Taorà ta Sabata rota
1 Musa otokala lowa cini lidri Yisaraele ro rote, atate ànyari ekye: “Ono ni ŋgase OPI kota ami be oyene owo. 2 Mìye losi u'du njidrialo si, oko u'du njidrieri a'done Sabata alokado loli ro adite OPI ri, 'dise aza kabe losi oye tu 'do ya äfuna ndi; 3 Nyede asi ko 'bai amiro ya Sabata si.”
Ŋgapäṛi Ozo tana Mutuguṛi Alokado
(Ofo 25:1-9)
4 Musa atate lowa cini lidri Yisaraele ro ro ri ekye: “Ono ni ŋgase OPI kata tana be owo. 5 Mìru ŋgapäṛi nyòzo OPI ri, nda se ŋgalu be ya ndaro ya ŋgapäṛi ozone, mì'ba nda kezi OPI ri, logo läguläguro, mo'di kode atala, 6 boŋgo 'bilindriro, lu'buliro, lärimiro, kodo walawalaro, ago boŋgo liŋgyiekye edeedero ni 'bi indri ro yasi: 7 kyini oŋgaoŋgaro timelegogoi ro ndi kyini indrii robe; ice weri ro, 8 ido lamba ro, ŋgutruro ido 'diäṛu ro ro ndi ŋga 'bolotoro tägyi be ro. 9 Kuniŋwà sadonuki ro ndi kuniŋwà oraro gyeree robe, ta boŋgo gajuṛuŋwa ro ndi boŋgoŋwa kätätidri ro rota.
Ŋgà Mutuguṛi A'do Lototi OPI ro Edero
(Ofo 39:32-43)
10 “'Dise cini orivoya mbara ro ami lako tauni ŋgaedero be mì'ba kikyi ago kede ŋgase cini OPI kata tana be ono. 11 Mutuguṛi, boŋgo takona ro ndi ŋga lomvona tesi si takona robe, moŋgoŋwà na, ndi joce na yibe, lorona lala ro drî nai yasi be, jocei ndi unjuvona yibe, 12 Sänduku Tao'baro, ice caricari na ndi drina yibe; ndi boŋgo oyiro be 13 tara'biza ndi ice caricari na be ndi lakazà cini losi na robe, ago ambata alokado se abe ozona ondoalo Lu ri 'do, 14 ŋga lamba edrero kpa tana asi eyiza ndi lakazà ànyaro ndi lamba ànyaro yibe, ago ido tana asi eyizana. 15 Ago vo tori oloro ŋga tägyi ŋgutruro be ro ice caricari na yibe, ago ido 'diäṛu ro ndi ŋga tägyi ndeṛindeṛiro robe, boŋgo oyiro käläsi Mutuguṛi ro kala, 16 vo tori oloro ŋgapäṛi ozaro ndi atala to'dito'diro robe, ice caricari ndi lakaza nabe kagyi ndi jopena be, 17 boŋgo toyiro goko lomvosi, joce nai ndi unjuvona be; boŋgo oyiro ecivo goko roya; 18 ŋga Mutuguṛi ndi goko be otoro ndi iba ànyaro yibe, 19 boŋgo loselosero liŋgyiekye ugu ruinduzana vo alokado ya, boŋgo alokado Arona kohani ri, ago boŋgo ŋgwàagoro ndaro ri losi ànyaro kohani ro oyezana.”
Lidri Ezi Ŋgapäṛi Ànyaro te
20 'Dooko lidri cini Yisaraele ro oyiyite ni Musa kandrasi. 21 Ànya se cini yana koleyibe ŋga ozone 'do eziyi ŋgapäṛi te OPI ri losi oyezana sina Mutuguṛi a'do lototi OPI ro ya ago ta mätuna oyero ta, ago ta boŋgo alokado ro o'dina rota. 22 Ànya se cini koleyibe, manoàgo ndi 'ditoko be; vonai cini ole ya ànyaro rosi eziyi ŋgyiṛiŋwà ruegaro te, iŋgyi bi ro, mäŋgusi osoro driŋgwa ya, beji osoro kufu ya ndi logo cini läguläguro dritoto robe te, ago ozoyi ŋgapäṛi logo läguläguro rote OPI ri. 23 Manoàgo se cini orivoya ŋga lu'buliro, lärimiro, walawalaro, kode kodo liŋgyiekye 'bilindriro, kode boŋgo ni 'bi indri ro yasi; kyini oŋgaoŋgaro timelegogoi ro, kode indrii robe eziyi ànya te. 24 'Dicini se ni ndi ŋgapäṛi mo'di ro kode atala ro ozone eziyite ŋgapäṛi ro OPI ri, ago 'dicini se ice weri robe se 'de ndi ree losi oyero 'do eziyite. 25 Ago 'ditoko se tauni kodo opiro drisi be, eziyi kodo se ànya kopiyibe lu'buliro, lärimiro ndi walawalaro liŋgyiekye opaoparo 'bilindriro 'do be te, 26 'ditoko cini se tauni be ago ya ànyaro kolebe piyi 'bi indri rote. 27 Ago dri'bai eziyi kuniŋwà sadonuki rote ndi kuniŋwà be orane gyereero loselosero boŋgo gajuṛuŋwa ndi boŋgo kätätidri robe yasi; 28 ŋga ŋgutruro ndi ido asi eyiro be, ido 'diäṛu ro ndi ŋga 'bolotoro ndeṛindeṛiro be. 29 Lidri cini Yisaraele ro, se kolebe ŋga aza ezine ta losi se OPI kota Musa be oyene ana rota, eziyite oso ole ànyaro ronye OPI ri.
