'Bakicii Lewe'bai ro
1 'Dooko dri'bai katidrii Lewe'bai ro ro oyiyite kohani Eleazara, Yosua ŋgwa Nuna ro, ndi dri'bai katidri 'bakalai Yisaraele robe re. 2 Ago lau Silo ya wari Kanana roya ànya atayite ànyari ekye: “OPI kozo ota be Musa si anjioko 'bakicii ozone ämäri orizana kigye, ndi wari lowo ro se gbikyi lomvoigyesi iyi be koronyai 'ba ro amaro ri.” 3 Ta'dota oso ota OPI ro ronye lidri Yisaraele ro ozoyi 'bakicii azaka te ndi wari lowo robe Lewe'bai ri ni wari modo ànyaro yasi.
4 Ozo 'bakicii te käti katidrii Lewe'bai ro se ni käläsikala Koata ro yasi ri. Ozo 'bakicii te 'butealo fonätu katidrii se kefobe ni zelevoi kohani Arona ro yasi kai ri ni wari Yuda, Simeona, ndi Benjamina robe yasi. 5 Ozo 'bakicii te 'butealo anjioko käläsikala koata ro ro ri wari Eperaima, Dana, ndi telesi 'bakala Manase ro robe yasi.
6 Ozo 'bakicii se 'butealo fonätu käläsikala Geresona ro ri ni wari Yisakara, Asera, Nafatali, ndi telesi 'bakala Manase ro 'buzelesi robe yasi.
7 Ozo 'bakicii te 'butealo foritu katidrii käläsikala Merari ro ri ni wari Rubena, Gada, ndi Zebuluna robe yasi.
8 Lidri Yisaraele ro ozoyi 'bakicii se kwoi ndi wari lowo ro na be te Lewe'bai ri vodo ovo si, oso se OPI kozo ota na be Musa si ronye.
9 Kwoi ni ävuru 'bakicii se ni wari Yuda ndi Simeona robe yasi se ozobe 10 zelevoi Arona ro se ni käläsikala Koata ro, se kefobe ni zelevo Lewe ro yasi ri owo. Ozo wari te käti ànyari. 11 'Bakici se ozobe ànyari ni Areba (Areba ni täpi Anaka ro), se yauono äzibe Eberona, 'bädri lutu ro Yuda roya, tro wari lowo ro se gbikyi lomvoigyesi ana be. 12 Caoko lowo 'bakici ro ndi 'ba'desii se 'bakici lomvosi kai be ozote 'duro Kaleba ŋgwa Jefune ro ri.
13 Ozo 'bakici Eberona rote zelevoi kohani Arona ro ri (Eberona orivoya alo aza 'bakicii ruoparo.) Ànya ozoyi 'bakicii kwoi kpate ànyari ri se ni: Libena, 14 Jatira, Esetemoa, 15 Olana, Debira, 16 Aina, Juta, ndi Betese Mese be, tro warii lowo ro ànyaro yibe: 'bakicii orivoya njidriesu, ni 'bakalai Yuda ndi Simeona robe yasi. 17 Ago ni 'bakala Benjamina ro yasi, ànya ozoyi 'bakicii su te ànyari se ni: Gibeona, Geba, 18 Anatota, ndi Alemona be, tro wari lowo ro ànyaro yibe. 19 'Bakicii se ozobe kohanii se zelevoi kohani Arona ro ro ri cini orivoya 'butealo fonätu, ndi warii lowo ro ànyaro yibe.
20 Ozo 'bakicii azaka te anjoko katidrii Lewe'ba ro se ni käläsikala Koata ro yasi ri ni wari Eperaima ro yasi. 21 'Bakicii se ozobe ànyari orivoya su, ni: Sekeme (se ni alo aza 'bakicii ruoparo ro) ndi warii ànyaro se lowo robe 'bädri lutu ro Eperaima roya, ago Gezera, 22 Kibezaima, ndi Bete Orona be, tro warii lowo ro ànyaro yibe. 23 'Bakicii se ozobe ànyari ni 'bakala Dana ro yasi orivoya su, ni: Eleteka, Gibetona, 24 Aijalona, ndi Gaterimona be, tro warii lowo ro ànyaro yibe. 25 'Bakicii se ozobe ànyari ni wari telesi 'bakala Manase ro yasi orivoya ritu, ni: Tanaka, ndi Gaterimona be, tro warii lowo ro ànyaro yibe. 26 Katidrii käläsikala Koata ro ro kwoi ruyi 'bakicii te cini 'butealo, tro wari lowo ro ànyaro yibe.
