Ŋgalu Lu ro Lidri Ogboogboro ndaro ri
1 OPI ekye:
“Yisaraele bedri ŋgwa giṛiŋwa ro, mulu nda tawi
ago mäzi ŋgwa maro te ni Ezipeto yasi.
2 Ondro marite nda uzi amba oko,
nda ugu ruona te pere ni maresi!
Lidri maro uguyi tori olote Bala ri;
ànya zayi ŋga tägyi tagyiri rote lui edeedero ri.
3 Caoko ma ni se kemba Yisaraele be abane owo.
Märu lidri maro te drì maro si,
caoko ànya niyi kote ekye mandrevo ànyaro ni.
4 Melepe ànya te yauni si ago ŋgalu si.
Mäŋgyi ŋgalägyiekye teni ànya kyembe ago
mändite le vuru ànya re ago meca ànya te.

5 “Ànya ogonayi 'da 'bädri ànyaro ya, ago Asaria'bai mirina ànya teni tana ànya gayizo egone mare. 6 Kyila baṛina vo 'da 'bakici ànyaro yasi ago otogana dereŋwai 'bakici ro 'da riya. Utufuna ànya 'da ta tavoora undiro ànyaro rota. 7 Lidri maro uguyi gi'du ruona pere ni maresi. Ànya ka driayo ta juṛu se ànya kyembe ono rota, oko 'diaza unina kote eŋgane ni ànya kyembe si.

8 “Me'bena mi eŋwanyeya?
Mozona drì miro eŋwanyeya,
Mutufuna mi gindi oso mayebe Adema ri,
kode oso maye ta be Zeboima ri ronye ya?
Ya maro leko oyene inye!
Ŋgalu maro mi ta orivoya amba.
9 Mänina ko mi ezane kyila kozipara maro si;
mago meperena Yisaraele ko to'dina.
Tana ma orivoya Lu yi ko lidri yi.
Ma, se Alokado ono, orivoya tro mibe.
Mänina ko ikyine mi perene.

10 “Lidri maro osonayi 'da ma OPI vo ondro mate otre oso ibi ronye owo. Ondro mate otre oko ànya ikyinayi 'da mare lä'bilä'bi ro ni aŋgoyasi. 11 Ànya efonayi 'da ni Ezipeto yasi lä'bilä'bi ro oso ari ronye, ago oso tu'bu ronye ni Asaria yasi. Mago mologona ànya 'da 'ba ànyaro yasi, ma OPI mata ni.”
Okozi Yisaraele ndi Yuda be te
12 OPI ekye: “Lidri Yisaraele ro mudri maro te ŋgulu koweoga si ago ŋgaodo si, ago lidri Yuda ro dri gi'du ugu ogbovoya ma, Lu se 'diri ago lu Alokado ono be.
God's Love for His Rebellious People
1 The Lord says,
“When Israel was a child, I loved him
and called him out of Egypt as my son.
2 But the more I called to him,
the more he turned away from me.
My people sacrificed to Baal;
they burned incense to idols.
3 Yet I was the one who taught Israel to walk.
I took my people up in my arms,
but they did not acknowledge that I took care of them.
4 I drew them to me with affection and love.
I picked them up and held them to my cheek;
I bent down to them and fed them.

5 “They refuse to return to me, and so they must return to Egypt, and Assyria will rule them. 6 War will sweep through their cities and break down the city gates. It will destroy my people because they do what they themselves think best. 7 They insist on turning away from me. They will cry out because of the yoke that is on them, but no one will lift it from them.

8 “How can I give you up, Israel?
How can I abandon you?
Could I ever destroy you as I did Admah,
or treat you as I did Zeboiim?
My heart will not let me do it!
My love for you is too strong.
9 I will not punish you in my anger;
I will not destroy Israel again.
For I am God and not a mere human being.
I, the Holy One, am with you.
I will not come to you in anger.

10 “My people will follow me when I roar like a lion at their enemies. They will hurry to me from the west. 11 They will come from Egypt, as swiftly as birds, and from Assyria, like doves. I will bring them to their homes again. I, the Lord, have spoken.”
Israel and Judah Are Condemned
12 The Lord says, “The people of Israel have surrounded me with lies and deceit, and the people of Judah are still rebelling against me, the faithful and holy God.