Lakaza se Lifute
1 OPI atate märi oyine lakaza ludri ro ogyene. Nda ata kpate märi rukä 'desii lidri ro ndi rukä kohani 'desii robe urune, 2 ago oyine le Vodelero Inoma roya Dereŋwa Kagyi ro yasi, ago märi lazo se nda kabe ozona märi 'do opene lau. 3 OPI atate märi atane ekye: “Ami 'bädri'bai Yuda ro ndi lidri Yerusalema robe, nyeri tase ma, OPI Mbaraekye, Lu Yisaraele ro, mabe atana ono. Ma oye ŋgakozi aza ezine vo ono ya se 'dicini se kabe tana erina a'dona ndi märäyiro. 4 Ma oye ta ono oyene tana lidri e'be mate ago enjiyi vo ono te tori olo si lui azaka ri, lui se ca ànya ca zutui ànyaro ndi 'bädri'bai Yuda robe niyi ta aza kote tana ro, ago ànya 'bayi vo ono te a'done twi kari taŋgye'bai rosi. 5 Ànya beyi vo tori oloro te Bala ri ŋgàga ànyaro ozaza tori ro asi si, se mozo ota kote ànyari ta oyene oso inye; ca tana ci kpa ko drî maro ya. 6 Ta'doro, tu ka oye esane se änina kote vo ono uzine Tofeta kode Vodelero Inoma ro. Ago äzina 'da, Vodelero 'Ditufu ro. 7 Mugburuna tavoora cini lidri Yuda ro ndi Yerusalema robe 'da vo gi ono ya. Ma'bana kyila'baazii ànyaro opena ànya 'da ṛe ago tufuna ànya 'da kyila ya. Mozona avoi ànyaro 'da ŋgaonya ro arii ndi koronya vocowaro be ri. 8 Meperena 'bakici ono 'da ago a'dona 'da ŋga uguro, 'dicini se kabe lävu lomvoigyesi a'dona ndi lä'bilä'biro ago larolaro ro ni ŋgapere se ka'dobe kigye ana ri. 9 Ma'bana ànya 'da ŋgàgaagoro ànyaro ago ndiriŋwa ànyaro be onyane, tuse kyila'baazii ànyaro se kolebe ànya ufune ana kumudri ànyaro te si.”
10 'Dooko OPI atate märi lakaza se ana ufune mile lidri se koyiyibe mabe ana ro yasi 11 ago atane ànyari ekye OPI Mbaraekye atate ekye: “Mutufuna lidri ono ndi 'bakici ono be 'da, oso lakaza ludri ro kabe lifu ronye se änina kote ogone ebene voaloya alona. Lidri osena avoi ànyaro 'da Tofeta ya tana vo aza a'dona i'do ànya oseza. 12 Ma'batate ma oye 'bakici ono ndi lidri se kayibe ori kigye iyi be o'bane a'done oso Tofeta ronye. 13 Zoi Yerusalema ro, zoi 'bädri'bai Yuda ro ro, ago zoi se cini, aza ŋga ŋgutruro be paraga na zele 'bi'bii ri ago se aso vino te kigye ŋgapäṛi ro lui azaka ri iyi, ànya a'dona 'da undiro oso Tofeta ronye.”
14 'Dooko ma Yeremaya me'be Tofeta, se OPI kozo mabe lazo ndaro opene kigye ana te. Moyi medrete goko Yekalu roya ago mititate lidri cini ri 15 makye OPI Mbaraekye, Lu Yisaraele ro, atate ekye: “Ma oye taezaro se cini mata tana be 'do ezine 'bakici ono ndi 'ba'desii se cini lototi iyi dri, tana lidri nayi orivoya taeriako ago niyi kote tase mabe atana ono erine.”
The Broken Jar
1 The Lord told me to go and buy a clay jar. He also told me to take some of the elders of the people and some of the older priests, 2 and to go through Potsherd Gate out to Hinnom Valley. There I was to proclaim the message that he would give me. 3 The Lord told me to say, “Kings of Judah and people of Jerusalem, listen to what I, the Lord Almighty, the God of Israel, have to say. I am going to bring such a disaster on this place that everyone who hears about it will be stunned. 4 I am going to do this because the people have abandoned me and defiled this place by offering sacrifices here to other gods—gods that neither they nor their ancestors nor the kings of Judah have known anything about. They have filled this place with the blood of innocent people, 5 and they have built altars for Baal in order to burn their children in the fire as sacrifices. I never commanded them to do this; it never even entered my mind. 6 So then, the time will come when this place will no longer be called Topheth or Hinnom Valley. Instead, it will be known as Slaughter Valley. 7 In this place I will frustrate all the plans of the people of Judah and Jerusalem. I will let their enemies triumph over them and kill them in battle. I will give their corpses to the birds and the wild animals as food. 8 I will bring such terrible destruction on this city that everyone who passes by will be shocked and amazed. 9 The enemy will surround the city and try to kill its people. The siege will be so terrible that the people inside the city will eat one another and even their own children.”
10 Then the Lord told me to break the jar in front of those who had gone with me 11 and to tell them that the Lord Almighty had said, “I will break this people and this city, and it will be like this broken clay jar that cannot be put together again. People will bury their dead even in Topheth because there will be nowhere else to bury them. 12 I promise that I will make this city and its inhabitants like Topheth. 13 The houses of Jerusalem, the houses of the kings of Judah, and indeed all the houses on whose roofs incense has been burned to the stars and where wine has been poured out as an offering to other gods—they will all be as unclean as Topheth.”
14 Then I left Topheth, where the Lord had sent me to proclaim his message. I went and stood in the court of the Temple and told all the people 15 that the Lord Almighty, the God of Israel, had said, “I am going to bring on this city and on every nearby town all the punishment that I said I would, because you are stubborn and will not listen to what I say.”