A'do 'Desi OPI ro
1 “Ka'do inye nyùlu OPI Lu amiro ondoalo, ago mìro tase nda ra be ndi ota cini ndaro be. 2 Ondro ono mìyi tase andivo amiro mìnibe ono (tana ŋgàga amiro ndreyi ago niyi tase Opi Lu amiro ro kwoi ko ni), oko ami modo mìnite ago mìndre a'do 'desi OPI rote, mbara ndaro, aṛi ndaro, 3 ndi talaro ro ndaro be. Mìndre tase nda koyebe 'bädri'ba Ezipeto ro ri ago 'bädri ndaro ri ana te. 4 Mìndrete tase OPI yebe kyila'bai Ezipeto ro ri, tro farasii ndi arabia kyila ro ànyaro yibe ànya imvu si Gyi'desi Okaro ya tuse ànya kayibe vo amiro enjana ana si. 5 Mìni tase OPI koyebe ämiri madale nyèsa gwo noŋwa 'do te. 6 Mìgo mìyi tase nda koyebe Datana ndi Abirama ŋgwàagoro Eliaba ro ni 'bakala Rubena ro yasi kai ri ana tana, tase gyini pikalate ago te ànya te, tro katidri ànyaro, zo boŋgoro ànyaro, ago ŋgase lidriidriro cini ànyaro be te, lidri Yisaraele ro cini milesi. 7 Ami ni 'dise kondre tase cini 'desiro OPI koyebe ono be owo.
Äṛu Wari se A'ba Tana be ro
8 “Ka'do inye mìro ota se cini mozobe ämiri ondro ono, 'dooko nyà'dona dri mbara be mìkyi mìruna wari se nyà oyebe ocine kigye ana ndi. 9 Ago mìrina ndi madaro wari se OPI ko'ba tana be ozone zutui amiro ri ago zelevoi ànyaro ri ana ya. Wari se kado ŋgaamba be. 10 Tana wari se nyàbe ukyi urune ana a'do kote oso wari Ezipeto ro, se nyèfobe ni kigyesi ana ronye, tana lau ana miso ämvu te ago mìye losi te mbara gyi oda si ämvu ya. 11 Oko wari se nyàbe ukyi urune ana orivoya wari 'bereŋwà ndi vodelero be ro, wari se 'bu ka u'diu'di kigye. 12 OPI Lu amiro kani ta wari ana ro otina ago kani vona ondrena ndroa cini si.
13 “Ka'do ondro, mìro ota se mozobe ämiri ondro ono te, nyùlu OPI Lu amiro te ago nyìnduru te ndäri ya cini amiro si, ago lindri cini amiro si, 14 'dooko nda ezona 'bu 'da u'dine wari amiro ya tuna u'diro si, tu 'bu oti rosi ago tu okyena rosi, tana nyà'do robe inya, vino, ndi ido ice ido ro robe be. 15 Nda ozona käyi ndi ti amiro ri ago mìnyana ŋgaonya se cini mìlebe onyane 'da. 16 Mì'ba mi amiro komba ukyi odo ami 'da ruindune ago lui azaka mätune. 17 Ondro ka'do mìyete inye, OPI a'dona ndi kyilaro ami be. Nda osena 'bu ndi, ago ŋgaluru unina kote ombane gyini amiro ya. 'Dooko nyòtodrana ndi ndriŋwa lau, wari se kado Opi kabe ozona ämiri ono ya.
18 “Mìyi ota maro kwoi tana ago mì'ba tana kuje ko. Nyèmbe ànya kufui amiro ya ago nyèmbe ànya militi amiro yasi taoyiro ro. 19 Nyemba ànya ŋgàga amiro ri. Nyùgu tana itina ànyari ondro ami orivoya 'bäru ago abavoya, ago nyàte loli ago nyàte losi oye owo. 20 Nyègyi ànya ce käläsi zo kala amiro ro drisi ago ice dereŋwà amiro ro drisi. 21 'Dooko ami ndi ŋgàga amiro yibe mìrina ndi madaro wari se OPI ko'ba tana be ozone zutui amiro ri ana ya. Mìrina ndi mada oso vokuru kabe dri gi'du ori kuru ono ronye.
22 “Ondro ka'do mìro ota se cini mozobe ämiri ono te 'diriro, nyùlu OPI Lu amiro te, mìye tase cini nda kota ami be sina ono te, ago nyà'dote 'diri ndäri, 23 'dooko OPI onjana tu'dei se cini kwoi 'da ni ami milesi, ago mìruna wari tu'dei se 'desipara ago mbara be ndrani andivo amiro ri ono ndi. 24 Vose cini nyàbe pa amiro otona kigye a'dona ndi amiro. Wari amiro etona 'da ni vocowa yasi ŋgäṛiŋwadrisi le Lebanona ya mä'dudrisi, ago ni Golo Eferata yasi 'buzelesi le aŋgoya Gyi'desi Mediteraneana ya. 25 'Diaza unina ko edrene ami mile OPI Lu amiro o'bana turi 'da lidri se wari na nyà oyebe abane kigyesi ya, oso nda ko'ba tana be ronye.
