lomvo ago ta driu'bo te anya e'bene. Driu'bo e'be anya te, ago anya ŋgate dori kuru ago ozo ŋgaonya te ànyari.
40 Oci kitu ro vosi oko 'dicini se bereazi ànyaro adravoro adravo dritoto be iyi eziyi ànya te Yesu re; nda 'ba drí ndaro te ànya cini lomvo ba alo alo ago ede ànya cini te. 41 Demonai fote tesi ni lidri amba yasi, ugu totrebe ekye: “Mi ni Ŋgwa Lu ro owo!” Yesu ozotate demonai ri ago laga ànya zo atane, tana ànya niyite nda ni Mesiya owo.
Yesu Petate Zoitaeriro yasi
(Marako 1:35-39)
42 Voiwivoya oko Yesu e'be 'ba'desi te ago oyite vo iṛero ya. Lidri eto nda uṛite, ago ondro ànya kusuyi nda te oko, ànya ojoyite nda lagane ni oyivoya ni ànya resi. 43 Oko nda atate ànyari ekye: “Beṛo märi Lazokado Miri 'Bädri'ba Lu ro ro tana opene kpa 'ba'desi azaka yasi, tana ono ni tase Lu kezo mabe oyene owo.”
44 Ago nda petate Zoitaeriro Yuda ro yasi.
The Temptation of Jesus
(Matthew 4.1-11Mark 1.12Mark 13)
1 Jesus returned from the Jordan full of the Holy Spirit and was led by the Spirit into the desert, 2 where he was tempted by the Devil for forty days. In all that time he ate nothing, so that he was hungry when it was over.
3 The Devil said to him, “If you are God's Son, order this stone to turn into bread.”
4 But Jesus answered, “The scripture says, ‘Human beings cannot live on bread alone.’”
5 Then the Devil took him up and showed him in a second all the kingdoms of the world. 6 “I will give you all this power and all this wealth,” the Devil told him. “It has all been handed over to me, and I can give it to anyone I choose. 7 All this will be yours, then, if you worship me.”
8 Jesus answered, “The scripture says, ‘Worship the Lord your God and serve only him!’”
9 Then the Devil took him to Jerusalem and set him on the highest point of the Temple, and said to him, “If you are God's Son, throw yourself down from here. 10 For the scripture says, ‘God will order his angels to take good care of you.’ 11 It also says, ‘They will hold you up with their hands so that not even your feet will be hurt on the stones.’”
12 But Jesus answered, “The scripture says, ‘Do not put the Lord your God to the test.’”
13 When the Devil finished tempting Jesus in every way, he left him for a while.
Jesus Begins His Work in Galilee
(Matthew 4.12-17Mark 1.14Mark 15)
14 Then Jesus returned to Galilee, and the power of the Holy Spirit was with him. The news about him spread throughout all that territory. 15 He taught in the synagogues and was praised by everyone.
Jesus Is Rejected at Nazareth
(Matthew 13.53-58Mark 6.1-6)
16 Then Jesus went to Nazareth, where he had been brought up, and on the Sabbath he went as usual to the synagogue. He stood up to read the Scriptures 17 and was handed the book of the prophet Isaiah. He unrolled the scroll and found the place where it is written,
18 “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me,
because he has chosen me to bring good news to the poor.
He has sent me to proclaim liberty to the captives
and recovery of sight to the blind,
to set free the oppressed
19 and announce that the time has come
when the Lord will save his people.”
20 Jesus rolled up the scroll, gave it back to the attendant, and sat down. All the people in the synagogue had their eyes fixed on him, 21 as he said to them, “This passage of scripture has come true today, as you heard it being read.”
22 They were all well impressed with him and marveled at the eloquent words that he spoke. They said, “Isn't he the son of Joseph?”
23 He said to them, “I am sure that you will quote this proverb to me, ‘Doctor, heal yourself.’ You will also tell me to do here in my hometown the same things you heard were done in Capernaum. 24 I tell you this,” Jesus added, “prophets are never welcomed in their hometown. 25 Listen to me: it is true that there were many widows in Israel during the time of Elijah, when there was no rain for three and a half years and a severe famine spread throughout the whole land. 26 Yet Elijah was not sent to anyone in Israel, but only to a widow living in Zarephath in the territory of Sidon. 27 And there were many people suffering from a dreaded skin disease who lived in Israel during the time of the prophet Elisha; yet not one of them was healed, but only Naaman the Syrian.”
28 When the people in the synagogue heard this, they were filled with anger. 29 They rose up, dragged Jesus out of town, and took him to the top of the hill on which their town was built. They meant to throw him over the cliff, 30 but he walked through the middle of the crowd and went his way.
A Man with an Evil Spirit
(Mark 1.21-28)
31 Then Jesus went to Capernaum, a town in Galilee, where he taught the people on the Sabbath. 32 They were all amazed at the way he taught, because he spoke with authority. 33 In the synagogue was a man who had the spirit of an evil demon in him; he screamed out in a loud voice, 34 “Ah! What do you want with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Are you here to destroy us? I know who you are: you are God's holy messenger!”
35 Jesus ordered the spirit, “Be quiet and come out of the man!” The demon threw the man down in front of them and went out of him without doing him any harm.
36 The people were all amazed and said to one another, “What kind of words are these? With authority and power this man gives orders to the evil spirits, and they come out!” 37 And the report about Jesus spread everywhere in that region.
Jesus Heals Many People
(Matthew 8.14-17Mark 1.29-34)
38 Jesus left the synagogue and went to Simon's home. Simon's mother-in-law was sick with a high fever, and they spoke to Jesus about her. 39 He went and stood at her bedside and ordered the fever to leave her. The fever left her, and she got up at once and began to wait on them.
40 After sunset all who had friends who were sick with various diseases brought them to Jesus; he placed his hands on every one of them and healed them all. 41 Demons also went out from many people, screaming, “You are the Son of God!”
Jesus gave the demons an order and would not let them speak, because they knew he was the Messiah.
Jesus Preaches in the Synagogues
(Mark 1.35-39)
42 At daybreak Jesus left the town and went off to a lonely place. The people started looking for him, and when they found him, they tried to keep him from leaving. 43 But he said to them, “I must preach the Good News about the Kingdom of God in other towns also, because that is what God sent me to do.”
44 So he preached in the synagogues throughout the country.