Ota ta Adravo Kyini rota
1 OPI atate Musa ndi Arona be ri ekye: 2 Ondro ka'do 'diaza ka'dote laza be lomvo ndaro ya kode kure yi kode ko'bete kpekpe ro, se ka oye rutozane adravo kari ro ro nda lomvo, 'dooko be nda ezine kohani Arona re kode alo aza ŋgwàagoro ndaro kohanii ro re. 3 Kohani na 'do ri laza lomvo 'di na 'do roya 'do enane, ago ondro ka'do 'bi se kigye 'do kotozarute onjero ago laza na 'do kocite gyuru ni kala biṛina kuŋgyibe 'do ri, anjioko 'do te orivoya adravo kari ro yi; ago kohani ayona ta gwo anjioko 'dina 'do te orivoya undiro. 4 Oko ondro laza na 'do ka'dote onjero ago koci kote gyuru ni kala biṛina kuŋgyibe 'do ri, ago 'bi na se kigye 'do kotozaru kote onjero, 'dooko kohani ri 'dina adravo ro 'do o'bane orine iṛe u'duna njidrieri. 5 Ago kohani ri kpa ogone nda enane u'du njidrieri si, ago ondro nda kondrete adravo laza na 'do ro kalariru kote, 'dooko be ndäri nda o'bane orine iṛe kpa u'duna njidrieri. 6 Kohani ri ogone nda enane kpa to'di u'du njidrieri si, ago ondro laza na 'do kozwate ago adravo na kalariru kote lomvo yasi, 'dooko kohani ayona tana gwo anjioko nda te orivoya wäṛiro, anjioko 'do toto laza yi, ago 'dina 'do ojana boŋgo ndaro gwo ndi a'dona gwo wäṛiro. 7 Oko ondro laza na 'do kogo konyarute, kohani ri anya ena vosi ago ta ayo vosi ekye anyate wäṛiro, 'dooko 'do beṛo anyari yi ka'dane kohani ri kpa to'dina. 8 Kohani ri ogone nda enane kpa to'di, ago ondro ka'do laza konyarute ndra driya, 'dooko kohani ayona ta ndaro gwo anjioko nda te orivoya undiro, anjioko te orivoya adravo kari ro yi.
9 Ondro ka'do 'diaza ka'dote adravo kari robe nda ezine kohani re. 10 Kohani ri nda enane. Ondro ka'do laza na nda lomvo 'do ka'dote onjero se kotoza 'bi ndaro te onjero ago ka'dote ivi be kigye, 11 anjioko 'do te orivoya adravo kari okyeako ro yi nda lomvo. 'Dooko kohani ri ta ndaro ayone anjioko nda te orivoya undiro, kote nda o'bane orine iṛe, tana nda te orivoya undiro. 12 Ondro ka'do adravo kari ro konde lomvo 'dina 'do rote eto ni drî ya le pa ya oso kohani kondrebe ronye, 13 'dooko kohani ri ogone nda enane kpa to'di. Ondro ka'do kohani kondrete adravo kari ro nde lomvo ndaro te kpeye, 'dooko kohani ri ta 'dina 'do ro ayone anjioko nda te orivoya wäṛiro. Ondro ka'do kyini cini ndaro kotozarute kyiti onjero, anjioko nda te orivoya wäṛiro. 14 Oko ondro lomvo ndaro kogo ka'dote laza be, nda te orivoya undiro. 15 Kohani ri ogone nda enane, ondro ka'do nda kondre laza konyarute te ndäri ta ndaro ayone anjioko nda te orivoya undiro. Laza ruonyaonya 'do orivoya undiro tana 'do orivoya adravo kari ro yi. 16 Oko ondro ka'do laza na 'do ka'dote onjero kpa to'di, 'dooko be 'dina 'do ri oyine kohani re, 17 kohani ri nda enane kpa to'di, ondro ka'do laza na 'do ka'dote onjero, 'dooko kohani ayona ta gwo anjioko nda se laza be ana te orivoya wäṛiro ndate orivoya wäṛiro.
