Nebi ka Takozi Lidri ro Lukuna
1 Nyùsu ta ko mìkye OPI orivoya mbaraako ago unina ko 'diopane kode bi ako erine! 2 Tana takozi amiro ka ami lewe ni Lu resi. Takozi amiro 'ba nda te kundu usine ämiri, ta'dota nda eri ta amiro ko. 3 Dríi amiro orivoya twi kari be ago nyà takozi oye drìi amiro si; nyà koweoga kala amiro si ago nyà taundiro ata.
4 Nyà oyi vure ya taŋgyeako si ago nyà ta iti ta'diriako si. Nyà ruäti taawi dri ago koweoga dri vure amiro opezana ṛe. Mìra ta rriti ro gwo azi oyeza koziro. 5 Tavoora amiro oso 'bwo ini äṛiekye ro ronye ago oso kyimba nini ro ronye, 'dise kabe 'bwo na onya, odrana ndi. 'Bwo na ketegabe efo ṛo ini ro! 6 Kyimba nini ro ànyaro unina ko a'done oso boŋgo ronye, lidri ni ko dritakaone sina. Ànya kayi taundiro loye ago kayi ta siomba ro oyena! 7 Ondoalo nyà taundiro oye, ago nyèleye kote ni taenjiako'bai tufuvoya. Nyà alo tase undiro usuna ayani. Vose cini nyàbe aba kigyesi nye'bete tandroro ago nyenji te riya, 8 mìni ta oriro tokpe ro ko ago taŋgye aza i'do liti amiro ya. Liti se mìrube orivoya gwa'digwa'diro, ago 'dise kabe aba liti na 'do yasi unina ko cu a'done londroro.
Lidri ka Takozi Ànyaro Eṛona
9 Lidri ka ata ekye: “Yauono taŋgye na rute lozo ni ama resi ago takado te i'do ämäri. Mà'ba mi te abane ŋgaeyi yasi, caoko ŋgätini a'do ṛo toto alo ni, 10 ago mà aba täṛitäṛi oso lidri se miako iyi ronye. Mà o'de parapara kitudiri si oso ŋgäkyi si ronye, mà'dote oso avo ronye lidri mbara lako. 11 Ama cini mà ozo oso mänyisilei ronye, Mà likyi liyi oso tu'bui ronye; mà voondre taŋgye ta oko te i'do, ŋgaopa ta, caoko te lozo ni ama resi.
12 “OPI, taenji amaro miri te orivoya nyalakpa. Takozi amaro ka ama kicu ni. Takozi amaro ṛo orivoya ama be ago mä̀ni tana cini te ŋgye. 13 Tana mògbote mi OPI be ago màga mi tezo, ago màle kote osone mivo. Mèza azii te ago mòyite lozo ni miresi. Tavousu cini amaro ago ata cini amaro orivoya kowe yi. 14 Màna taŋgye te lozo, ago takado te pere lozo. Taŋgye kate lo'de vodäyiro kalaombiro lidri ro yasi, ago ta'diri eci kote lau. 15 Ta'diri te i'do ago 'dise kole kote takozi oyero aye nda ro koziro.”
OPI ka Ruede Lidri ndaro Opane
OPI ndre tase ono te, ago tana si nda kote tana taŋgye i'do. 16 Nda ndre 'diaza kote nda larote amba tana 'diaza i'do 'dise abe ezana iyi opane. Ta'dota nda oyena ta 'da mbara modo ndaro si ànya opaza ago ŋgaopeza ṛe. 17 Nda osona taŋgye 'da lomvo ya oso dhudhu kyila ro ronye ago nda takona tagyia ŋgaopeṛe ro 'da drî ndaro ya. Nda osona boŋgo votaro logoro 'da ago uvuna kyila 'da yi lomvo oso boŋgo kätäti ro ronye. 18 Nda logona votaro 'da kyila'baazii ndaro ri oso tase ànya koyeyibe ronye, nda ezana ànya se koriyibe wari lozo yasi iyi 'da a'do taŋgye ànyaro ro voro. 19 'Dicini turina nda ndi mbarapara ndaro be 'da ni 'buzelesi le aŋgoya. Nda ikyina 'da oso golo se kabe udi mbara, oso oli gbiriṛibe kabe ubina 'do ronye.
20 OPI ka ata lidri ndaro ri ekye: “Mikyina 'da Yerusalema ya opa'ba ro ami se cini nyètadrite ni takozi amiro yasi iyi opane. 21 Ago ma tao'baro o'bana ami yibe; mozo tori maro te ämiri ndi ŋgaemba maro be ämiri orone ŋgwai amiro yibe ndi kozoi amiro yibe, eto ni yau madale äduako.”
The Prophet Condemns the People's Sins
1 Don't think that the Lord is too weak to save you or too deaf to hear your call for help! 2 It is because of your sins that he doesn't hear you. It is your sins that separate you from God when you try to worship him. 3 You are guilty of lying, violence, and murder.
4 You go to court, but you do not have justice on your side. You depend on lies to win your case. You carry out your plans to hurt others. 5-6 The evil plots you make are as deadly as the eggs of a poisonous snake. Crush an egg, out comes a snake! But your plots will do you no good—they are as useless as clothing made of cobwebs! 7 You are always planning something evil, and you can hardly wait to do it. You never hesitate to murder innocent people. You leave ruin and destruction wherever you go, 8 and no one is safe when you are around. Everything you do is unjust. You follow a crooked path, and no one who walks that path will ever be safe.
The People Confess Their Sin
9 The people say, “Now we know why God does not save us from those who oppress us. We hope for light to walk by, but there is only darkness, 10 and we grope about like blind people. We stumble at noon, as if it were night, as if we were in the dark world of the dead. 11 We are frightened and distressed. We long for God to save us from oppression and wrong, but nothing happens.
12 Lord, our crimes against you are many. Our sins accuse us. We are well aware of them all. 13 We have rebelled against you, rejected you, and refused to follow you. We have oppressed others and turned away from you. Our thoughts are false; our words are lies. 14 Justice is driven away, and right cannot come near. Truth stumbles in the public square, and honesty finds no place there. 15 There is so little honesty that those who stop doing evil find themselves the victims of crime.”
The Lord Prepares to Rescue His People
The Lord has seen this, and he is displeased that there is no justice. 16 He is astonished to see that there is no one to help the oppressed. So he will use his own power to rescue them and to win the victory. 17 He will wear justice like a coat of armor and saving power like a helmet. He will clothe himself with the strong desire to set things right and to punish and avenge the wrongs that people suffer. 18 He will punish his enemies according to what they have done, even those who live in distant lands. 19 From east to west everyone will fear him and his great power. He will come like a rushing river, like a strong wind.
20 The Lord says to his people, “I will come to Jerusalem to defend you and to save all of you that turn from your sins. 21 And I make a covenant with you: I have given you my power and my teachings to be yours forever, and from now on you are to obey me and teach your children and your descendants to obey me for all time to come.”