Tusu Yerusalema ro
1 Yerusalema se kyenona lidri amba be ono,
ka ori te awi!
Se kyenona orivoya liku tawi 'bädri azii lako ono;
yauono labate oso ävuzi ronye;
se kyenona orivoya 'desi ro 'bakici azi lako 'do te orivoya iyeäṛi ro.

2 Anya kate liyi rritiro ŋgäkyi si;
miendre kate idi biṛi anyaro yasi.
Bereazii se kyeno anyaro iyi, alona aza e'be kote anya i'dwene.
Oriazii anyaro yeyi anya te koziro ago yauono 'di cini
a'do ṛo kpeye kyila'baazi ro anyari.

3 Lidri Yuda ro ärute iyeäṛii ro ta takozi ànyaro rota,
ago ànya kayite rueza losi oyebe mbara si.
Ànya kayi te ori wari to azaka yasi, oko usuyi loli kote-
Lidri se kabe ànya lanja iyi tayivo ànyaro te tu rriti ànyaro rosi.

4 Liti se kabe oyi Zaiona ya te awi,
tana 'diaza ikyi kote mätune Yekalu ya tu alokado si.
Dereŋwa cini 'bakici ro te uŋbo
ago kohanii kayite toto leri ayani.
Äru ndiriŋwa Zaiona rote ago Zaiona kate rueza rritiro.

5 Kyila'baazii anyaro teni 'desii anyaro,
ta a'dote kadoro kyila'baazii anyaro ri.
OPI 'ba anya te ruezane inye ta taenji amba anyaro rota;
äru ŋgagà anyaro te kamba'bai ro kyila'baazii ri.

6 Liŋgyi Zaiona ro tana lävute.
Dri'bai anyaro a'dote oso kaliŋga se usu ŋgaonya ko 'do ronye,
ànya riyi kote umune mbarasi äṛigo'ba ri.

7 Tu rritiro ago ruezaro ono si Yerusalema kate ŋgase cini
liŋgyiliŋgyiro ndaro se kyeno kayi tana usuna.
Ondro anya ko'dete dri kyila'baazii roya oko,
'diaza te i'do anya opane;
lidri se kope anya be ṛe iyi guyi o'de anyaro te.

8 Yerusalema ye takozi parandra te,
ta'dota anya te undiro;
'dicini se koro nda be kate nda o'da,
tana ànya ndre a'do bägyulu ro anyaro te.
Anya kate leri ago da'do militi anyaro te.

9 A'do undiro anyaro landrete dori rritiako,
anya usu ta kandrakozi anyaro tana kote.
Ta'doro o'de anyaro a'dote kozipara,
'diaza ni kote anya i'dwene.
Anya kate liyi OPI ri ta rueza anyaro rota,
tana kyila'baazi anyaro pe ŋgate ṛe.
10 Kyila'baazii anyaro topa ŋga kado para cini anyaro te.
Anya ndre atrai te ocivoya Yekalu modo ya,
vose OPI laga atrai zo ocine kigye ana.

11 Lidri cini anyaro ka leri
ŋgaonya uṛivoya onyane;
Ànya kayi lakazà ànyaro logyena ŋgaonya dri
ànyari adrizana.
'Bakici ana kate liyi ekye: “Äye OPI mindrevo mädri;
tana ma te rueza.”

12 Anya ka ata 'dise cini kayibe lävu kai ri ekye:
“Mindrevo mädri, nyùsuta maro ko ya?
Ta aza a'do kote luwuekye
'diaza ri oso maro ono ronye alona,
se OPI ezite mädri tu kyila ndaro rosi.

13 “Nda ezi asi te ni kurusi;
asi se za ya yasi maro te.
Nda 'be abari te märi
ago teri mate ndi gyini dri.
Nda ti ta maro kote ago e'be mate mbaraako kitu zwi.

14 “Nda ru takozi maro te ago embe ànya te voaloya;
embe ànya te kyembe maro ya, ago läŋgyina ba ma'dote mbaraako.
OPI ozo mate manya'baazii maro rigye,
se mbaranai te ndra mädrisi.

15 “OPI ga kyila'bai cini maro se mbaraekye iyi tezo;
nda ezi kyila'baazii te mädri agoànji maro tufune.
OPI zwa lidri maro te oso abe doŋgo kono ro
ozwana pi'di vino roya ronye.

16 “'Doni tase ko'ba mabe liyine owo.
Miendre maro idite
'Diaza te i'do ma i'dwe ne;
ago 'diaza ni kote agoago ozone märi.
E'be ŋga aza kote lidri maro ri;
tana kyila'baazi pe mate ṛe;

17 “Meŋga drii maro te kuru,
caoko 'diaza i'do ma i'dwene.
OPI ozotate kyila'baazii ri ikyine
lidri Yisaraele ro gotane lamadri cini yasi;
Ago ma'dote oso ŋgase undiro ronye ànya lako.

