Petero ndi Korenelio be
1 Mano aza orivoya Kaisaria ya äzite Korenelio, se orivoya dri'ba kyila'ba Roma'ba ro ro. Kyila'ba se äzite ekye: “Kyila'ba Italia'ba ro.” 2 Nda orivoya mano mätu'ba yi; nda ndi katidri cini ndaro be mätuyi Lu te. Nda ye ŋgaopa kpate amba lidri Yudai ro lemeri'ba ro ri ago ugu Lu mätute 'duro. 3 Tu alo aza si te orivoya oso saa njidriesu ronye kitudiri vosi oko, nda ndre rulofo te. Nda ndre malaika Lu rote ṛo ŋbelero keci zo ya ago atate ndäri ekye: “Korenelio!”
4 Nda ndrevote malaika dri turi si ago atate ekye: “'Desi, e'di ya?”
Malaika zatadrite ekye: “Lu orivoya yai'dwesi ta mätu miro rota ndi ŋgapäṛi se nyabe ozona lemeri'ba ribe, ago te nja tadri miro ozane. 5 Ago yauono mizo lidri azaka Yopa ya mano aza vo se äzi ävuruna te Simona Petero. 6 Nda orivoya ŋgwazi yi 'ba kyiniede'ba se äzite Simona roya, se ka ori gyi'desi kala.” 7 'Dooko malaika oyite, ago Korenelio zi ruindu'bai ritu zo ndaro rote ndi kyila'ba alo aza be, se orivoya mano mätu'ba yi se kabe losi oye ndäri ana. 8 Nda iti tase ka'dobe ana te ànyari ago zo ànya te Yopa ya.
9 Kyenoŋbo kinjo si, ànya te liti ya ago kayite esa loto Yopa lomvo oko, Petero tute kuru zo drî kurusi ya mätune te oso kitudiri ronye. 10 Nda te täbiri ro ago lete ŋga aza onyane; ondro a dri ŋgaonya la'di oko, rulofo a'dote ndäri. 11 Nda ndre vo'buyakuru pirute ago ŋga aza keziikyi vuru andrebe laba oso boŋgo 'desi cuku su be ronye e'bate vuru gyinidri. 12 Koronyai cini beti toto robe orivoya kigye, ŋga lidriidriro ndi arii be. 13 Ago atate ndäri ekye: “Petero, miŋga, mifu ago minya!”
14 Oko Petero atate ekye: “Endaro ko inye, Opi! Manya ŋgase ko wäṛiro kode undiro ko alona la'bi voro.”
15 Atate ndäri kpa to'di ekye: “Ŋgase aza Lu kata tana te wäṛiro mindre ko mikye ko wäṛiro.” 16 Ta ono a'dote perena nätu, ago 'dooko ago äru ŋgase ana te vo'buyakuru ya. 17 Petero dri wiriwiriro takaci rulofo ono ro tana ro oko, lidri se Korenelio kezobe ana niyi zo Simona rote, ago ànya dri edrevoya dereŋwa kala. 18 Ànya ziyi läzi te ago ejiyitate ekye: “Inye'do ŋgwazi aza gibe noŋwa se ävuruna Simona Petero ya?”
19 Petero kadri ugu ruutri takaci rulofo ono ro unine oko, Tori atate ekye: “Simona! Lidri nätu orivoya noŋwa kayi ugu mi uṛi. 20 Ka'do inye miŋga ago mitwe vuru, ago nyeleye ko oyivoya ànya yibe, tana mezo ànya ni.” 21 Ago Petero twete vuru ago atate lidri kai ri ekye: “Ma ni mano se nyàbe ugu uṛina owo. Nyikyite etaya?”
22 Ànya zayitadrite ekye: “Korenelio dri'ba kyila'ba ro ezo ama ni. Nda orivoya mano kado yi se ka Lu mätu ago lidri cini Yudai ro royi nda tawi. Malaika Lu ro ititate ndäri mi ejine ikyine zo ndaro ya, tana nda keri tase nyabe atana robe.” 23 Petero eji lidri kai te ecine zo ya, ago 'ba ànya te u'dune lau ŋgäkyi ana si.
