Loŋgo tusu ro
1 Lu atate märi loŋgo tusu ro ono oŋgone dri'bai ritu Yisaraele ro ri ekye:
2 Endre miro a'dote ibi toko ro!
Anya eca ŋgwai anyaro te, ibii àgoro
se kyilaekye iyi lakosi.
3 Anya keca ŋgwa anyaro aza te;
anya a'do te ibi mbarabe ro
ago ni ta ŋga osiro te;
ago a'dote lidri onya'ba ro.
4 Tu'dei eriyi ta anyaro te
ago 'diyi 'bu te ndi anya 'dete kigye.
Ànya eseyi anya te moŋgo si le Ezipeto ya.
5 Endre anyaro kwote anya te kpi,
madale mio'ba anyaro kyete.
'Dooko anya go eca ŋgwai anyaro azana te,
ago mbate ibi kyilaekye ro.
6 Anya abate ibii azi lakosi,
ago a'dote ibi kyilaekye ro.
Anya ni ta ŋgaosi ro kpate
ago a'dote lidri onya'ba ro.
7 Anya toŋgo tiṛii mbaraekye te,
ago pere 'ba'desii te tandro ro.
Tu cini si ondro anya kate liyi
oko lidri wari ana ro a'doyite turituriro.
8 Tu'dei otoyikalate kyila oyene anya be;
lidri ikyite ni vo cini yasi.
Ànya 'beyi kyimba te rigye
ago anya 'dete kyimba ànyaro ya.
9 Ànya 'bayi anya te gbolo ya
ago uguyi anya te 'bädri'ba Babelona ro re.
Ànya 'bayi anya te kamba ya,
ukyi ago eri liyi anyaro 'da kpa to'dina
lutui Yisaraele ro drisi.
10 Endre miro a'dote oso doŋgo kono ro
se ikyi'dite loto golo kala 'do ronye.
Gwoṛi kono ro isite amba
ago wa doŋgo te amba
tana gyi orivoya amba.
11 Gwoṛi anyaro a'dote ṛatara,
ago mbate a'done dofo 'dimiri ro ro.
Kono ana mbate kaca sate ndi 'dikolo ya;
'dicini ndre ombana kaca ana te ndi gwoṛii ambana be.
12 Oko eŋgye kono se ana te kyilasi ndrwi paji be
ago vote gyini dri vuru.
Oli se ni 'buzelesi ana ewi te
ago doŋgo anyaro lepite.
Anya wite ago azate asi si.
13 Yauono ikyi'di anya te vose rriro siŋgwaro ya,
wari se awiro gyiako ana ya.
14 Asi 'dete lupa kono se ana roya;
asi je gwoṛii ndi doŋgoi anyaro be te.
Gwoṛii se ana ni kote ogo a'done ṛatararo cu alona,
unina kote a'done dofo 'dimiriro cu alona.
Ono orivoya loŋgo tusuro; se aŋgote kpe kpe.
A Song of Sorrow
1 The Lord told me to sing this song of sorrow for two princes of Israel:
2 What a lioness your mother was!
She raised her cubs among the fierce male lions.
3 She raised a cub and taught him to hunt;
he learned to eat people.
4 The nations heard about him
and trapped him in a pit.
With hooks they dragged him off to Egypt.
5 She waited until she saw all hope was gone.
Then she raised another of her cubs,
and he grew into a fierce lion.
6 When he was full-grown,
he prowled with the other lions.
He too learned to hunt and eat people.
7 He wrecked forts, he ruined towns.
The people of the land were terrified
every time he roared.
8 The nations gathered to fight him;
people came from everywhere.
They spread their hunting nets
and caught him in their trap.
9 They put him in a cage
and took him to the king of Babylonia.
They kept him under guard,
so that his roar would never be heard again
on the hills of Israel.

10 Your mother was like a grapevine
planted near a stream.
Because there was plenty of water,
the vine was covered with leaves and fruit.
11 Its branches were strong
and grew to be royal scepters.
The vine grew tall enough to reach the clouds;
everyone saw how leafy and tall it was.
12 But angry hands pulled it up by the roots
and threw it to the ground.
The east wind dried up its fruit.
Its branches were broken off;
they dried up and were burned.
13 Now it is planted in the desert,
in a dry and waterless land.
14 The stem of the vine caught fire;
fire burned up its branches and fruit.
The branches will never again be strong,
will never be royal scepters.
This is a song of sorrow; it has been sung again and again.