1 Kyila rite madaro lakole lidri se kabe oso katidri Saulo ro vo ndi lidri se kabe oso katidri Dawidi ro vo be ya. Ago Dawidi ugu a'dote mbara be ndra, ago ànya se kabe oso katidri Saulo ro vo ugu a'dote mbaraako pari.
Ŋgwàagoro Dawidi ro se Ätibe Eberona ya
(1 Ambâ 3:1-4)
2 Ŋgwàagoro kwoi ätite Dawidi ri Eberona ya; ŋgwa kayo ndaro ni Amonona, endre na ni Ainoama se ni Jezerela yasi ana; 3 ŋgwa ṛiri ndaro ni Kileaba, endre na ni Abigaila ävuzi Nabala se ni Karemela yasi ana; ago ŋgwa nina ni Abisolomo, endre na ni Maka ŋguti Talamai 'bädri'ba Gesura ro ro. 4 Ŋgwa lisu ni Adonija endre na ni Agita, ŋgwa linji ni Sefatia, endre na ni Abitala. 5 Ŋgwa njidrialona ni Iterama, endre na ni toko Dawidi ro Egela. Ŋgwàagoro se cini kwoi ätite Dawidi ri Eberona ya.
Abinera Dro'berute Dawidi be
6 Ondro Kyila oye lakole lidri se kosobe katidri Saulo ro vo ndi lidri se kosobe katidri Dawidi ro vo be kadri ugu oyi oko, Abinera 'bo andivo iro te. 7 Saulo orivoya toko ogyeako aza be ävuruna Rizepa, ŋguti Aiya ro, ago Iseboseta atate Abinera ri ekye: “Tana e'di nyu'dute toko ogyeako täpi maro robe niya?” 8 'Dooko Abinera a'dote kyilaro ata se Iseboseta katabe ana tana ro, ago atate ekye: “Inye'do nyusu miro be ma ruindu Yuda riya? Ma'dote orivoya taoro be katidri täpi miro Saulo ri, ndi ädrupii ndaro ndi bereazii ndaro be ri, ago mozo mi kote Dawidi rigye, caoko tu ono si ono nyiti ta te kowero malomvo ta toko ono rota. 9 Ka'do inye Lu, nyozo taezaro Abinera ri ago ndrana ondro ka'do maye tao'ba se Opi ko'ba be Dawidi ri kote owo. 10 Mäläpina miri 'bädri'ba ro 'da ni katidri Saulo ro yasi ago meŋgana Dawidi ndi 'bädri'ba ro Yisaraele dri ndi Yuda be etona ṛoni Dana ya le Beraseba ya.” 11 Ago Iseboseta ni kote tadri Abinera ro ozane, tana nda orivoya turiro ni ndäri.
12 Ndi Abinera zo lazo'bai te Dawidi re Eberona ya, ago atate ekye: “A'di koye ni 'bädri ono mirine ya? Mi'ba tao'ba mabe ago mapana mi Yisaraele cini logosi mire.”
13 'Dooko Dawidi atate ekye: “Kadoyi; ma'bana tao'baro ndi mibe. Oko male ŋga alodi ejine ni misi si; anjioko miri mi maro ondrene i'do e'be gialo miri Mikale, ŋguti Saulo ro ezine mibe, ondro nyate eṛi ma ondrene owo.” 14 'Dooko Dawidi zo lazo'bai kpa te Iseboseta ŋgwa Saulo ro re, ago atate ekye: “Nyozo toko maro Mikale kovole märi, se magyebe ṛo agovodri Felesete'bai kama alo (100) rosi.” 15 Ago Iseboseta zo lazo te Mikale vo, ago ru anya teni ago anyaro Palatiele ŋgwa Laisa ro rigyesi. 16 Ago ago anyaro Palatiele oyite tro anya be, sote anya vo ugu liyibe liti yasi le 'ba'desi Bahurima ya. 'Dooko Abinera atate ndäri ekye: “Migo kovole 'bäru;” ndi nda gote kovole.
17 Ago Abinera zo lazo te 'desii Yisaraele ro ri, ago atate ànyari ekye: “Tuna te amba mile teṛo Dawidi ri a'done 'bädri'ba ro ämidri. 18 Yauono tuna esate! Tana ono ni tase OPI katabe ta Dawidi rota owo, ekye: ‘Ruindu'ba maro Dawidi si mapana lidri maro Yisaraele ro 'da ni drì Felesete'bai ro yasi, ago ni drì kyila'baazii ànyaro ro yasi.’ ” 19 Abinera ata kpate Benjamina'bai ri; ndi nda oyite tase lidri cini Yisaraele ro ndi lidri Benjamina robe kusuyi tavona be kado oyene ono, tana itine Dawidi ri Eberona ya.
20 Ondro Abinera kesate mànoago 'buteritu be Dawidi re Eberona ya oko, Dawidi ye karama te Abinera ri ndi mànoago se nda be kai yibe. 21 Ago Abinera atate Dawidi ri ekye: “Malete oyine yau Yisaraele cini kalana otone opi 'bädri'ba maro re, tana ànya ko'bayi tao'ba robe mibe, tana nyimiri vona cini robe oso se mile be ronye;” Ago Dawidi zo Abinera te oyine, ndi nda oyite liatokpero.
