Yakoba mute ni Labana resi
1 Yakoba eri ŋgwàagoro Labana rote atavoya ekye: “Yakoba ru ŋga täpi amaro rote cini, ago nda te ŋgaamba be ni ŋgase täpi amaro ro ono yasi.” 2 Ago Yakoba ndrete Labana a'do kote ŋgalu be ndäri oso se kyeno ana ronye. 3 'Dooko OPI atate Yakoba ri ekye: “Migo 'bädri täpii miro roya, ago 'didiri miro yire, ago ma'dona ndi tro mibe.”
4 Ndi nda zo lazo te ago Raele ndi Lea be ikyiyite ndare, lowo se koronyai 'baro ndaro be kigye ana ya. 5 Nda atate ànyari ekye: “Mandrebe täpi amiro a'do kote ŋgalu be märi oso se nda ka'dobe kyeno ana ronye. Caoko Lu täpi maro ro a'dote tro mabe. 6 Ago ami riti mìnite mindurute täpi amiro ri mbara cini maro si, 7 caoko täpi amiro oco ma te, ago lutwe päläti maro te perena 'butealo, oko Lu laga nda teni ma oyevoya koziro. 8 Ondro Labana kata te ekye, ‘indri se beti kpekpero 'do a'dona teni päläti miro,’ 'dooko koronyai 'ba ro iyi tite cini kpekpero. Ago ondro nda kata ca ekye, ‘indri se beti tositosiro 'do a'dona teni päläti miro,’ 'dooko koronyai 'ba ro iyi tite cini tositosiro. 9 Ta'dota Lu ru koronyai 'ba ro täpi amiro rote ago ozo ànya te märi.
10 “Tu ruläsi koronyai 'ba ro iyi rosi tori ezitate mädri, mandrete tori si tego se cini koŋgabe ŋga läsine kai cini orivoya tositosiro, gyogyiro ago kpekpero. 11 Ago malaika Lu ro atate märi tori si ekye: ‘Yakoba!’ ago makye: ‘Ma begi ono.’ 12 Nda atate ekye: ‘Mindre indri se cini koŋgabe iyi dri ruläsine ana cini tositosiro, gyogyiro ago kpekpero, tana mandre tase cini Labana kabe oyena miri ono te. 13 Ma Lu se koloforube miri Betele ya 'do owo, vose miso ido be kuni edreedrero dri taoyiro ana, se nyäṛurube märi kigye ana. Yauono miŋga ni 'bädri ono yasi, ago migo 'bädri se äti mibe kigye ana ya.’ ”
14 'Dooko Raele ndi Lea be zayitadrite atayite ekye: “Ŋga aza te i'do drimbi ronye ämäri ni zo täpi amaro ro yasi. 15 Nda ti ama ni, oko nda ka ama oye oso atrai ronye, nda gye ama te tesi, ago yauono nya làkaza ämädri kpate. 16 Tana ŋgadriamba se Lu kurube ni täpi amaro rigyesi 'do ṛo amaro ago ŋgàga amaro ro; yauono tase Lu katabe miri 'do miye teri.”
17 'Dooko Yakoba ŋgate ndi 'ba ŋgàga ndaro ndi 'ditoko ndaro yibe te gamelei dri, 18 ago oro koronyai 'ba ro ndaro cini te ndi ŋga cini ndaro se nda kusube ana yibe, tii se nda kusube ni Mesopotamia ya ana be mileya, ago eto oyite Yisika täpi ndaro re 'bädri Kanana roya. 19 Tu ana si Labana oyite timele iro 'bina tolone: ago Raele kugu lui zo ro täpi anyaro rote. 20 Yakoba kugurute ndrwi tana uniako Labana ri. 21 Nda ru ŋgase cini nda be sina ana te, ago oyite ndrindri. Nda zadri Golo Eferata rote ago eto oyite 'bädri lutu ro Gilada ro driro.
Labana ka Oso Yakoba vo
22 Ape tate Labana ri le u'du nina si ekye, Yakoba mute. 23 Ago nda ru 'di nda rigä te ago sote Yakoba vo cu u'du njidrieri, ago tavo ndaro te 'bädri lutu ro Gilada roya. 24 Ŋgäkyi ana si Lu ikyite tori si Labana re, ago atate ndäri ekye: “Mimba midri, nyata ta aza alona ko Yakoba ri.”
