1 “Mi ŋgwa lidri ro ono, miŋga kuru. Male atane miri.” 2 Ondro nda kadri ugu ata se ana atana oko, tori Lu ro cite maya ago eŋga mate pa dri kuru, ago meri nda ugu atate ekye: 3 “Ŋgwa lidri ro, ma mi ozo lidri Yisaraele ro re tu'de se ogbo'bai ono. Ànya ogboyite ma be; ànya ndi zutui ànyaro yibe yeyi takozi te malomvo, madale tu ono si ono. 4 Ànya orivoya taeriako ago taoroako, ta'doro ma mi ozo ta itine ànyari anjioko ma, OPI Mbarapara ma ni ata ànyari. 5 Kode ànya uninayi ndi ta miro erine kode uninayi ko erine (tana ànya orivoya ogbo'bai), ànya uninayi 'da anjioko nebi aza te orivoya ànya lako.
6 “Oko mi, ŋgwa lidri ro ono, nya'do ko turiro ni ànyari kode tase ànya kayibe atana ri. Ànya oŋganayi 'da kyilaro ago mawonayi mi 'da, labana 'da osoago miri kyitoni lako. Caoko, nya'do ko turiro ni ata ànyaro ri kode ni voondre ànyaro ri, tana ànya orivoya ogbo'bai. 7 Nyiti tase cini mabe atana miri ono ànyari, ondro ànya keriyi tana ca kode keriyi ca ko owo, tana ànya orivoya ogbo'bai.
8 “Ŋgwa lidri ro, nyeri tase mabe atana miri ono. Nya'do ko ogbo'ba ro ànya ronye. Mipi kala miro ago minya ŋgase mabe ozona miri ono.” 9 'Dooko mandre drì aza te ozote mare ro, ru buku roṛoroṛo ro yi. 10 Drí se ana pere buku roṛoroṛo ro ana yana te, ago mandrete egyitate kigye kpa lama telesina yasi, egyi liyi tusu ro tana te kigye lau, ndi ta ruṛu ago leri robe.
1 saying, “Mortal man, stand up. I want to talk to you.” 2 While the voice was speaking, God's spirit entered me and raised me to my feet, and I heard the voice continue, 3 “Mortal man, I am sending you to the people of Israel. They have rebelled and turned against me and are still rebels, just as their ancestors were. 4 They are stubborn and do not respect me, so I am sending you to tell them what I, the Sovereign Lord, am saying to them. 5 Whether those rebels listen to you or not, they will know that a prophet has been among them.
6 “But you, mortal man, must not be afraid of them or of anything they say. They will defy and despise you; it will be like living among scorpions. Still, don't be afraid of those rebels or of anything they say. 7 You will tell them whatever I tell you to say, whether they listen or not. Remember what rebels they are.
8 “Mortal man, listen to what I tell you. Don't be rebellious like them. Open your mouth and eat what I am going to give you.” 9 I saw a hand reaching out toward me, and it was holding a scroll. 10 The hand unrolled the scroll, and I saw that there was writing on both sides—cries of grief were written there, and wails and groans.