Lazo OPI ro Yisaraele'bai ri Ezipeto ya
1 OPI atate ma Yeremaya ri ta Yisaraele'bai se kayibe ori Ezipeto ya, 'bakicii Migedola, Tafanesa, ndi Memefisa be yasi, ago wari Paterosa roya yasi ana rota. 2 OPI Mbaraekye, Lu Yisaraele ro, atate ekye: “Ami andivo mìndre taezaro se mezibe Yerusalema ndi 'bakicii cini Yuda robe dri ana te. Ca le ondro ono ànya drigba orivoya tandro ro, ago 'diaza ri kote ànya yasi 3 tana lidri ànyaro yeyitate koziro ago 'bayi mate a'done kyilaro. Tana ànya loyi tori te lui azaka ri ago induruyite lui se ca ànya ca ami ca zutui amiro kämätuyi kote ana ri. 4 Mugu ruindu'bai maro nebii ezona te amire, se itiyitate ämiri ko amiri ŋgase koziro para ya maro osoro lomvoigye ono oyene. 5 Caoko nyèri tana kote ago mìga bi kote tana ya. Nyè'be taloye koziro amiro tori oloro lui azaka ri ono kote. 6 Ta'dota meda kyila maro ndi yaoso maro be te ago maso asi te 'ba'desii Yuda ro ndi litiŋwai Yerusalema robe drisi. E'be ànya te awi ago tandro ro madale tu ondro ono si.
7 “Ka'do inye, ma, OPI Lu Mbaraekye, Lu Yisaraele ro, yauono ma ami eji makye; Tana e'di nyà ŋgase koziro ono oyena, mile taezaro eziza manoàgo ndi 'ditoko be, ŋgàga ndi ŋgwà luruŋwà be dri, tana lidri amiro kokye robe kpeye ni Yuda ya ya? 8 Tana e'di nyà ma o'ba a'done kyilaro lui edeedero mätuna si ago tori olo si lui se Ezipeto ya, vose nyìkyibe orine kigye ono ya ri niya? Nyà tase ono oyena toto andivo amiro tufuzana, tana tu'de cini se 'bädri ya ono kamawoyi ago kotriyi latri robe ävuru amiro siya? 9 Inye'do nyìjeta ŋga kozi cini se zutui amiro, 'bädri'bai Yuda ro ndi 'ditoko ànyaro yibe, ami ndi 'ditoko amiro be, mìyebe wari Yuda ro yasi ago litiŋwai Yerusalema ro drisi ono tana teya? 10 Caoko ca tu ondro ono si ono nyòlogo andivo amiro kote vuru. Mìro ma kote ago mìri kote ota se cini mozobe ämiri ndi zutui amiro be iyi voro.
11 “Ka'do inye, Ma, OPI Mbaraekye, Lu Yisaraele ro, mago ma'dona 'da kyilaro ami yibe ago mutufuna lidri Yuda ro cini 'da. 12 Mandrena ta lidri Yuda ro se e'bebe oko koleyibe oyine orine Ezipeto ya iyi tana 'da, anjioko mutufuna ànya cini 'da. Vo ànyaro ṛo ci, 'desiro ndi giṛiŋwà ro be, todranayi 'da Ezipeto ya, kyila ya kode ni mä'bu ri. Ànya landrena 'da ŋga kozi ro; lidri mawona ànya 'da ago otrinayi latri 'da ävuru ànyaro si. 13 Mezana ànya se koriyibe Ezipeto ya kai 'da, kpa oso meza Yerusalema be, kyila, mä'bu ndi adravo kozi be si ana ronye. 14 Alo aza lidri Yuda ro se e'bebe ago kikyiyibe orine Ezipeto ya ono ro ri voopane kode orine lidriidriro kode ogone Yuda ya, vose ànya kayi vouṛi ogo orine kigye ana ya te i'do. Ànyari ogone i'do e'be gialo se fere ka oye be umune iyi ayani.”