18 Ondro ka'do 'diaza ka'dote kure be lomvo ya ago kozwate, 19 ago kovolesi oko vona kogo kedo gwo onjero kode wäräläro vose kure ro 'do ya, 'dooko be ndäri ka'dane kohani ri. 20 Kohani ri nda enane, ondro ka'do vona 'do ko'dete dele ni kala biṛina kuŋgyibe 'do ri, ago 'bi na kotozarute onjero, 'dooko kohani ri ta ndaro ayone anjioko nda te orivoya undiro; anjioko 'do te orivoya adravo kari ro yi, etote kure si. 21 Oko ondro kohani kenate kusu 'bi se kigye 'do ka'do kote onjero ago vona ko'de kote dele ni kyini kalabiṛina yasi 'do ri, oko betina orivoya fere ozwaozwa ro, 'dooko kohani ri nda o'bane orine iṛe u'duna njidrieri. 22 Ondro ka'do vona 'do kalarirute driyaro kyini yasi, 'dooko kohani ri ta ndaro ayone anjioko nda te orivoya undiro, anjioko nda te orivoya adravo ro. 23 Oko ondro ka'do vona 'do kori gi 'du drina dri ago kalariru kote, anjioko 'do toto orivoya mberivo kure ro yi; ago kohani ri ta ndaro ayone anjioko nda orivoya wäṛiṛo.
24 Kode ondro ka'do asi koza 'diaza te ago laza vona ka'dote onjero kode kärumbero, 25 'dooko kohani ri nda enane. Ondro ka'do 'bi mberivo na 'do ya 'do ka'dote onjero ago ko'dete dele ni kyini kalabiṛina yasi 'do ri, 'dooko 'do te orivoya adravo kari ro yi etote vo gi asi kozabe 'do ya, 'dooko te kohani ri ta ndaro ayone anjioko nda te orivoya undiro. 'Do te adravo kari royi. 26 Oko ondro ka'do kohani kena vona 'dote ago 'bi vona 'do ya 'do ka'do kote onjero ago ko'de kote dele ni kyini kalabiṛina yasi 'do ri, oko betina ka'dote fere ozwaozwa ro, 'dooko kohani ri nda o'bane orine iṛe tiko ro u'duna njidrieri. 27 Ago kohani ri ogone nda enane kpa to'di u'du njidrieri si, ondro kugu rularite kyini yasi, 'dooko kohani ri te ta ndaro ayone anjioko nda te orivoya undiro. 'Do te orivoya adravo kari royi. 28 Oko ondro mberivo na 'do kori gindi 'du drina dri ago kalariru kote, ago betina ka'dote fere ozwaozwa ro, anjioko vo 'do ga ni asi risi. Kohani ri ta ndaro ayone anjioko nda orivoya wäṛiro; tana 'do orivoya mberivo asi royi.
29 Ondro ka'do mano aza kode toko aza ka'dote laza be drî ya kode tivu ya, 30 kohani ri laza na enane. Ondro ka'do vona kalandrete delero ni kyini kalabiṛina yasi 'do ri, ago 'bi kigyesi 'do ka'dote walawalaro ago re'bere'bero, anjioko kohani ri ta ndaro ayone ndate orivoya undiro. 'Do orivoya vo lo'do royi, adravo kari drî ro kode tivu royi. 31 Oko ondro kohani kena laza na 'do te ago mina koci kote gyuru ni kyini kalabiṛina yasi 'do ri, ago 'bi na kigyesi 'do ka'do dri ko kadoro, 'dooko kohani ri nda o'bane orine iṛe tiko ro u'duna njidrieri. 32 Kohani ri ogone laza na 'do enane u'du njidrieri 'do ya; ondro ka'do kalariru kote, ago ka'do kote 'bi walawalaro be, ago kalandre kote gyuru ni kyini kalabiṛina yasi 'do ri, 33 'dooko be 'dina 'do ri 'bi ndaro uvune oko ko 'bi vo laza roya 'do. Ago kohani ri ogone kpa nda o'bane orine iṛe u'du njidrieri aza. 34 Kohani ri ogone nda enane kpa to'di u'du njidrieri si, ondro ka'do laza na 'do kalariru kote ago koci kote gyuru ni kyini kalabiṛina yasi 'do ri, 'dooko kohani ri ta ndaro ayone anjioko nda orivoya wäṛiro. 'Dina 'do ojana boŋgo ndaro gwo, 'do vosi nda te orivoya wäṛiro. 35 Oko ondro laza na 'do kalarirute ta ndaro ayona wäṛiro 'do vosi, 36 'dooko be kohani ri ogone nda enane kpa to'di. Ondro laza na 'do kalarirute, 'dooko kote kohani ri 'bi walawalaro uṛine aya, oko anjioko endaro nda te orivoya undiro. 37 Oko ondro kohani kondrete laza 'do kalariru kote, ago 'bi kovote kadoro kigye ago laza kozwate, nda te orivoya wäṛi ro, kohani ri ta ndaro ayone anjioko nda te orivoya wäṛiro.
