Ope Goga ro Ṛe
1 OPI Mbarapara ka ata ekye: “Ŋgwa lidri ro, nyäŋgu ta koziro Goga, miri'ba 'desi tu'dei Mesaka ndi Tubala robe lomvo, ago nyata ndäri mikye ma orivoya kyilaro nda be. 2 Mazana kala ndaro 'da vo to'di aza yasi ago mezina nda 'da lozo ni mä'dudrisi madale muguna nda gwo 'bereŋwai Yisaraele roya. 3 'Dooko ma'bina kusu ndaro 'da vuru ni drì gaṛi ndaro yasi ago ätui ndaro e'dena 'da vuru ni drigwo ndaro yasi. 4 Goga ndi kyila'bai ndaro be ndi tu'dei se nda be iyibe lo'denayi 'da avo ro 'bereŋwai Yisaraele ro drisi, ago mozona avoi ànyaro ŋgaonya ro arii cini ndi koronyai vocowa robe ri onyane. 5 Ànya lo'denayi 'da avo ro lowo rriro ya. Ma, OPI Mbarapara, matani. 6 Metona asi oso 'da ni wari Magoga ro yasi ago gyi'desi kalasi vose lidri koribe kigyesi tokpero iyi yasi, ago ànya uninayi 'da anjioko ma ni OPI owo. 7 Ma'bana ävuru alokado maro 'da unine lidri maro Yisaraele ro ri, ago mänina kote ävuru maro o'bane enjine tona. 'Dooko tu'dei uninayi 'da anjioko ma, OPI, ma ni Lu Alokado Yisaraele ro owo.”
8 OPI Mbarapara atate ekye: “Endaro tuse mata tana be ono kate ikyi ago ka oye esane. 9 Lidri se koriyibe 'bakicii Yisaraele ro yasi iyi ofonayi 'da ago edenayi asi 'da lakazà kyila ro si ago ozanayi ànya 'da. Ànya edenayi asi 'da ŋga ruotaro, kusui, ätui, äzui, ndi dofoi be si, ndroa na njidrieri. 10 Ànya unina kote tiza oŋgone ni lowo yasi kode ice ogane ni vocowa yasi, tana ànya edenayi asi 'da lakazà kyila ro si. Ànya topanayi ago otanayi ŋga ànya se kotopayi ago kotayi ŋga ànyaro be iyi ro 'da.” OPI Mbarapara atani inye.
Ose Goga ro
11 OPI atate ekye: “Tu ana si mozona vo aza 'da Goga oseza Yisaraele ya, Vodelero Aba'bai roya, 'buzele Gyi'desi Täyiro roya se osena liti aba'bai ro 'da. Asena Goga ndi kyila'bai cini ndaro be 'da lau, ago äzina vodelero se ana 'da Vodelero Kyila'bai Goga ro ro. 12 Uruna Yisaraele'bai 'da imba na njidrieri avoi cini osevoya ago wari ana o'baza wäṛiro. 13 'Dicini se wari ana ya osenayi avoi kai 'da, ago arona ànya 'da ta ono ta tu ŋgaopeṛe maro rosi. Ma, OPI Mbarapara, matani. 14 Ondro imba se njidrieri ana kokyete oko, anjina lidri azaka 'da abane wari se ana yasi gbikyi avoi se ke'bebe vurusi iyi uṛine ago osene, tana ànya ko'bayi wari ana robe wäṛiro. 15 Ondro ànya kayite ugu aba gbikyi 'bädri ana yasi, ago alo ànyaro aza kusu kowa lidri rote, ndäri taka'daro osine lomvoigye tana 'bu u'di'bai kikyiyi koseyi robe Vodelero Kyila'bai Goga ro roya. 16 ('Ba'desi aza a'dona kpa 'da lau se äzina ävuruna 'da Hamona.) Ndi ago a'bana wari se ana gwo wäṛiro kpa to'dina.”
17 OPI Mbarapara atate märi ekye: “Mi ŋgwa lidri ro, mizi arii ndi koronyai cini be kalaombine ago ikyine ni vo cini yasi tori se mabe olona ànyari ono onyane. A'dona 'da karama 'desi ro 'bereŋwai Yisaraele ro drisi, se ànya onyanayi iza 'da ago umvunayi kari 'da. 18 Ànya onyanayi avoi kyila'bai ro 'da ago kari 'dimiri'bai 'bädri ro ro 'da, vona cini se oyebe tufune oso abe timelegogoi kode timele ŋgwà kode indrii kode 'daŋgoi oshweekyero Basana ro tufuna 'do ronye. 19 Ànya onyanayi iza ombiombiro 'da ago umvunayi kari 'da madale ànya a'donayi gwo parapara ro tori se mabe olona karama ro ànyari ono ya. 20 Ànya onyanayi farasii ndi lämu'bai sina yibe ago kyila'bai ndi kyilaoye'ba cini be 'da tara'biza maro dri oso ànya koleyibe onyane ronye. Ma, OPI Mbarapara, matani.”
