OPI ka Mätu Lui Awi ro Kozina
1 OPI atate ma Ezekiele ri ekye: 2 “Ŋgwa lidri ro, mindrevo 'bereŋwai Yisaraele ro driro ago mipe lazo maro ànyari. 3 Nyitita 'bereŋwai Yisaraele ro ri ata ma OPI Mbarapara ro erine, tase ma, OPI Mbarapara mabe atana 'bereŋwai, lutui, 'bo'boŋwai, ndi vodelero be ri 'do: mutufuna ami 'da ago meperena vose cini abe lui edeedero mätu kigyesi iyi 'da. 4 Eperena voi tori oloro 'da riya vuru ago otogana voi ŋga ŋgutruro ro 'da. Mutufuna ànya 'da mile lui edeedero amiro ro yasi. 5 Malarina avoi lidri Yisaraele ro ro 'da mile lui edeedero ànyaro roya; meperena kowai ànyaro 'da gbikyi vo tori oloro lomvosi. 6 Eperena 'bakicii cini se lidri Yisaraele ro kabe ori kigye, ndi vo mätu ro lui edeedero ànyaro robe 'da tana oronyo voi tori oloro ànyaro robe, utufu lui edeedero ànyaro robe jinyijinyi. Eperena voi ŋga ŋgutruro ànyaro ro 'da, ago ŋgase cini ànya kedeyibe iyi okyena 'da. 7 Utufuna lidri 'da vo cini yasi, ago ànya se kabe ota lidriidriro iyi uninayi 'da anjioko ma ni OPI owo.
8 “Ma'bana rukä ànyaro 'da voopane lidri ro, ago ondro mepere ànya te tu'dei lakosi oko rukä ànyaro opana vo 'da lidriidro ro lau. 9 Rukä ànyaro se kopavo be lidriidri ro ago äru be kamba'bai ro tu'dei iyi oyinayi ta maro 'da anjioko meza ànya ni ago ma'ba ànya ni miako, tana ta'diriako ya ànyaro rosi ànya e'beyi mate ago ànya soyi gwo lui edeedero vo ayani. Ànya a'dona 'da driupi ro ta takozi ànyaro rota ago ta ŋgase ya maro osoro lomvoigye oko ànya koloyeyibe iyi rota. 10 Ànya uninayi 'da anjioko ma ni OPI owo ago anjioko miomba ozo maro ànya eza ro ko ozionya awi yi.”
11 OPI Mbarapara atate ekye: “Mi'bi drì miro! Mito pa miro. Nyiliyi tusu si ta tase cini undiro, konjiekye Yisaraele'bai koyeyibe ono rota. Ànya kayi oye todrane kyila ya, ni täbiri ri, ago ni adravo kozi ri. 12 Ànya se lozo iyi todranayi 'da ni adravo kozi ri; ànya se lototi iyi utufuna 'da kyila ya; ànya se kabe e'be lidriidriro iyi täbiri tufuna 'da. Ànya tämbinayi mbara kyila maro ro 'da. 13 Avo ànyaro lo'dena 'da lui edeedero lakosi ago gbikyi voi tori oloro lomvosi, lo'dena 'da lutui cini logwaekyero lomvosi, driku'du'du 'bereŋwai cini ro yasi, ice kundruro cini zelesi ago ice 'desi cini vudi ro zelesi, ago vose cini ànya kayibe tori oza lui edeedero ànyaro ri kigyesi iyi yasi. 'Dooko 'dicini uninayi 'da anjioko ma ni OPI owo. 14 Owo, meŋgana drì maro 'da ago meperena 'bädri ànyaro 'da. Ma'bana 'da a'done vo awi ago tandro ro vose cini Yisaraele'bai koriyibe kigyesi iyi etoni vocowa yasi le 'bakici Ribela ya. 'Dooko 'dicini uninayi 'da anjioko ma ni OPI owo.”
The Lord Condemns Idolatry
1 The Lord spoke to me. 2 “Mortal man,” he said, “look toward the mountains of Israel and give them my message. 3 Tell the mountains of Israel to hear the Sovereign Lord's word—to hear what I, the Sovereign Lord, am telling the mountains, the hills, the gorges, and the valleys: I will send a sword to destroy the places where people worship idols. 4 The altars will be torn down and the incense altars broken. All the people there will be killed in front of their idols. 5 I will scatter the corpses of the people of Israel; I will scatter their bones all around the altars. 6 All the cities of Israel will be destroyed, so that all their altars and their idols will be smashed to pieces, their incense altars will be shattered, and everything they made will disappear. 7 People will be killed everywhere, and those who survive will acknowledge that I am the Lord.
8 “I will let some escape the slaughter and be scattered among the nations, 9 where they will live in exile. There they will remember me and know that I have punished them and disgraced them, because their faithless hearts deserted me and they preferred idols to me. And they will be disgusted with themselves because of the evil and degrading things they have done. 10 They will know that I am the Lord and that my warnings were not empty threats.”
11 The Sovereign Lord said, “Wring your hands! Stamp your feet! Cry in sorrow because of all the evil, disgusting things the Israelites have done. They are going to die in war or of starvation or disease. 12 Those far away will get sick and die; those nearby will be killed in war; those who survive will starve to death. They will feel all the force of my anger. 13 Corpses will be scattered among the idols and around the altars, scattered on every high hill, on the top of every mountain, under every green tree and every large oak, in every place where they burned sacrifices to their idols. Then everyone will know that I am the Lord. 14 Yes, I will reach out and destroy their country. I will make it a wasteland from the southern desert to the city of Riblah in the north, not sparing any place where the Israelites live. Then everyone will know that I am the Lord.”