Tadrioza Eyobo ro: Ata Ŋgai'dwero Miro Orivoya Tusu yi Märi
1 Eyobo zatadrite ekye:
2 Miye ŋgaopa te ma se mäyuro ono ri,
mipa ma se pari mbaraako ono ri!
3 Nyozo miomba te ma se yauniako ono ri
ago nyaka'da tauni amiro te ŋgele ro!
4 Nyusu miro be a'di pa mi ni atane inye ya?
ago a'di ozo tori ni ataza miri inye ya?
Mbara Lu ro Vocini yasi
5 Torii avo ro kälä'bi
gyi ya gyini zele.
6 'Bädri avo ro orivoya ŋbelero Lu ri;
ŋga aza tako drî rueza ro kote.
7 Lu eŋga vokuru mä'dudrisi te vo awi ya
ago äti 'bädri te vo lewe ono ya.
8 Lu 'ba 'dikolo ni twi gyi be
ago 'dikolo reṛo kote.
9 Nda kani mi imba ro takona
ago ka ni 'dikolo pere mi na ya.
10 Nda lewe ŋgaeyi ni votini resi
kishwe se nda guru gyi'desi be sina 'dosi.
11 Ondro nda kate ozionya läŋgyirii se kabe vokuru äti 'do lomvo oko,
ànya ka rukanda ago kälä'bi.
12 Mbara ndaro pe gyi'desi te ṛe
tauni ndaro si nda fu äkpuruku Raba te.
13 Lawa ndaro 'ba vokuru te a'done wäṛiro,
ago drì ndaro fu äkpuruku se kolebe voopane ana ni.
14 Oko kwoi toto mbara fereŋwa ndaro yi,
meri toto hwihwi ata ndaro ro ayani.
A'di unina ni uhwe mbara ndaro ro tana unine ya?
1-2 What a big help you are to me—
poor, weak man that I am!
3 You give such good advice
and share your knowledge with a fool like me!
4 Who do you think will hear all your words?
Who inspired you to speak like this?
5 The spirits of the dead tremble
in the waters under the earth.
6 The world of the dead lies open to God;
no covering shields it from his sight.
7 God stretched out the northern sky
and hung the earth in empty space.
8 It is God who fills the clouds with water
and keeps them from bursting with the weight.
9 He hides the full moon behind a cloud.
10 He divided light from darkness
by a circle drawn on the face of the sea.
11 When he threatens the pillars that hold up the sky,
they shake and tremble with fear.
12 It is his strength that conquered the sea;
by his skill he destroyed the monster Rahab.
13 It is his breath that made the sky clear,
and his hand that killed the escaping monster.
14 But these are only hints of his power,
only the whispers that we have heard.
Who can know how truly great God is?