Logo Yisaraele ro vona ya
21 OPI atate ekye: “Maka'dana a'do 'desi maro 'da tu'dei ri ago ànya ondrenayi mbara maro 'da ondro mate ànya eza owo. 22 'Dooko Yisaraele'bai ogo uninayi 'da anjioko ma ni OPI Lu ànyaro owo eto ni tu ana si oyigo mileya. 23 Ago tu'dei uninayi 'da anjioko lidri Yisaraele ro ko'debe oyine midiro tana ta takozi ànyaro rota, tana ànya yeyi takozi te märi, ni ma'dego ruonane ni ànya resi ago ànya ozone drì kyila'baazii ànyaro roya, ago utufu ànya te kpaye kyila ya. 24 Mayeta te ànyari oso si be oyene ànyari ta taundiro ndi takozi ànyaro be rota ronye, ago manarute ni ànya resi.”
25 OPI Mbarapara atate ekye: “Mago mologona ŋgadriamba zelevoi Yakoba ro ro 'da, ago ma'dona 'da yauni be lidri Yisaraele ro ri, Magagana ävuru alokado maro ndi. 26 Ondro ànya kogo koriyite londroro wari modo ànyaro ya, ago 'diaza ko'ba ànya kote turi ro oko, ànya ijenayi ta driupi se ànya koyeyi takozi be märi ana ro 'da. 27 Mezina lidri maro 'da kovole ni 'bädrii cini se kyila'baazii ànyaro iyi yasi, ago maka'dana a'do alokado maro 'da tu'dei amba ri ànya si. 28 'Dooko lidri maro uninayi 'da anjioko ma ni OPI Lu ànyaro owo; tana mazo ànya ni kamba'bai ro tu'dei lakosi ago mago motokala ànyaro ni ogone wari modo ànyaro roya, märi alodi aza ànyaro e'bene orine tu'dei lako te i'do alona. 29 Medana tori maro 'da lidri Yisaraele ro dri ago mänina kote ruonane ni ànya resi alona. Ma, OPI Mbarapara, matani.”
The Defeat of Gog
1 The Sovereign Lord said, “Mortal man, denounce Gog, the chief ruler of the nations of Meshech and Tubal, and tell him that I am his enemy. 2 I will turn him in a new direction and lead him out of the far north until he comes to the mountains of Israel. 3 Then I will knock his bow out of his left hand and his arrows out of his right hand. 4 Gog and his army and his allies will fall dead on the mountains of Israel, and I will let their bodies be food for all the birds and wild animals. 5 They will fall dead in the open field. I, the Sovereign Lord, have spoken. 6 I will start a fire in the land of Magog and along all the seacoasts where people live undisturbed, and everyone will know that I am the Lord. 7 I will make sure that my people Israel know my holy name, and I will not let my name be disgraced any more. Then the nations will know that I, the Lord, am the holy God of Israel.”
8 The Sovereign Lord said, “The day I spoke about is certain to come. 9 The people who live in the cities of Israel will go out and collect the abandoned weapons for firewood. They will build fires with the shields, bows, arrows, spears, and clubs, and have enough to last for seven years. 10 They will not have to gather firewood in the fields or cut down trees in the forest, because they will have the abandoned weapons to burn. They will loot and plunder those who looted and plundered them.” The Sovereign Lord has spoken.
The Burial of Gog
11 The Lord said, “When all this happens, I will give Gog a burial ground there in Israel, in Travelers' Valley, east of the Dead Sea. Gog and all his army will be buried there, and the valley will be called ‘The Valley of Gog's Army.’ 12 It will take the Israelites seven months to bury all the corpses and make the land clean again. 13 Everyone in the land will help bury them, and they will be honored for this on the day of my victory. I, the Sovereign Lord, have spoken. 14 After the seven months are over, men will be chosen to travel through the land in order to find and bury those bodies remaining on the ground, so that they can make the land clean. 15 As they go up and down the country, every time they find a human bone, they will put a marker beside it so that the gravediggers can come and bury it in the Valley of Gog's Army. 16 (There will be a town nearby named after the army.) And so the land will be made clean again.”
17 The Sovereign Lord said to me, “Mortal man, call all the birds and animals to come from all around to eat the sacrifice I am preparing for them. It will be a huge feast on the mountains of Israel, where they can eat meat and drink blood. 18 They are to eat the bodies of soldiers and drink the blood of the rulers of the earth, all of whom will be killed like rams or lambs or goats or fat bulls. 19 When I kill these people like sacrifices, the birds and animals are to eat all the fat they can hold and to drink blood until they are drunk. 20 At my table they will eat all they can hold of horses and their riders and of soldiers and fighting men. I, the Sovereign Lord, have spoken.”
The Restoration of Israel
21 The Lord said, “I will let the nations see my glory and show them how I use my power to carry out my just decisions. 22 The Israelites will know from then on that I am the Lord their God. 23 And the nations will know that the Israelites went into exile because of the sins which they committed against me. I turned away from them and let their enemies defeat them and kill them in battle. 24 I gave them what they deserved for their uncleanness and their wickedness, and I turned away from them.”
25 The Sovereign Lord said, “But now I will be merciful to Jacob's descendants, the people of Israel, and make them prosperous again. I will protect my holy name. 26 When they are once more living in safety in their own land, with no one to threaten them, they will be able to forget how they were disgraced for having betrayed me. 27 In order to show to the many nations that I am holy, I will bring my people back from all the countries where their enemies live. 28 Then my people will know that I am the Lord their God. They will know this, because I sent them into captivity and now gather them and bring them back into their own land, not leaving even one of them behind. 29 I will pour out my spirit on the people of Israel and never again turn away from them. I, the Sovereign Lord, have spoken.”