1 Eyobo, mizi läzi yau. Inye'do kode 'diaza ozana tadri miro 'da ya?
Inye'do malaika eŋwani mizana mi driigye ŋgaopa ta ya?
2 Endaro milo'be ka 'dise amama ro ufu na ufu,
ago yagäru ka tauniako'ba ufu ṛi.
3 Mandrebe 'di azaka se amamaro landre ndi kadoro,
oko ndriŋwa oko matri 'ba ànyaro te ekye:
4 Ŋgwàagoro ànyaro unina ko a'done londro ro;
vo vure roya ape ànya te ago 'diaza 'de kote ànya vosi.
5 'Dise täbiri ro onyana ŋgaluru 'dise amamaro ro ṛoni,
ca inya se kabe omba kukyi lako iyi,
ago lidri se gyilu be o'bana mawi 'du ŋgadriamba ndaro ta.
6 Tana rueza efo ko ni durufu yasi,
ca rritii hwe ko ni gyini yasi.
7 Lidri ka rriti ezi ni andivo iro dri,
oso tindrwo kabe oŋga kuru 'do ronye.

8 Aba ka'do gwo ma mazana mi te Lu re
ago mezina rriti maro te ndare ayani.
9 Ndase kabe ta 'desi se änikote ono oyena kwoi,
talaro ro ndaro äduna i'do.
10 Nda kani 'bu ezi u'dine gyini dri
ago ka gyi loda ni ämvu dri.
11 Lu kani 'di mäyuro eŋga 'desiro
ago kani riyä ozo ànya se kabe liyi ri.
12 Nda kani tavoora 'diodo'bai ro gburuna
ukyi ŋgase cini ànya kabe oyena a'do 'da kadoro.
13 Nda ka tavouni'bai baṛina taoye modo ànyaro rosi;
ago ka tavoora 'dikozi ro o'bana ni okyene ndri.
14 Ŋgätini ka ikyi ànya dri kitu si,
ca kitudiri si ànya ka votämbi mo'demo'de oso ŋgätini yasi ronye.
15 Oko Lu ka kyemvo opa ni odra yasi;
nda ka 'dise lemeri ro opa ni ezavoya si.
16 Ta'dota lemeri'bai te mio'ba be ago taŋgyeako'ba a'bo kala nate.

17 Mano se Lu kabe lukuna ni kado!
Ka'do inye nyamawo ŋga luku ndaro ko.
18 Lu kani laza se nda ko'bibe 'do uvuna;
drì ndaro kani 'di o'bi ago drì ndaro kani edena.
19 Tu cini ya nda opana mi 'da ni mi oyevoya koziro;
ago ŋga kozi odona mi ko.
20 Tu mä'bu rosi nda opana mi 'da ni odravoya,
ago kyila ya nda opana mi 'da ni ufuvoya.
21 Lu gagana mi 'da ni talari kowe si ävuru enjiro 'do yasi;
ago nyuturi na ko ondro odra kikyi ca owo.
22 Miguna 'da tu odra ro ndi täbiri robe si
ago minina ko turine ni koronyai vocowa ro ri.
23 Ämvu se nyabe osona a'dona kuni ako;
ago koronyai vocowa ro gotanayi mi ko alona.
24 Mirina 'da liatokpero zo boŋgoro miro ya;
ago ondro nyate timele miro timo oko nyusuna ànya 'da kpeye kadoro.
25 Nya'dona 'da kozoi be amba
zelevoi miro a'dona 'da oso bi käyi ro lowo ya ronye.
26 Midena 'da pari mi'dena gwo odrane
oso inya konde vo te oko abe olona le tu olona ro si 'do ronye.
27 Eyobo, mètenyi tase ono te orivoya taŋgye yi.
Ka'do inye yauono nyeri ago miletadrina teri.
1 Call out, Job. See if anyone answers.
Is there any angel to whom you can turn?
2 To worry yourself to death with resentment
would be a foolish, senseless thing to do.
3 I have seen fools who looked secure,
but I called down a sudden curse on their homes.
4 Their children can never find safety;
no one stands up to defend them in court.
5 Hungry people will eat the fool's crops—
even the grain growing among thorns
and thirsty people will envy his wealth.
6 Evil does not grow in the soil,
nor does trouble grow out of the ground.
7 No indeed! We bring trouble on ourselves,
as surely as sparks fly up from a fire.

8 If I were you, I would turn to God
and present my case to him.
9 We cannot understand the great things he does,
and to his miracles there is no end.
10 He sends rain on the land
and he waters the fields.
11 Yes, it is God who raises the humble
and gives joy to all who mourn.
12-13 He upsets the plans of cunning people,
and traps the wise in their own schemes,
so that nothing they do succeeds;
14 even at noon they grope in darkness.
15 But God saves the poor from death;
he saves the needy from oppression.
16 He gives hope to the poor and silences the wicked.

17 Happy is the person whom God corrects!
Do not resent it when he rebukes you.
18 God bandages the wounds he makes;
his hand hurts you, and his hand heals.
19 Time after time he will save you from harm;
20 when famine comes, he will keep you alive,
and in war protect you from death.
21 God will rescue you from slander;
he will save you when destruction comes.
22 You will laugh at violence and hunger
and not be afraid of wild animals.
23 The fields you plow will be free of rocks;
wild animals will never attack you.
24 Then you will live at peace in your tent;
when you look at your sheep, you will find them safe.
25 You will have as many children
as there are blades of grass in a pasture.
26 Like wheat that ripens till harvest time,
you will live to a ripe old age.
27 Job, we have learned this by long study.
It is true, so now accept it.