27 Gboko aza Lewe'bai ro käläsikala Geresona ro ro, ozo 'bakicii kpate ritu ànyari ni telesi 'bakala Manase ro 'buzelesi yasi, ni: Golana se Basana ya (se ni alo aza 'bakicii ruoparo ro), ndi Besetera be, tro warii lowo ro ànyaro yibe. 28 Ozo 'bakicii kpate ànyari su, ni 'bakala Yisakara ro yasi, ni: Kisiona, Daberata, 29 Jaremuta, ndi Eŋganima be, tro warii lowo ro ànyaro yibe. 30 Ozo 'bakicii kpate ànyari su, ni 'bakala Asera ro yasi, ni: Misela, Abedona, 31 Elekata, ndi Reoba be, tro warii lowo ro ànyaro yibe. 32 Ozo 'bakicii kpate ànyari nätu, ni 'bakala Nafatali ro yasi, ni: Kedesa se Galilaya ya, (ni alo aza 'bakicii ruoparo ro) tro warii anyaro lowo robe ago Amota Dora, ndi Karetana be, tro warii lowo ro ànyaro yibe. 33 Katidrii käläsikala Geresona ro ono ruyi 'bakicii te cini orivoya 'butealo fonätu, tro warii lowo ro ànyaro yibe.
34 Ozo 'bakici te anjoko Lewe'bai ro käläsikala Merari ro ri su, ni 'bakala Zebuluna ro yasi, ni: Jokeneama, Kareta, 35 Dimena, ndi Nahalala be, tro warii lowo ro ànyaro yibe. 36 Ni 'bakala Rubena ro yasi ozo 'bakicii te su ànyari ni: Bezera, Jahaza, 37 Kedemota, ndi Mefata be, tro warii lowo ro ànyaro yibe. 38 Ago ozo 'bakicii kpate su ni 'bakala Gada ro yasi ànyari, ni: Ramota se Gilada ya, (se ni alo aza 'bakici ruoparo ro), tro wari na lowo robe ago Manaima, 39 Esebona ndi Jazera be, tro warii lowo ro ànyaro yibe. 40 Ta'dota ozo 'bakicii te anjoko 'bakala Lewe'bai ro, käläsikala Merari ro ri cini orivoya 'butealo foritu.
41 'Bakicii se Lewe'bai ro wari se cini lidri Yisaraele ro kurube ana ya orivoya 'butesu fonjidriena ndi warii se lowo ro ŋbikyi lomvoigyesi ana be. 42 'Bakicii se cini kwoi ba alo alo orivoya warii lowo ro be gbikyi lomvoigyesi.
Wari Uru Yisaraele ro
43 Ta'dota OPI ozo wari se cini nda ko'ba tana be lämu'duro ozone zutui Yisaraele ro ri te. Ondro ànya kuruyite oko ànya riyite kigye. 44 Ago OPI ozo taliatokpe te ànyari wari cini yasi, oso se nda ko'ba tao'baro na be zutui ànyaro ri ronye. Alo aza kyila'baazii ànyaro ro ojo kote edrene ànya mile, tana OPI ozo ŋgaopeṛe te Yisaraele ri kyila'baazii cini ànya dri. 45 OPI äti tao'ba cini kado se nda ko'babe lidri Yisaraele ro ri ana te. Vona cini sate mina ya.
The Cities of the Levites
1 The leaders of the Levite families went to Eleazar the priest, Joshua son of Nun, and to the heads of the families of all the tribes of Israel. 2 There at Shiloh in the land of Canaan they said to them, “The Lord commanded through Moses that we were to be given cities to live in, as well as pasture land around them for our livestock.” 3 So in accordance with the Lord's command the people of Israel gave the Levites certain cities and pasture lands out of their own territories.
