Ale Tadrite Satani ri Eyobo Ojone
1 Mano aza orivoya ni wari Uza ro yasi ävuruna Eyobo, mano ana orivoya taŋgye'ba yi ago 'diri. Nda Lu oro'ba yi ago ye taundiro kote. 2 Nda orivoya ŋgwàagoro be njidrieri ago ndiriŋwa be nätu. 3 Nda orivoya timele be kutu njidrieri (7,000), gamelei be kutu nätu (3,000), 'daŋgo ämvu osoro juṛu si be kutu alo (1,000), ago doŋgyii tokoro be kama nji (500), ago kpa ruindu'bai be amba; ago nda mano ŋgaamba be parandra ni lidri 'buzelesi drisi.
4 Ŋgwàagoro Eyobo ro kayi karama oye zo yasi kama ro iyivoya ago ànya ziyi endreŋwà nätu ànyaro te nga onyane ago umvune. 5 Tu cini karama cini ro vosi Eyobo ŋgate kyenoŋboci ago za ŋgapäṛi ozaro te ta ŋgagà ndaro rota ba alo alo ànya wäṛizana. Ondoalo nda yete inye tana Eyobo ekye: “A'dona ŋgwàagoro maro yeyi takozi te Lu lomvo ago 'da nda te ya si.”
6 Tu alo aza si ondro tu kosate 'di vo'buyakuru ro ri ikyine OPI kandra oko, Satani ikyi kpate ànya lako. 7 OPI eji Satani te ekye: “Nya'do eŋwaroya?” Nda zatadri OPI rote ekye: “Ma'do abavoya nosi ago nasi 'bädri cini yasi.”
8 Ago OPI eji Satani te ekye: “Inye'do mindre ruindu'ba maro Eyobo gi'daya? 'Diaza alona i'do ŋgye ago 'diri 'bädri ya oso nda ronye, nda ka ma mätu ago ye taundiro kote.”
9 Satani zatadri OPI rote ekye: “Inye'do Eyobo mätuna mi gindi taaza ako ya? 10 Inye'do nya ṛo koni nda gaga katidri ndaro be ndi ŋgase cini nda be sina iyi be ya? Losi cini nda kabe oyena nya äṛuna ni, ago mi'ba ŋgase nda ka'dobe sina te litine amba 'bädri ya. 11 Oko aba ondro ka'do miru ŋgase cini nda ka'dobe sina yauono gwo, nda o'dana mi ndi mi miro yasi.”
12 OPI atate Satani ri ekye: “Kadoyi, ŋgase cini nda be sina ono te mbara miro zele, oko toto ko miri Eyobo andivo na oyene koziro.” Ta'dota Satani oyite ni OPI kandra.
Ŋgàga ndi Ŋgadriamba Eyobo robe Todrate
13 Tu alo si ondro ŋgàga Eyobo ro kate ŋga onya vino umvu zo ädrupi kayoŋwa ànyaro roya oko, 14 lazo'ba aza imute Eyobo re, ago atate ndäri ekye: “Mà ugu ämvu oso ti si ago doŋgyi orivoya ŋgaonyavoya loto. 15 Dori Sabeana'bai gotayi ànya te ago ruyi ànya te, ago tufuyi ruindu'bai cini te bando si; mapavo te toto ni ikyine lazo opene miri.”
16 Ondro nda kadri ugu ata oko, ruindu'ba aza esate, ago atate ekye: “'Bu si Lu ro hwete ni vokuru yasi ago toga timele ndi lekye'bai cini be te ago tufu ànya cini te, mapavo te toto ni ikyine lazo opene miri.”
17 Ondro nda kadri ugu ata oko, ruindu'ba aza esate, ago atate ekye: “Gboko Kalada'bai ro orivoya nätu, ikyiyi ago, ruyi gamelei te, ago tufuyi ruindu'bai cini te bando si, mapavo te toto ni ikyine lazo opene miri.”
18 Ondro nda kadri ugu ata oko, ruindu'ba aza esate, ago atate ekye: “Ŋgàga cini miro a'doyite ŋga onyavoya ago vino umvuvoya zo ŋgwa kayoŋwa miro roya, 19 ago oli gbiriṛibe site ni vocowa yasi, tisi zo te vuru ànya cini dri ago tufu ànya te, mapavote toto ni ikyine lazo opene miri.”
20 'Dooko Eyobo ŋgate, ago wa boŋgo runduṛuro ndaro te, ago vu drî ndaro te, ago 'dete vuru gyini dri ago mätu te. 21 Nda atate ekye: “Endre maro ti ma te bägyulu ro, ago madrana kpa bägyulu ro; OPI ozoni, ago yauono nda go ru ŋga iro te. Ävuru Opi ro ka'do räṛuräṛuro!”
22 Ta tase cini ka'dobe ono rota, Eyobo ye takozi kote Lu kozi si.
Satan Tests Job
1 There was a man named Job, living in the land of Uz, who worshiped God and was faithful to him. He was a good man, careful not to do anything evil. 2 He had seven sons and three daughters, 3 and owned seven thousand sheep, three thousand camels, one thousand head of cattle, and five hundred donkeys. He also had a large number of servants and was the richest man in the East.
4 Job's sons used to take turns giving a feast, to which all the others would come, and they always invited their three sisters to join them. 5 The morning after each feast, Job would get up early and offer sacrifices for each of his children in order to purify them. He always did this because he thought that one of them might have sinned by insulting God unintentionally.
6 When the day came for the heavenly beings to appear before the Lord, Satan was there among them. 7 The Lord asked him, “What have you been doing?”
Satan answered, “I have been walking here and there, roaming around the earth.”
8 “Did you notice my servant Job?” the Lord asked. “There is no one on earth as faithful and good as he is. He worships me and is careful not to do anything evil.”
9 Satan replied, “Would Job worship you if he got nothing out of it? 10 You have always protected him and his family and everything he owns. You bless everything he does, and you have given him enough cattle to fill the whole country. 11 But now suppose you take away everything he has—he will curse you to your face!”
12 “All right,” the Lord said to Satan, “everything he has is in your power, but you must not hurt Job himself.” So Satan left.
Job's Children and Wealth Are Destroyed
13 One day when Job's children were having a feast at the home of their oldest brother, 14 a messenger came running to Job. “We were plowing the fields with the oxen,” he said, “and the donkeys were in a nearby pasture. 15 Suddenly the Sabeans attacked and stole them all. They killed every one of your servants except me. I am the only one who escaped to tell you.”
16 Before he had finished speaking, another servant came and said, “Lightning struck the sheep and the shepherds and killed them all. I am the only one who escaped to tell you.”
17 Before he had finished speaking, another servant came and said, “Three bands of Chaldean raiders attacked us, took away the camels, and killed all your servants except me. I am the only one who escaped to tell you.”
18 Before he had finished speaking, another servant came and said, “Your children were having a feast at the home of your oldest son, 19 when a storm swept in from the desert. It blew the house down and killed them all. I am the only one who escaped to tell you.”
20 Then Job got up and tore his clothes in grief. He shaved his head and threw himself face downward on the ground. 21 He said, “I was born with nothing, and I will die with nothing. The Lord gave, and now he has taken away. May his name be praised!”
22 In spite of everything that had happened, Job did not sin by blaming God.