1 Ondro Raele kondrete anya ti ŋgwa kote Yakoba ri nonye oko, anya 'ba mawi te endreŋwa be, ago anya atate Yakoba ri ekye: “Nyozo ŋgwà märi, ondro ka'do kote inye ndi märi odrane.”
2 Yakoba ŋgate kyilaro Raele be, ago nda atate ekye: “Ma ko orivoya Lu yi. Nda ni se kalaga mi be utiako ono owo.”
3 Ago Raele atate ekye: “Ruindu'ba maro Bila begi ono, nyu'du sina, tana kuti ŋgwa robe märi, tana ma'do robe endre ro anya si.” 4 Ta'dota anya ozo ruindu'ba anyaro Bila te toko ro ago anyaro ri, ago Yakoba u'dute sina. 5 Bila kwo ŋgwa te, ago tite agoro. 6 'Dooko Raele atate ekye: “Lu pe vure maro te ma taenji ako, ago eri mätu maro kpate, ago ozo ŋgwa agoro te märi.” Ndi anya zi ävuru ndaro te Dana. 7 Bila go kwo ŋgwa kpate, ago ti ŋgwa agoro ṛirina kpate Yakoba ri. 8 Ago Raele atate ekye: “Mäfurute ruufu amba si endreŋwa maro be, ago mape anya te ṛe.” Ago anya zi ävuru ndaro te Nafatali.
9 Ondro Lea kondrete anya ti kote nonye oko, anya ru Zilepa ruindu'ba anyaro te, ago ozote Yakoba ri toko ro. 10 'Dooko Zilepa ti ŋgwa te Yakoba ri agoro. 11 Lea atate ekye: “Ono orivoya kandrakado yi.” Ago anya zi ävuru ndaro te Gada. 12 Ago Zilepa ruindu'ba Lea ro go ti ŋgwa ṛirina kpate agoro Yakoba ri. 13 Ago Lea atate ekye: “Ma te yai'dwesi: tana 'ditoko uzina mate yai'dwe'ba.” Ago anya zi ävuru ndaro te Asera.
14 Ago Rubena fote tu kyifo oloro si, ago usu kyere luweri te ämvu ya, ago ezite endre ndaro Lea ri. 'Dooko Raele atate Lea ri ekye: “Molo'baru miri nyozo kyere luweri ŋgwa miro ro 'do azana märi.”
15 Oko Lea atate anyari ekye: “Tase miru ago maro beni maresi 'do mimabe ndi ta giṛiŋwa yi ya? Ago inye'do mile kpate kyere luweri ŋgwa maro ro ono urune ya?”
Raele ekye: “Ondro ka'do nyozo kyere luweri ŋgwa miro ro 'do te märi, ago miro u'duna ndi mibe ŋgäkyi ondro ono si.”
16 Ondro Yakoba kesate ni ämvu yasi tandrolero oko, Lea fote dri ndaro utune, ago atate ekye: “Be miri ikyine u'dune mare ŋgäkyi ono si, tana märu mi te tiko ro kyere luweri ŋgwa maro rosi.” Ndi nda u'dute anya be ŋgäkyi ana si.
17 Ago Lu eri mätu Lea rote, ago anya kwo ŋgwa te, ago ti ŋgwa linji te Yakoba ri agoro. 18 Ago Lea atate ekye: “Lu ozo päläti maro te märi, tana mozo ruindu'ba maro te ago maro ri.” Ndi anya zi ävuru ndaro te Yisakara. 19 Ago Lea go kwo ŋgwa kpate to'di, ago ti ŋgwa njidrialo na kpate Yakoba ri agoro. 20 Ndi Lea ekye: “Lu ozo ŋgapäṛi te amba märi, yauono ago maro luna ma ndi, tana mäti ŋgwàagoro te ndäri njidrialo.” Ta'dota anya zi ävuru ndaro te Zebuluna. 21 Voigyesi anya ti ŋgutiŋwa aza te ago zi ävuruna te Dina.
22 'Dooko Lu yi ta Raele rote ago zatadri mätu anyaro rote, ago pi utivo anyaro te. 23 Anya kwo ŋgwa te ago tite agoro, ago anya ekye: “OPI na tusu maro te.” 24 Anya ekye: “Lu kogo kozo ŋgwa agoro aza kpa märi.” Ndi anya zi ävuru ndaro te Yosepa.
