1 “Ondro male ca lidri maro Yisaraele ro edene, mandre gialo takozi ànyaro ndi taundiro se ànya kayibe oyena ono ayani. Ànya kayi azi oco; ànya kayi vooŋgo zoi yasi ŋga kugune; ànya kayi ŋga lidri ro topana litiŋwai drisi. 2 Oko ànya usuyi vona ko ekye taoye cini undiro ànyaro ono ma tana oyina; oko takozi ànyaro mudri ànyaro te, ago ànya orivoya ondoalo ma mile.”
Taäyi Ndrwiro Zo'desi Miri roya
3 OPI ekye: “Lidri ka 'bädri'ba i'dwe taundiro ànyaro si ago kayi dri'bai losi ro ndaro o'bana riyä ro ŋgaodo ànyaro si. 4 Ànya cini orivoya ronyi oye'bai ago kode toko drisi; ànya orivoya oso asi emeekye vo ambata o'bero ya ronye, se ambata o'be'ba e'be asi na yana te avaako madale kyira ambata o'bero se aŋgabe 'do pigwo nja o'bene. 5 Tu karama 'bädri'ba ànyaro ro rosi ànya 'bayi 'bädri'ba ndi dri'bai losi ro ndaro be te iyi ufune vino si ago a'done amamaro. 6 Ya ànyaro ka lesi oso asi vo ambata o'bero ya ronye taäyi ndrwi be. Kyila ànyaro ka lesi ŋgäkyi raa, ago kyenoŋbo si oko leko gwo oso asilele ronye.
7 “Ànya te kyilaro ndra oso eme asi ro ronye, ago ànya tufuyi miri'bai ànyaro te. Utufu 'bädri'bai cini ànyaro te, oko alo aza ànyaro ayo drî kote märi ta ŋgaopa rota.”
Yisaraele ndi Tu'dei be
8 OPI ekye: “Lidri Yisaraele ro ka rudro'be tu'dei atra robe. Ànya laba oso duŋguṛu ambata ro se telesina la'di ko 'do ronye. 9 Atrai topa mbara ànyaro te, oko ànya niyi kote. Ati tu ànyaro te, caoko ànya niyi kpa kote. 10 Driuŋgyi lidri Yisaraele ro ro ka tazevoedre ànya lomvo; caoko ànya egoyi kote ma OPI Lu ànyaro re ca ṛiyi ma kote ta tase cini kabe a'do kwoi rota. 11 Yisaraele laba oso tu'bu se amaamaro 'do ronye, käti zi gwo Ezipeto yi opane, ago 'dooko go mu gwo Asaria re ŋgaopa ta! 12 Ondro ànya kàte oyi oko ma'bena kyimba maro 'da ago uruna ànya 'da oso kabe arii uru ronye. Mezana ànya 'da ta tase koziro ànya koyebe ono rota.
13 “Ànya te kandrakozi be, tana ànya e'beyi ma te. Utufuna ànya 'da tana ànya ogboyite mabe. Male ndi ànya opane oko mätu oye ànyaro märi orivoya kowero. 14 Ànya mätuyi ma kote ya ŋgye si, oko ànya goyi ro kuku lo'bene u'duvo drisi. Ondro ànya kayi te mätu oye ta inya ndi vino be rota oko, ànya togayi laza te andivo ànyaro lomvosi. Ànya ogboyite mabe! 15 Memba ago motomba ànya gica ni, caoko ànya äyiyi ta undiro te malomvo. 16 Ànya uguyi ruona teni maresi ososi lu se edeedero vo! Ànya laba oso kusu se pirigoṛiro 'do ronye. Dri'bai ànyaro kayi utufuna 'da kyila ya ta ata driuŋgyi si ànyaro ta, Ezipeto'bai ugunayi ànya 'da.”
1 “Whenever I want to heal my people Israel and make them prosperous again, all I can see is their wickedness and the evil they do. They cheat one another; they break into houses and steal; they rob people in the streets. 2 It never enters their heads that I will remember all this evil; but their sins surround them, and I cannot avoid seeing them.”
Conspiracy in the Palace
3 The Lord says, “People deceive the king and his officers by their evil plots. 4 They are all treacherous and disloyal. Their hatred smolders like the fire in an oven, which is not stirred by the baker until the dough is ready to bake. 5 On the day of the king's celebration they made the king and his officials drunk and foolish with wine. 6 Yes, they burned like an oven with their plotting. All night their anger smoldered, and in the morning it burst into flames.
7 “In the heat of their anger they murdered their rulers. Their kings have been assassinated one after another, but no one prays to me for help.”
Israel and the Nations
8 The Lord says, “The people of Israel are like a half-baked loaf of bread. They rely on the nations around them 9 and do not realize that this reliance on foreigners has robbed them of their strength. Their days are numbered, but they don't even know it. 10 The arrogance of the people of Israel cries out against them. In spite of everything that has happened, they have not returned to me, the Lord their God. 11 Israel flits around like a silly pigeon; first her people call on Egypt for help, and then they run to Assyria! 12 But I will spread out a net and catch them like birds as they go by. I will punish them for the evil they have done.
13 “They are doomed! They have left me and rebelled against me. They will be destroyed. I wanted to save them, but their worship of me was false. 14 They have not prayed to me sincerely, but instead they throw themselves down and wail as the heathen do. When they pray for grain and wine, they gash themselves like pagans. What rebels they are! 15 Even though I was the one who brought them up and made them strong, they plotted against me. 16 They keep on turning away from me to a god that is powerless. They are as unreliable as a crooked bow. Because their leaders talk arrogantly, they will die a violent death, and the Egyptians will laugh.”