Elihu Ka Tase Lu Kabe Lidri Emba Tazevona Edre
1 Elihu ugu atate ekye:
2 Nya'do yaiŋgyi be ga fere ago ma oye tana itine miri,
3 Tauni maro orivoya amba; tana ma drigba ta azabe atane vo Lu roya.
Ago maka'dana ndi O'ba'ba maro, orivoya taŋgye'ba yi.
4 Tana endaro tase mabe atana ono ko kowe yi;
mindre mano tauniekye orivoya mikandra.

5 Lu orivoya mbara be! Nda mawo 'diaza ko;
nda orivoya mbara be tavouni cini ya.
6 Nda 'ba takozi'bai kote orine lidriidriro,
ago nda ka taŋgye ati'bai ro ozoni.
7 Nda kani taŋgye'bai gagana;
nda ka ànya o'ba 'dimirine oso 'bädri'bai ronye
ago ka ànya o'ba ni a'done orooro ro äduako.
8 Oko ondro ka'do embe ànya te nyori si,
ago a'ba ànya te rueza ne,
9 'dooko 'do Lu ka taoye ànyaro ka'da ànyari ndi takozi ànyaro be,
tana ànya ka taoye driuŋgyisi.
10 Nda ka ànya o'ba ŋgaemba ndaro tana erine
ago ka ànya ota drietane ni takozi yasi.
11 Ondro ka'do ànya kayi Lu oro ago kayi ruindu ndäri,
ànya orinayi ori ànyaro ndi liatokpero ago ŋgaamba be.
12 Oko ondro ka'do ànya keri ta kote,
utufuna ànya 'da bando si ago todranayi 'da teinye tavona uniako.

13 Ànya se ni lu ko iyi kayi ugu a'do kyilaro,
ànya ejiyi ta kote ta ŋgaopa rota Lu ka ca ànya eza owo.
14 Ànya kayi odra kyeno agoànji ro,
ago kayi odra liku kozi ya.
15 Lu ka lidri se kabe rueza opa rueza ànyaro yasi
ago ka ànya o'ba taerine rriti ànyaro si.

16 Lu lofo mi te ni rriti yasi, le vose dritai ro ya;
ago tara'biza miro te twi ŋgaonya kado para si.
17 Oko yauono ate mi eza oso takozi'ba ronye; ago vure ru mite.
18 Mimba midri mi'ba ŋgaamba kodo mi ko,
ago mi'ba ta miogyero ko'ba mi ko ujene.
19 Inye'do ŋgaamba miro 'do kode mbara miro 'do;
opana mi ndi ni rriti yasi ya?
20 Mi'ba ta ko ta ŋgäkyi ro ta,
saa se abe tu'dei ije 'do si.
21 Mimba midri miza mi ko takozi ya;
se landre oso mile ndra ni rueza risi.

22 Lu orivoya mbara be ndra;
a'di ni miemba'ba yi ndrani nda drisi ya?
23 A'di itina tase oyene Lu ri ni
kode a'di kicuna nda ni ta takozi oyero ta ya?
24 Miyi tana beṛo miri nda räṛune ta losi ndaro rota,
se lidri kabe kpa räṛuna loŋgo si;
25 'Dicini ndre ŋgase nda koyebe te;
caoko ànya ka ondrena peresi.
26 Lu orivoya 'desipara ago mäni kote a'dona unine
ago mäni kote ndroa ndaro otina unine.

27 Tana Lu ka lätutu uru ni gyini yasi
ago go toza gwo 'bu ro;
28 se ka u'di 'bu ro ni 'dikolo yasi
ago ka logyi ŋga cini dri.
29 'Diaza ni ofo 'dikolo ro tana ko,
ndi uhwe 'bu ro ni vokuru ya
vose Lu kabe ori kigye yasi 'do ro ko.
30 Nda 'ba sionyi 'bu ro ni nda lomvosi ŋgulu,
ago tako täṛi gyi'desi ro ni a'done uniro.
31 Nda ka lidri gaga inye
ago kani ŋgaonya ozo amba.
32 Nda kani sionyi 'bu ro uruna drì ndaro si
ago ka o'bana ni vo ogane.
33 Uhwe 'bu ro ka ta oligbiriṛibe ro ayona ni,
ca ti 'degwo unine anjioko kate eṛi.
1-2 Be patient and listen a little longer
to what I am saying on God's behalf.
3 My knowledge is wide; I will use what I know
to show that God, my Creator, is just.
4 Nothing I say to you is false;
you see before you a truly wise man.

5 How strong God is! He despises no one;
there is nothing he doesn't understand.
6 He does not let sinners live on,
and he always treats the poor with justice.
7 He protects those who are righteous;
he allows them to rule like kings
and lets them be honored forever.
8 But if people are bound in chains,
suffering for what they have done,
9 God shows them their sins and their pride.
10 He makes them listen to his warning
to turn away from evil.
11 If they obey God and serve him,
they live out their lives in peace and prosperity.
12 But if not, they will die in ignorance
and cross the stream into the world of the dead.

13 Those who are godless keep on being angry,
and even when punished, they don't pray for help.
14 They die while they are still young,
worn out by a life of disgrace.
15 But God teaches people through suffering
and uses distress to open their eyes.

16 God brought you out of trouble,
and let you enjoy security;
your table was piled high with food.
17 But now you are being punished as you deserve.
18 Be careful not to let bribes deceive you,
or riches lead you astray.
19 It will do you no good to cry out for help;
all your strength can't help you now.
20 Don't wish for night to come,
the time when nations will perish.
21 Be careful not to turn to evil;
your suffering was sent to keep you from it.

22 Remember how great is God's power;
he is the greatest teacher of all.
23 No one can tell God what to do
or accuse him of doing evil.
24 He has always been praised for what he does;
you also must praise him.
25 Everyone has seen what he has done;
but we can only watch from a distance.
26 We cannot fully know his greatness
or count the number of his years.

27 It is God who takes water from the earth
and turns it into drops of rain.
28 He lets the rain pour from the clouds
in showers for all human beings.
29 No one knows how the clouds move
or how the thunder roars
through the sky, where God dwells.
30 He sends lightning through all the sky,
but the depths of the sea remain dark.
31 This is how he feeds the people
and provides an abundance of food.
32 He seizes the lightning with his hands
and commands it to hit the mark.
33 Thunder announces the approaching storm,
and the cattle know it is coming.