25 Labana tavo Yakoba rote, 'dooko Yakoba 'ba gawa iro te 'bereŋwa lako, ago Labana ndi 'di nda rigä yibe 'bayi gawa ànyaro te 'bädri lutu ro Gilada roya.
26 Labana atate Yakoba ri ekye: “Tana e'di miye ta gwo inye niya? Nyodo ma gwo ago miŋgyi ndiriŋwa maro gwo oso 'dise äru ni kyila yasi ronye. 27 Tana e'di nyodo ma gwo ago nyukuguru gwo ni maresi tana opeako märi niya? Aba mipe tana gwo märi aba ma'bana mi oyine riyäsi, loŋgo oŋgo yeṛi ndi lekyembe be si. 28 Ago mi'ba ma kpa ko kwozoi maro ndi ndiriŋwa maro be njunjune mede oyesi. Yauono miye tate amaama si. 29 Ma orivoya mbara be mi oyene koziro: oko Lu täpi miro ro atate märi ŋgäkyi be ekye mamba mädri, aba mata ta aza alona ko miri. 30 Mänite yauono mile oyine, tana 'di zo täpi miro roya luna fu mi tawi, oko tana e'di nyukugu lui zo maro rote niya?”
31 Yakoba zatadri Labana rote ekye: “Tana ma orivoya turiro makye ukyi miru ndiriŋwa miro 'da ni märigyesi mbarasi. 32 Oko ondro nyusu lui miro te 'diaza be noŋwa, ndi 'dina 'do ufune noŋwa. Ro mile 'di märigä ro yasi, miṛi ŋgase orivoya miro iyi ago miru ri.” Tana Yakoba ni iro ko anjioko Raele kugu lui Labana rote.
33 Ago Labana ci ṛivote zo boŋgoro Yakoba ro yasi, 'dooko zo boŋgoro Lea ro yasi, ago kpa zo boŋgoro ruindu'bai ritu tokoro anyaro iyi ro yasi, ago usu lui ndaro kote, ago oyi cite zo boŋgoro Raele roya. 34 Tana anjioko Raele ru lui zo ro ana ni, ago 'ba ànya te ŋga oriro gamele dri ya, ago rite driigye, Labana ṛivote zo boŋgoro cini yasi oko usu ànya kote. 35 Raele atate täpi anyaro ri ekye: “'Desi maro, nya'do ko kyilaro mabe, tana maŋga beko kuru miri 'do ro, tana ma la'bi 'ditoko robe.” Labana ṛivote caoko nda usu lui zo ndaro ro kote.
36 'Dooko Yakoba a'dote kyilaro, eji Labana te ekye: “Taenji maro e'diyi ya? Takozi maro e'di mi'de gwo vo maro enjane kyila si niya? 37 Miṛi làkaza maro yana be cini ono, ŋgase zo miro ro nyusube iga e'di ya? Nyolofo noŋwa 'di märigä ndi 'di mirigä yibe kondreyi robe, tana ànya katayi robe kigye, kode ama mibe a'di ni kado ya. 38 Ndroa 'buteritu ono marite mibe; timele miro ndi indri miro be ri kote litiako, ago manya timelegogoi timele miro ro ko'de. 39 Ondro koronya vocowa ro kosi timele aza te ṛi, ma modo ma'dote tusuro tana ro. Mezi kote miri ka'dazana ekye 'do ko taenji maro. Ŋgase ukugube kitu si kode ŋgäkyi si nyeji mate ŋga ozone tana ro. 40 Perena amba kitu si voeme fu ma te kpeye, ago ŋgäkyi si kyi'dwe fu ma kpa. Ago u'du narute ni mi maro yasi. 41 Ndroa gi 'buteritu ono ya marite inye mibe. Mindurute miri ndroa na 'butealo fosu ndiriŋwa ritu miro ta, ago ndroa njidrialo koronyai 'ba ro miro ta. Caoko nyulutwe päläti maro te perena 'butealo. 42 Aba Lu täpii maro Abarayama ndi Yisika be ro ka'do ko tro mabe, aba endaro mizona ma ndi awi drisi. Oko tana Lu ndre rueza maro ndi losi se mayebe te, ni 'degwo drî miro otane ŋgäkyi be wo.”
Tadriole lakole Yakoba ro Labana be ya
43 Labana zatadri Yakoba rote ekye: “Ndiriŋwa iyi ndiriŋwa maro, ŋgàga ànyaro orivoya maro, ago koronyai 'ba ro iyi orivoya maro, endaro ŋga gi cini nyabe ondrene noŋwa iyi orivoya maro. Oko kitu ondro ono si ono mänina kote ndiriŋwa maro ndi ŋgàga ànyaro be lagane zo. 44 Yauono ma orivoya nja tao'baro o'bane mibe, nyikyi mi'de màdro drî kuni ro donjo tao'baro amaro mibe tana oyizana.”
