Ata Elihu ro Voro, Eyobo Ta Lämu'du Aza Ako Atane
1 Elihu atate ekye:
2 Nyusu miro be ndi ŋgye atane mikye,
yi orivoya 'diri Lu mile ya?
3 Kode Lu ejine mikye: “Inye'do takozi maro ye mi ro eŋwanyeya?
Ŋga kado se musube takozi oyeakosi e'diya?”
4 Ma oye tadri miro ozane ago kpa tadri bereazii miro ro ozane.

5 Mindrevo vokuru ya! Mindre 'dikolo orivoya lekuru midrisi!
6 Ondro ka'do miye takozi be,
inye'do ye ŋgaaza ndi Lu ri ya?
Ondro ka'do miye ŋgakozi ca perena amba,
inye'do ye ŋga koziro aza ndi nda ri ya?
7 Nya'do gwo taŋgye'ba yi; nyozo e'diyi Lu ri ya?
Kode ŋgase nda usube ni mirigyesi ni e'diya?
8 Takozi miro ka gyi 'di anya oso mi ronye 'do eza ayani,
ago takado se nyabe oyena ka 'diazi opa.

9 Lidri ka leri ondro ate ànya eza koziro owo;
ànya kayi driayo 'diaza ri ànya opane.
10 Oko 'diaza ejita kote ekye Lu o'ba'ba iro gaŋwaroya?
Se kani mio'ba ozo ànyari tu rriti rosi;
11 Lu se kozo tauni be ämäri ndrani koronyai drisi,
ago ko'ba ama be tavouni'bà ro ndrani ari drisi ono.
12 Ànya kayi driayo ta ŋgaopa rota, oko Lu zatadri kote,
tana ta driuŋgyi ago kozi ànyaro rota.
Lu eri rulo'ba ànyaro takaciako 'do ko.
13 Ko kado ànyari driayone;
ca Lu Mbarapara eri ta ànyaro kpa ko.

14 Lu erina ta miro eŋwanye Eyobo ondro ka'do mikye indre nda ko,
ago vure iro orivoya nda kandra ago ye kote ya!
15 Ago mikye Lu unina ko 'di ezane kyila ndaro si,
tana mikye nda ti ta takozi ro ko ta amba ro.
16 Eyobo ka iro tase takaciako do atana ayani;
ago nda ka ugu ata tavouniako si;
1-2 It is not right, Job, for you to say
that you are innocent in God's sight,
3 or to ask God, “How does my sin affect you?
What have I gained by not sinning?”
4 I am going to answer you and your friends too.

5 Look at the sky! See how high the clouds are!
6 If you sin, that does no harm to God.
If you do wrong many times, does that affect him?
7 Do you help God by being so righteous?
There is nothing God needs from you.
8 Others suffer from your sins,
and the good you do helps them.

9 When people are oppressed, they groan;
they cry for someone to save them.
10 But they don't turn to God, their Creator,
who gives them hope in their darkest hours.
11 They don't turn to God, who makes us wise,
wiser than any animal or bird.
12 They cry for help, but God doesn't answer,
for they are proud and evil.
13 It is useless for them to cry out;
Almighty God does not see or hear them.

14 Job, you say you can't see God;
but wait patiently—your case is before him.
15 You think that God does not punish,
that he pays little attention to sin.
16 It is useless for you to go on talking;
it is clear you don't know what you are saying.