1 Lidri Yisaraele ro kayi oso ŋgase takaci ako vo, ànya kayi oli 'buzelesi ro lanjana kitu zwi. Ŋgaodo ndi taoye kyila si be ka ugu liti ànya lako. Ànya kayi tadriole Asaria'bai be ago kayi ŋgalogye Ezipeto'bai be.”
2 OPI orivoya ta be lidri Yuda ro lomvo; nda ka oye kpa lidri Yisaraele ro ezane taloye ànyaro ro voro. Nda ozona päläti 'da ànyari taoye ànyaro voro. 3 Yakoba ye kyila te ädrupi ndaro lezoro Esau be ya endre ànyaro ro yasi; ondro Yakoba kombate oko, nda ye kyila te Lu be. 4 Yakoba furute malaika be ago pe ŋgateṛe. Nda liyite ago eji äṛu te. Lu ikyite nda re Betele ya ago atate nda be. 5 Ono ni OPI Lu Mbaraekye owo, ävuru ndaro ni OPI wo. 6 Ka'do inye yauono, ami zelevoi Yakoba ro, nyègo Lu amiro re. Nyà'do taoro be ago 'diri, ago nyòkote Lu amiro yaiŋgyi si 'duro.
Ata Amba Azaka Vureope ro
7 OPI ekye: “Ŋgalogye'bai Yisaraele ro kayi ŋgaojo kowesi; ànya luyi lidri oco. 8 Ànya kayi ata ekye: ‘Ama te orivoya ŋgaamba be. Mìliti ŋgaamba te ämäri. 'Diaza unina ko atane ekye mà'dote ŋgaamba be ta'diriako si.’ 9 Ma, OPI Lu amiro molofo ami ni Ezipeto yasi; màgo ma'bana ami 'da orine zoi boŋgo ro yasi kpa to'di, oso tuse mikyibe amire vocowa ya ana ronye.
10 “Matate nebii ri ago maka'da rulofo amba te ànyari, ago mozo ŋgaemba te lidri maro ri nebii si. 11 Aye takozi te Gilada ya, ago ànya se koyeyibe kai todranayi 'da. Otola 'daŋgoi te tori ro Gilegala ya, oko vo tori oloro ànyaro se lau iyi a'dona 'da oso kuni lodro lodroro ämvu se asobe yasi ya ronye.”
12 Zutu amaro Yakoba mute Mesopotamia ya, nda indurute ta toko rota, nda lekye timele te ta toko ogyero ta. 13 Lu lofo lidri Yisaraele ro te ni Ezipeto yasi ago nebi si nda ndrevo ànyaro te. 14 Lidri Yisaraele ro 'ba OPI te kyilaro amba; ta taenji ànyaro rota ta'doro ànya ojoyi odra be. OPI ezana ànya 'da ta takozi se ànya koyeyibe ana rota.
1 Everything that the people of Israel do from morning to night is useless and destructive. Treachery and acts of violence increase among them. They make treaties with Assyria and do business with Egypt.”
2 The Lord has an accusation to bring against the people of Judah; he is also going to punish Israel for the way her people act. He will pay them back for what they have done. 3 Their ancestor Jacob struggled with his twin brother Esau while the two of them were still in their mother's womb; when Jacob grew up, he fought against God— 4 he fought against an angel and won. He wept and asked for a blessing. And at Bethel God came to our ancestor Jacob and spoke with him. 5 This was the Lord God Almighty—the Lord is the name by which he is to be worshiped. 6 So now, descendants of Jacob, trust in your God and return to him. Be loyal and just, and wait patiently for your God to act.
Further Words of Judgment
7 The Lord says, “The people of Israel are as dishonest as the Canaanites; they love to cheat their customers with false scales. 8 ‘We are rich,’ they say. ‘We've made a fortune. And no one can accuse us of getting rich dishonestly.’ 9 But I, the Lord your God who led you out of Egypt, I will make you live in tents again, as you did when I came to you in the desert.
10 “I spoke to the prophets and gave them many visions, and through the prophets I gave my people warnings. 11 Yet idols are worshiped in Gilead, and those who worship them will die. Bulls are sacrificed in Gilgal, and the altars there will become piles of stone in the open fields.”
12 Our ancestor Jacob had to flee to Mesopotamia, where, in order to get a wife, he worked for another man and took care of his sheep. 13 The Lord sent a prophet to rescue the people of Israel from slavery in Egypt and to take care of them. 14 The people of Israel have made the Lord bitterly angry; they deserve death for their crimes. Their Lord will punish them for the disgrace they have brought on him.