45 'Dooko Yakoba ru kuni aza te edrete kuru taoyiro. 46 Ago nda atate 'di nda rigä ri, kuniŋwà otone, ago odrone donjo voaloya. 'Dooko ànya nyayi ŋga te lau kuni se adro be ana lomvo. 47 Labana zi vo ana ävuruna te Jegara Saduta oko Yakoba zi iro te Galeda. 48 Labana atate Yakoba ri ekye: “Kuni adro be kitu ondro ono si ono, te orivoya taoyiro yi lakole amaro mibe ya.” Ta'dota ni a'degwo vo ana uzine Galeda wo. 49 Ago Labana ata kpate ekye: “OPI kondrevo amaro, ondro meleweru ca iṛeiṛe owo.” Ago kuni se edrebe kuru ana äzite Mizipa. 50 Ago Labana ugu atate ekye: “Ondro ka'do nyoyi miye ndiriŋwa maro ca koziro, ago nyoyi migye 'ditoko azaka ca se mänina tana ca ko, caoko miyi tana kado Lu orivoya ama ondrevoya.”
51 Ago Labana atate Yakoba ri ekye: “Mindre kuni gi madrobe lakole amaro ya mibe ono, ago kuni taoyiro se medrebe ono begi ono. 52 Kuni odroodroro ono ndi kuni taoyiro ono be orivoya tazevoedre yi, anjioko märi lävune kuni odroodroro ono kundusi mi gotane te i'do, ago kpa ko miri kuni ono lävune ikyine ma gotane. 53 Lu Abarayama ro ago Lu Naora ro opena vure amaro 'da.” 'Dooko Yakoba äṛurute ävuru Lu se täpi ndaro Yisika kabe mätuna rosi tao'ba ono ätine. 54 Ago Yakoba lo koronya 'ba ro se nda kozobe ŋgapäṛi ro ana te tori ro 'bereŋwa dri lau, ago zi 'di nda rigä yite ŋgaonya onyane. Ondro ànya konyayi ŋgate oko, ànya u'duyite 'bereŋwa dri lau ŋgäkyi raa. 55 Ago ṛo kyenoŋboci oko, Labana ŋgate ago njunju kwozoŋwà ndaro ndi ndiriŋwa ndaro yibe te mede oyesi, ago äṛu ànya te; ndi gote 'bäru.
Jacob Flees from Laban
1 Jacob heard that Laban's sons were saying, “Jacob has taken everything that belonged to our father. He got all his wealth from what our father owned.” 2 He also saw that Laban was no longer as friendly as he had been earlier. 3 Then the Lord said to him, “Go back to the land of your fathers and to your relatives. I will be with you.”
4 So Jacob sent word to Rachel and Leah to meet him in the field where his flocks were. 5 He said to them, “I have noticed that your father is not as friendly toward me as he used to be; but my father's God has been with me. 6 You both know that I have worked for your father with all my strength. 7 Yet he has cheated me and changed my wages ten times. But God did not let him harm me. 8 Whenever Laban said, ‘The speckled goats shall be your wages,’ all the flocks produced speckled young. When he said, ‘The striped goats shall be your wages,’ all the flocks produced striped young. 9 God has taken flocks away from your father and given them to me.
10 “During the breeding season I had a dream, and I saw that the male goats that were mating were striped, spotted, and speckled. 11 The angel of God spoke to me in the dream and said, ‘Jacob!’ ‘Yes,’ I answered. 12 ‘Look,’ he continued, ‘all the male goats that are mating are striped, spotted, and speckled. I am making this happen because I have seen all that Laban is doing to you. 13 I am the God who appeared to you at Bethel, where you dedicated a stone as a memorial by pouring olive oil on it and where you made a vow to me. Now get ready and go back to the land where you were born.’”
14 Rachel and Leah answered Jacob, “There is nothing left for us to inherit from our father. 15 He treats us like foreigners. He sold us, and now he has spent all the money he was paid for us. 16 All this wealth which God has taken from our father belongs to us and to our children. Do whatever God has told you.”
