Moredekai ka Taeji Ŋgaopa Esetera rota
1 Ondro Moredekai kuni tase cini ayebe ono tana te oko, nda towa boŋgo ndaro te, ago so boŋgo gunia rote ago so torofo te yi dri, ago fote kitoriya 'bakiciro ya ugu kuku o'bebe ndi liyi be kporo amba si. 2 Nda esate le ocivo zo'desi miriro 'bädri'ba ro roya. Nda ci kote zo ya tana 'dise kabe gunia oso ale ko ocine zo'desi miriro 'bädri'ba ro ya. 3 Ago wari cini se ota 'bädri'ba ro kosabe kigye, kuku a'dote amba Yudai lakosi, ànya uguyi akpa te ndi liyi be ndi lu'beo'be be, ago amba ànyaro so gunia te ago so torofo te iyi drisi.
4 Ondro ruindu'bai Esetera ro se ndiriŋwa ro ndi rotii be kitiyi tase Moredekai koyebe ono tana te anyari oko, anya a'dote tusuro amba ndra, ago zo boŋgo azaka te Moredekai ri osone vo gunia ro ro, oko nda gatezo ànya urune. 5 'Dooko Esetera zi Ataka, alo aza rotii zo'desi miriro ro se 'bädri'ba kaka'dabe a'done ruindu'bai ro anyari ana te, ago ta nda te oyine Moredekai re ta rriti se aza ka'dobe 'do ro unine ago a'do tana e'di. 6 Ataka oyite Moredekai re goro 'bakici ro se mile dereŋwa zo 'desi miriro 'bädri'ba roya ana ya, 7 ago Moredekai iti tase cini ka'dobe ana tana te ndäri ndi oti parata se Amana ko'ba tana be ozone vo ŋgaodroro 'bädri'ba roya Yudai tufuza 'do robe. 8 Waraga se egyibe ta ànya tufu rota ni Susa yasi 'do Moredekai ozo gyerena kpa te ndäri, ugune Esetera ri tazevo ta ono ro edreza anyari, anya koyi robe rulo'bane 'bädri'ba ri ago keji nda robe a'done yauni be lidri anyaro ri. 9 Ataka oyite ago iti tase Moredekai katabe ana te Esetera ri, 10 ago Esetera zo nda te kovole lazo ono be Moredekai ri ekye: 11 “Dri'bai losi ro cini 'bädri'ba ro ndi lidri cini wari 'bädri'ba roya be niyite ondro ka'do mano aza kode toko aza kocite 'bädri'ba ondrene ya yasi goko ro ya teinye uziako, ota toto alodi beṛo 'dina 'do ufune. Oko e'be toto alo ondro ka'do 'bädri'ba keŋga dofo läguläguro teni 'diaza ri, 'dooko 'dina 'do pavote. Oko äzi ma kote ukyine zo ya 'bädri'ba re u'duna te 'bute nätu.”
12 Anya itiyi lazo Esetera rote Moredekai ri. 13 Ndi Moredekai zo tate kovole Esetera ri ekye: “Mima ko mikye mi be zo'desi miriro 'bädri'ba roya 'do mipanavo gwo ni Yudai cini lakosi. 14 Ondro ka'do miri gi titiro tu anya oso nonye ono si, ŋgaoparo ikyina ndi Yudai ri ni vo aza yasi, ago apana ànya ndi, oko midrana ndi ago katidri täpi miro ro okyena ndi, oko a'di ni 'da ni kode ta tu oso nonye ono rota 'bani a'de gwo mi o'bane toko 'bädri'ba ro ro wo!”
15 'Dooko Esetera logo lazo ono te Moredekai ri ekye: 16 “Nyoyi nyokotokala Yudai cini se 'bakici Susa roya ro voaloya, nyàkpa ta maro ta, mìnya ŋga aza ko ago mìmvu ŋga aza ko u'duna nätu ago ŋgäkyina kpa nätu. Ma ndi ruindu'bai ndiriŋwa ro maro be màkpana kpa oso inye. Ono vosi moyina 'da 'bädri'ba re, ka'do gica ota drisi owo; ka'do ca märi odrane madra te ri.”
17 'Dooko Moredekai oyite ye ŋga cini te oso se Esetera kiti tana be ndäri ronye.
Mordecai Asks for Esther's Help
1 When Mordecai learned of all that had been done, he tore his clothes in anguish. Then he dressed in sackcloth, covered his head with ashes, and walked through the city, wailing loudly and bitterly, 2 until he came to the entrance of the palace. He did not go in because no one wearing sackcloth was allowed inside. 3 Throughout all the provinces, wherever the king's proclamation was made known, there was loud mourning among the Jews. They fasted, wept, wailed, and most of them put on sackcloth and lay in ashes.
4 When Esther's servant women and eunuchs told her what Mordecai was doing, she was deeply disturbed. She sent Mordecai some clothes to put on instead of the sackcloth, but he would not accept them. 5 Then she called Hathach, one of the palace eunuchs appointed as her servant by the king, and told him to go to Mordecai and find out what was happening and why. 6 Hathach went to Mordecai in the city square at the entrance of the palace. 7 Mordecai told him everything that had happened to him and just how much money Haman had promised to put into the royal treasury if all the Jews were killed. 8 He gave Hathach a copy of the proclamation that had been issued in Susa, ordering the destruction of the Jews. Mordecai asked him to take it to Esther, explain the situation to her, and have her go and plead with the king and beg him to have mercy on her people. 9 Hathach did this, 10 and Esther gave him this message to take back to Mordecai: 11 “If anyone, man or woman, goes to the inner courtyard and sees the king without being summoned, that person must die. That is the law; everyone, from the king's advisers to the people in the provinces, knows that. There is only one way to get around this law: if the king holds out his gold scepter to someone, then that person's life is spared. But it has been a month since the king sent for me.”
12 When Mordecai received Esther's message, 13 he sent her this warning: “Don't imagine that you are safer than any other Jew just because you are in the royal palace. 14 If you keep quiet at a time like this, help will come from heaven to the Jews, and they will be saved, but you will die and your father's family will come to an end. Yet who knows—maybe it was for a time like this that you were made queen!”
15 Esther sent Mordecai this reply: 16 “Go and get all the Jews in Susa together; hold a fast and pray for me. Don't eat or drink anything for three days and nights. My servant women and I will be doing the same. After that, I will go to the king, even though it is against the law. If I must die for doing it, I will die.”
17 Mordecai then left and did everything that Esther had told him to do.