26 “Ondro ono ma'ba äṛu ndi latri be te ami mile onjine. 27 Äṛu, anjioko ni ondro ka'do mìro ota OPI Lu amiro ro, se mabe ozona ämiri ondro ono te owo; 28 oko latri, ni ondro ka'do mìro ota Opi Lu amiro ro kote, ago midi ami te ni ota se mozobe ämiri ondro ono yasi lui azaka se nyä̀mätu kätina kote iyi mätune owo. 29 Ago ondro OPI Lu amiro kezi ami te le wari se nyà oyebe ukyine urune ana ya oko, nyàyona ta äṛu ro 'da ni 'Bereŋwa Gerizima drisi ago ta latri ro ni 'Bereŋwa Ebala drisi, 30 ('Bereŋwà ritu kwoi orivoya aŋgoya Golo Yaradene ro yasi wari Kanana'bai se koriyibe Vodelero Yaradene roya ana roya. Ànya orivoya ogone aŋgoyaro loto vudi More ro ro se miäwuäwuro Gilegala be ana ya.) 31 Nyà oyete drî Golo Yaradene ro ozane ago wari se OPI Lu amiro kozobe ämiri ana urune. Ondro mirute ago nyàte ori kigye oko, 32 mìni kado, ämiri ota se cini mabe ozona ämiri ondro ono orone kpeye.
The Lord's Greatness
1 “Love the Lord your God and always obey all his laws. 2 Remember today what you have learned about the Lord through your experiences with him. It was you, not your children, who had these experiences. You saw the Lord's greatness, his power, his might, 3 and his miracles. You saw what he did to the king of Egypt and to his entire country. 4 You saw how the Lord completely wiped out the Egyptian army, along with their horses and chariots, by drowning them in the Red Sea when they were pursuing you. 5 You know what the Lord did for you in the desert before you arrived here. 6 You recall what he did to Dathan and Abiram, the sons of Eliab of the tribe of Reuben. In the sight of everyone the earth opened up and swallowed them, along with their families, their tents, and all their servants and animals. 7 Yes, you are the ones who have seen all these great things that the Lord has done.
The Blessings of the Promised Land
8 “Obey everything that I have commanded you today. Then you will be able to cross the river and occupy the land that you are about to enter. 9 And you will live a long time in the rich and fertile land that the Lord promised to give your ancestors and their descendants. 10 The land that you are about to occupy is not like the land of Egypt, where you lived before. There, when you planted grain, you had to work hard to irrigate the fields; 11 but the land that you are about to enter is a land of mountains and valleys, a land watered by rain. 12 The Lord your God takes care of this land and watches over it throughout the year.
13 “So then, obey the commands that I have given you today; love the Lord your God and serve him with all your heart. 14 If you do, he will send rain on your land when it is needed, in the autumn and in the spring, so that there will be grain, wine, and olive oil for you, 15 and grass for your livestock. You will have all the food you want. 16 Do not let yourselves be led away from the Lord to worship and serve other gods. 17 If you do, the Lord will become angry with you. He will hold back the rain, and your ground will become too dry for crops to grow. Then you will soon die there, even though it is a good land that he is giving you.
18 “Remember these commands and cherish them. Tie them on your arms and wear them on your foreheads as a reminder. 19 Teach them to your children. Talk about them when you are at home and when you are away, when you are resting and when you are working. 20 Write them on the doorposts of your houses and on your gates. 21 Then you and your children will live a long time in the land that the Lord your God promised to give to your ancestors. You will live there as long as there is a sky above the earth.
22 “Obey faithfully everything that I have commanded you: Love the Lord your God, do everything he commands, and be faithful to him. 23 Then he will drive out all those nations as you advance, and you will occupy the land belonging to nations greater and more powerful than you. 24 All the ground that you march over will be yours. Your territory will extend from the desert in the south to the Lebanon Mountains in the north, and from the Euphrates River in the east to the Mediterranean Sea in the west. 25 Wherever you go in that land, the Lord your God will make the people fear you, as he has promised, and no one will be able to stop you.
26 “Today I am giving you the choice between a blessing and a curse— 27 a blessing, if you obey the commands of the Lord your God that I am giving you today; 28 but a curse, if you disobey these commands and turn away to worship other gods that you have never worshiped before. 29 When the Lord brings you into the land that you are going to occupy, you are to proclaim the blessing from Mount Gerizim and the curse from Mount Ebal. ( 30 These two mountains are west of the Jordan River in the territory of the Canaanites who live in the Jordan Valley. They are toward the west, not far from the sacred trees of Moreh near the town of Gilgal.) 31 You are about to cross the Jordan River and occupy the land that the Lord your God is giving you. When you take it and settle there, 32 be sure to obey all the laws that I am giving you today.