1 Oligbiriṛibe ka kariba maro o'bana o'bine mbarasi.
2 Nyeri, ata OPI ro,
nyeri uhwe se kabe efo ni kala ndaro yasi ono.
3 Nda 'ba sionyi 'bu ro ni vo osine andriya vokuru yasi,
le cuku cini 'bädri ro yasi.
4 'Do vosi kporo uhwe ndaro ro erite,
nda hwete uhwe 'desipara si,
ago 'ba sionyi 'bu ro lekote.
5 Uhwe Lu rosi talaro ro a'dote
nda ye talaro ro 'desi se mäni kote tazevona unine 'do te.
6 Nda kani ota ozo siya ri layine gyini dri,
ago kani 'bu ezo u'dine äkpäkpä mbarasi.
7 Nda ka losi 'di cini ro ondrena ni,
tana lidri cini kuni ta losi oye Lu ro robe.
8 Koronyai vocowaro kayi oyi kugyi ànyaro yasi,
ago kayi ori 'bu ànyaro yasi.
9 Oligbiriṛibe ka ikyi ni ŋgäṛiŋwadrisi,
ago kyi'dwe i'dweekye ka usi ni mä'dudrisi.
10 Lawa Lu ro ka a'do siya ro,
ago 'ba gyi te okwone ṛatara.
Nda 'ba 'dikolo ni twi 'bu be.
11 Sionyi ka leko ni 'dikolo yasi,
ago ka ànya pere ni 'busi ro.
12 Ànya kayi ruoza ŋgulu ole Lu rosi,
tase cini Lu kozo otana be oyene,
vo cini yasi 'bädri yasi.
13 Lu ka 'bu ezoni lidri ezaza;
kode u'dine 'bädri ya,
kode ŋgalu ndaro ka'daza ànyari.
14 Eyobo, nyedre fere, ago nyeri;
nyusu ŋgase cini talaroro Lu kabe oyena ono tana.
15 Inye'do mini tase Lu kabe ota ozo ago kabe 'bu o'ba
sionyine lekone 'dikolo yasi ono tana ndi ya?
16 Inye'do mini tase 'dikolo kabe aba äkuku vokuru yasi
se ni losi oye talaro ro Lu se tavouniekye ono ro tana ndi ya?
17 Minina ndi ruezane ni voeme ri
ondro ka'do oli eme ni ŋgäṛiŋwadrisi kusi bete owo.
18 Inye'do minina gi'da vokuru larane oso Lu ronye ya?
Ago minina gi'da o'bane ṛatararo oso logo atala läguekye ronye ya?
19 Nyembe ama tase atane Lu ri 'do si;
mä̀nina ko vure amaro tana atane;
20 tana ama teinye tauni ako.
Inye'do itina ndi Lu ri ekye male atane nda be ya?
Inye'do 'diaza ejita gi'da odrane ya?

21 Yauono lidri ni kote ŋgaeyi ondrene,
ondro kate lägu vokuru ya owo;
ago ayo 'dikolo te wäṛi oli si.
22 Lu ka ikyi ŋgaeyi läguläguro si mä'dudrisi,
ago 'desi Lu ro turina so ama te.
23 Lu Mbarapara orivoya lozo mànina ko ndana otane nda orivoya mbara amba be ago 'diri,
nda orivoya taŋgye'ba yi ago ye lidri ko koziro.
24 Ta'dota lidri ka ndana oro;
ago nda ni ànya se kabe iyi o'ba a'done tauni'bai ro 'do ko.
1 The storm makes my heart beat wildly.
2 Listen, all of you, to the voice of God,
to the thunder that comes from his mouth.
3 He sends the lightning across the sky,
from one end of the earth to the other.
4 Then the roar of his voice is heard,
the majestic sound of thunder,
and all the while the lightning flashes.
5 At God's command amazing things happen,
wonderful things that we can't understand.
6 He commands snow to fall on the earth,
and sends torrents of drenching rain.
7 He brings our work to a stop;
he shows us what he can do.
8 The wild animals go to their dens.
9 The storm winds come from the south,
and the biting cold from the north.
10 The breath of God freezes the waters,
and turns them to solid ice.
11 Lightning flashes from the clouds,
12 as they move at God's will.
They do all that God commands,
everywhere throughout the world.
13 God sends rain to water the earth;
he may send it to punish us,
or to show us his favor.

14 Pause a moment, Job, and listen;
consider the wonderful things God does.
15 Do you know how God gives the command
and makes lightning flash from the clouds?
16 Do you know how clouds float in the sky,
the work of God's amazing skill?
17 No, you can only suffer in the heat
when the south wind oppresses the land.
18 Can you help God stretch out the sky
and make it as hard as polished metal?
19 Teach us what to say to God;
our minds are blank; we have nothing to say.
20 I won't ask to speak with God;
why should I give him a chance to destroy me?

21 And now the light in the sky is dazzling,
too bright for us to look at it;
and the sky has been swept clean by the wind.
22 A golden glow is seen in the north,
and the glory of God fills us with awe.
23 God's power is so great that we cannot come near him;
he is righteous and just in his dealings with us.
24 No wonder, then, that everyone is awed by him,
and that he ignores those who claim to be wise.