Lu Ozona Ŋgaopeṛe 'da Lidri Ndaro ri
1 Tu kabe esa ana lidri oŋgona loŋgo ono 'da wari Yuda roya ekye:
Ama orivoya 'bakici mbara ro be!
Lu andivona kani tiṛi na gagana ama gagaza!
2 Mìpi dereŋwai 'bakici ro
tana tu'dei se lidri nai kayi taŋgye oye iyi kociyi robe kigye.
3 Mi, OPI, nyozo tatokpe ŋgye te
ànya se kotiyi ta ànyaro be
ago koyiyi ta ànyaro be miya kwoi ri.
4 Mìyi ta OPI ya ondoalo;
tana nda gaga'ba amaro äduako.
5 Nda logo ànya se driuŋgyi be 'bakici iyi te vuru;
nda pere 'bakici se ṛatara 'do te riya,
ago 'ba tiṛi nai te a'done foda durufu ro.
6 Yauono ate aba driigyesi
ati'bai kayite otona pà ànyaro si
ago lemeri'bai kayi kpa aba drigyesi.

7 Liti taŋgye'bai ro orivoya liliro;
nya liti o'bane biliro ànyari.
8 Mà mio'ba liti taŋgye miro ro dri Äye OPI;
mi ni se màlebe ndra owo.
9 Ŋgäkyi si male a'done mibe;
ma mi uṛi ya cini maro si, ondro mipe vure 'bädri rote oko,
'dooko lidri 'bädri ya uninayi ta ta'diri ro 'da.
10 Nya'do gica yauni be lidri se koziro iyi ri ono,
ànya niyi ta taŋgye oyero ko cu alona.
Ca wari lidri se taŋgye'bai roya ànya kayidri gi 'du ugu taoye koziro;
ànya gayizo a'do 'desi miro tana unine.
11 Kyila'baazii miro niyi ko ekye nya oye iyi ezane.
OPI, mi'ba ànya kondreyi ŋgalu miro lidri miro ri;
ago ka'doyi driupiro
mi'ba ànya kuje asi se nyedebe ànyari 'do ya.

12 Nyozo taliatokpe ämäri, OPI;
ŋgase cini màbe oyena kadoro iyi
ni taoye miro owo.
13 OPI Lu amaro, 'desii azaka miriyi ama te.
Oko mi toto ni OPI amaro owo.
14 Yauono ànya todrayite ago ànyari ogone adrine kpa to'dina te i'do;
torii ànyaro unina kote efone,
tana nyeza ànya te ago nyutufu ànya te.
Mi'ba ta ànyaro te ujene.
15 OPI, mi'ba tu'de amaro te litine,
mi'ba ànya te litine mi oroza,
Nyofo kishwedri wari amaro rote lamadri cini yasi.
16 Äye OPI lidri miro yi ta miro te tu rriti rosi;
ànya mätuyi mite ondro nyate ànya eza owo.
17 Mi, OPI, mi'ba ama te liyine,
oso toko se kabe uti oko kabe liyi ni lomvoluwu ri 'do ronye.
18 Mà'dote lomvoluwu be ago gboroto be,
caoko mä̀ti ŋgwa aza kote.
Mèzi ŋgaopa kote wari amaro ya;
ago màye ŋga aza kote 'bädri ya.

19 Lidri amaro se kotodrabe kwoi ogo adrinayi 'da kpa to'di!
Lomvo ànyaro ogo a'dona 'da lidriidriro.
Ami se cini nyù'dube 'budrii amiro yasi iyi
mìpi mi loŋgo riyä ro oŋgone.
Nduruṛi kosobe ami lomvo 'do oso nduruṛi kyenoŋbo ro ronye,
ago gyini lofona avo se anya ya 'da.
Vureope ndi 'Dilogo be
20 Mìci zo amiro yasi, ami lidri maro, ago mìse käläsi ämidri. Nyàda'do andivo amiro dri fere madale kyila Lu ro kokye lutu. 21 OPI ka eziikyi ni orivo ndaro vo'buyakuru ya yasi lidri 'bädri ro ezane ta takozi ànyaro rota. 'Dise utufube 'bädri ya iyi aka'dana 'da, ago gyini unina kote 'dise utufube iyi da'done alona.
God Will Give His People Victory
1 A day is coming when the people will sing this song in the land of Judah:
Our city is strong!
God himself defends its walls!
2 Open the city gates
and let the faithful nation enter,
the nation whose people do what is right.
3 You, Lord, give perfect peace
to those who keep their purpose firm
and put their trust in you.
4 Trust in the Lord forever;
he will always protect us.
5 He has humbled those who were proud;
he destroyed the strong city they lived in,
and sent its walls crashing into the dust.
6 Those who were oppressed walk over it now
and trample it under their feet.

7 Lord, you make the path smooth for good people;
the road they travel is level.
8 We follow your will and put our hope in you;
you are all that we desire.
9 At night I long for you with all my heart;
when you judge the earth and its people,
they will all learn what justice is.
10 Even though you are kind to the wicked,
they never learn to do what is right.
Even here in a land of righteous people
they still do wrong;
they refuse to recognize your greatness.
11 Your enemies do not know that you will punish them.
Lord, put them to shame and let them suffer;
let them suffer the punishment you have prepared.
Show them how much you love your people.

12 You will give us prosperity, Lord;
everything that we achieve
is the result of what you do.
13 Lord our God, we have been ruled by others,
but you alone are our Lord.
14 Now they are dead and will not live again;
their ghosts will not rise,
for you have punished them and destroyed them.
No one remembers them any more.
15 Lord, you have made our nation grow,
enlarging its territory on every side;
and this has brought you honor.
16 You punished your people, Lord,
and in anguish they prayed to you.
17 You, Lord, have made us cry out,
as a woman in labor cries out in pain.
18 We were in pain and agony,
but we gave birth to nothing.
We have won no victory for our land;
we have accomplished nothing.

19 Those of our people who have died will live again!
Their bodies will come back to life.
All those sleeping in their graves
will wake up and sing for joy.
As the sparkling dew refreshes the earth,
so the Lord will revive those who have long been dead.
Judgment and Restoration
20 Go into your houses, my people, and shut the door behind you. Hide yourselves for a little while until God's anger is over. 21 The Lord is coming from his heavenly dwelling place to punish the people of the earth for their sins. The murders that were secretly committed on the earth will be revealed, and the ground will no longer hide those who have been killed.