1 “Ondro kalaope ka'dote lakole lidri ritu roya ago ànya kukyiyite vo vureope roya, ago vureope'bai kedreyi ta lakole ànyaro ya vona te ago kodiyi 'dise taŋgye'ba ro te ago kaka'dayi 'dise taenji'ba ro te, 2 ondro ka'dote mano se taenji'ba ro o'bine o'bi, vure'ba ri nda o'bane u'dune vuru ago o'bine vure'ba milesi. Oti o'bina ro ri a'done a'do taenjiro ndaro ro voro. 3 Änina ndi nda o'bine oso 'butena su, oko ko ndrani 'do ri, tana a'bi nda bete ndrani 'do ri ezina driupi ndi nda dri lidri amba mile.
4 “Ko ämiri kala 'daŋgo ro embene ondro kate inya oto owo.
Kama Ädrupi se Drate ri
5 “Ondro ka'do ädrupii ritu kayi ori voaloya, ago alodi ànyaro kodra gwo, ago teinye ŋgwa ako, toko mano se kodrabe 'do ro ri yi ogyene tesi ni katidri 'do yasi 'diatra ri i'do; ädrupi ago anyaro se kodrabe 'do ro ri ni ocine anya dri; koye tase aba ädrupi ndaro ri oyene 'do robe anyari. 6 Ago ŋgwaago se käti anya kabe utina 'do ri a'done drî ädrupi ndaro se kodrabe 'do ro ro, tana ukyi ävuru katidri ndaro ro uje 'da ni Yisaraele yasi. 7 Oko ondro ka'do mano se ädrupina kodrabe 'do kogatezo ocine ävuzi dri, 'dooko ävuzi ri oyine dri'bai 'ba'desi ro kandra, ago atana gwo ekye: ‘Ädrupi ago maro se kodrabe ono ro gazo kama ädrupi ndaro ro oyene, nda gazo zelevo lofone ädrupi ndaro ri lidri Yisaraele ro lako.’ 8 'Dooko dri'bai 'ba'desi ro ri nda uzine, ago atanayi gwo ndäri. Oko ondro ka'do nda kogatezo 'du ago kata te ekye: ‘Märi ocine anya dri i'dwo,’ 9 'dooko ävuzi ädrupi ndaro ro ri oyine ndare mile dri'bai 'ba'desi ro yasi, ago otrina alo aza mvoka ndaro ro gwo ni pa ndaro yasi, ago ovona to gwo militi ndaro ya, ndi anya atana gwo ekye: ‘Ono ni tase oyene mano se kole ko zelevoi lofone ädrupi ndaro ri owo.’ 10 Ago ävuru katidri ndaro ro äzina 'da Yisaraele ya, ‘katidri nda se eŋgye mvoka ndaro te vuru ro.’
Ota Azaka
11 “Ondro ka'do màno ritu kayi kyila oye oko, toko mano alo aza ro keci gwo ago anyaro opane ago kabaṛi kumu mano äziri 'do ro gwo, 12 'do nyà'do ko yauni be anyari; nyätäṛi drì anyaro.
13 “Ko miri a'done ŋga ŋgäläŋgyi ojoro beti toto ritu be gbolo miro ya se alona läŋgyiekye, ago azana täwu. 14 Ko miri a'done ŋga ŋgaojoro beti toto ritu be zo miro ya se alona 'desi, ago azana giṛiŋwa. 15 Nyojo ŋga 'diriro ŋgaläŋgyi ojoro ŋgye na 'do si, tana miri robe madaro wari se OPI Lu amiro kabe ozona ämiri ono ya. 16 Tana ya OPI ro orivoya osoro lidri se kabe ŋgaoco iyi lomvo.
Ota Amaleka'bai Ufuro
17 “Tase Amaleka'bai koyebe ämiri liti ya tuse nyàbe eziikyi ni Ezipeto yasi ana miyi tana ndi. 18 Ànya turiyi Lu kote, ago ànya gotayi ami te kunduunduro se 'dooko nyoko tawi ago ami te rritiro, ago tufuyi ànya se cini kabe aba tigätigäro kovole iyi te. 19 Ka'do inye, ondro OPI Lu amiro kozo wari ana te ämiri drimbi ro ago ko'ba ami te dritairo ni kyila'baazii cini amiro se gbikyi ami lomvosi iyi risi oko, beṛo ämiri Amaleka'bai tufune kpeye, ukyi 'diaza ogo oyi ta ànyaro 'da. Mi'ba ta 'do kuje ko!
1 “Suppose two Israelites go to court to settle a dispute, and one is declared innocent and the other guilty. 2 If the guilty one is sentenced to be beaten, the judge is to make him lie face downward and have him whipped. The number of lashes will depend on the crime he has committed. 3 He may be given as many as forty lashes, but no more; more than that would humiliate him publicly.
4 “Do not muzzle an ox when you are using it to thresh grain.
Duty to a Dead Brother
5 “If two brothers live on the same property and one of them dies, leaving no son, then his widow is not to be married to someone outside the family; it is the duty of the dead man's brother to marry her. 6 The first son that they have will be considered the son of the dead man, so that his family line will continue in Israel. 7 But if the dead man's brother does not want to marry her, she is to go before the town leaders and say, ‘My husband's brother will not do his duty; he refuses to give his brother a descendant among the people of Israel.’ 8 Then the town leaders are to summon him and speak to him. If he still refuses to marry her, 9 his brother's widow is to go up to him in the presence of the town leaders, take off one of his sandals, spit in his face, and say, ‘This is what happens to the man who refuses to give his brother a descendant.’ 10 His family will be known in Israel as ‘the family of the man who had his sandal pulled off.’
Other Laws
11 “If two men are having a fight and the wife of one tries to help her husband by grabbing hold of the other man's genitals, 12 show her no mercy; cut off her hand.
13-14 “Do not cheat when you use weights and measures. 15 Use true and honest weights and measures, so that you may live a long time in the land that the Lord your God is giving you. 16 The Lord hates people who cheat.
The Command to Kill the Amalekites
17 “Remember what the Amalekites did to you as you were coming from Egypt. 18 They had no fear of God, and so they attacked you from the rear when you were tired and exhausted, and killed all who were straggling behind. 19 So then, when the Lord your God has given you the land and made you safe from all your enemies who live around you, be sure to kill all the Amalekites, so that no one will remember them any longer. Do not forget!