Malaika OPI ro Bokima ya
1 Malaika OPI ro ikyite ni Gilegala yasi le Bokima ya ago atate Yisaraele'bai ri ekye: “Märu ami teni Ezipeto yasi, ago mezi ami te le 'bädri se ma'bata be ozone zutui amiro ri ya. Matate makye: ‘Märi tao'baro maro ami yibe perene i'do alona. 2 Ago beṛo ko ämiri tao'baro o'bane lidri se kayibe ori 'bädri ono ya be. Beṛo ämiri vo tori oloro ànyaro perene riya vuru.’ Oko mìye tase matabe ämiri ono kote. Mìgo mìye ono ṛo ta e'di roya? 3 Ta'dota yauono mata ämiri mänina kote lidri kwoi onjane ni ami milesi. Ànya a'donayi ndi kyila'baazii ro ämiri, ago lui ànyaro a'dona ndi abari ro ämiri.” 4 Ondro malaika OPI ro kata tase cini kwoi te lidri cini Yisaraele ro ri oko, ànya 'beyi liyi te, 5 ago ànya ziyi ävuru vo ana ro te Bokima. Ndi ànya loyi tori te lau OPI ri.
Odra Yosua ro
6 Yosua zo lidri Yisaraele rote, ago 'dialo oyite wari se ozobe ànyari urune ya. 7 Lidri Yisaraele ro induruyite OPI ri, tuse cini Yosua be lidriidriro ana si ago odra ndaro vosi, ànya uguyi oyena te 'du inye tuse dri'bai se kondreyi ta 'desi se OPI koyebe Yisaraele ri bedri lidriidriro ana si. 8 Ago ruindu'ba OPI ro Yosua ŋgwa Nuna ro, ka odra oko ndroa ndaro te kama alo 'butealo (110). 9 Ago ànya se nda te wari modo ndaro se Timenata Sera ya 'bädri luturo Eperaima roya Mä'dudri 'Bereŋwa Gasa roya ana ya. 10 Ago käti'bai se cini kai todra kpa te, ago kovole'bai se kesobe ànya vo iyi niyi Opi kote ndi tase nda koyebe Yisaraele ri ana be.
Yisaraele'bai Edrete ni OPI Mätuvoya
11 'Dooko lidri Yisaraele ro yeyi takozi te OPI lomvo ago mätuyi Bala te. 12 Ànya e'beyi OPI, Lu zutui ànyaro ro, Lu se kolofo ànya be ni 'bädri Ezipeto ro yasi ono mätuna te. Ago ànya etoyi lui azaka mätuna te, lui lidri se koriyibe gbikyi ànya lomvosi kai ro. Ago ànya 'bayi OPI te a'done kyilaro. 13 Ànya e'beyi OPI mätu te ago mätuyi Bala te ndi Asetarete be. 14 Ta'doro OPI a'dote kyilaro ndra Yisaraele be, ago nda ozo ànya te kyila'baazii ri ŋga ànyaro topane. Nda 'ba kyila'baazii se cini gbikyi ànya lomvosi kai te ànya opene ṛe, ago Yisaraele'bai niyi kote andivo ànyaro gagane. 15 Tuse cini ànya koyiyite kyila oyene si, OPI ezite rriti ayani ànya dri, oso se OPI kata tana be a'done ronye. Ànya a'doyite rueza 'desi ya.
