Lazo Zedekia ri
1 OPI atate ma Yeremaya ri tuse Nebukadenezara 'Bädri'ba Babelona ro ndi kyila'bai cini ndaro, ago kyila'bai tu'dei cini ro ndi lidri cini se nda zele kai be, se kayibe Yerusalema ndi 'ba'desii cini se gbikyi lomvoigyesi iyi be gotana ana si. 2 OPI, Lu Yisaraele ro ititate märi oyine atane Zedekia 'Bädri'ba Yuda ro ri ekye: “Ma, OPI, mozona 'bakici ono 'da 'bädri'ba Babelona ro rigye, ago nda ozana 'da riya asi si. 3 Minina ko voopane ni nda rigyesi; äruna mi 'da ago ozona mi 'da nda rigye. Mindrena nda 'da miya miya ago nyatana 'da nda modo ri; 'dooko nyoyina 'da Babelona ya. 4 Ca oko nyeri Zedekia, tase mabe atana ta miro ta ono. Änina ko mi ufune kyila ya. 5 Midrana 'da odra ete si liyaro, ago oso aza ŋga ŋgutruro be zutui miro, se 'bädri'bai ro kai osevoya kyeno ana ronye, lidri azana ŋga ŋgutruro kpa oso inye mi osevoya. Ànya liyinayi 'da midri ago atanayi 'da ekye: ‘Äye 'Bädri'ba amaro drate!’ Tana ma, OPI matani inye.”
6 'Dooko ma Yeremaya mape lazo ono te 'Bädri'ba Zedekia ri Yerusalema ya 7 'dooko kyila'bai 'bädri'ba Babelona ro ro kayite Yerusalema gota. Ago kyila'bai kai azakana kayi kpa Lakisa ndi Azeka be gotana, tana iyi toto ni 'bakicii se obeobero tiṛi si ke'bebe Yuda ya wo.
Oye Iyeäṛii ro Ŋgaodo si
8 OPI atate ma Yeremaya ri tuse 'bädri'ba Zedekia ndi lidri Yerusalema robe leyitadrite iyeäṛii ànyaro e'bene dritai ro 'do vosi, 9 se ekye 'dicini ri iyeäṛii ànyaro se Yudai ro iyi onjine dritairo, manoàgo ro ndi 'ditoko ro be, ukyi 'diaza a'do 'da Yisaraele'ba azi ndaro be iyeäṛi ro. 10 Lidri cini ndi dri'bai ànyaro yibe se leyitadri tadriole ono rote iyeäṛii ànyaro manoàgo ro ago 'ditoko ro onjine dritairo ago kote ogone ànya o'bane iyeäṛi ro tona 'do royi ta ono te ago onjiyi ànya te dritairo. 11 Oko kovolesi oko ànya läpiyi tausu ànyaro te, go ruyi iyeäṛii se anya konjibe iyi te kovole, ago 'bayi ànya te mbarasi a'done iyeäṛii ro kpa to'di.
12 'Dooko OPI atate ma Yeremaya ri, 13 Lu Yisaraele ro, ekye: “Ma'ba tao'baro te zutui amiro be tuse molofo ànya beni Ezipeto yasi ago monji ànya be dritairo ni a'do iyeäṛi ro yasi ana si. Matate ànyari makye 14 ndroa njidrieri cini vosi ànyari Ebere'ba se iyeäṛi ro kindurube ànyari ndroa na njidrialo 'do onjine dritairo. Caoko zutui amiro gayi bi kote ta maro ya ago eriyi ta maro kote. 15 Ga yauro nyä̀läpi tausu drî amiro rote ago mìye tase kusi mabe ono te. Vo ami cini ro miletadrite Yisaraele'bai azi amiro onjine dritairo, ago mì'ba tao'baro te mile maro yasi, Yekalu se abe ma mätu kigye ono ya. 16 Oko 'dooko mìgo nyä̀läpi tausu drî amiro rote kpa to'di ago mìro ma kote. Vo ami cini ro mìgo mìru iyeäṛii se nyonjibe dritairo oso ànya koleyibe ronye kwoi te kovole, ago mìgo nyèzi ànya te mbarasi kpa to'di a'done iyeäṛii ro. 17 Ka'do inye yauono, ma, OPI ma ata makye mìro ma kote; nyòzo dritai kote Yisaraele'bai azi amiro ri. Ta'doro mozona dritai odra ro kyila ya, adravo kozi si, ago mä'bu si 'da ämiri. Ma'bana ya tu'dei cini 'bädri ro ro 'da osone ami lomvo. 18 Ànya se kepereyi tao'ba maro be ago koroyi tao'ba se ànya ko'bayibe makandra 'do, mayena ànya 'da oso 'daŋgo se ànya kätäṛi ya na be ago kälävuyibe kigyesi 'do ronye. 19 Dri'bai Yuda ro ndi Yerusalema robe, tro dri'bai losi ro zo'desi miri ro, kohanii, ndi dri'bai cini lidri robe 'bayi tao'baro te mabe ugu aba si lakole 'daŋgo se ätäṛi yana be ritu ana ro yasi. 20 Mozona ànya 'da kyila'baazii ànyaro rigye, se koleyibe ànya tufune iyi, ago avoi anyaro a'dona 'da ŋgaonya arii ndi koronyai vocowa robe ro. 21 Ago mozona Zedekia 'Bädri'ba Yuda ro ndi dri'bai losi ro ndaro be kpa 'da kyila'baazii se koleyibe ànya tufune iyi rigye. Mozona ànya 'da kyila'bai Babelona'bai ro rigye, se ke'beyi ami gota be iyi. 22 Mozona ota 'da, ago ànya egonayi 'da 'bakici ono ya. Ànya gotanayi 'da, urunayi 'da, ago ozanayi 'da riya asi si. Ma'bana 'ba'desii Yuda ro 'da a'done oso vose awi tandroro se 'diaza ri kote kigye 'do ronye. Ma, OPI, matani.”
