Lidri ka Yeremaya Eji Mätune ta ànyaro ta
1 'Dooko dri'bai cini kyila'bai ro, tro Joanana ŋgwa Karea ro ndi Azaria ŋgwa Esaya robe, ikyiyite lidri cini se giṛiŋwà ro ndi 'desiro be 2 ago atayite ma Yeremaya ri ekye: “Rägu miye tase màbe ejina ni misi ono ämäri. Nyämätu OPI Lu miro ta amaro ta. Nyämätu vo ama cini se ke'bebe lidriidriro ono rota. Sedri ama orivoya amba; oko yauono me'bete toto fereŋwa, oso mindrebe ono ronye. 3 Nyämätu tana OPI Lu miro kaka'da liti se oyiza ämäri robe ndi tase ämäri oyene 'do be.”
4 Mazatadrite makye: “Meri ta amiro te kado yi. Mämätuna ndi OPI Lu amaro ri, oso nyeji tana be ono ronye, ago tase aza OPI kabe atana, mitina tana 'da ämiri. Märi ta aza da'done ni ämiri i'do.”
5 'Dooko ànya atayite märi ekye: “Ka'do inye OPI ka'do tazevoedre'ba ŋgye ago 'diri ro ama lomvo ondro ka'do màro ota se OPI Lu amaro kabe ozona miri ozone ämäri 'do kote owo. 6 Tana kusi ama ca kode tana kusi ama ca ko, màrona OPI Lu amaro, se màbe mi eji mätune ono ndi. Tana ondro ka'do màro nda bete ta cini a'dona ndi kadoro ämäri.”
Tadrioza OPI ro Ta Mätu Yeremaya rota
7 U'du 'butealo vosi oko OPI atate ma Yeremaya ri; 8 'dooko mäzi Joanana, dri'bai cini kyila'bai ro se nda be ana, ndi lidri cini giṛiŋwà ro ago 'desiro ro be te voaloya. 9 Matate ànyari makye: “OPI, Lu Yisaraele ro, se mìzo ma be taeji amiro be ndare ono atate ekye: 10 ‘Ondro ka'do nyà'dote ole be ugu orine wari ono ya, 'dooko motombana ami 'da ago märi ami perene riya te i'do; mikyi'dina ami 'da ago märi ami eŋgyene i'do. Tana taezaro se mezibe ämidri ono 'ba mate a'done tusuro amba. 11 Nya'do ko turiro ni 'bädri'ba Babelona'bai ro se nyàbe turina ono ri. Tana ma orivoya tro ami yibe, mapana ami 'da ni mbara ndaro yasi. 12 Ma'dona 'da yauni be ämiri, tana ma'bana nda 'da a'done yauni be ämiri ago o'bana ami 'da orine wari modo amiro ya. Ma, OPI, matani.’
13 “Oko ami lidri se ke'bebe Yuda ya ono ondro ka'do nyàtago mìkye: ‘Ämäri orine wari ono ya i'do,’ 'do mìro OPI Lu amiro ko. 14 Nyàtago mìkye: ‘Hwa, mòyina amaro orine Ezipeto ya, vose mänina kote kyila oyene kode läzi kyila ro erine kode a'done täbiriro kigye ana ya ayani.’ 15 Ka'do inye nyèri ata OPI ro, ami lidri se ke'bebe Yuda ro ono. OPI Mbaraekye, Lu Yisaraele ro, ekye: ‘Ondro ka'do milete oyine orine Ezipeto ya, 16 'dooko kyila se nyùturibe ono takoruna ndi ämidri, ago täbiri gi nyàbe turina ono osona ndi ami vo, ago nyòtodrana ndi lau Ezipeto ya. 17 Lidri cini se koleyibe oyine orine Ezipeto ya iyi todranayi 'da ni kyila ri kode täbiri ri kode ni adravo kozi ri. Alo aza ànyaro ri orine lidriidriro i'do, kode unina ko voopane ni kandrakozi se ma oyebe ezine ànya dri ono ri.’