15 'Dooko vo lidri cini ro se kuniyite 'ditoko ànyaro loyi tori te lui azaka ri, ndi 'ditoko se cini kedreyibe lau ana be, tro Yisaraele'bai se koriyibe telesi Ezipeto ro Paterosa ya ana be, lowa se amba ana vona cini, atayite märi ekye: 16 “Màgazo tase nyitibe ämäri ävuru OPI rosi ono tana erine. 17 Màyena amaro ndi tase cini mà'ba tana be oyene 'do ayani. Màlona tori ndi lu tokoro, 'Bädri'ba Tokoro Vo'buyakuru ro ri, ago màsona vino 'da anya ri, kpa oso ama ndi zutui amaro be, 'bädri'ba amaro ndi dri'bai losi ro amaro yibe, màyebe 'ba'desii Yuda ro yasi ago litiŋwai Yerusalema ro drisi ana ronye. Se 'dooko mà'dote ŋgaonya be nyalakpa, mà'dote ŋgadriamba be, ago mà'dote rriti aza ako. 18 Oko mèdrebe teinye tori oloako 'Bädri'ba Tokoro Vo'buyakuru ro ri ago màso vino beko anya ri ono, mà'dote teinye ŋga aza ako, ago lidri amaro todrate kyila ya ago ni mä'bu ri.”
19 Ago 'ditoko se kai atayite ekye: “Tuse màbe tori olo lu 'bädri'ba tokoro Vo'buyakuru ro ri, ago màso vino be anya ri si, agoi amaro leyitadri ni ämari ambata ndiriŋwa beti lu 'bädri'ba tokoro vo'buyakuru ronye 'do o'bene.”
20 'Dooko matate lidri cini manoàgo ndi 'ditoko se kozayitadri maro be oso inye iyi ri makye: 21 “Tori se mìlobe ami ndi zutui amiro be, 'bädri'bai ndi dri'bai losiro amiro be, ndi lidri wari ana robe 'ba'desii Yuda ro yasi ago litiŋwai Yerusalema ro drisi ana; inye'do mìkye OPI ni tana ko kode nda ije tana teya? 22 OPI ni kote takozi amiro ndi taoye kozi amiro be tana iŋgyine ndra, ta'dota wari amiro te tandro ro ago awi. Ondrena landrete koziro para, ago lidri kate latri otri ävuruna si oso ondro ono ronye. 23 Kandrakozi se yauono ko'debe ikyine ämidri tana mìlo tori te lui azaka ri ago mìye takozi te OPI ri ota cini ndaro oroakona si.”
24 Mititate lidri cini ri, ndi 'ditoko be makye: Nyèri tase OPI kabe atana ono ami lidri Yuda ro se kabe ori Ezipeto ya ono; 25 OPI Mbaraekye Lu Yisaraele ro ka ata ekye: “Ami ndi 'ditoko amiro yibe mi'ba tao'ba lämu'duro te ago nyätite se mikye: ‘Mätina tao'ba se màba be ndi tori olone 'bädri'ba tokoro vo'buyakuru ro ri, ago màsona vino ndi ŋgapäṛi ro ana ndi.’ Ka'do inye nyäti tao'ba amiro ago mìye ri! 26 Oko yauono nyeri tao'ba se ma, OPI, ma'babe ävuru mbaraekye maro si Yudai se cini kabe ori Ezipeto ya ono ri ono makye: Alo aza amiro ri ogone tao'bane ävuru maro si atane ekye: ‘Ma ruäṛu ävuru OPI Lu lidriidriro rosi te i'do alona!’ 27 Mandrena tana 'da anjioko ämiri a'done kandrakozi be ago ko kandrakado, nyotodrana 'da kyila ya kode ni mä'bu ri, madale mìkyena go. 28 Caoko fere amiro se kabe voopa ni odra yasi ogona 'da ni Ezipeto yasi le Yuda ya. 'Dooko 'dise kopavobe iyi uninayi 'da kode ata a'di ro a'do ni taŋgyero, maro kode ànyaro. 29 Ono a'dona 'da taka'daro ro ämiri ma OPI matani anjioko mezana ami 'da vo ono ya, tana mini robe anjioko tao'ba maro se taezaro eziro ämidri ono a'dona 'da taŋgyero. 30 Mozona Ofera 'Bädri'ba Ezipeto ro 'da kyila'baazii ndaro rigye ago ànya se koleyibe nda ufune iyi rigye, kpa oso mozo Zedekia 'Bädri'ba Yuda ro be Nebukadenezara 'Bädri'ba Babelona ro, kyila'baazi ndaro se kolebe nda ufune ana rigye ana ronye.”