Losioye'bai Tauni si tana Mutuguṛi A'do Lototi OPI ro rota
(Ofo 31:1-11)
30 Musa atate lidri Yisaraele ro ri ekye: “OPI nji Bezalela ŋgwa Uri ro kwozo Uru rote, ni 'bakala Yuda ro yasi. 31 Lu so tori te twi ya ndaro ya, ozo mbara tavouni ndi tauni ŋga dritoto edero be te ndäri; 32 tavo orane tauni si beti ŋgase edene ro wuräne, losi oyene logo läguläguro, mo'di ndi atala be si. 33 Kuniŋwà losero ogana ya, ede ice ro golo'doro roya, ago tauni losi ŋga cini edero roya. 34 OPI tomba nda te azi embane nda ndi riti Oliaba ŋgwa Aisamaka ro ni 'bakala Dana ro yasi be. 35 Nda ozo tauni te ànya riti ri losi drì ro se cini ŋgaedero se lidri kabe oyena, kode losi ŋga wuräro, ŋga tira ro ŋga lu'buliro, lärimiro ndi ŋga walawalaro be si, boŋgo liŋgyiliŋgyiro 'bilindriro o'dina, ndi boŋgo dritoto azaka se lidri kabe oyena tauni ŋgawurä'bai rosi 'do be.
Regulations for the Sabbath
1 Moses called together the whole community of the people of Israel and said to them, “This is what the Lord has commanded you to do: 2 You have six days in which to do your work, but the seventh day is to be sacred, a solemn day of rest dedicated to me, the Lord. Anyone who does any work on that day is to be put to death. 3 Do not even light a fire in your homes on the Sabbath.”
Offerings for the Sacred Tent
(Exodus 25.1-9)
4 Moses said to all the people of Israel, “This is what the Lord has commanded: 5 Make an offering to the Lord. Everyone who wishes to do so is to bring an offering of gold, silver, or bronze; 6 fine linen; blue, purple, and red wool; cloth made of goats' hair; 7 rams' skin dyed red; fine leather; acacia wood; 8 oil for the lamps; spices for the anointing oil and for the sweet-smelling incense; 9 carnelians and other jewels to be set in the High Priest's ephod and in his breastpiece.
Articles for the Tent of the Lord's Presence
(Exodus 39.32-43)
10 “All the skilled workers among you are to come and make everything that the Lord commanded: 11 the Tent, its covering and its outer covering, its hooks and its frames, its crossbars, its posts, and its bases; 12 the Covenant Box, its poles, its lid, and the curtain to screen it off; 13 the table, its poles, and all its equipment; the bread offered to God; 14 the lampstand for the light and its equipment; the lamps with their oil; 15 the altar for burning incense and its poles; the anointing oil; the sweet-smelling incense; the curtain for the entrance of the Tent; 16 the altar on which to burn offerings, with its bronze grating attached, its poles, and all its equipment; the washbasin and its base; 17 the curtains for the enclosure, its posts and bases; the curtain for the entrance of the enclosure; 18 the Tent pegs and ropes for the Tent and the enclosure; 19 and the magnificent garments the priests are to wear when they serve in the Holy Place—the sacred clothes for Aaron the priest and for his sons.”
The People Bring Their Offerings
20 All the people of Israel left, 21 and everyone who wished to do so brought an offering to the Lord for making the Tent of the Lord's presence. They brought everything needed for use in worship and for making the priestly garments. 22 All who wanted to, both men and women, brought decorative pins, earrings, rings, necklaces, and all kinds of gold jewelry and dedicated them to the Lord. 23 Everyone who had fine linen; blue, purple, or red wool; cloth of goats' hair; rams' skin dyed red; or fine leather, brought it. 24 All who were able to contribute silver or bronze brought their offering for the Lord, and all who had acacia wood which could be used for any of the work brought it. 25 All the skilled women brought fine linen thread and thread of blue, purple, and red wool, which they had made. 26 They also made thread of goats' hair. 27 The leaders brought carnelians and other jewels to be set in the ephod and the breastpiece 28 and spices and oil for the lamps, for the anointing oil, and for the sweet-smelling incense. 29 All the people of Israel who wanted to brought their offering to the Lord for the work which he had commanded Moses to do.
Workers to Make the Tent of the Lord's Presence
(Exodus 31.1-11)
30 Moses said to the Israelites, “The Lord has chosen Bezalel, the son of Uri and grandson of Hur from the tribe of Judah. 31 God has filled him with his power and given him skill, ability, and understanding for every kind of artistic work, 32 for planning skillful designs and working them in gold, silver, and bronze; 33 for cutting jewels to be set; for carving wood; and for every other kind of artistic work. 34 The Lord has given to him and to Oholiab son of Ahisamach, from the tribe of Dan, the ability to teach their crafts to others. 35 He has given them skill in all kinds of work done by engravers, designers, and weavers of fine linen; blue, purple, and red wool; and other cloth. They are able to do all kinds of work and are skillful designers.