Kyenonosi oko nda ŋgate ago oyite ànya yibe; ago rukä taoma'bai ro ni Yopa yasi oyiyite tro nda be. 24 Tu kinjo si oko nda esate Kaisaria ya, Korenelio rite ugu nda kotene, troalo 'didiri be ndi bereazii se loto nda kejibe iyi yibe. 25 Ago Petero kate ezi eci oko, Korenelio utudri ndaro te, 'dete nda pa, ago ändite vuru nda kandra. 26 Oko Petero 'ba nda te oŋgane kuru. Nda atate ekye: “Miŋga kuru, ma andivo toto lidri yi.” 27 Petero ugu atate Korenelio be ago nda kocite zo ya oko, nda usu lidri amba otokalate lau. 28 Nda atate ànyari ekye: “Ami andivo mini ṛote kado ota mätu ro Yudai ro le ko mano aza Yuda ro ri ikyine kode rudro'bene atrai be. Oko Lu ka'da tate märi ekye beṛo ko märi lidri aza uzine ko wäṛiro kode undiro. 29 Ago ondro nyezo lazo te mavo oko, mikyite kalaogaako. Ka'do inye ma mi eji, mizo lazo te ma vo etaya?”
30 Korenelio atate ekye: “Te orivoya oso saa ono ronye u'duna lävute su 'dooko ma mätuvoya zo maro ya saa njidriesu si kitudiri vosi. Ndriŋwa oko mano aza so boŋgo läguläguro edrete mamile, 31 ago atate ekye: ‘Korenelio! Lu eri mätu miro te ago nda ndre ŋgapäṛi se nyabe ozona lemeri'bai rite. 32 Mizo 'diaza Yopa ya mano aza se äzite Simona Petero vo. Nda orivoya ŋgwazi yi 'ba Simona kyiniede'ba roya, se ka ori gyi'desi kala.’ 33 Ago ta'doro mazo lazo te mi vo dori, ago miyete kado para tana nyikyite. Yauono ama cini orivoya noŋwa Lu kandra, tase Opi kemba mi be atane 'do erine.”
Ata Petero ro
34 Petero eto atate ekye: “Yauono mänite anjioko ṛo orivoya endaro Lu gyele 'diaza ko. 35 'Dise kabe nda mätu ago ka tase ŋgye oyena nda letadrina ndi, nda ka'do ca tu'de to aza yi ta aza i'do. 36 Mini lazo se Lu kezobe lidri Yisaraele ro ri tana te, ugu Lazokado taliatokpe ro opena Yesu Kristo si, nda orivoya Opi 'dicini ro. 37 Mini tase 'desi ka'dobe wari Yisaraele ro yasi tana te, eto ṛoni Galilaya ya tuse Yoane pe lazo bapatisi robe vosi. 38 Mini ta Yesu Nazareta ro ṛote ndi tase Lu eda Tori Alokado te nda dri ndi mbara be. Nda oyite vocini yasi, ugu takado oyebe ago ugu 'dise cini mbara Kicu'ba ro zele edete, tana Lu orivoya tro nda be. 39 Ama orivoya tazevoedre'bai ŋgase cini nda koyebe wari Yisaraele roya ndi Yerusalema ya be ro. 'Dooko ànya fuyi nda te nda oto si taka dri. 40 Oko Lu eŋga nda teni avo yasi u'du nina si ago 'ba nda te ruka'dane, 41 ko 'dicini ri, oko toto tazevoedre'bai se Lu njibe iyi ri, anjioko orivoya ämäri, se nya ŋga te ago mvu ŋga te nda be efo ndaro ni avo yasi vosi. 42 Ago nda ta ama te lazokado opene lidri ri ago tazevoedrene anjioko nda orivoya ni 'dise Lu ka'date vureope'ba ro 'dise lidriidri ro ndi se kodrabe ana be. 43 Nebii cini itiyi ta ndaro te, uguyi atate ekye 'dicini se kabe taoma nda ya e'bena 'da ta takozi ndaro rota mbara ävuru ndaro rosi.”
Atrai Usuyi Tori Alokado te
44 Ondro Petero dri ugu atavoya oko, Tori Alokado ikyite vuru ànya se cini kayibe lazo ndaro erina ana dri. 45 Taoma'bai Yudai ro se kikyiyibe ni Yopa yasi Petero be kai laroyite tana Lu eda ŋgapäṛi ndaro Tori Alokado ro kpate Atrai dri. 46 Tana ànya eriyi te ànya kayi ugu ata kala to si ago ànya kayi ugu 'desi Lu ro räṛuna. Petero atate ṛeṛe ekye: 47 “Lidri kwoi usuyi Tori Alokado kpate oso ma'dobe sina ronye. Ka'do inye 'diaza unina gi'da ànya lagane bapatisi ako gyi si ya?” 48 Ago nda ta ànya te a'done bapatisi be ävuru Yesu Kristo roya. 'Dooko ànya ejiyi nda te orine ànya yibe u'duna fere.
Peter and Cornelius
1 There was a man in Caesarea named Cornelius, who was a captain in the Roman army regiment called “The Italian Regiment.” 2 He was a religious man; he and his whole family worshiped God. He also did much to help the Jewish poor people and was constantly praying to God. 3 It was about three o'clock one afternoon when he had a vision, in which he clearly saw an angel of God come in and say to him, “Cornelius!”
