Tao'ba Uti Yisika ro ro Abarayama ri
1 OPI loforute Abarayama ri vudi alokado Mamere ro zele; 'dooko nda orivoya käläsi zo boŋgoro ndaro roya, tana ni eme kitu ro ri. 2 Nda keŋga mi ndaro te oko, nda ndre lidri nätu te edrevoya lau. Dori ondro nda kondre ànya te oko, nda mute drî ànyaro utune ndi nda ändite vuru ànya kandra, 3 nda atate ekye: “'Desii maro, ondro ka'do ta maro kusi ami ndi, rägu cu nyälävu ko loliako 'ba ma ruindu'ba amiro ro yasi. 4 Mì'ba mezi gyiŋwa aza pa amiro ojazana ago nyòloli dri ce ono zele, 5 tana ma oye dri ambataŋwa aza ezine ämiri ami tombazana, 'dooko mì'de gwo lävune, tana oso nyìkyibe te le 'ba maro ya ono ni kado.”
'Dooko ànya logoyitate ekye: “Aro'boya, miye ndi oso nyatabe ono ronye.”
6 Abarayama mute tiaŋwa zo boŋgoro ya ago atate Sara ri ekye: “Nyojo koma kyira ro nätu ndrindri, miŋga yana gyi si mi'be ambata ro.” 7 'Dooko Abarayama oyite kägyi ya, ago ru ti joroŋwa omba to'diŋwa rote, ago ozote ruindu'ba aza rigye oyine edene ndrindri. 8 Nda ru ido kosa ro ti ro leyi ndi iza ti joroŋwa se nda kala'dibe ana robe te ndi 'ba ŋgaonya te ànya kandra, nda edrete lototi ànya re ce se ana zele, nda modo indurute ànyari, ndi ànya nya ŋga te.
9 'Dooko ànya ejiyi nda te ekye: “Toko miro Sara eŋwaro ya?” Ago nda zatadrite ekye: “Anya orivoya zo boŋgoro ya.”
10 Alo aza ànyaro atate ekye: “Ndroazi wari nonye oko mègona 'da kpa to'dina amire, ago toko miro Sara a'dona 'da ŋgwa be.”
Sara eri ata se ana teni käläsi zo boŋgoro ro kala se orivoya nda kundusi. 11 Abarayama ndi Sara be deyite tipari, ago la'bi Sara ro a'do 'ditoko ro voro kyete. 12 Ta'dota Sara gu andivo iro te ekye: “Madete pari, ago ago maro de kpate pari ono, riyä maro gibe du mano ago be ya?”
13 'Dooko OPI eji Abarayama te ekye: “Tana e'di Sara gute ago atate ekye: ‘Gindi endaro mätina ŋgwa gindi odeodero nonye niya?’ 14 Inye'do ŋga aza gindi orivoya rritiro OPI riya? Oso matabe ronye ndroazi oko, megona 'da amire, tuse anjibe ya ago Sara a'dona 'da ŋgwa be.”
15 'Dooko Sara gakalate ekye: “Mägu ko'de,” tana anya te turiro, oko nda ekye: “Hwa, migu ni.”
Mätu Abarayama ro ta Sodomo rota
16 'Dooko lidri se kai ŋgayi oyiyite ni nasi le vo aza ya, se ànya uninayi ndi voondrene Sodomo ya. Abarayama 'ba vo ànyari te le liti ya. 17 'Dooko OPI atate ekye: “Mänina ko tase ma oyebe oyene ono da'done ni Abarayama ri. 18 Se zelevoi ndaro ka oye a'done tu'de 'desi ro ago mbaraekye, se ma oye tu'de cini 'bädri ro äṛune nda si. 19 Tana manji nda ni, nda o'bana ŋgàga ndaro ndi zelevoi ndaro be 'da ma orone ago tase ŋgye ago 'diri oyene. Ondro ka'do ànya koyeyite oso inye, mayena tase, ma'ba tana be oyene Abarayama ri ono ndi.”
20 'Dooko OPI atate Abarayama ri ekye: “Ikicu Sodomo ndi Gomora be te rritiro, tana takozi ànyaro fote ndra, 21 male oyine ondrene kode kicu gi ikicu ànya be ono gindi taŋgye yi ya.”
22 'Dooko lidri se ritu kai oyiyite ni nasi Sodomo driro, oko OPI rite 'du Abarayama be lau. 23 Abarayama ishwete lototi OPI re ago ejitate ekye: “Inye'do nyutufuna takado'bai kpa tro takozi'bai be ya? 24 Ondro ka'do takado'bai ka'dobe 'butenji 'bakici se ana ya, inye'do nyezana 'bakici se ana ndi ago miyena ŋgaopa ko 'bakici ana ri ta takado'bai se 'butenji kigye ana rota ya? 25 Endaro minina ko takado'bai tufune tro taenji'bai be. 'Do a'do ko inye! Minina ko oyene inye. Ondro ka'do miyete inye, nyutufuna takado'bai ndi tro taenji'bai be. 'Do a'do ko inye. Vureope'ba 'bädri ro ri taoyene taŋgye si.”
26 'Dooko OPI zatadrite ekye: “Ondro ka'do musu takado'bai te 'butenji Sodomo ya, me'bena 'bakici 'do ndi eza ako ta ànyaro ta.”