4 The families of the Levite clan of Kohath were the first to be assigned cities. The families who were descended from Aaron the priest were assigned thirteen cities from the territories of Judah, Simeon, and Benjamin. 5 The rest of the clan of Kohath was assigned ten cities from the territories of Ephraim, Dan, and West Manasseh.
6 The clan of Gershon was assigned thirteen cities from the territories of Issachar, Asher, Naphtali, and East Manasseh.
7 The families of the clan of Merari were assigned twelve cities from the territories of Reuben, Gad, and Zebulun.
8 By drawing lots, the people of Israel assigned these cities and their pasture lands to the Levites, as the Lord had commanded through Moses.
9 These are the names of the cities from the territories of Judah and Simeon which were given 10 to the descendants of Aaron who were of the clan of Kohath, which was descended from Levi. Their assignment was the first to be made. 11 They were given the city of Arba (Arba was Anak's father), now called Hebron, in the hill country of Judah, along with the pasture land surrounding it. 12 However, the fields of the city, as well as its towns, had already been given to Caleb son of Jephunneh as his possession.
13 In addition to Hebron (one of the cities of refuge), the following cities were assigned to the descendants of Aaron the priest: Libnah, 14 Jattir, Eshtemoa, 15 Holon, Debir, 16 Ain, Juttah, and Beth Shemesh, with their pasture lands: nine cities from the tribes of Judah and Simeon. 17 From the territory of Benjamin they were given four cities: Gibeon, Geba, 18 Anathoth, and Almon, with their pasture lands. 19 Thirteen cities in all, with their pasture lands, were given to the priests, the descendants of Aaron.
20 The other families of the Levite clan of Kohath were assigned some cities from the territory of Ephraim. 21 They were given four cities: Shechem and its pasture lands in the hill country of Ephraim (one of the cities of refuge), Gezer, 22 Kibzaim, and Beth Horon, with their pasture lands. 23 From the territory of Dan they were given four cities: Eltekeh, Gibbethon, 24 Aijalon, and Gathrimmon, with their pasture lands. 25 From the territory of West Manasseh they were given two cities: Taanach and Gathrimmon, with their pasture lands. 26 These families of the clan of Kohath received ten cities in all, with their pasture lands.
27 Another group of Levites, the clan of Gershon, received from the territory of East Manasseh two cities: Golan in Bashan (one of the cities of refuge) and Beeshterah, with their pasture lands. 28 From the territory of Issachar they received four cities: Kishion, Daberath, 29 Jarmuth, and Engannim, with their pasture lands. 30 From the territory of Asher they received four cities: Mishal, Abdon, 31 Helkath, and Rehob, with their pasture lands. 32 From the territory of Naphtali they received three cities: Kedesh in Galilee, with its pasture lands (one of the cities of refuge), Hammoth Dor, and Kartan, with their pasture lands. 33 The various families of the clan of Gershon received a total of thirteen cities with their pasture lands.
34 The rest of the Levites, the clan of Merari, received from the territory of Zebulun four cities: Jokneam, Kartah, 35 Dimnah, and Nahalal, with their pasture lands. 36 From the territory of Reuben they received four cities: Bezer, Jahaz, 37 Kedemoth, and Mephaath, with their pasture lands. 38 From the tribe of Gad they received four cities: Ramoth in Gilead, with its pasture lands (one of the cities of refuge), Mahanaim, 39 Heshbon, and Jazer, with their pasture lands. 40 So the clan of Merari was assigned a total of twelve cities.
41-42 From the land that the people of Israel possessed, a total of forty-eight cities, with the pasture lands around them, was given to the Levites.
Israel Takes Possession of the Land
43 So the Lord gave to Israel all the land that he had solemnly promised their ancestors he would give them. When they had taken possession of it, they settled down there. 44 The Lord gave them peace throughout the land, just as he had promised their ancestors. Not one of all their enemies had been able to stand against them, because the Lord gave the Israelites the victory over all their enemies. 45 The Lord kept every one of the promises that he had made to the people of Israel.