Kalawasa Yakoba ro Labana be
25 Ondro Raele kuti Yosepa te oko, Yakoba atate Labana ri ekye: “Mi'ba moyi, mago robe 'bädri maro ya. 26 Nyozo 'ditoko maro ndi ŋgàga maro be se ma'dobe ruinduvoya miri tana ro kwoi, mi'ba moyi tana mini ruindu se mindurube miri kadoro ono tana ṛote.”
27 Labana atate ndäri ekye: “Mi'ba mata ta ono te: Mänite ma'dote kandrakado be ago OPI äṛu ma te ta miro si. 28 Miti päläti miro se milebe märi ozone miri 'do ago mozona ndi.”
29 Yakoba zatadrite ekye: “Mini losi se mayebe miri ono ṛote, masi ti miro litite ndra. 30 Se mabe dri ikyi, mi toto sina fereŋwa, oko yauono litite ndra lowaro; ago OPI äṛu mite, vose cini mababe kigyesi ono yasi; ka'do inye yauono te märi tausune katidri modo maro rota ayani.”
31 Labana zatadrite ekye: “Oko mozona e'di miri ya?” Ago Yakoba zatadrite ekye: “Miri päläti ozone märi i'do, male dri ugu äṛigboko koronyai 'ba ro miro vona ondrene, ondro ka'do mile tadrina gindi owo. 32 Ka'do inye ondro ono mi'ba mugu aba dri gbikyi koronyai 'ba ro miro iyi lakosi tu mileya 'do ya, märi timele se cini beti gyogyiro ndi kpekpero be, ago timele se uniro, ago indri se beti kpekpero ndi gyogyiro be, azi lako topene to, se inye iyi ka'do robe päläti ro märi. 33 Tu mileya 'do ya minina a'do 'diri maro tana dori, ondro nyikyite päläti maro lewene owo, indri se cini ko beti gyogyiro ago kpekpero be, ago timele se cini ko uniro, ondro nyusute mabe 'do anjioko mukugu kugu.”
34 Ago Labana zatadrite ekye: “Kado yi, ka'do ndi oso ata miro 'do ronye.” 35 'Dooko tu ana si Labana lewe tegoi se indri lako beti tositosiro ago kpekpero 'do te cini, ago lewe indri toko se beti kpekpero ago gyogyiro kpate cini, vona se cini kotosibe onje be 'do, ndi timele se cini uniro be, ago 'ba ŋgwàagoro ndaro te dri'bana ro. 36 'Dooko nda oyite sina lozo ni Yakoba resi abate u'duna nätu, oko Yakoba rite timele anjoko Labana ro lekyene.
37 Yakoba ŋgo gwoṛi ice lururo nätu azaka rote dofo ro, wi koto'bo na azaka te ta'dota dofo kai lomvona azaka a'dote onjero. 38 Nda 'ba dofo se kai te koronyai 'ba ro mile ikyivo ànyaro gyi umvune karaṛi ya ya, tana ànya kayite ugu gyi umvu oko, ànya ugu ruläsite. 39 Ta'dota koronyai 'ba ro se käläsirute ogone mile dofo ro yasi 'do tiyi ro beti tositosiro, gyogyiro ago kpekpero.
40 Yakoba lewe timele te to ni indri resi, ago za mi ànyaro te ogone koronyai 'ba ro Labana ro se cini beti tositosiro, ago uniro iyi driro, ago lewe se cini andivo ndaro rote to ni Labana ro lakosi.
41 Ondro koronyai 'ba ro se oshweekyero iyi kate ruläsi oko, Yakoba lala dofo iyi te mile ànyaro ya karaṛi lomvo, tana ànya käläsiru robe lakole dofo iyi roya, 42 oko nda lala dofo kote mile koronyai 'ba ro se mbaraako iyi roya. Ta'dota se cini mbaraako iyi a'dote Labana ri, ago se cini oshweoshwero iyi a'dote Yakoba ri. 43 Liti ono yasi Yakoba a'dote ŋga be amba, a'dote koronyai 'ba robe amba, ruindu'bai àgoro ndi ndiriŋwa robe, ago gamelei ndi doŋgyii be be amba.
1 But Rachel had not borne Jacob any children, and so she became jealous of her sister and said to Jacob, “Give me children, or I will die.”