A Message for Zedekiah
1 The Lord spoke to me when King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylonia and his army, supported by troops from all the nations and races that were subject to him, were attacking Jerusalem and its nearby towns. 2 The Lord, the God of Israel, told me to go and say to King Zedekiah of Judah, “I, the Lord, will hand this city over to the king of Babylonia, and he will burn it down. 3 You will not escape; you will be captured and handed over to him. You will see him face-to-face and talk to him in person; then you will go to Babylonia. 4 Zedekiah, listen to what I say about you. You will not be killed in battle. 5 You will die in peace, and as people burned incense when they buried your ancestors, who were kings before you, in the same way they will burn incense for you. They will mourn over you and say, ‘Our king is dead!’ I, the Lord, have spoken.”
6 Then I gave this message to King Zedekiah in Jerusalem 7 while the army of the king of Babylonia was attacking the city. The army was also attacking Lachish and Azekah, the only other fortified cities left in Judah.
Deceitful Treatment of Slaves
8 King Zedekiah and the people of Jerusalem had made an agreement to set free 9 their Hebrew slaves, both male and female, so that no one would have an Israelite as a slave. 10 All the people and their leaders agreed to free their slaves and never to enslave them again. They did set them free, 11 but later they changed their minds, took them back, and forced them to become slaves again.
12 Then the Lord, 13 the God of Israel, told me to say to the people: “I made a covenant with your ancestors when I rescued them from Egypt and set them free from slavery. I told them that 14 every seven years they were to set free any Hebrew slave who had served them for six years. But your ancestors would not pay any attention to me or listen to what I said. 15 Just a few days ago you changed your minds and did what pleased me. All of you agreed to set all Israelites free, and you made a covenant in my presence, in the Temple where I am worshiped. 16 But then you changed your minds again and dishonored me. All of you took back the slaves whom you had set free as they desired, and you forced them into slavery again. 17 So now, I, the Lord, say that you have disobeyed me; you have not given all Israelites their freedom. Very well, then, I will give you freedom: the freedom to die by war, disease, and starvation. I will make every nation in the world horrified at what I do to you. 18-19 The officials of Judah and of Jerusalem, together with the palace officials, the priests, and all the leaders, made a covenant with me by walking between the two halves of a bull that they had cut in two. But they broke the covenant and did not keep its terms. So I will do to these people what they did to the bull. 20 I will hand them over to their enemies, who want to kill them, and their corpses will be eaten by birds and wild animals. 21 I will also hand over King Zedekiah of Judah and his officials to those who want to kill them. I will hand them over to the Babylonian army, which has stopped its attack against you. 22 I will give the order, and they will return to this city. They will attack it, capture it, and burn it down. I will make the towns of Judah like a desert where no one lives. I, the Lord, have spoken.”