4 He stared at the angel in fear and said, “What is it, sir?”
The angel answered, “God is pleased with your prayers and works of charity, and is ready to answer you. 5 And now send some men to Joppa for a certain man whose full name is Simon Peter. 6 He is a guest in the home of a tanner of leather named Simon, who lives by the sea.” 7 Then the angel went away, and Cornelius called two of his house servants and a soldier, a religious man who was one of his personal attendants. 8 He told them what had happened and sent them off to Joppa.
9 The next day, as they were on their way and coming near Joppa, Peter went up on the roof of the house about noon in order to pray. 10 He became hungry and wanted something to eat; while the food was being prepared, he had a vision. 11 He saw heaven opened and something coming down that looked like a large sheet being lowered by its four corners to the earth. 12 In it were all kinds of animals, reptiles, and wild birds. 13 A voice said to him, “Get up, Peter; kill and eat!”
14 But Peter said, “Certainly not, Lord! I have never eaten anything ritually unclean or defiled.”
15 The voice spoke to him again, “Do not consider anything unclean that God has declared clean.” 16 This happened three times, and then the thing was taken back up into heaven.
17 While Peter was wondering about the meaning of this vision, the men sent by Cornelius had learned where Simon's house was, and they were now standing in front of the gate. 18 They called out and asked, “Is there a guest here by the name of Simon Peter?”
19 Peter was still trying to understand what the vision meant, when the Spirit said, “Listen! Three men are here looking for you. 20 So get ready and go down, and do not hesitate to go with them, for I have sent them.” 21 So Peter went down and said to the men, “I am the man you are looking for. Why have you come?”
22 “Captain Cornelius sent us,” they answered. “He is a good man who worships God and is highly respected by all the Jewish people. An angel of God told him to invite you to his house, so that he could hear what you have to say.” 23 Peter invited the men in and had them spend the night there.
The next day he got ready and went with them; and some of the believers from Joppa went along with him. 24 The following day he arrived in Caesarea, where Cornelius was waiting for him, together with relatives and close friends that he had invited. 25 As Peter was about to go in, Cornelius met him, fell at his feet, and bowed down before him. 26 But Peter made him rise. “Stand up,” he said, “I myself am only a man.” 27 Peter kept on talking to Cornelius as he went into the house, where he found many people gathered. 28 He said to them, “You yourselves know very well that a Jew is not allowed by his religion to visit or associate with Gentiles. But God has shown me that I must not consider any person ritually unclean or defiled. 29 And so when you sent for me, I came without any objection. I ask you, then, why did you send for me?”
30 Cornelius said, “It was about this time three days ago that I was praying in my house at three o'clock in the afternoon. Suddenly a man dressed in shining clothes stood in front of me 31 and said: ‘Cornelius! God has heard your prayer and has taken notice of your works of charity. 32 Send someone to Joppa for a man whose full name is Simon Peter. He is a guest in the home of Simon the tanner of leather, who lives by the sea.’ 33 And so I sent for you at once, and you have been good enough to come. Now we are all here in the presence of God, waiting to hear anything that the Lord has instructed you to say.”
Peter's Speech
34 Peter began to speak: “I now realize that it is true that God treats everyone on the same basis. 35 Those who fear him and do what is right are acceptable to him, no matter what race they belong to. 36 You know the message he sent to the people of Israel, proclaiming the Good News of peace through Jesus Christ, who is Lord of all. 37 You know of the great event that took place throughout the land of Israel, beginning in Galilee after John preached his message of baptism. 38 You know about Jesus of Nazareth and how God poured out on him the Holy Spirit and power. He went everywhere, doing good and healing all who were under the power of the Devil, for God was with him. 39 We are witnesses of everything that he did in the land of Israel and in Jerusalem. Then they put him to death by nailing him to a cross. 40 But God raised him from death three days later and caused him to appear, 41 not to everyone, but only to the witnesses that God had already chosen, that is, to us who ate and drank with him after he rose from death. 42 And he commanded us to preach the gospel to the people and to testify that he is the one whom God has appointed judge of the living and the dead. 43 All the prophets spoke about him, saying that all who believe in him will have their sins forgiven through the power of his name.”
The Gentiles Receive the Holy Spirit
44 While Peter was still speaking, the Holy Spirit came down on all those who were listening to his message. 45 The Jewish believers who had come from Joppa with Peter were amazed that God had poured out his gift of the Holy Spirit on the Gentiles also. 46 For they heard them speaking in strange tongues and praising God's greatness. Peter spoke up: 47 “These people have received the Holy Spirit, just as we also did. Can anyone, then, stop them from being baptized with water?” 48 So he ordered them to be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. Then they asked him to stay with them for a few days.