18 “Oko ta OPI ro ni ŋgye,
tana mogbote nda be.
Nyeri ta maro, ami lidri vo cini yasi ono;
ago mindre rueza maro.
Tana äru agoànji ndi ndiriŋwa maro yibe te
midiro kamba ya.

19 “Mäzi bereazii maro te;
oko odoyi ma te.
Kohanii maro ndi dri'bai maro be
todrayite 'bakici ya,
Ŋgaonya uṛivoya iyi adrizana.

20 “Äye OPI, mindre mate rriti ya,
lidri maro te rueza ya.
Ya maro te tusuro.
Tana mogbote mibe.
Ate 'ditufu litiŋwà drisi;
ca zo yasi odra kpa orivoya.

21 “Nyeri mabe leri ono;
'diaza i'do ma i'dwene.
Kyila'baazii maro eriyi rueza maro tana te
ànya orivoya yai'dwe si rriti se nyezi'be mädri ono tana ro.
Mi'ba tuse mi'ba tana be ono kesa teri;
tana kyila'baazii maro kezaru robe kpa oso ma ronye.

22 “Mindre taoye se cini ànyaro undiro ono;
nyeza ànya kpa oso nyeza mabe ta takozi maro rota ono ronye.
Ma te leri rriti,
ago ma te adravo ro.”
The Sorrows of Jerusalem
1 How lonely lies Jerusalem, once so full of people!
Once honored by the world, she is now like a widow;
The noblest of cities has fallen into slavery.

2 All night long she cries; tears run down her cheeks.
Of all her former friends, not one is left to comfort her.
Her allies have betrayed her and are all against her now.

3 Judah's people are helpless slaves, forced away from home.
They live in other lands, with no place to call their own—
Surrounded by enemies, with no way to escape.

4 No one comes to the Temple now to worship on the holy days.
The young women who sang there suffer, and the priests can only groan.
The city gates stand empty, and Zion is in agony.

5 Her enemies succeeded; they hold her in their power.
The Lord has made her suffer for all her many sins;
Her children have been captured and taken away.

6 The splendor of Jerusalem is a thing of the past.
Her leaders are like deer that are weak from hunger,
Whose strength is almost gone as they flee from the hunters.

7 A lonely ruin now, Jerusalem recalls her ancient splendor.
When she fell to the enemy, there was no one to help her;
Her conquerors laughed at her downfall.

8 Her honor is gone; she is naked and held in contempt.
She groans and hides her face in shame.
Jerusalem made herself filthy with terrible sin.

9 Her uncleanness was easily seen, but she showed no concern for her fate.
Her downfall was terrible; no one can comfort her.
Her enemies have won, and she cries to the Lord for mercy.

10 The enemies robbed her of all her treasures.
She saw them enter the Temple itself,
Where the Lord had forbidden Gentiles to go.

11 Her people groan as they look for something to eat;
They exchange their treasures for food to keep themselves alive.
“Look at me, Lord,” the city cries; “see me in my misery.”

12 “Look at me!” she cries to everyone who passes by.
“No one has ever had pain like mine,
Pain that the Lord brought on me in the time of his anger.

13 “He sent fire from above, a fire that burned inside me.
He set a trap for me and brought me to the ground.
Then he abandoned me and left me in constant pain.

14 “He took note of all my sins and tied them all together;
He hung them around my neck, and I grew weak beneath the weight.
The Lord gave me to my foes, and I was helpless against them.

15 “The Lord laughed at all my strongest soldiers;
He sent an army to destroy my young men.
He crushed my people like grapes in a wine press.

16 “That is why my eyes are overflowing with tears.
No one can comfort me; no one can give me courage.
The enemy has conquered me; my people have nothing left.

17 “I stretch out my hands, but no one will help me.
The Lord has called enemies against me from every side;
They treat me like some filthy thing.

18 “But the Lord is just, for I have disobeyed him.
Listen to me, people everywhere; look at me in my pain.
My young men and women have been taken away captive.

19 “I called to my allies, but they refused to help me.
The priests and the leaders died in the city streets,
Looking for food to keep themselves alive.

20 “Look, O Lord, at my agony, at the anguish of my soul!
My heart is broken in sorrow for my sins.
There is murder in the streets; even indoors there is death.

21 “Listen to my groans; there is no one to comfort me.
My enemies are glad that you brought disaster on me.
Bring the day you promised; make my enemies suffer as I do.

22 “Condemn them for all their wickedness;
Punish them as you punished me for my sins.
I groan in misery, and I am sick at heart.”