Tao'baro Lu ro Dawidi be
(1 Ambâ 17:1-15)
1 Ondro 'Bädri'ba Dawidi korite zo 'desi miri ro ndaro ya, ago OPI kozo taliatokpe te ndäri ni kyila'baazii cini ndaro risi oko, 2 'bädri'ba Dawidi atate nebi Natana ri ekye: “Mindre, yauono ma ori zo se amote wiri si ya, oko Sänduku Tao'baro Lu ro ka ori zo boŋgo roya.”
3 Ago Natana atate 'bädri'ba ri ekye: “Nyoyi, miye tase cini nyusube ya miro ya 'do, tana OPI orivoya tro mibe.” 4 Oko ŋgäkyi gi alo ana si OPI atate Natana ri ekye: 5 “Nyoyi nyata ruindu'ba maro Dawidi ri mikye: ‘Ono ni tase OPI kabe atana owo ekye: Inye'do mimona zo ndi märi oriza kigye ya? 6 Ṛoni tuse molofo lidri Yisaraele robe tesi ni Ezipeto ya si le tu ondro ono si, mugu abate oribe zo boŋgo ro yasi. 7 Vose cini mugu ababe lidri Yisaraele robe kigye si ya, inye'do meji alo aza dri'bai ro se maka'da be vo lidri maro Yisaraele ro ondrene ro ndi makye; tana e'di mìmo zo kote märi wiri si niya?’
8 “Ka'do inye nyata ruindu'ba maro Dawidi ri mikye: Ma OPI Mbaraekye ma ni ata ndäri makye: ‘Märu mi teni lowo yasi, ni timele lekyevoya si, a'done 'desi ro lidri maro Yisaraele ro dri; 9 ma'dote tro mibe vose cini nyababe kigye si yasi, ago mutufu kyila'baazii cini miro te ni mimile si; ago ma'bana ävuru miro 'da likuekye oso dri'ba se aza 'desi para 'bädri ya ronye. 10 Manjina vo 'da lidri maro Yisaraele ro ri, ago ma'bana ànya 'da orine kigye, tana ànya koriyi robe liatokpe ro vo modo ànyaro roya, ago ka'doyi robe tona gburu ako. Ago lidri kozi ri ànya ezane te i'do tona oso tuse kyeno kai ya ronye. 11 Tuse maka'da vureope'bai be sina lidri maro Yisaraele dri ana si ronye. Mozona loli 'da miri ni kyila'baazii cini miro risi. 12 Ondro midrate ago ase mi te zutui miro re oko, ma'bana alo aza ŋgwàagoro miro ro 'da 'bädri'ba ro ago ma'bana miri 'bädri'ba ndaro ro 'da mbararo. 13 Nda obena zo 'da märi, ago ma'bana miri 'bädri'ba ndaro ro 'da orine äduako. 14 Ma'dona 'da täpi ndaro, ago nda a'dona 'da ŋgwa maro. Ondro nda kenji tate, ma'bina nda ndi oso täpi kabe ŋgwa ndaro o'bina ronye, 15 ago ŋgalu 'duro maro nda ri okyena ko alona, oso kokyebe ni Saulo resi ronye, se mana nda te tana nya'do robe 'bädri'ba ro. 16 Zelevoi miro ndi miri 'bädri'ba miro robe orina ndi äduako mamile; ago miri miro a'bana ndi orine äduako.’ ”
17 Natana iti ata se cini kwoi te Dawidi ri ndi tase cini aka'dabe ndäri be.
Mätu Dawidi ro Aro'boya Oye ro
(1 Ambâ 17:16-27)
18 'Dooko 'Bädri'ba Dawidi cite mutuguṛi A'do lototi OPI roya, rite vuru ago mätute ekye: “Ma a'di owo ya, OPI Lu, ago katidri maro a'di yi owo, märi a'done oso ono ronye niya? 19 Ono orivoya ta giṛiŋwa yi mimile, Äye OPI Lu, caoko mi'ba tao'baro 'desi te zelevoi maro ri ndroa se kabe ikyi mileya iyi ya, ago nyaka'da tase mileya ta kovole'bai rota tana te märi Äye OPI Lu! 20 Ago yauono ma Dawidi matana ta e'diro ndra miri ya? Tana mini ma ruindu'ba miro ṛo te Äye OPI Lu! 21 Tana ni tao'ba miro, ago ole modo miro ro ta ono oyene, miye tase cini para ndra kwoi te, ma embazana. 22 Endaro mi orivoya 'desi, Äye OPI Lu; 'diaza i'do oso mi ronye, ago Lu aza i'do oko alo mi ayani, oso meribe bi maro si ondoalo ono ronye. 23 Tu'de aza i'do 'bädri ya oso lidri miro Yisaraele ro ronye, se mipa teni a'do iyeäṛi ro yasi ànya o'bane a'done lidri modo miro ro. Taoye 'desi laro ro se miyebe ànyari ono 'ba liku miro larirute 'bädri cini yasi. Minja tu'de azi te ndi lui ànyaro be ondro lidri miro kayite ugu ikyi owo, lidri se nyolofo te dritai ro ni Ezipeto yasi a'done lidri modo miro ro ono. 24 Mi'ba lidri miro Yisaraele ro te a'done lidri modo miro ro äduako; ago mi OPI, nya'dote Lu ànyaro ro.