16 'Dooko OPI 'ba vureope'bai te ànya dri, se pa ànya teni kyila'baazii ànyaro risi. 17 Caoko Yisaraele'bai eriyi ta vureope'bai ànyaro ro kote. Lidri Yisaraele ro a'dote ta'diriako OPI ri ago mätuyi lui azaka te. Täpii ànyaro royi ota OPI rote, oko kovole'bai se kesobe ono e'beyi liti se täpii ànyaro kosobe voigye 'do te. 18 Ondro OPI ko'ba vureope'ba aza te Yisaraele dri, OPI ka a'do tro nda be ago ka lidri opa ni kyila'baazii ànyaro ri tuse cini vureope'ba na 'do bedri lidriidriro si. OPI ka a'do yauni be ànyari tana ànya kayi leri ni rueza ndi eza se abe ànya eza 'do ri. 19 Oko ondro vureope'ba na 'do kodrate oko, ànya goyite tase uku 'do oyene ago a'doyite kozipara ndrani käti'bai se kyeno kai drisi. Ànya soyite ago mätuyite lui azaka ayani, ago taeriako si gayitezo taoye undiro andivo ànyaro ro e'bene. 20 'Dooko OPI go a'dote kyilaro Yisaraele'bai be; ago atate ekye: “Tu'de ono pereyi tao'baro se ma'babe ätine zutui ànyaro ri ono te, ago ànya royi ma kote, 21 ka'do inye mänina kote tu'dei se cini drigba dri orivoya wari ono ya odra Yosua ro vosi kwoi onjane ni ànya milesi.” 22 Mojona ta Yisaraele'bai kwoi ro ndi ànya si, unizana kode ànya ätinayi ota maro gindi oso zutui ànyaro koyebe ronye. 23 Ta'dota OPI 'ba tu'dei se kai te orine wari se ana ya, ago nja ànya kote tu alo si ago ozo ànya kpa kote drì Yosua ro ya.
The Angel of the Lord at Bochim
1 The angel of the Lord went from Gilgal to Bochim and said to the Israelites, “I took you out of Egypt and brought you to the land that I promised to your ancestors. I said, ‘I will never break my covenant with you. 2 You must not make any covenant with the people who live in this land. You must tear down their altars.’ But you have not done what I told you. You have done just the opposite! 3 So I tell you now that I will not drive these people out as you advance. They will be your enemies, and you will be trapped by the worship of their gods.” 4 When the angel had said this, all the people of Israel began to cry, 5 and that is why the place is called Bochim. There they offered sacrifices to the Lord.
The Death of Joshua
6 Joshua sent the people of Israel on their way, and each man went to take possession of his own share of the land. 7 As long as Joshua lived, the people of Israel served the Lord, and even after his death they continued to do so as long as the leaders were alive who had seen for themselves all the great things that the Lord had done for Israel. 8 The Lord's servant Joshua son of Nun died at the age of a hundred and ten. 9 He was buried in his own part of the land at Timnath Serah in the hill country of Ephraim north of Mount Gaash. 10 That whole generation also died, and the next generation forgot the Lord and what he had done for Israel.
Israel Stops Worshiping the Lord
11 Then the people of Israel sinned against the Lord and began to serve the Baals. 12 They stopped worshiping the Lord, the God of their ancestors, the God who had brought them out of Egypt, and they began to worship other gods, the gods of the peoples around them. They bowed down to them and made the Lord angry. 13 They stopped worshiping the Lord and served the Baals and the Astartes. 14 And so the Lord became furious with Israel and let raiders attack and rob them. He let the enemies all around overpower them, and the Israelites could no longer protect themselves. 15 Every time they would go into battle, the Lord was against them, just as he had said he would be. They were in great distress.
16 Then the Lord gave the Israelites leaders who saved them from the raiders. 17 But the Israelites paid no attention to their leaders. Israel was unfaithful to the Lord and worshiped other gods. Their fathers had obeyed the Lord's commands, but this new generation soon stopped doing so. 18 Whenever the Lord gave Israel a leader, the Lord would help that leader and would save the people from their enemies as long as that leader lived. The Lord would have mercy on them because they groaned under their suffering and oppression. 19 But when the leader died, the people would return to the old ways and behave worse than the previous generation. They would serve and worship other gods, and stubbornly continue their own evil ways. 20 Then the Lord would become furious with Israel and say, “This nation has broken the covenant that I commanded their ancestors to keep. Because they have not obeyed me, 21 I will no longer drive out any of the nations that were still in the land when Joshua died. 22 I will use them to find out whether or not these Israelites will follow my ways, as their ancestors did.” 23 So the Lord allowed these nations to remain in the land; he did not give Joshua victory over them, nor did he drive them out soon after Joshua's death.