38 Ondro ka'do mano aza kode toko aza lomvo na ka'dote ŋborolo ro, 39 be kohani ri 'dina 'do enane, ondro ka'do mberivo na 'do ka'dote biṛibiṛiro, anjioko 'do lomvo uŋgyiuŋgyi yi, 'dina 'do orivoya wäṛiro.
40 Ondro ka'do drî kyiri mano aza ro kelepite anjioko 'do drî lepi yi, nda orivoya wäṛiro. 41 Ago ondro ka'do drî kyiri mano aza ro kelepite lepi käpäsi yasi kode militi yasi 'do ni ko nda o'bane undiro. 42 Oko ondro ka'do laza aza ka'dote mberekoro drî lepilepiro käpäsi kode militi ya 'do ya, anjioko 'do orivoya adravo kari ro yi etote drî lepilepi 'do yasi. 43 'Dooko kohani ri nda enane, ondro vona 'do ka'dote mberekoro oso beti adravo kari ro lomvo ya ronye, 44 'dooko ndate orivoya kari'ba yi, nda te orivoya undiro kohani ri ta ndaro ayone anjioko nda te orivoya undiro, tana adravo kari ro orivoya drî ndaro ya.
45 Beṛo 'dise adravo kari robe ri boŋgo nyakacaro osone ayani, drikyiri ndaro e'bene ava ako, ago ndäri kala driyasi ndaro takone ago ugu driayone ekye: “Undiro! Undiro!” 46 Ndäri a'done 'du undiro tu cini adravo ndaro 'do rosi, ndate orivoya undiro ago beṛo ndäri orine iṛe tesi gawa kundusi, lozo ni azii resi.
Ota Rulari Ŋga Fofofofo ro rota
47 Ondro ka'do ŋga aza kofofote boŋgo aza lomvo, kode boŋgo kodo ro yi kode boŋgo 'bilindriro yi, 48 kode kyepeŋwa boŋgo loselose 'bilindriro kode boŋgo kodo ro kode kyini ro kode ŋgase edebe kyini si lomvo, 49 ondro betina ka'dote lururo kode walawalaro, boŋgo aza lomvo kode kyepeŋwa boŋgo ro, kyini, kode ŋgase edebe kyini si lomvo anjioko 'do orivoya ŋga ofoofo se kabe rularilari 'do owo ago beṛo ka'dane kohani ri. 50 Kohani ri fofo ŋgana 'do ro enane ago ŋgana 'do onane lozo u'duna njidrieri. 51 'Dooko ndäri ogone enane kpa to'di u'du njidrieri si. Ondro ka'do ŋga gi fofobe 'do kugu vo ondete driyaro, anjioko 'do te ŋga fofo se ka ŋga enjienji 'do owo ŋgana 'do te orivoya undiro. 52 'Dooko kohani ri boŋgo 'do ozane asi si, kode kyepeŋwa boŋgo loselose 'bilindri ro kode boŋgo kodo ro, kode kyini kode ŋgase edebe kyini si yi tana ŋga fofo 'do ka rularilari, beṛo ozana asi si.
