Loŋgo Musa ro
1 'Dooko Musa ndi lidri Yisaraele robe ŋgoyi loŋgo ono te OPI ri ekye:

“Maŋgona loŋgo ndi OPI ri tana nda ye ŋgaopeṛe 'desi te;
nda vo farasii ndi umu'bana sina be te gyi'desi ya.
2 OPI ni gaga'ba mbaraekye maro owo;
nda ni se kopa mabe owo.
Nda ni Lu maro ago märäṛuna nda ndi,
Lu Täpi maro ro, ago maŋgona loŋgo ndi ta 'desi fopara ndaro rota.
3 OPI orivoya mano kyila oyero;
ävuru ndaro ni OPI.

4 “Nda lovo kyila'bai Ezipeto ro ndi arabia ànyaro yibe te gyi'desi ya,
ago dri'bai kadopara anyaro imvute Gyi'desi Okaro ya.
5 Täṛi gyi'desi ro tako ànya te 'biṛi,
ànya 'deyite le vuru täṛi zele oso kuni ronye.

6 “OPI, drigwo miro orivoya mbara fopara be,
OPI, drigwo miro tufu kyila'baazii te jinyijinyi.
7 Ŋgaopeṛe 'desi miro ya,
nyepere kyila'baazii miro te,
kyila miro lerute ago za ànya te oso kyekyepa ronye.
8 Oli konvo miro ro lite gyi'desi dri ago gyi edrete oso tamo ronye;
gyi edrete ŋgye oso tiṛi ronye;
vo ociekye gyi'desi ro a'dote ṛatara ro.
9 Kyila'baazii atate ekye: ‘Màsona ndi ànya vo ago mä̀runa ànya 'da,
mòlonyina ŋgase cini mä̀rube ni ànya rigyesi 'da;
mà'dona 'da ŋgase cini ya amaro kolebe be.
Meŋgyena bando maro 'da ago drí maro tufuna ànya cini 'da.’
10 Oko lawa äfu miro si OPI, gyi'desi imvu Ezipeto'bai te;
ànya 'deyite oso logo ronye gyi mbaraekye ya.

11 “OPI, a'di laba ni oso mi ronye, lui lakosi ya?
A'di laba ni oso mi ronye, 'desiro a'do alokado roya ya?
A'di unina ni talaro ro ndi taoye mbaraekye be oyene oso mi ronye ya?
12 Nyozo drigwo miro te a'dwi,
ago gyini te kyila'baazii amaro te.
13 Ŋgalu 'duro miro si, nyelepe lidri se mipa be te;
mbara miro si nyelepe ànya te wari alokado miro ya.
14 Tu'dei eriyi tana te, ago ànya a'doyite lä'bilä'biro;
turi so lidri Filisitia rote.
15 Dri'bai Edoma ro te turi ro;
lidri mbaraekye Moaba ro kayite ugu lä'bi;
lidri cini Kanana ya mbara na kyete.
16 Turi 'desi ndi rriti 'desi be 'dete ànya dri.
OPI, ànya ndreyi mbara miro te,
ago ànya edreyite 'du oso kuni ronye
madale lidri miro lävute lutu nasi,
lidri se mitwedrina be ono.
17 Nyezina ànya 'da ago nyikyi'dina ànya 'da 'bereŋwa andivo miro ro dri,
OPI, vose nyedebe miri oriro ya,
vo alokado se drí miro beni.
18 Mi OPI mirina ndi 'bädri'ba ro äduako ago rriro.”
Loŋgo Miriama ro
19 Ondro farasii Ezipeto'bai ro ndi arabia ànyaro yibe kocite gyi'desi ya oko, OPI go ezi gyi te kovole ànya dri. Oko lidri Yisaraele ro abayite gyini awiro drisi gyi'desi yasi.
20 'Dooko nebi Miriama, endreŋwa Arona ro ru kye'bo loŋgo oŋgoro te drí anyaro ya, ago 'ditoko cini sote anya vo kye'bo o'bi be ndi ugu läri oto be. 21 Ago Miriama ŋgo loŋgo te ànyari ekye:
“Miŋgo loŋgo OPI ri, tana nda ye ŋgaopeṛe 'desi te;
nda vo farasii ndi umu'bai se sina be te gyi'desi ya.”
Gyi Osoro
22 'Dooko Musa lepe lidri Yisaraele rote mileyaro ni Gyi'desi Okaro yasi, le vocowa Sura roya. Ànya abayite vocowa yasi u'duna nätu ago usuyi gyi kote. 23 Ondro ànya kesayite vose äzibe Mara ana ya oko, ànya niyi kote gyi lau ana umvune tana orivoya osoro. Tana ta'doro ni a'de gwo vo na uzine Mara wo. 24 Lidri viyidrite Musa dri ago atayite ekye: “Mämvuna e'diya?” 25 Ago Musa mätute ya cini si OPI ri; ago OPI ka'da ceŋwa aza te ndäri ago nda vo ceŋwa ana te gyi ya. Ago gyi a'dote kadoro umvune.
Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.
Ni lau OPI ozo ota te ànyari ago nda ojo ta ànyaro kpate. 26 Nda atate ekye: “Ondro ka'do mìro ma te, ago mìyete tase orivoya mamile ŋgye 'do ayani ago mìti ota maro tana te, mezana ami ko alo aza adravo se mezobe Ezipeto'bai dri ana rosi. Tana ma ni OPI owo, ma ni ami ede.”
27 'Dooko ànya esayite Elima ya vose gyi legwalegwa robe 'butealo foritu ago ice itu robe 'butenjidrieri (70) kigye ana ya. Ago ànya otoyi gawa te lau gyi kala.
The Song of Moses
1 Then Moses and the Israelites sang this song to the Lord:

