Yakoba 'Bedrite Esau be
1 Yakoba keŋga mite oko, ndre Esau te ikyivoya lidri kama su (400) ndaro yibe. Ndi nda lewe ŋgàga te azaka Lea be, azaka Raele be, ago azaka kpa 'ditoko ogyeako ritu iyi be. 2 Nda 'ba 'ditoko ogyeako ritu kai te ŋgàga ànyaro be mile yasi, ago Lea ndi ŋgàga anyaro be sogwo, 'dooko Raele ndi Yosepa be le äduro. 3 Yakoba andivona 'dete käti ànya mile, ago edi drite vuru perena njidrieri, madale nda sagwo ti ädrupi ndaro re.
4 Oko Esau imute drî ndaro utune, ago omvo nda te ago njunju nda te, ndi ànya 'deyigwo liyine. 5 Ondro Esau keŋga mite kondre 'ditoko kai te ndi ŋgàgaŋwa be oko, nda ejitate ekye: “Lidri na mibe kwoi a'diyi owo ya?” Yakoba zatadrite ekye: “Kwoi ŋgàgaŋwa se Lu kozobe ma ruindu'ba miro ri yauni ndaro si ono owo.” 6 'Dooko 'ditoko se ogyeako kai ishweyite ti, ndi ŋgàga ànyaro yibe ago ànya ediyi drî ànyaro te vuru. 7 'Dooko Lea ndi ŋgàga anyaro be ishweyi kpagwo ti, ago ediyi dri ànyaro te vuru; äduro oko Yosepa ndi Raele be ishweyite ti, ago ediyi drî ànyaro kpate vuru.
8 Ndi Esau ejitate ekye: “Oko gboko anya azaka ma'bedribe sina ana e'di roya?” Yakoba ekye: “Yauni usuza ni mi 'desi maro resi.” 9 Oko Esau atate ekye: “Ma ŋga be amba ädrupi maro; mi'ba ŋgase miro mibe sina 'do ka'do gi miri.”
10 Yakoba atate ekye: “Hwa, molo'baru miri, ondro ka'do musu yauni gite ni miresi oko, dia miru ŋgapäṛi maro, tana endaro mi miro ondrena märi kalandrabe oso ma militi Lu ro ondrena, tana yauono nya'dote yauni be märi, 11 molo'baru miri miru ŋgapäṛi maro se mezibe miri ono, tana Lu a'dote yauni be märi, ago ozo ŋgase cini malebe te märi.” Yakoba ugu rulo'bate ndäri madale nda rute. 12 Esau atate ekye: “Dia mi'de mugu oyi teri, ma'dena ni käti miri.”
13 Ago Yakoba zatadrite ekye: “'Desi maro minite ŋgàgaŋwa orivoya mbaraako, ago beṛo märi kpa ta äṛi koronyai 'ba ro ro se mabe ono tana usune ndi ŋgwàŋwa na se kabe ugu ba ondroondro ono be, ondro ka'do oro ànya bete ru u'du alo ya, äṛi koronyai 'ba ro ro cini todrana ndi. 14 Molo'baru miri nyälävu ri mile maro ya, ago masona gi liyaro, oso aba koronyai 'ba ro ndi aba ŋgàgaŋwa be ro voro, madale masana gwo mire Edoma ya.”
15 Ago Esau atate ekye: “Mi'ba me'be lidri se mabe ono azaka na mibe.” Oko Yakoba zatadrite ekye: “Oko e'di taya? Male toto yauni miro ayani.” 16 Ta'dota tu ana si Esau gote le Edoma ya. 17 Oko Yakoba oyite Sukota ya, ago be zo te iri, ago ede kägyi te koronyai 'ba ro iro ri. Ta'dota äzi ävuru vo ana rote Sukota.
18 Ego Yakoba ro ni Mesopotamia ya yasi nda esate londroro 'bakici Sekeme roya se orivoya wari Kanana roya ago oto gawa ndaro te lowo se loto 'bakici lomvo ana ya. 19 Nda gye telesi gyini rote, ni zelevoi Amora täpi Sekeme ro ro rigyesi, mo'di kama alo (100) si. 20 Ago nda be vo tori oloro te lau, ago zi ävuruna te Lu ni Lu Yisaraele ro.
Jacob Meets Esau
1 Jacob saw Esau coming with his four hundred men, so he divided the children among Leah, Rachel, and the two concubines. 2 He put the concubines and their children first, then Leah and her children, and finally Rachel and Joseph at the rear. 3 Jacob went ahead of them and bowed down to the ground seven times as he approached his brother. 4 But Esau ran to meet him, threw his arms around him, and kissed him. They were both crying. 5 When Esau looked around and saw the women and the children, he asked, “Who are these people with you?”
“These, sir, are the children whom God has been good enough to give me,” Jacob answered. 6 Then the concubines came up with their children and bowed down; 7 then Leah and her children came, and last of all Joseph and Rachel came and bowed down.
8 Esau asked, “What about that other group I met? What did that mean?”
Jacob answered, “It was to gain your favor.”
9 But Esau said, “I have enough, my brother; keep what you have.”
10 Jacob said, “No, please, if I have gained your favor, accept my gift. To see your face is for me like seeing the face of God, now that you have been so friendly to me. 11 Please accept this gift which I have brought for you; God has been kind to me and given me everything I need.” Jacob kept on urging him until he accepted.
12 Esau said, “Let's get ready and leave. I will go ahead of you.”
13 Jacob answered, “You know that the children are weak, and I must think of the sheep and livestock with their young. If they are driven hard for even one day, the whole herd will die. 14 Please go on ahead of me, and I will follow slowly, going as fast as I can with the livestock and the children until I catch up with you in Edom.”
15 Esau said, “Then let me leave some of my men with you.”
But Jacob answered, “There is no need for that for I only want to gain your favor.” 16 So that day Esau started on his way back to Edom. 17 But Jacob went to Sukkoth, where he built a house for himself and shelters for his livestock. That is why the place was named Sukkoth.
18 On his return from Mesopotamia Jacob arrived safely at the city of Shechem in the land of Canaan and set up his camp in a field near the city. 19 He bought that part of the field from the descendants of Hamor father of Shechem for a hundred pieces of silver. 20 He put up an altar there and named it for El, the God of Israel.