Tavoata käti
Taata Elipaza ro: Mano se Lu kabe Ritana ni Riyä be
1 'Dooko Elipaza Temana'ba eto atate ekye:
2 Ondro ka'do 'diaza kolebe atane mibe o'bana mi ko a'done kyilaro ya?
Ca oko a'di a'dona ni titiro ata ako ya?
3 Nyemba lidri amba te
ago nyotomba drì se mbaraako iyi te.
4 Ata miro äti 'dise ka o'debe te,
ago tomba mbaraako'ba te edrene ŋgyiri.
5 Yauono kama rriti ro go zarute miri,
ago nya'dote yaiŋgyiako kigye.
Rriti do mi te oko nya'do kote mbara ro.
6 Inye'do taoro miro Lu ri koni a'do ŋgiri miro,
ago ori 'diri miro koni mio'ba miro owo ya?
7 Ka'do inye yauono migo nyusu ta te ndi kovole.
'Dise taenjiako oko kodra ko ni a'di owo ya?
Kode eŋwaro äfu 'dise 'diriro te niya?
8 Oso mandrebe ronye lidri se ka ta undiro oso ämvu ronye
ago ka takozi ori oso kwari ronye;
olonayi kpa ànya ayani.
9 Lu ka ànya eza lawa äfu ndaro si, ago ka ànya tufu kyila ndaro si.
10 Takozi'bai ka ädri ago ka leri oso ibi ronye,
oko Lu toŋgo si ànyaro te.
11 Ànya ka odra oso ibi se usu ŋga aza kote onyane iri 'do ronye,
ago ŋgwai cini anyaro pererute.

12 Tu aza si lazo aza ikyite märi ndrwiro,
ago meri ta wayawayaro na te.
13 Oso tori kozi kabe taezi ŋgäkyi si 'dise ku'dute ŋbi dri 'do ronye;
14 turi 'dete mädri ago mälä'bite akpakpa;
se 'ba lomvo cini maro te lä'bine.
15 Oli vo mi maro te,
ago 'bi lomvo maro ro ŋgate ayo kuru.
16 Mandre ŋga aza te edrevoya lau;
caoko mandre ŋga ana kote ŋga ana edrete 'du mile maro ya
vo ka'dote njuru oko meri ata aza te ekye:
17 “Inye'do lidri gyi kaodraodra ono unina ndi a'done ŋgye Lu mile
kode a'dona ndi wäṛiro O'ba'ba ndaro kandra ya?
18 Lu yi ta kote ruindu'bai ndaro vo'buyakuru ro ya
ca malaikai ndaro nda usute taenji be.
19 Inye'do mimabe nda oyina ta ndi lidri se ede ni gyini yasi,
ŋgase ede durufu si se änina ndi kaŋwane oso ludu ronye ono ya ya?
20 Kyenoŋbo si ndi le tandrole ro lidri ka odra,
ànya ka odra teinye vona temoako.
21 Ŋgase cini nda be sina ärute;
nda dra iro gwo, teinye tavouniako.”
The First Dialogue
1-2 Job, will you be annoyed if I speak?
I can't keep quiet any longer.
3 You have taught many people
and given strength to feeble hands.
4 When someone stumbled, weak and tired,
your words encouraged him to stand.
5 Now it's your turn to be in trouble,
and you are too stunned to face it.
6 You worshiped God, and your life was blameless;
and so you should have confidence and hope.
7 Think back now. Name a single case
where someone righteous met with disaster.
8 I have seen people plow fields of evil
and plant wickedness like seed;
now they harvest wickedness and evil.
9 Like a storm, God destroys them in his anger.
10 The wicked roar and growl like lions,
but God silences them and breaks their teeth.
11 Like lions with nothing to kill and eat,
they die, and all their children are scattered.

12 Once a message came quietly,
so quietly I could hardly hear it.
13 Like a nightmare it disturbed my sleep.
14 I trembled and shuddered;
my whole body shook with fear.
15 A light breeze touched my face,
and my skin crawled with fright.
16 I could see something standing there;
I stared, but couldn't tell what it was.
Then I heard a voice out of the silence:
17 “Can anyone be righteous in the sight of God
or be pure before his Creator?
18 God does not trust his heavenly servants;
he finds fault even with his angels.
19 Do you think he will trust a creature of clay,
a thing of dust that can be crushed like a moth?
20 We may be alive in the morning,
but die unnoticed before evening comes.
21 All that we have is taken away;
we die, still lacking wisdom.”