1 “Ondro ka'do mindre ti Yisaraele'ba azi miro ro kode timele ndaro te abavoya wayiro oko, ko miri orine tana otiako; be miri urune logone kovole ndäri. 2 Oko ondro ka'do kuzupina ka'dote lozo, kode ondro ka'do mini kuzupina kote, 'dooko nyezi 'bäru mirigä. Mi'ba kori mibe madale ondro kuzupina kate ezi uṛina oko nyozo ŋga ndaro. 3 Ago kpa miri oyene inye doŋgyi, boŋgo kode ŋga aza se Yisaraele'ba azi miro ro se kujebe oko nyusu be 'do ri. Miri ko tana otiako. 4 Ondro ka'do doŋgyi kode ti Yisaraele'ba azi miro ro ko'dete vuru liti dri, miri ko tana otiako; mipa nda nyèŋga koronya na 'do kpa to'di pa dri.
5 “Ko 'ditoko ri boŋgo manoàgo ro osone, ago kpa ko manoàgo ri boŋgo 'ditoko ro osone; tana ya OPI Lu amiro ro orivoya osoro lidri gi kabe ta loye inye 'do lomvo.
6 “Ondro ka'do nya ugu aba oko, nyusu zo ari ro gwo ce dri kode gyini dri, endre na vute 'bo dri kode ŋgwà dri, be ro ko miri endre na urune ŋgwà na be. 7 Miruna ŋgwai ari ro ndi, oko beṛo miri endre na e'bene oyine, tana takado ka'do robe miri ori miro ya ago miri robe madaro.
8 “Ondro nyate zo to'di obe oko, be miri tiṛi obene gbikyi sidri zo kurusi miro ro yasi. 'Dooko 'diaza ke'de ago kodra ca, 'do kote taenji miro.
9 “Ko ämiri kwari aza kyi'dine tro kono be ämvu alodi ya, ukyi doŋgo kono ro ndi ŋgase cini azaka kabe owa kigye iyi be a'do 'da undiro.
10 “Ko ämiri ti embene doŋgyi be voaloya ämvu osoza.
11 “Ko ämiri boŋgo se a'dibe odro'bebe 'bi ndi kodo 'bilindriro be si 'do osone.
12 “Be ämiri bindi losene cukudri su boŋgo se nyàbe osona yasi.
Ota ta A'doro Wäṛiro ro
13 “Aba ondro ka'do manoaza kogye ŋguti aza gwo tokoro, ago kovolesi oko nda go gatezo anya ro, 14 ta'dota nda iti ta gwo anya lomvo koziro kowe si, ago kenji ävuru anyaro gwo ekye: ‘Tuse magye anya be mu'du be anya be musu a'do anyaro kodrodri ro ko'de.’
15 “Ondro ka'do ta 'do ka'dote oso inye oko, 'dooko täpi ŋguti ro ndi endre anyaro be ri boŋgo se kari kenjibe tu lagye rosi se kaka'dabe ŋguti ana orivoya ŋguti kodroŋwa yi 'do ezine, ago ànyari ka'dane dri'bai 'ba'desi ro ri vo vure roya. 16 Ago täpi ŋguti ro ri atane dri'bai ri ekye: ‘Mozo ŋguti maro te mano ono ri ogyene, ago yauono nda go ga anya tezo. 17 Nda iti tate koziro anya lomvo kowe si, ekye tuse igye ŋguti maro be si, yusu anya kote ŋguti kodroŋwa ro. Oko ono ni taka'dana yi anjioko ŋguti maro orivoya ŋguti kodroŋwa yi,’ Ndi ànya ka'do nayi boŋgo se kari kenjibe tu lagye rosi gwo dri'bai ri. 18 'Dooko dri'bai 'ba'desi ro ri ago na 'do urune ago nda o'bine. 19 Kpa ànyari nda o'bane tonyo mo'di ro kama alo ozone täpi ŋguti ro ri taezaro ro, tana mano 'do enji ävuru ŋguti Yisaraele'ba ro rote. Ago anya a'dona te 'du toko ndaro, ago ndäri anya onjine te i'do alona madale ori ndaro äduna ya.
20 “Oko ondro ta ka'dote taŋgye yi, ago taka'daro ŋguti na 'do ro a'doro ŋguti kodroŋwa ro ka'dote i'do, 21 'dooko ànyari anya ezine käläsi zo täpi anyaro ro kala, ago manoàgo 'bakici ro ri anya ovone ṛi kuni si. Tana anya ye tase driupiro 'do te lidri Yisaraele ro amaro lako ronyi oye si zo täpi anyaro roya teinye dri anya ogyeako. Mìnana tase undiro nonye ono ni ami lako liti 'do yasi.
22 “Ondro ka'do äru manoaza te taoyevoya toko manoaza robe, beṛo ànya riti ufune. Tana mìnana tase undiro nonye ono ni Yisaraele ya liti 'do yasi.