53 Oko ondro ka'do kohani kenate, nda kondrete ŋga fofo 'do ugu vo onde kote driyaro boŋgo na 'do ya, 54 'dooko kohani ri ota ozone boŋgo kode kyini 'do ojane, onane lozo orine kpa u'duna njidrieri aza. 55 'Dooko Kohani ri ogone ŋgana 'do enane ojana vosi. Ondro ka'do ŋga gi fofote 'do betina kotozaru kote to, kugu vo onde ca ko driyaro, iro gite orivoya undiro, beṛo ŋgana 'do ozane asi si, kode vona 'do orivoya mileyasi kode kundu yasi. 56 Oko ondro ka'do kohani kogo kena kpate to'di, ŋga gi fofote 'do ke'bete fere, be ndäri vona 'do owane ni boŋgo kode kyini na 'do yasi. 57 'Dooko ondro ka'do ŋga fofo 'do kogo kalandre kpate to'di, 'dooko kuzupi ri te boŋgo kode kyini na 'do ozane asi si. 58 Ondro ka'do nda koja boŋgo kode kyini na 'do te ago vo gyi ŋga 'do fofote kigye 'do kokyete, 'dooko ndäri ogone ojane pere ṛiṛi si, 'dooko a'dona ndi wäṛiro.
59 Ono ni ota ŋga fofo ro ro boŋgo ya owo, kode boŋgo kodo ro yi kode boŋgo 'bilindriro yi, kode ŋga aza se ede kyini si yi unizana kode ŋgana 'do te wäṛiro kode undiro.
Laws concerning Skin Diseases
1 The Lord gave Moses and Aaron these regulations. 2 If any of you have a sore on your skin or a boil or an inflammation which could develop into a dreaded skin disease, you shall be brought to the Aaronite priest. 3 The priest shall examine the sore, and if the hairs in it have turned white and the sore appears to be deeper than the surrounding skin, it is a dreaded skin disease, and the priest shall pronounce you unclean. 4 But if the sore is white and does not appear to be deeper than the skin around it and the hairs have not turned white, the priest shall isolate you for seven days. 5 The priest shall examine you again on the seventh day, and if in his opinion the sore looks the same and has not spread, he shall isolate you for another seven days. 6 The priest shall examine you again on the seventh day, and if the sore has faded and has not spread, he shall pronounce you ritually clean; it is only a sore. You shall wash your clothes and be ritually clean. 7 But if the sore spreads after the priest has examined you and pronounced you clean, you must appear before the priest again. 8 The priest will examine you again, and if it has spread, he shall pronounce you unclean; it is a dreaded skin disease.
9 If any of you have a dreaded skin disease, you shall be brought to the priest, 10 who will examine you. If there is a white sore on your skin which turns the hairs white and is full of pus, 11 it is a chronic skin disease. The priest shall pronounce you unclean; there is no need to isolate you, because you are obviously unclean. 12 If the skin disease spreads and covers you from head to foot, 13 the priest shall examine you again. If he finds that it actually has covered the whole body, he shall pronounce you ritually clean. If your whole skin has turned white, you are ritually clean. 14 But from the moment an open sore appears, you are unclean. 15 The priest shall examine you again, and if he sees an open sore, he shall pronounce you unclean. An open sore means a dreaded skin disease, and you are unclean. 16 But when the sore heals and becomes white again, you shall go to the priest, 17 who will examine you again. If the sore has turned white, you are ritually clean, and the priest shall pronounce you clean.
18 If any of you have a boil that has healed 19 and if afterward a white swelling or a reddish-white spot appears where the boil was, you shall go to the priest. 20 The priest shall examine you, and if the spot seems to be deeper than the surrounding skin and the hairs in it have turned white, he shall pronounce you unclean. It is a dreaded skin disease that has started in the boil. 21 But if the priest examines it and finds that the hairs in it have not turned white and that it is not deeper than the surrounding skin, but is light in color, the priest shall isolate you for seven days. 22 If the spot spreads, the priest shall pronounce you unclean; you are diseased. 23 But if it remains unchanged and does not spread, it is only the scar left from the boil, and the priest shall pronounce you ritually clean.
