Taata Elihu ro
1 Lidri se nätu kayi driyite ni tadri Eyobo ro ozavoya tana Eyobo modo ni taŋgye iro te. 2 Ndi Elihu ŋgwa Barakela ro zelevo Buza ro ni Käläsikala Rama ro yasi a'dote kyila ro, tana Eyobo 'ba andivo ndaro te taŋgye'ba ro ago ka Lu kozi. 3 Nda a'do kpate kyilaro bereazii nätu Eyobo robe. Tana ànya usuyi ta aza kote tadri Eyobo ro ozazana, ànya katayi gica ekye Eyobo ni orivoya koziro owo. 4 Tana Elihu orivoya agoanji yi lau, nda rite ata ako madale 'dicini nde ta ata lutu. 5 Ago ondro Elihu kondrete lidri nätu kwoi ni kote tadri Eyobo ro ozane oko, nda a'dote kyilaro. 6 Ago Elihu ŋgwa Barakela, Buza'ba ro eto atate ekye:
Ma orivoya agoanjiro, ago ami orivoya odeodero;
ta'doro muturi turi tase musube 'do itine ämiri.
7 Musutate makye 'di 'desi ri ni ta atane,
tana 'dise odeodero kwoi ri ni tavouni embane.
8 Oko tori se orivoya lidri ya
se ni tori Lu Mbarapara ro kani tavouni ozo ànyari.
9 Ode 'ba lidri koni tavouni be
kode ko 'diodeode ka toto ni tase ŋgye unina.
10 Ka'do inye nyeri dia ta maro;
mi'ba miti tase musube ono kpa.

11 Marite tase nyàbe atana ono erine yaiŋgyi si
ago meri ata amiro se tavouni si ono te se nyàbe vona uṛina uṛi atane ono.
12 Maga bi te ta amiro erine;
caoko aloaza amiro ka'da tase Eyobo katabe kwoi kozina kote,
ca zatadri ta ndaro ro kote.
13 Nyàta mìkye yusu tavouni te;
Lu ozana tadri Eyobo ro teni, ago kote lidri.
14 Eyobo ata ata ndaro kote märi,
ago mänina ko tadri ndaro ozane oso mìzabe ronye.

15 Ànya te ata aza ako tadri ozaza Eyobo;
ànya te ta aza ako atane.
16 Inye'do ànya ka'dobe titiro ono marina te ta aza ata ako ya?
Ànya edreyibe lau ana zayitadri aza kote tona.
17 Mazana tadri kpa ndi
ago mitina tase musube kpa ndi miri.
18 Tana ma orivoya ata amba be atane.
Mänina kote drina o'bine.
19 Ya maro te oso vino se asote twi kuru ya ronye,
a'dote oso kuru kyiniro vino ro to'diro,
to'diro twi vino be ago ti reṛone ronye.
20 Beṛo märi atane, tana musu lawavo robe;
ndi märi kala maro upine ago tadriozane.
21 Märi o'dene 'diaza alo vosi i'do;
märi 'diaza räṛune kowero i'do.
22 Mäni 'di räṛu kowero ko,
ondro ka'do mayete inye O'ba'ba maro ezana ma ndi.
The Speeches of Elihu
1 Because Job was convinced of his own innocence, the three men gave up trying to answer him. 2 But a bystander named Elihu could not control his anger any longer, because Job was justifying himself and blaming God. (Elihu was the son of Barakel, a descendant of Buz, and belonged to the clan of Ram.) 3 He was also angry with Job's three friends. They could not find any way to answer Job, and this made it appear that God was in the wrong. 4 Because Elihu was the youngest one there, he had waited until everyone finished speaking. 5 When he saw that the three men could not answer Job, he was angry 6 and began to speak.
I am young, and you are old,
so I was afraid to tell you what I think.
7 I told myself that you ought to speak,
that you older men should share your wisdom.
8 But it is the spirit of Almighty God
that comes to us and gives us wisdom.
9 It is not growing old that makes us wise
or helps us to know what is right.
10 So now I want you to listen to me;
let me tell you what I think.

11 I listened patiently while you were speaking
and waited while you searched for wise phrases.
12 I paid close attention and heard you fail;
you have not disproved what Job has said.
13 How can you claim you have discovered wisdom?
God must answer Job, for you have failed.
14 Job was speaking to you, not to me,
but I would never answer the way you did.

15 Words have failed them, Job;
they have no answer for you.
16 Shall I go on waiting when they are silent?
They stand there with nothing more to say.
17 No, I will give my own answer now
and tell you what I think.
18 I can hardly wait to speak.
I can't hold back the words.
19 If I don't get a chance to speak,
I will burst like a wineskin full of new wine.
20 I can't stand it; I have to speak.
21 I will not take sides in this debate;
I am not going to flatter anyone.
22 I don't know how to flatter,
and God would quickly punish me if I did.