1 'Dooko 'bädri'ba ndi Amana be oyiyite ŋgaonyane toko 'bädri'ba ro Esetera be. 2 Ago ondro ànya kayite ugu vino umvu u'du ṛiri si oko, 'bädri'ba eji Esetera kpate to'di ekye: “Esetera toko 'bädri'ba ro ŋgase mile be ni e'diya? Mozona ndi miri. Taeji miro ta e'diro ta ya? Ka'do ca telesi 'bädri maro ro mozona ndi miri.”
3 'Dooko toko 'bädri'ba ro Esetera zatadrite ekye: “Ondro ka'do nya'do gindi yauni be mari, Äye 'bädri'ba ago ondro tana kusi mi gindi, taeji maro ni no mi'ba ma orine lidriidriro ndi lidri maro yibe. 4 Tana agye mate ndi lidri maro yibe ufune, tolone ago ondene kyiti. Aba agye ama be manoàgo ndi 'ditoko be ono ka'do go toto iyeäṛi ro, aba ma'dona amaro gi titiro; ago mänina ko mi 'bädri'ba ezane ta rueza amaro rota.”
5 'Dooko 'Bädri'ba Asuerosa eji toko 'bädri'ba ro Esetera te ekye: “A'di leni ta nonye ono oyene ago 'dina 'do gaŋwaroya?”
6 Esetera zatadrite ekye: “Kyila'baazi amaro, ni Amana gi kozi ono!”
'Dooko Amana a'dote turi ro 'bädri'ba ndi toko 'bädri'ba robe kandra. 7 'Bädri'ba ŋgate ni ŋgaonya voyasi kyila si ago oyite ämvu zo'desi miriro roya; oko Amana rite rulo'bane toko 'bädri'ba ro ri ta adri ndaro rota, tana nda ndrete 'bädri'ba lete ṛo nda ufune. 8 'Dooko ondro 'bädri'ba kegote ni ämvu zo'desi miriro yasi vose ànya kayibe ugu vino umvu kigye ana ya oko, Amana 'de dri gi ndri vuru vo oriro se Esetera koribe driigye ana dri, drì lämine yauni ta. 'Dooko 'bädri'ba atate ekye: “Inye 'do mano ono le kpa ṛote toko ma 'bädri'ba ro topane mile maro yasi zo'desi miriro modo maro ro ya ya?”
Ata kala 'bädri'ba ro yasi dri kye ṛoko oko, rotii takoyi mi Amana rote.
9 'Dooko alo aza rotii ro se kabe ruindu 'bädri'ba ri se äzibe Arebona ana atate ekye: “Ce kacaro se Amana kedebe Moredekai se kopa adri miro be ono oyiza driigye ono orivoya zo ya Amana rigä. Ocana orivoya kpikpina 'butenjidrieri fonji (75).”
10 Ndi 'bädri'ba atate ekye: “Miyi nda driigye.” Ta'dota ayi Amana te ce kacaro se nda kedebe Moredekai oyiza driigye ana dri. 'Dooko kyila 'bädri'ba ro kyete.
1 And so the king and Haman went to eat with Esther 2 for a second time. Over the wine the king asked her again, “Now, Queen Esther, what do you want? Tell me and you shall have it. I'll even give you half the empire.”
3 Queen Esther answered, “If it please Your Majesty to grant my humble request, my wish is that I may live and that my people may live. 4 My people and I have been sold for slaughter. If it were nothing more serious than being sold into slavery, I would have kept quiet and not bothered you about it; but we are about to be destroyed—exterminated!”
5 Then King Xerxes asked Queen Esther, “Who dares to do such a thing? Where is this man?”
6 Esther answered, “Our enemy, our persecutor, is this evil man Haman!”
Haman faced the king and queen with terror. 7 The king got up in a fury, left the room, and went outside to the palace gardens. Haman could see that the king was determined to punish him for this, so he stayed behind to beg Queen Esther for his life. 8 He had just thrown himself down on Esther's couch to beg for mercy, when the king came back into the room from the gardens. Seeing this, the king cried out, “Is this man going to rape the queen right here in front of me, in my own palace?”
The king had no sooner said this than the eunuchs covered Haman's head. 9 Then one of them, who was named Harbonah, said, “Haman even went so far as to build a gallows at his house so that he could hang Mordecai, who saved Your Majesty's life. And it's seventy-five feet tall!”
“Hang Haman on it!” the king commanded.
10 So Haman was hanged on the gallows that he had built for Mordecai. Then the king's anger cooled down.