24 In case any of you have been burned, if the raw flesh becomes white or reddish-white, 25 the priest shall examine you. If the hairs in the spot have turned white and it appears deeper than the surrounding skin, it is a dreaded skin disease that has started in the burn, and the priest shall pronounce you unclean. 26 But if the hairs in it have not turned white and it is not deeper than the surrounding skin, but is light in color, the priest shall isolate you for seven days. 27 The priest shall examine you again on the seventh day, and if it is spreading, it is a dreaded skin disease, and the priest shall pronounce you unclean. 28 But if the spot remains unchanged and does not spread and is light in color, it is not a dreaded skin disease. The priest shall pronounce you ritually clean, because it is only a scar from the burn.
29 When any of you, male or female, have a sore on your head or chin, 30 the priest shall examine it. If it seems to be deeper than the surrounding skin and the hairs in it are yellowish and thin, it is a dreaded skin disease, and he shall pronounce you unclean. 31 If, when the priest examines you, the sore does not appear to be deeper than the surrounding skin, but there are still no healthy hairs in it, he shall isolate you for seven days. 32 The priest shall examine the sore again on the seventh day, and if it has not spread and there are no yellowish hairs in it and it does not seem to be deeper than the surrounding skin, 33 you shall shave the head except the area around the sore. The priest shall then isolate you for another seven days. 34 On the seventh day the priest shall again examine the sore, and if it has not spread and does not seem to be deeper than the surrounding skin, he shall pronounce you ritually clean. You shall wash your clothes, and you will be clean. 35 But if the sore spreads after you have been pronounced clean, 36 the priest shall examine you again. If the sore has spread, he need not look for yellowish hairs; you are obviously unclean. 37 But if in the priest's opinion the sore has not spread and healthy hairs are growing in it, the sore has healed, and the priest shall pronounce you ritually clean.
38 When any of you, male or female, have white spots on the skin, 39 the priest shall examine you. If the spots are dull white, it is only a blemish that has broken out on the skin; you are ritually clean.
40-41 If you lose your hair at the back or the front of your head, this does not make you unclean. 42 But if a reddish-white sore appears on the bald spot, it is a dreaded skin disease. 43 The priest shall examine you, and if there is a reddish-white sore, 44 the priest shall pronounce you unclean, because of the dreaded skin disease on your head.
45 If you have a dreaded skin disease, you must wear torn clothes, leave your hair uncombed, cover the lower part of your face, and call out, “Unclean, unclean!” 46 You remain unclean as long as you have the disease, and you must live outside the camp, away from others.
Laws concerning Mildew
47 When there is mildew on clothing, whether wool or linen, 48 or on any piece of linen or wool cloth or on leather or anything made of leather, 49 if it is greenish or reddish, it is a spreading mildew and must be shown to the priest. 50 The priest shall examine it and put the object away for seven days. 51 He shall examine it again on the seventh day, and if the mildew has spread, the object is unclean. 52 The priest shall burn it, because it is a spreading mildew which must be destroyed by fire.
53 But if, when he examines it, the priest finds that the mildew has not spread on the object, 54 he shall order that it be washed and put away for another seven days. 55 Then he shall examine it, and if the mildew has not changed color, even though it has not spread, it is still unclean; you must burn the object, whether the rot is on the front or the back. 56 But if, when the priest examines it again, the mildew has faded, he shall tear it out of the clothing or leather. 57 Then, if the mildew reappears, it is spreading again, and the owner shall burn the object. 58 If he washes the object and the spot disappears, he shall wash it again, and it will be ritually clean.
59 This, then, is the law about mildew on clothing, whether it is wool or linen, or on linen or wool cloth or on anything made of leather; this is how the decision is made as to whether it is ritually clean or unclean.