Tori Ozaro Cu
1 OPI zi Musa te ago atate ndäri ni Mutuguṛi a'do lototi OPI ro yasi ekye: 2 Nyata lidri Yisaraele ro ri mikye:
Ondro 'diaza kate ŋgapäṛi koronya ro ezi Opi ri be ndäri, tii kode timele kode indrii ezine ayani. 3 Ondro ka'do ŋgapäṛi ndaro ka'do te ŋgapäṛi ozaro ni tii lakosi oko, ndäri 'daŋgo se teinye mämbiako 'do ezine ayani. Beṛo ndäri ezine ecivo Mutuguṛi a'do lototi OPI ro ro kala, tana OPI koletadri ndaro robe. 4 Manona 'do ri drì ndaro o'bane drî ŋgapäṛi ozaro na 'do roya, ago OPI olena tadrina ndi tori oloro ro takozi ndaro onazana. 5 'Dooko be ndäri 'daŋgo na 'do ufune Opi kandra, ago ŋgwàagoro Arona ro se kohanii ro iyi ezinayi kari na gwo, ago luvunayi kari na gwo lamadri vo tori oloro se orivoya ecivo Mutuguṛi roya ana yasi. 6 'Dooko nda uwina kyini na gwo ago tupina gwo jinyijinyi, 7 ago ŋgwàagoro kohani Arona ro oranayi tiza gwo vo tori oloro dri, ago lerunayi asi gwo kigye. 8 Ànya odronayi iza se otolobe 'do gwo asi ya, tro drî na ndi vo ombiombi na be. 9 Beṛo manona 'do ri lakazà yasi na ndi ŋbiṛi na be ojane gyi si, ago kohani ri vona cu ozane vo tori oloro dri ŋgapäṛi ozaro ro. Tana tägyi ŋgapäṛi ŋgaonya se abe ozana asi si ro orivoya kadoro OPI ri.
10 Ondro ka'do ŋgapäṛi ndaro ka'dote ŋgapäṛi ozaro timele kode indrii royi beṛo ndäri se agoro teinye mämbiako 'do ozone ayani. 11 Ndäri ufune lama telesi vo tori oloro ogone mä'dudrisi 'do yasi Opi kandra, ago ŋgwàagoro Arona ro se kohanii ro iyi kari na luvune lamadri vo tori oloro ro yasi. 12 Mano na 'do ri tolone jinyijinyi, 'dooko kohani ri odrone kpeye asi se vo tori oloro dri ana ya tro drî na be ndi vo ombiombi na be. 13 Beṛo manona 'do ri lakazà na yasi iyi ndi ŋbiṛi na be ojane gyi si, ago kohani na 'do ri ezine kpeye, ago vona ozane vo tori oloro dri. Tana tägyi ŋgapäṛi ŋgaonya se abe ozana asi si ro orivoya kadoro OPI ri.
14 Ondro ka'do manona 'do kate ari ozo ŋgapäṛi ozaro ro, nda kozo tu'bu kode amoamo ayani. 15 Kohani ri ezine vo tori oloro ya ago kyembena opine ätu, ago drî na ozane vo tori oloro dri. Kari na o'bane orone lamadri vo tori oloro roya. 16 Ndäri lote na ndi tari'bi na be urune ago ovone lama telesi vo tori oloro ro 'buzelesi yasi, vose abe torofo oso kigye 'do ya. 17 Ndäri urune kufu yasi ago ya na osine teinye kufu na ri laŋgoako, ago kohani ri ozane vo tori oloro dri. Tana tägyi ŋgapäṛi ŋgaonya se abe ozana asi si ro orivoya kadoro OPI ri.
Sacrifices Burned Whole
1 The Lord called to Moses from the Tent of the Lord's presence and gave him the following rules 2 for the Israelites to observe when they offer their sacrifices.
When you offer an animal sacrifice, it may be one of your cattle or one of your sheep or goats. 3 If you are offering one of your cattle as a burnt offering, you must bring a bull without any defects. You must present it at the entrance of the Tent of the Lord's presence so that the Lord will accept you. 4 You shall put your hand on its head, and it will be accepted as a sacrifice to take away your sins. 5 You shall kill the bull there, and the Aaronite priests shall present the blood to the Lord and then throw it against all four sides of the altar located at the entrance of the Tent. 6 Then you shall skin the animal and cut it up, 7 and the priests shall arrange firewood on the altar and light it. 8 They shall put on the fire the pieces of the animal, including the head and the fat. 9 You must wash the internal organs and the hind legs, and the officiating priest will burn the whole sacrifice on the altar. The odor of this food offering is pleasing to the Lord.
10 If you are offering one of your sheep or goats, it must be a male without any defects. 11 You shall kill it on the north side of the altar, and the priests shall throw its blood on all four sides of the altar. 12 After you cut it up, the officiating priest shall put on the fire all the parts, including the head and the fat. 13 You must wash the internal organs and the hind legs, and the priest will present the sacrifice to the Lord and burn all of it on the altar. The odor of this food offering is pleasing to the Lord.
14 If you are offering a bird as a burnt offering, it must be a dove or a pigeon. 15 The priest shall present it at the altar, wring its neck, and burn its head on the altar. Its blood shall be drained out against the side of the altar. 16 He shall remove the crop and its contents and throw them away on the east side of the altar where the ashes are put. 17 He shall take hold of its wings and tear its body open, without tearing the wings off, and then burn it whole on the altar. The odor of this food offering is pleasing to the Lord.