25 “Yauono OPI Lu, miye tase mi'ba tana be ma ruindu'ba miro ri ndi ta zelevoi maro ro 'be 'do, miye ndi oso se mi'ba tana be ronye; 26 ago liku miro a'dona 'da ndra, ago lidri atana tana 'da äduako ekye: OPI Mbaraekye ni Lu yi Yisaraele dri. Ago mi'ba 'desi ka'do ndi katidri ma ruindu'ba miro Dawidi roya tu cini si. 27 OPI mbaraekye, Lu Yisaraele ro, nyaka'da tase ono te ruindu'ba miro ri, ata si mikye; ‘ma'bana zelevoi miro 'da 'bädri'bai ro tana ta'doro ma'dote mbararo mätu ono oyene miri.’
28 “Ago yauono OPI mbarapara, mi ni Lu yi, ago ata miro orivoya endaro, tana mi'ba tao'ba kado ono tana te ma ruindu'ba miro ono ri. 29 Ka'do inye yauono rägu nyäṛu zelevoi maro, tana koriyi robe 'duro mikandra. Mi OPI mbarapara, nyatate, ago äṛu miro orina ndi zelevoi maro dri äduako.”
Nathan's Message to David
(1 Chronicles 17.1-15)
1 King David was settled in his palace, and the Lord kept him safe from all his enemies. 2 Then the king said to the prophet Nathan, “Here I am living in a house built of cedar, but God's Covenant Box is kept in a tent!”
3 Nathan answered, “Do whatever you have in mind, because the Lord is with you.” 4 But that night the Lord said to Nathan, 5 “Go and tell my servant David that I say to him, ‘You are not the one to build a temple for me to live in. 6 From the time I rescued the people of Israel from Egypt until now, I have never lived in a temple; I have traveled around living in a tent. 7 In all my traveling with the people of Israel I never asked any of the leaders that I appointed why they had not built me a temple made of cedar.’
8 “So tell my servant David that I, the Lord Almighty, say to him, ‘I took you from looking after sheep in the fields and made you the ruler of my people Israel. 9 I have been with you wherever you have gone, and I have defeated all your enemies as you advanced. I will make you as famous as the greatest leaders in the world. 10-11 I have chosen a place for my people Israel and have settled them there, where they will live without being oppressed any more. Ever since they entered this land, they have been attacked by violent people, but this will not happen again. I promise to keep you safe from all your enemies and to give you descendants. 12 When you die and are buried with your ancestors, I will make one of your sons king and will keep his kingdom strong. 13 He will be the one to build a temple for me, and I will make sure that his dynasty continues forever. 14 I will be his father, and he will be my son. When he does wrong, I will punish him as a father punishes his son. 15 But I will not withdraw my support from him as I did from Saul, whom I removed so that you could be king. 16 You will always have descendants, and I will make your kingdom last forever. Your dynasty will never end.’”
17 Nathan told David everything that God had revealed to him.
David's Prayer of Thanksgiving
(1 Chronicles 17.16-27)
18 Then King David went into the Tent of the Lord's presence, sat down and prayed, “Sovereign Lord, I am not worthy of what you have already done for me, nor is my family. 19 Yet now you are doing even more, Sovereign Lord; you have made promises about my descendants in the years to come. And you let a man see this, Sovereign Lord! 20 What more can I say to you! You know me, your servant. 21 It was your will and purpose to do this; you have done all these great things in order to instruct me. 22 How great you are, Sovereign Lord! There is none like you; we have always known that you alone are God. 23 There is no other nation on earth like Israel, whom you rescued from slavery to make them your own people. The great and wonderful things you did for them have spread your fame throughout the world. You drove out other nations and their gods as your people advanced, the people whom you set free from Egypt to be your own. 24 You have made Israel your own people forever, and you, Lord, have become their God.
25 “And now, Lord God, fulfill for all time the promise you made about me and my descendants, and do what you said you would. 26 Your fame will be great, and people will forever say, ‘The Lord Almighty is God over Israel.’ And you will preserve my dynasty for all time. 27 Lord Almighty, God of Israel! I have the courage to pray this prayer to you, because you have revealed all this to me, your servant, and have told me that you will make my descendants kings.
28 “And now, Sovereign Lord, you are God; you always keep your promises, and you have made this wonderful promise to me. 29 I ask you to bless my descendants so that they will continue to enjoy your favor. You, Sovereign Lord, have promised this, and your blessing will rest on my descendants forever.”