27 Abarayama go atate ekye: “OPI, yauono ma'ba ma te atane mibe, oko ma maro toto lidri yi ago aba si ko ta aza atane. 28 Oko aba ondro takado'bai ka'do gwo toto 'butesu fonji, inye'do nyezana 'bakici se ana ndi kpeye ta takozi'ba se nji ana rota ya?”
OPI zatadrite ekye: “Meza 'bakici se ana ko, ondro ka'do musu takado'bai 'butesu fonji bete owo.”
29 Abarayama go ata kpate to'dina ekye: “Ondro aba ka'do nyusu gwo toto 'butesu lau.” Nda zatadrite ekye: “Mänina kote ezane ta 'butesu rota.”
30 Abarayama ekye: “OPI, nya'do ko kyilaro mabe, matana ndi kpa to'di; aba ondro ka'do gwo toto 'butenätu 'bakici ya lau ya?”
Ago nda ekye: “Aba ondro ka'do musute 'butenätu, mänina kote ezane.”
31 Abarayama ekye: “OPI, rägu nye'be ma turiako maro ata ro mibe ono ta, ondro aba nyusu gwo toto 'buteritu lau ya?”
Nda zatadrite ekye: “Tana ta 'buteritu rota, mänina kote 'bakici 'do ezane.”
32 Abarayama ekye: “OPI, nya'do ko kyilaro mabe, mago matana toto perena alodi. Ondro aba ka'do gwo toto 'butealo lau ya?”
Nda zatadrite ekye: “Mänina kote 'bakici se ana ezane ta 'butealo rota.” 33 Ondro OPI konde ata Abarayama be te oko, nda oyite. 'Dooko Abarayama gote orivo ndaro ya.
A Son Is Promised to Abraham
1 The Lord appeared to Abraham at the sacred trees of Mamre. As Abraham was sitting at the entrance of his tent during the hottest part of the day, 2 he looked up and saw three men standing there. As soon as he saw them, he ran out to meet them. Bowing down with his face touching the ground, 3 he said, “Sirs, please do not pass by my home without stopping; I am here to serve you. 4 Let me bring some water for you to wash your feet; you can rest here beneath this tree. 5 I will also bring a bit of food; it will give you strength to continue your journey. You have honored me by coming to my home, so let me serve you.”
They replied, “Thank you; we accept.”
6 Abraham hurried into the tent and said to Sarah, “Quick, take a sack of your best flour, and bake some bread.” 7 Then he ran to the herd and picked out a calf that was tender and fat, and gave it to a servant, who hurried to get it ready. 8 He took some cream, some milk, and the meat, and set the food before the men. There under the tree he served them himself, and they ate.
9 Then they asked him, “Where is your wife Sarah?”
“She is there in the tent,” he answered.
10 One of them said, “Nine months from now I will come back, and your wife Sarah will have a son.”
Sarah was behind him, at the door of the tent, listening. 11 Abraham and Sarah were very old, and Sarah had stopped having her monthly periods. 12 So Sarah laughed to herself and said, “Now that I am old and worn out, can I still enjoy sex? And besides, my husband is old too.”
13 Then the Lord asked Abraham, “Why did Sarah laugh and say, ‘Can I really have a child when I am so old?’ 14 Is anything too hard for the Lord? As I said, nine months from now I will return, and Sarah will have a son.”
15 Because Sarah was afraid, she denied it. “I didn't laugh,” she said.
“Yes, you did,” he replied. “You laughed.”
Abraham Pleads for Sodom
16 Then the men left and went to a place where they could look down at Sodom, and Abraham went with them to send them on their way. 17 And the Lord said to himself, “I will not hide from Abraham what I am going to do. 18 His descendants will become a great and mighty nation, and through him I will bless all the nations. 19 I have chosen him in order that he may command his sons and his descendants to obey me and to do what is right and just. If they do, I will do everything for him that I have promised.”
20 Then the Lord said to Abraham, “There are terrible accusations against Sodom and Gomorrah, and their sin is very great. 21 I must go down to find out whether or not the accusations which I have heard are true.”
22 Then the two men left and went on toward Sodom, but the Lord remained with Abraham. 23 Abraham approached the Lord and asked, “Are you really going to destroy the innocent with the guilty? 24 If there are fifty innocent people in the city, will you destroy the whole city? Won't you spare it in order to save the fifty? 25 Surely you won't kill the innocent with the guilty. That's impossible! You can't do that. If you did, the innocent would be punished along with the guilty. That is impossible. The judge of all the earth has to act justly.”
26 The Lord answered, “If I find fifty innocent people in Sodom, I will spare the whole city for their sake.”
27 Abraham spoke again: “Please forgive my boldness in continuing to speak to you, Lord. I am only a man and have no right to say anything. 28 But perhaps there will be only forty-five innocent people instead of fifty. Will you destroy the whole city because there are five too few?”
The Lord answered, “I will not destroy the city if I find forty-five innocent people.”
29 Abraham spoke again: “Perhaps there will be only forty.”
He replied, “I will not destroy it if there are forty.”
30 Abraham said, “Please don't be angry, Lord, but I must speak again. What if there are only thirty?”
He said, “I will not do it if I find thirty.”
31 Abraham said, “Please forgive my boldness in continuing to speak to you, Lord. Suppose that only twenty are found?”
He said, “I will not destroy the city if I find twenty.”
32 Abraham said, “Please don't be angry, Lord, and I will speak only once more. What if only ten are found?”
He said, “I will not destroy it if there are ten.” 33 After he had finished speaking with Abraham, the Lord went away, and Abraham returned home.