Ata Ŋgai'dwe ro Yerusalema ri
1 OPI ka ata ekye:
“Nyeri ta maro, ami se mìlebe ŋgaopa,
ami se nyàbe ma OPI uṛi ono.
Nyùsu ta luutu se aga ami be ni kigyesi,
ago 'bu se ä'di ami beni kigyesi ono ro.
2 Nyùsu ta zutu amiro, Abarayama ro,
ndi Sara se zelevo amiro efobe ni kigyesi ono be.
Tuse mabe Abarayama uzi ana si, 'dooko nda dri teinye ŋgwa ako,
oko mäṛu nda te, ago
ma'ba zelevoi ndaro te litine amba nyalakpa.

3 “Ma OPI mi'dwena Yerusalema 'da,
ma'dona 'da yauni be 'dise cini koriyibe tandro ànyaro ya iyi ri.
Motozana vocowa ànyaro 'da a'done ämvu ro,
ago vocowa siŋgwa ro anyaro 'da
oso ämvu se masobe Edene ya ana ronye.
Riyä ago yai'dwe a'dona 'da lau,
ndi loŋgo räṛu ro ago aro'boya oyebe ro.

4 “Nyèri ta maro, ami lidri maro,
nyeri tase mabe atana ono mi tu'de maro:
Ma ŋgaemba maro ozona;
ago ota maro ozona ŋgaeyi 'da tu'dei ri.
5 Mikyina 'da ndriŋwa ŋgaopeṛe be;
tu 'dioparo maro ro te orivoya lototi.
Ma andivo mimirina tu'dei 'da.
Warii se lozo iyi kayi ma kwote ukyine;
ànya kayi mio'ba ŋgaopa maro dri.
6 Mindrevo kuru vo'buyakuru ya; ago mindrevo 'bädri ya!
Vo'buyakuru okyena 'da oso kätu ronye;
'bädri a'dona 'da nyakacaro oso boŋgo uku ronye,
ago lidri se kabe ori kigye todranayi 'da oso kumu ronye.
Oko ŋgaopa se maro ono orina 'da äduako;
ŋgaopeṛe maro a'dona 'da tiṛi.

7 “Nyèri ta maro, ami se mìni ta taŋgye rote,
ami se nyìkyi'di ata maro te ya amiro ya ono.
Nyà'do ko turiro ni ŋga gbegbe lidri ro ri ago nyà'do ko tusuro ni la'dao'da ànyaro ri;
8 tana ànya okyena 'da oso ludu kabe boŋgo ombe 'do ronye,
ago oso kyiri kabe kodo onya 'do ronye!
Oko ŋgaopeṛe maro ono orina 'da äduako;
'diopa maro orina ndi rri le äduako.”

9 Mipi mi, mipi mi, nyaka'da mbara miro!
Miye ta mbara miro si OPI;
mipi mi oso se tu kyeno ana si ronye.
Inye'do nyotoga Raba ṛo koni jinyijinyi
ago mi'di igyi'daŋgo gyi'desi ro ṛo ko niya?
10 Mi'ba gyi gyi'desi ni osene gbe
ago nyede liti ni gyi'desi yasi,
tana ànya se milebe opane kai kozayi robe.
11 Ànya se mi OPI mipabe kai egonayi 'da,
osanayi 'da Yerusalema ya loŋgo oŋgo be.
Ànya a'donayi 'da riyä si äduako,
ago usunayi riyä ndi yai'dwe be 'da
ago a'donayi 'da dritai ro ni tusu ndi likyii be ri.

12 OPI ka ata ekye:
“Ma ni se mabe ami tomba owo.
Nyà lidri se awi ono turina etaya,
lidri se ka ori toto oso käyi ronye ono.
13 Inye'do nyije ta OPI o'ba'ba miro ro,
se keŋga vo'buyakurui ni a'dwi kuru
ago kobe kotopai 'bädri ro ni ono ro teya?
Tana e'di nyà ori gwo 'du turi si
ni kyila ànya se kayibe ami eza,
kode ni ànya se nja ami tufune ono ro riya?
Kyila ànya se kabe ami eza ono ro eŋwaroya?
14 Ànya se kamba'bai ro iyi onjina 'da dritai ro ga ndri yauro;
ànyari odrane kamba ya i'do.
Ago a'donayi 'da ŋgaonya se cini ànya koleyibe 'do be.