18 “OPI Mbarekye, Lu Yisaraele ro, ka ata ekye: ‘Oso kyila maro ndi yaoso maro be kaladabe lidri Yerusalema ro dri ana ronye, yaoso maro ladana kpa oso inye ämidri ondro ka'do nyòyite Ezipeto ya owo. Nyàlandrena ndi ŋga kozi ro; lidri mawona ami 'da ago otrinayi latri 'da ävuru amiro si. Ämiri ogone vo ono ondrene te i'do alona.’ ”
19 'Dooko mandetate makye: “OPI ititate ami lidri se e'bebe Yuda ya ono ri ekye: ‘Nyòyi ko Ezipeto ya.’ Mìni kadoro ma miomba ozo ämiri yau 20 anjioko 'do nyà takozi para oye. Mìzo mate OPI Lu amiro re mìkye: ‘Nyämätu OPI Lu amaro ta amaro ta, ago ŋgase cini nda kabe ota na ozo ämäri ono màyena ndi.’ 21 Ka'do inye yauono miti tana te ni ämiri wo, caoko tase cini OPI Lu amaro kezo mabe tana itine ämiri ono mìro kote. 22 Ka'do inye, mìni ta ono tana kadoro; nyòtodrana 'da kyila ya kode ni mä'bu ri kode ni adravo kozi ri vo se mìlebe oyine orine kigye ana ya.”
The People Ask Jeremiah to Pray for Them
1 Then all the army leaders, including Johanan son of Kareah and Azariah son of Hoshaiah, came with people of every class 2 and said to me, “Please do what we ask you! Pray to the Lord our God for us. Pray for all of us who have survived. Once there were many of us; but now only a few of us are left, as you can see. 3 Pray that the Lord our God will show us the way we should go and what we should do.”
4 I answered, “Very well, then. I will pray to the Lord our God, just as you have asked, and whatever he says, I will tell you. I will not keep back anything from you.”
5 Then they said to me, “May the Lord be a true and faithful witness against us if we do not obey all the commands that the Lord our God gives you for us. 6 Whether it pleases us or not, we will obey the Lord our God, to whom we are asking you to pray. All will go well with us if we obey him.”
The Lord's Answer to Jeremiah's Prayer
7 Ten days later the Lord spoke to me; 8 so I called together Johanan, all the army leaders who were with him, and all the other people. 9 I said to them, “The Lord, the God of Israel, to whom you sent me with your request has said, 10 ‘If you are willing to go on living in this land, then I will build you up and not tear you down; I will plant you and not pull you up. The destruction I brought on you has caused me great sorrow. 11 Stop being afraid of the king of Babylonia. I am with you, and I will rescue you from his power. 12 Because I am merciful, I will make him have mercy on you and let you go back home. I, the Lord, have spoken.’
13-15 “But you people who are left in Judah must not disobey the Lord your God and refuse to live in this land. You must not say, ‘No, we will go and live in Egypt, where we won't face war any more or hear the call to battle or go hungry.’ If you say this, then the Lord Almighty, the God of Israel, says, ‘If you are determined to go and live in Egypt, 16 then the war that you fear will overtake you, and the hunger you dread will follow you, and you will die there in Egypt. 17 All the people who are determined to go and live in Egypt will die either in war or of starvation or disease. Not one of them will survive, not one will escape the disaster that I am going to bring on them.’
18 “The Lord, the God of Israel, says, ‘Just as my anger and fury were poured out on the people of Jerusalem, so my fury will be poured out on you if you go to Egypt. You will be a horrifying sight; people will make fun of you and use your name as a curse. You will never see this place again.’”
19 Then I continued, “The Lord has told you people who are left in Judah not to go to Egypt. And so I warn you now 20 that you are making a fatal mistake. You asked me to pray to the Lord our God for you, and you promised that you would do everything that he commands. 21 And now I have told you, but you are disobeying everything that the Lord our God sent me to tell you. 22 So then, remember this: you will die in war or of starvation or disease in the land where you want to go and live.”