2 Jacob became angry with Rachel and said, “I can't take the place of God. He is the one who keeps you from having children.”
3 She said, “Here is my slave Bilhah; sleep with her, so that she can have a child for me. In this way I can become a mother through her.” 4 So she gave Bilhah to her husband, and he had intercourse with her. 5 Bilhah became pregnant and bore Jacob a son. 6 Rachel said, “God has judged in my favor. He has heard my prayer and has given me a son”; so she named him Dan. 7 Bilhah became pregnant again and bore Jacob a second son. 8 Rachel said, “I have fought a hard fight with my sister, but I have won”; so she named him Naphtali.
9 When Leah realized that she had stopped having children, she gave her slave Zilpah to Jacob as his wife. 10 Then Zilpah bore Jacob a son. 11 Leah said, “I have been lucky”; so she named him Gad. 12 Zilpah bore Jacob another son, 13 and Leah said, “How happy I am! Now women will call me happy”; so she named him Asher.
14 During the wheat harvest Reuben went into the fields and found mandrakes, which he brought to his mother Leah. Rachel said to Leah, “Please give me some of your son's mandrakes.”
15 Leah answered, “Isn't it enough that you have taken away my husband? Now you are even trying to take away my son's mandrakes.”
Rachel said, “If you will give me your son's mandrakes, you can sleep with Jacob tonight.”
16 When Jacob came in from the fields in the evening, Leah went out to meet him and said, “You are going to sleep with me tonight, because I have paid for you with my son's mandrakes.” So he had intercourse with her that night.
17 God answered Leah's prayer, and she became pregnant and bore Jacob a fifth son. 18 Leah said, “God has given me my reward, because I gave my slave to my husband”; so she named her son Issachar. 19 Leah became pregnant again and bore Jacob a sixth son. 20 She said, “God has given me a fine gift. Now my husband will accept me, because I have borne him six sons”; so she named him Zebulun. 21 Later she bore a daughter, whom she named Dinah.
22 Then God remembered Rachel; he answered her prayer and made it possible for her to have children. 23 She became pregnant and gave birth to a son. She said, “God has taken away my disgrace by giving me a son. 24 May the Lord give me another son”; so she named him Joseph.
Jacob's Bargain with Laban
25 After the birth of Joseph, Jacob said to Laban, “Let me go, so that I can return home. 26 Give me my wives and children that I have earned by working for you, and I will leave. You know how well I have served you.”
27 Laban said to him, “Let me say this: I have learned by divination that the Lord has blessed me because of you. 28 Name your wages, and I will pay them.”
29 Jacob answered, “You know how I have worked for you and how your flocks have prospered under my care. 30 The little you had before I came has grown enormously, and the Lord has blessed you wherever I went. Now it is time for me to look out for my own interests.”
31 “What shall I pay you?” Laban asked.
Jacob answered, “I don't want any wages. I will continue to take care of your flocks if you agree to this suggestion: 32 Let me go through all your flocks today and take every black lamb and every spotted or speckled young goat. That is all the wages I want. 33 In the future you can easily find out if I have been honest. When you come to check up on my wages, if I have any goat that isn't speckled or spotted or any sheep that isn't black, you will know that it has been stolen.”
34 Laban answered, “Agreed. We will do as you suggest.” 35 But that day Laban removed the male goats that had stripes or spots and all the females that were speckled and spotted or which had white on them; he also removed all the black sheep. He put his sons in charge of them, 36 and then went away from Jacob with this flock as far as he could travel in three days. Jacob took care of the rest of Laban's flocks.
37 Jacob got green branches of poplar, almond, and plane trees and stripped off some of the bark so that the branches had white stripes on them. 38 He placed these branches in front of the flocks at their drinking troughs. He put them there, because the animals mated when they came to drink. 39 So when the goats bred in front of the branches, they produced young that were streaked, speckled, and spotted.
40 Jacob kept the sheep separate from the goats and made them face in the direction of the streaked and black animals of Laban's flock. In this way he built up his own flock and kept it apart from Laban's.
41 When the healthy animals were mating, Jacob put the branches in front of them at the drinking troughs, so that they would breed among the branches. 42 But he did not put the branches in front of the weak animals. Soon Laban had all the weak animals, and Jacob all the healthy ones. 43 In this way Jacob became very wealthy. He had many flocks, slaves, camels, and donkeys.