15 “Ma ni OPI Lu amiro owo;
ma ni gyi 'desi kanda,
ago ma ni gyi na o'ba kporo oyene.
Ävuru maro ni OPI Mbaraekye!
16 Mozo ŋgaemba maro te miri,
ago ma ni mi tako drì maro si.
Meŋga vo'buyakurui ni a'dwi kuru
ago mabe kotopai 'bädri ro ni.
Ma ata Yerusalema ri makye: ‘Mi orivoya lidri maro!’ ”
Ädu Rueza Yerusalema ro ro
17 Mipi mi, mipi mi!
Miŋga kuru Yerusalema!
Tana mimvu kofo taezaro se kyila OPI ro ro
se nda kozobe miri 'do te;
mimvute kpeye, ago 'ba mite a'done parapara ro.
18 'Diaza te i'do mi lepene,
'diaza i'do ni lidri miro lakosi
drì miro urune.

19 Rriti adroa rute midri azi dri;
a'di i'dwena mi ni ya?
Ŋgapere, ŋgatufu, täbiri ndi kyila be
'dete midri; a'di i'dwena mi niya?
20 Lidri miro kate lo'de vurusi
cuku cini litiŋwai ro yasi;
oso kaliŋga se ko'debe kyimba ya ronye.
Tana ànya tämbiyi kyila OPI rote.

21 Nyèri ami lidri Yerusalema ro se nyàbe rueza ono,
ami se nyàbe aba parapara ro oso mimvu wa yi ono,
22 OPI Lu amiro se ka ami gaga ono ka ata ni nonye ekye:
“Mate kofo se kabe ami o'ba parapararo ono onana;
kofo se kyila maro ro ono
ämiri ogo umvune i'do tona.
23 Mozonate ànya se kayibe ami eza kai ri ayani,
ànya se ko'bayi ami be lo'dene vurusi abaza drigyesi
ago mi'ba kundu amiro te liti ro ànyari abaza driigyesi iyi.”
Words of Comfort to Jerusalem
1 The Lord says,
“Listen to me, you that want to be saved,
you that come to me for help.
Think of the rock from which you came,
the quarry from which you were cut.
2 Think of your ancestor, Abraham,
and of Sarah, from whom you are descended.
When I called Abraham, he was childless,
but I blessed him and gave him children;
I made his descendants numerous.

3 “I will show compassion to Jerusalem,
to all who live in her ruins.
Though her land is a desert, I will make it a garden,
like the garden I planted in Eden.
Joy and gladness will be there,
and songs of praise and thanks to me.

4 “Listen to me, my people,
listen to what I say:
I give my teaching to the nations;
my laws will bring them light.
5 I will come quickly and save them;
the time of my victory is near.
I myself will rule over the nations.
Distant lands wait for me to come;
they wait with hope for me to save them.
6 Look up at the heavens; look at the earth!
The heavens will disappear like smoke;
the earth will wear out like old clothing,
and all its people will die like flies.
But the deliverance I bring will last forever;
my victory will be final.

7 “Listen to me, you that know what is right,
who have my teaching fixed in your hearts.
Do not be afraid when people taunt and insult you;
8 they will vanish like moth-eaten clothing!
But the deliverance I bring will last forever;
my victory will endure for all time.”

9 Wake up, Lord, and help us!
Use your power and save us;
use it as you did in ancient times.
It was you that cut the sea monster Rahab to pieces.
10 It was you also who dried up the sea
and made a path through the water,
so that those you were saving could cross.
11 Those whom you have rescued
will reach Jerusalem with gladness,
singing and shouting for joy.
They will be happy forever,
forever free from sorrow and grief.

12 The Lord says,
“I am the one who strengthens you.
Why should you fear mortals,
who are no more enduring than grass?
13 Have you forgotten the Lord who made you,
who stretched out the heavens
and laid the earth's foundations?
Why should you live in constant fear
of the fury of those who oppress you,
of those who are ready to destroy you?
Their fury can no longer touch you.
14 Those who are prisoners will soon be set free;
they will live a long life
and have all the food they need.

15 “I am the Lord your God;
I stir up the sea
and make its waves roar.
My name is the Lord Almighty!
16 I stretched out the heavens
and laid the earth's foundations;
I say to Jerusalem, ‘You are my people!
I have given you my teaching,
and I protect you with my hand.’”
The End of Jerusalem's Suffering
17 Jerusalem, wake up!
Rouse yourself and get up!
You have drunk the cup of punishment
that the Lord in his anger gave you to drink;
you drank it down, and it made you stagger.
18 There is no one to lead you,
no one among your people
to take you by the hand.

19 A double disaster has fallen on you:
your land has been devastated by war,
and your people have starved.
There is no one to show you sympathy.
20 At the corner of every street
your people collapse from weakness;
they are like deer caught in a hunter's net.
They have felt the force of God's anger.

21 You suffering people of Jerusalem,
you that stagger as though you were drunk,
22 the Lord your God defends you and says,
“I am taking away the cup
that I gave you in my anger.
You will no longer have to drink
the wine that makes you stagger.
23 I will give it to those who oppressed you,
to those who made you lie down in the streets
and trampled on you as if you were dirt.”