17-18 So Jacob got ready to go back to his father in the land of Canaan. He put his children and his wives on the camels, and drove all his flocks ahead of him, with everything that he had gotten in Mesopotamia. 19 Laban had gone to shear his sheep, and during his absence Rachel stole the household gods that belonged to her father. 20 Jacob deceived Laban by not letting him know that he was leaving. 21 He took everything he owned and left in a hurry. He crossed the Euphrates River and started for the hill country of Gilead.
Laban Pursues Jacob
22 Three days later Laban was told that Jacob had fled. 23 He took his men with him and pursued Jacob for seven days until he caught up with him in the hill country of Gilead. 24 In a dream that night God came to Laban and said to him, “Be careful not to threaten Jacob in any way.” 25 Jacob had set up his camp on a mountain, and Laban set up his camp with his relatives in the hill country of Gilead.
26 Laban said to Jacob, “Why did you deceive me and carry off my daughters like women captured in war? 27 Why did you deceive me and slip away without telling me? If you had told me, I would have sent you on your way with rejoicing and singing to the music of tambourines and harps. 28 You did not even let me kiss my grandchildren and my daughters good-bye. That was a foolish thing to do! 29 I have the power to do you harm, but last night the God of your father warned me not to threaten you in any way. 30 I know that you left because you were so anxious to get back home, but why did you steal my household gods?”
31 Jacob answered, “I was afraid, because I thought that you might take your daughters away from me. 32 But if you find that anyone here has your gods, he will be put to death. Here, with our men as witnesses, look for anything that belongs to you and take what is yours.” Jacob did not know that Rachel had stolen Laban's gods.
33 Laban went and searched Jacob's tent; then he went into Leah's tent, and the tent of the two slave women, but he did not find his gods. Then he went into Rachel's tent. 34 Rachel had taken the household gods and put them in a camel's saddlebag and was sitting on them. Laban searched through the whole tent, but did not find them. 35 Rachel said to her father, “Do not be angry with me, sir, but I am not able to stand up in your presence; I am having my monthly period.” Laban searched but did not find his household gods.
36 Then Jacob lost his temper. “What crime have I committed?” he asked angrily. “What law have I broken that gives you the right to hunt me down? 37 Now that you have searched through all my belongings, what household article have you found that belongs to you? Put it out here where your men and mine can see it, and let them decide which one of us is right. 38 I have been with you now for twenty years; your sheep and your goats have not failed to reproduce, and I have not eaten any rams from your flocks. 39 Whenever a sheep was killed by wild animals, I always bore the loss myself. I didn't take it to you to show that it was not my fault. You demanded that I make good anything that was stolen during the day or during the night. 40 Many times I suffered from the heat during the day and from the cold at night. I was not able to sleep. 41 It was like that for the whole twenty years I was with you. For fourteen years I worked to win your two daughters—and six years for your flocks. And even then, you changed my wages ten times. 42 If the God of my fathers, the God of Abraham and Isaac, had not been with me, you would have already sent me away empty-handed. But God has seen my trouble and the work I have done, and last night he gave his judgment.”
The Agreement between Jacob and Laban
43 Laban answered Jacob, “These young women are my daughters; their children belong to me, and these flocks are mine. In fact, everything you see here belongs to me. But since I can do nothing to keep my daughters and their children, 44 I am ready to make an agreement with you. Let us make a pile of stones to remind us of our agreement.”
45 So Jacob got a stone and set it up as a memorial. 46 He told his men to gather some rocks and pile them up. Then they ate a meal beside the pile of rocks. 47 Laban named it Jegar Sahadutha, while Jacob named it Galeed. 48 Laban said to Jacob, “This pile of rocks will be a reminder for both of us.” That is why that place was named Galeed. 49 Laban also said, “May the Lord keep an eye on us while we are separated from each other.” So the place was also named Mizpah. 50 Laban went on, “If you mistreat my daughters or if you marry other women, even though I don't know about it, remember that God is watching us. 51 Here are the rocks that I have piled up between us, and here is the memorial stone. 52 Both this pile and this memorial stone are reminders. I will never go beyond this pile to attack you, and you must never go beyond it or beyond this memorial stone to attack me. 53 The God of Abraham and the God of Nahor will judge between us.” Then, in the name of the God whom his father Isaac worshiped, Jacob solemnly vowed to keep this promise. 54 He killed an animal, which he offered as a sacrifice on the mountain, and he invited his men to the meal. After they had eaten, they spent the night on the mountain. 55 Early the next morning Laban kissed his grandchildren and his daughters good-bye, and left to go back home.