Taata Biledada ro: 'Dialo Ezana rundi Taenji iro dri
1 'Dooko Biledada Sua'ba zatadrite ekye:
2 Mile ŋga kwoi tana atane mu'du eŋwanye,
ata miro oli ronye ono siya?
3 Lu topi pa taŋgye ro gindi;
kode nda ri gindi takado oyeako ya?
4 A'dona ŋgàga miro ye takozi te Lu lomvo,
ta'doro nda eza ànya te oso ànya kegyebe ronye.
5 Oko ondro ka'do nyetadrite ago nyeji Lu Mbarapara te;
6 ondro ka'do nya'dote 'diri ago wäṛiro,
'dooko endaro nda ikyina ndi mi opane
ago ogo päṛina mi ndi ŋgase ŋgye be a'done miri sina 'do si.
7 Ŋgadriamba se nya'dobe sina käti 'do toto fere
oko se nyaoyebe ogo a'done sina 'do a'done ndi ndra.
8 Yauono miṛi tavouni se kyeno kai vona;
ago nyusu ta ŋgase täpii amaro kuniyibe ro.
9 Ori amaro toto fereŋwa, mäni ŋga aza ko alona;
tu oriro amaro 'bädri ya ka lävu oso lindri kabe lävu gyini drisi 'do ronye.
10 Oko mi'ba lidri tavouni'bà se kyeno kai kembayi mi;
ago kitiyi ta miri ni ya ànyaro yasi.
11 Okyi ombana ndi vose gyi ako ya ya?
Äjääyi edrena ndi tesi vose tayi ako ya ya?
12 Ondro gyi kosete gbe oko ànya wi ṛo teinye dri giṛiŋwaro ogaako vuru;
ànya wi ṛo käti ice azi drisi.
13 Lidri se kije ta Lu rote a'do ànyaro oso okyi kai ronye;
mio'ba Lu ako'ba ro okyena 'da.
14 Ànya kayi taoyi ŋga lifulifu ya ago mbayimbayi nini roya.
15 Ànya kayi ruäti mbayimbayi lomvo oko äti ànya kote.
Ànya ka rubaṛi lomvoigye oko ni kote edrene.
16 Lidri kozi iro oso ŋga kyi'dikyi'di kabe uhwe kitu dri ronye,
oso kabe oba ämvu yasi ronye.
17 Paji ànyaro baṛirute kuniŋwai lomvosi
ago baṛirute anda luutu lomvosi.
18 Oko ondro eŋgye ànya te andrwi ni vo ànyaro yasi oko,
'diaza ni kote unine ekye sedri ànya orivoya lau.
19 'Do ni riyä liti ànyaro ro owo;
azii ikyi uruna vo ànyaro teni.
20 Oko Lu e'be ta'diri'ba aza kote alona
ago ye ŋgaopa kote takozi oye'bai ri.
21 Nda ogo o'bana mi 'da ugune kpa to'di,
ago otrene riyä si,
22 oko nda ezina driupi 'da ànya se yana osoro milomvo iyi dri,
ago 'ba takozi'bai ro pereruna 'da.
1-2 Are you finally through with your windy speech?
3 God never twists justice;
he never fails to do what is right.
4 Your children must have sinned against God,
and so he punished them as they deserved.
5 But turn now and plead with Almighty God;
6 if you are so honest and pure,
then God will come and help you
and restore your household as your reward.
7 All the wealth you lost will be nothing
compared with what God will give you then.
8 Look for a moment at ancient wisdom;
consider the truths our ancestors learned.
9 Our life is short, we know nothing at all;
we pass like shadows across the earth.
10 But let the ancient wise people teach you;
listen to what they had to say:
11 “Reeds can't grow where there is no water;
they are never found outside a swamp.
12 If the water dries up, they are the first to wither,
while still too small to be cut and used.
13 Godless people are like those reeds;
their hope is gone, once God is forgotten.
14 They trust a thread—a spider's web.
15 If they lean on a web, will it hold them up?
If they grab for a thread, will it help them stand?”
16 Evil people sprout like weeds in the sun,
like weeds that spread all through the garden.
17 Their roots wrap around the stones
and hold fast to every rock.
18 But then pull them up—
no one will ever know they were there.
19 Yes, that's all the joy evil people have;
others now come and take their places.
20 But God will never abandon the faithful
or ever give help to evil people.
21 He will let you laugh and shout again,
22 but he will bring disgrace on those who hate you,
and the homes of the wicked will vanish.