Uluku Lu Awi Mätu Yisaraele rote
1 Lidri se taŋgye'ba ro kodra te, 'diaza ti tana ko; lidri se 'diriro kodra te 'diaza ni tavona ko anjioko kandrakozi ono tana elewe ànya te ni takozi yasi. 2 Ànya se kayibe ori kado ori ono usunayi tatokpe ndi loli be 'da odra si.
3 Nyìkyi noŋwa ami ŋgwai tetedri'bai ro! Ami kozoi, taoye'bai ago kode toko drisi, ndi ronyi'bai be. 4 Nyà a'di ugu ya? Nyà 'dolo ugu a'di zele ya? Ami ṛoko ŋgwai takozi'bai ago kozoi koweoga'bai ro ya? 5 Nyà lui amiro mätuna ronyi oye si ice vudi ro zelesi ago ice se cini alokado amiro kai zelesi. Nyà ŋgàga amiro olona tori ro kugyii luutui ro se loto goloŋwa kala ana ro yasi. 6 Nyà kunii leleŋwa uṛi ni lau ago nyà ànya mätu lui ro, nyà vino oda ŋgapäṛi ro ànyari ago nyà ŋgapäṛi inya ro ezina ànyari. Inye'do nyùsu amiro be ma'dona ndi yai'dwesi tase cini ono ta ya? 7 Nyà utu 'bereŋwai 'desi se ogwaekyero drisi ronyi loyene ago nyà utu kuru lau tori olone. 8 Nyà lui edeedero amiro iyi edrena käläsi amiro kundu si. Nye'be ma gwo; nyède u'duvoi amiro gwo ago mìtu gwo drina ya 'dise nyùlube iyi be, se nyòzo päläti be ànyari ämiri u'duza sina iyi. Ago lau mìnde ta cini se mìlebe gwo. 9 Mìpi ido tägyi ŋgutruro gwo ami lomvo ago nyòyi gwo lu Moleka mätune. Mìzo lazo'bai gwo lozo ago vo cini yasi ca kpa le 'bädri avo roya. 10 Nyà andivo amiro ezana lui azaka uṛivoya, caoko nyòzovo kote. Nyùsu mbara to'di te, ta'doro nyòkwo kote.
11 OPI ka ata ekye: “Ini se nyàbe turina ndra tana mìga kowe robe märi, nyìje ta maro robe ago mìri robe ta maro usuako kwoi a'diyi owo ya? Mìni kote ma orone tana ma'dobe titiro tuna amba ono owo ya? 12 Nyà tausu mikye tase yàbe oyena orivoya kadoro, oko maka'dana takado ago taoye amiro 'da ŋbelero, oko anya unina ko ami opane. 13 Ondro nyàte driayo ta ŋgaopa rota oko, mi'ba lui edeedero amiro kopayi ami! Oli uŋgyina ànya 'da ävi zwi! Lawalawa uŋgyina ànya 'da zwi. Oko ànya se koyiyi ta be maya iyi urunayi wari ono 'da ago orinayi 'da 'bereŋwa alokado maro ya.”
Tao'ba Lu ro 'Diopa ro ndi 'Diede robe
14 OPI ka ata ekye: “Mì'be ago nyède liti. Nyàna ŋgase cini koziro iyi ni liti lidri maro ro drisi.”
15 Lu se ndra se ka ori äduako, ago alokado ono ka atani ekye: “Ma ori vose lekuru ago alokado ono ya, oko ma kpa ori lidri se orivoya trwe ago ketadribe iyi lako, tana mologo mio'ba robe ànya se trwe ri ago se ketadribe iyi ri. 16 Mänina kote ugu ànya kozine kode a'done kyilaro ànya yibe äduako, mozo adri ni ndi lawalawa be ànyari. 17 Ma'dote kyilaro ànya yibe tana ta takozi ndi yagäru ànyaro be ta, ta'doro meza ànya te ago me'be ànya te kyilasi. Caoko ànya a'doyite taeriako ago uguyi gi'du oyi liti modo ànyaro ro yasi.
18 “Mandre tase ànya koyeyibe te, oko medena ànya 'da. Melepena ànya 'da ago mapana ànya 'da, ago mi'dwena ànya se kayibe liyi kai 'da. 19 Ma taliatokpe ozo vona cini ri, se loto ndi se lozo iyi be ri! Medena lidri maro 'da. 20 Oko lidri se koziro iyi orivoya oso gbulä gyi'desi ro ronye, se rukanda gbulä na ro edre ko cu alona, se ka koro ndi ŋgase undiro be ezina. 21 Ori londroro i'do takozi'bai ri.” Opi kani ata inye.
Israel's Idolatry Is Condemned
1 Good people die, and no one understands or even cares. But when they die, no calamity can hurt them. 2 Those who live good lives find peace and rest in death.
3 Come here to be judged, you sinners! You are no better than sorcerers, adulterers, and prostitutes. 4 Who are you making fun of? Who are you liars jeering at? 5 You worship the fertility gods by having sex under those sacred trees of yours. You offer your children as sacrifices in the rocky caves near stream beds. 6 You take smooth stones from there and worship them as gods. You pour out wine as offerings to them and bring them grain offerings. Do you think I am pleased with all this? 7 You go to the high mountains to offer sacrifices and have sex. 8 You set up your obscene idols just inside your front doors. You forsake me; you take off your clothes and climb in your large beds with your lovers, whom you pay to sleep with you. And there you satisfy your lust. 9 You put on your perfumes and ointments and go to worship the god Molech. To find gods to worship, you send messengers far and wide, even to the world of the dead. 10 You wear yourselves out looking for other gods, but you never give up. You think your obscene idols give you strength, and so you never grow weak.
11 The Lord says, “Who are these gods that make you afraid, so that you tell me lies and forget me completely? Have you stopped honoring me because I have kept silent for so long? 12 You think that what you do is right, but I will expose your conduct, and your idols will not be able to help you. 13 When you cry for help, let those idols of yours save you! A puff of wind will carry them off! But those who trust in me will live in the land and will worship me in my Temple.”
God's Promise of Help and Healing
14 The Lord says, “Let my people return to me. Remove every obstacle from their path! Build the road and make it ready!
15 “I am the high and holy God, who lives forever. I live in a high and holy place, but I also live with people who are humble and repentant, so that I can restore their confidence and hope. 16 I gave my people life, and I will not continue to accuse them or be angry with them forever. 17 I was angry with them because of their sin and greed, and so I punished them and abandoned them. But they were stubborn and kept on going their own way.
18 “I have seen how they acted, but I will heal them. I will lead them and help them, and I will comfort those who mourn. 19 I offer peace to all, both near and far! I will heal my people. 20 But evil people are like the restless sea, whose waves never stop rolling in, bringing filth and muck. 21 There is no safety for sinners,” says the Lord.