The Lord's Message to the Israelites in Egypt
1 The Lord spoke to me concerning all the Israelites living in Egypt, in the cities of Migdol, Tahpanhes, and Memphis, and in the southern part of the country. 2 The Lord Almighty, the God of Israel, said, “You yourselves have seen the destruction I brought on Jerusalem and all the other cities of Judah. Even now they are still in ruins, and no one lives in them 3 because their people had done evil and had made me angry. They offered sacrifices to other gods and served gods that neither they nor you nor your ancestors ever worshiped. 4 I kept sending you my servants the prophets, who told you not to do this terrible thing that I hate. 5 But you would not listen or pay any attention. You would not give up your evil practice of sacrificing to other gods. 6 So I poured out my anger and fury on the towns of Judah and on the streets of Jerusalem, and I set them on fire. They were left in ruins and became a horrifying sight, as they are today.
7 “And so I, the Lord Almighty, the God of Israel, now ask why you are doing such an evil thing to yourselves. Do you want to bring destruction on men and women, children and babies, so that none of your people will be left? 8 Why do you make me angry by worshiping idols and by sacrificing to other gods here in Egypt, where you have come to live? Are you doing this just to destroy yourselves, so that every nation on earth will make fun of you and use your name as a curse? 9 Have you forgotten all the wicked things that have been done in the towns of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem by your ancestors, by the kings of Judah and their wives, and by you and your wives? 10 But to this day you have not humbled yourselves. You have not honored me or lived according to all the laws that I gave you and your ancestors.
11 “So then, I, the Lord Almighty, the God of Israel, will turn against you and destroy all Judah. 12 As for the people of Judah who are left and are determined to go and live in Egypt, I will see to it that all of them are destroyed. All of them, great and small, will die in Egypt, either in war or of starvation. They will be a horrifying sight; people will make fun of them and use their name as a curse. 13 I will punish those who live in Egypt, just as I punished Jerusalem—with war, starvation, and disease. 14 None of the people of Judah who are left and have come to Egypt to live will escape or survive. Not one of them will return to Judah, where they long to live once again. No one will return except a few refugees.”
15 Then all the men who knew that their wives offered sacrifices to other gods, and all the women who were standing there, including the Israelites who lived in southern Egypt—a large crowd in all—said to me, 16 “We refuse to listen to what you have told us in the name of the Lord. 17 We will do everything that we said we would. We will offer sacrifices to our goddess, the Queen of Heaven, and we will pour out wine offerings to her, just as we and our ancestors, our king and our leaders, used to do in the towns of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem. Then we had plenty of food, we were prosperous, and had no troubles. 18 But ever since we stopped sacrificing to the Queen of Heaven and stopped pouring out wine offerings to her, we have had nothing, and our people have died in war and of starvation.”
19 And the women added, “When we baked cakes shaped like the Queen of Heaven, offered sacrifices to her, and poured out wine offerings to her, our husbands approved of what we were doing.”
20 Then I said to all the men and the women who had answered me in this way, 21 “As for the sacrifices which you and your ancestors, your kings and your leaders, and the people of the land offered in the towns of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem—do you think that the Lord did not know about them or that he forgot them? 22 This very day your land lies in ruins and no one lives in it. It has become a horrifying sight, and people use its name as a curse because the Lord could no longer endure your wicked and evil practices. 23 This present disaster has come on you because you offered sacrifices to other gods and sinned against the Lord by not obeying all his commands.”
24-25 I told all the people, especially the women, what the Lord Almighty, the God of Israel, was saying to the people of Judah living in Egypt: “Both you and your wives have made solemn promises to the Queen of Heaven. You promised that you would offer sacrifices to her and pour out wine offerings to her, and you have kept your promises. Very well, then! Keep your promises! Carry out your vows! 26 But now listen to the vow that I, the Lord, have made in my mighty name to all you Israelites in Egypt: Never again will I let any of you use my name to make a vow by saying, ‘I swear by the living Sovereign Lord!’ 27 I will see to it that you will not prosper, but will be destroyed. All of you will die, either in war or of disease, until not one of you is left. 28 But a few of you will escape death and return from Egypt to Judah. Then the survivors will know whose words have come true, mine or theirs. 29 I, the Lord, will give you proof that I will punish you in this place and that my promise to bring destruction on you will come true. 30 I will hand over King Hophra of Egypt to his enemies who want to kill him, just as I handed over King Zedekiah of Judah to King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylonia, who was his enemy and wanted to kill him.”