“I will sing to the Lord, because he has won a glorious victory;
he has thrown the horses and their riders into the sea.
2 The Lord is my strong defender;
he is the one who has saved me.
He is my God, and I will praise him,
my father's God, and I will sing about his greatness.
3 The Lord is a warrior;
the Lord is his name.

4 “He threw Egypt's army and its chariots into the sea;
the best of its officers were drowned in the Red Sea.
5 The deep sea covered them;
they sank to the bottom like a stone.

6 “Your right hand, Lord, is awesome in power;
it breaks the enemy in pieces.
7 In majestic triumph you overthrow your foes;
your anger blazes out and burns them up like straw.
8 You blew on the sea and the water piled up high;
it stood up straight like a wall;
the deepest part of the sea became solid.
9 The enemy said, ‘I will pursue them and catch them;
I will divide their wealth and take all I want;
I will draw my sword and take all they have.’
10 But one breath from you, Lord, and the Egyptians were drowned;
they sank like lead in the terrible water.

11 Lord, who among the gods is like you?
Who is like you, wonderful in holiness?
Who can work miracles and mighty acts like yours?
12 You stretched out your right hand,
and the earth swallowed our enemies.
13 Faithful to your promise, you led the people you had rescued;
by your strength you guided them to your sacred land.
14 The nations have heard, and they tremble with fear;
the Philistines are seized with terror.
15 The leaders of Edom are terrified;
Moab's mighty men are trembling;
the people of Canaan lose their courage.
16 Terror and dread fall upon them.
They see your strength, O Lord,
and stand helpless with fear
until your people have marched past—
the people you set free from slavery.
17 You bring them in and plant them on your mountain,
the place that you, Lord, have chosen for your home,
the Temple that you yourself have built.
18 You, Lord, will be king forever and ever.”
The Song of Miriam
19 The Israelites walked through the sea on dry ground. But when the Egyptian chariots with their horses and drivers went into the sea, the Lord brought the water back, and it covered them.
20 The prophet Miriam, Aaron's sister, took her tambourine, and all the women followed her, playing tambourines and dancing. 21 Miriam sang for them:
“Sing to the Lord, because he has won a glorious victory;
he has thrown the horses and their riders into the sea.”
Bitter Water
22 Then Moses led the people of Israel away from the Red Sea into the desert of Shur. For three days they walked through the desert, but found no water. 23 Then they came to a place called Marah, but the water there was so bitter that they could not drink it. That is why it was named Marah. 24 The people complained to Moses and asked, “What are we going to drink?” 25 Moses prayed earnestly to the Lord, and the Lord showed him a piece of wood, which he threw into the water; and the water became fit to drink.
There the Lord gave them laws to live by, and there he also tested them. 26 He said, “If you will obey me completely by doing what I consider right and by keeping my commands, I will not punish you with any of the diseases that I brought on the Egyptians. I am the Lord, the one who heals you.”
27 Next they came to Elim, where there were twelve springs and seventy palm trees; there they camped by the water.