23 “Ondro ka'do äru manoaza te 'ba'desi ya taoyevoya ŋguti se ulu'bute mano to aza ri 'do be, 24 'dooko be ämiri ànya riti lofone tesi dereŋwa 'ba'desi roya ago ämiri ànya ovone ṛi kuni si. Be ŋguti na 'do ri odrane tana anya tre kote ta ŋgaopa rota, anya gica 'ba'desi ya owo. Ago be mano 'do ri odrane tana nda yetate ŋguti se ulu'bute mano to aza ri 'do be. Mìnana tase undiro nonye ono ni ami lako liti 'do yasi.
25 “Ondro ka'do manoaza kotopa ŋguti aza se ulu'bute 'do te mbarasi tesi vo cowa aza ya, 'dooko toto manona 'do ufune ayani; 26 oko ŋga aza oyene ŋguti na 'do ri i'do, tana anya ye takozi aza se odra egyero 'do ko. Vure nonye ono ojo rere oso manoaza se gota manoaza gwo ago fu nda gwo 'do ronye. 27 Oko tana mano 'do topa ŋguti se ulu'bute 'do te mbarasi tesi vo cowa ya, ago anya ko'be ruṛu ca ta ŋgaopa rota, caoko 'diaza i'do anya opane.
28 “Ondro ka'do äru manoaza te taoyevoya mbarasi ŋguti se lu'buako 'do be, 29 'dooko ndäri lagye ogyene täpi ŋguti na 'do ro ri tonyo mo'di ro 'butenji, ago te anya ri a'done toko ro ndäri, tana nda topa anya te mbarasi. Ndäri anya onjine te i'do madale ori ndaro äduna ya.
30 “Ko manoaza ri täpi ndaro o'bane driupiro taoye si toko täpi ndaro ro aza be.
1 “If you see an Israelite's cow or sheep running loose, do not ignore it; take it back. 2 But if its owner lives a long way off or if you don't know who owns it, then take it home with you. When its owner comes looking for it, give it to him. 3 Do the same thing if you find a donkey, a piece of clothing, or anything else that an Israelite may have lost.
4 “If an Israelite's donkey or cow has fallen down, don't ignore it; help him get the animal to its feet again.
5 “Women are not to wear men's clothing, and men are not to wear women's clothing; the Lord your God hates people who do such things.
6 “If you happen to find a bird's nest in a tree or on the ground with the mother bird sitting either on the eggs or with her young, you are not to take the mother bird. 7 You may take the young birds, but you must let the mother bird go, so that you will live a long and prosperous life.
8 “When you build a new house, be sure to put a railing around the edge of the roof. Then you will not be responsible if someone falls off and is killed.
9 “Do not plant any crop in the same field with your grapevines; if you do, you are forbidden to use either the grapes or the produce of the other crop.
10 “Do not hitch an ox and a donkey together for plowing.
11 “Do not wear cloth made by weaving wool and linen together.
12 “Sew tassels on the four corners of your clothes.
Laws concerning Sexual Purity
13 “Suppose a man marries a young woman and later he decides he doesn't want her. 14 So he makes up false charges against her, accusing her of not being a virgin when they got married.
15 “If this happens, the young woman's parents are to take the blood-stained wedding sheet that proves she was a virgin, and they are to show it in court to the town leaders. 16 Her father will say to them, ‘I gave my daughter to this man in marriage, and now he doesn't want her. 17 He has made false charges against her, saying that she was not a virgin when he married her. But here is the proof that my daughter was a virgin; look at the bloodstains on the wedding sheet!’ 18 Then the town leaders are to take the husband and beat him. 19 They are also to fine him a hundred pieces of silver and give the money to the young woman's father, because the man has brought disgrace on an Israelite woman. Moreover, she will continue to be his wife, and he can never divorce her as long as he lives.
20 “But if the charge is true and there is no proof that she was a virgin, 21 then they are to take her out to the entrance of her father's house, where the men of her city are to stone her to death. She has done a shameful thing among our people by having intercourse before she was married, while she was still living in her father's house. In this way you will get rid of this evil.
22 “If a man is caught having intercourse with another man's wife, both of them are to be put to death. In this way you will get rid of this evil.
23 “Suppose a man is caught in a town having intercourse with a young woman who is engaged to someone else. 24 You are to take them outside the town and stone them to death. She is to die because she did not cry out for help, although she was in a town, where she could have been heard. And the man is to die because he had intercourse with someone who was engaged. In this way you will get rid of this evil.
25 “Suppose a man out in the countryside rapes a young woman who is engaged to someone else. Then only the man is to be put to death; 26 nothing is to be done to the woman, because she has not committed a sin worthy of death. This case is the same as when one man attacks another man and murders him. 27 The man raped the engaged woman in the countryside, and although she cried for help, there was no one to help her.
28 “Suppose a man is caught raping a young woman who is not engaged. 29 He is to pay her father the bride price of fifty pieces of silver, and she is to become his wife, because he forced her to have intercourse with him. He can never divorce her as long as he lives.
30 “No man is to disgrace his father by having intercourse with any of his father's wives.