Yoaba Fu Abinera te
22 'Do vosi oko kyila'bai Dawidi ro ndi Yoaba be egoyite ni kyila yasi, ago eziyi ŋgaamba se otopabe te ànya be. Oko Abinera te i'do Dawidi be Eberona ya lau, tana Dawidi zo nda te oyine ago Abinera oyite liatokpero. 23 Ago ondro Yoaba ndi kyila'bai se cini nda be be kesayite oko, iti tate Yoaba ri ekye: “Abinera ŋgwa Nera ro ikyite 'Bädri'ba Dawidi re, ago 'bädri'ba 'ba nda te oyine, ago nda oyite liatokpero.” 24 Ago Yoaba oyite 'bädri'ba re ago atate ekye: “Miye ono e'diyi ya? Mindre, Abinera ikyite mire, oko mi'debe nda o'bane oyine inye etaya? Yauono nda oyite! 25 Mini ndi Abinera ŋgwa Nera ro ikyite mi odone, ofodrî miro tesi ago egodrî miro tana unine, ago tase cini nyabe ugu oyena unine.”
26 Ondro Yoaba kefote tesi ni Dawidi resi oko, nda zo lazo'bai te Abinera vo, ago ànya logoyi nda te kovole ni Koro Sira ro yasi; oko Dawidi ni ta aza ko tana ro. 27 Ago ondro Abinera kegote Eberona ya oko, Yoaba ru nda te dereŋwa kala ga biṛi ya, atane iṛero nda be, ago lau Yoaba 'di Abinera te ya ya. Ago Abinera drate tavologo ro ta ufu ädrupi Yoaba ro Asaele rota. 28 Ondro Dawidi keri tana te oko, atate ekye: “Ma ndi miri 'bädri'ba maro robe orivoya taenjiako OPI kandra ta kari Abinera ŋgwa Nera ro, rota. 29 Kari Abinera ro kori ndi Yoaba dri, ago kori ndi katidri cini täpi ndaro ro dri. Ago katidri Yoaba ro ka'do ko teinye mano aza se kabe rueza ni adravo kari orooro ro kode 'diewi ewi ro, laza ro, adravo koziro kyini ro ndi ŋgaonya ako robe!” 30 Yoaba ndi Abisai ädrupi ndaro be fuyi Abinera te, tana nda fu ädrupi ànyaro Asaele te kyila se Gibeona ya ana ya.
Ase Abinera te
31 'Dooko Dawidi atate Yoaba ndi lidri se cini nda be kai ri ekye: “Nyòtowa boŋgo amiro, ago mìso guniya, ago nyìliyi Abinera ta.” Ago tu avo ose ro si 'Bädri'ba Dawidi modo sote avo uŋgyi'bai vo. 32 Ànya seyi Abinera te Eberona ya. Ago 'bädri'ba 'be ligwo te ago liyite 'budri Abinera ro dri; ago lidri cini liyite. 33 Ago 'Bädri'ba Dawidi nya ciri te ekye:
“Tana e'di Abinera dra gwo oso 'di amamaro kabe odra ronye niya?
34 Embe drì miro kote,
ago embe pa miro kote nyori si;
mi'dete oso 'dise kabe o'de drì 'di koziro roya ronye.”
Ago lidri cini ugu liyite kpa to'dina nda ta.
35 'Dooko lidri cini ikyite rulo'bane Dawidi ri ŋgaonya onyane 'dooko drigba kitu si; oko Dawidi äṛurute ekye: “Lu kufu ma, ondro manya ŋga aza te teinye kitu ri ociako owo.” 36 Ago lidri cini eri tase ono te ago tana si ànya te; tana tase cini 'bädri'ba koyebe ono tana si lidri cini te. 37 Tu ana si ana lidri cini ndi Yisaraele'ba cini be niyi ndi anjioko ko ole 'bädri'ba ro Abinera ŋgwa Nera ro ufune. 38 Ago 'bädri'ba atate kyila'bai ndaro ri ekye: “Inye'do mini ṛoko kitu ondro ono si ono dri'ba 'desi dra ni Yisaraele ya ya? 39 Kitu ondro ono si ono mate mbaraako, ma gica 'bädri'ba äṛuäṛu yi ono owo; ŋgwàagoro gi Zeruya ro kwoi yeyi tate koziro märi. OPI logona taoye kozi se oye'bàna koyebe ono vona ni!”
1 The fighting between the forces supporting Saul's family and those supporting David went on for a long time. As David became stronger and stronger, his opponents became weaker and weaker.
David's Sons
2 The following six sons, in order of their birth, were born to David at Hebron: Amnon, whose mother was Ahinoam, from Jezreel; 3 Chileab, whose mother was Abigail, Nabal's widow, from Carmel; Absalom, whose mother was Maacah, the daughter of King Talmai of Geshur; 4 Adonijah, whose mother was Haggith; Shephatiah, whose mother was Abital; 5 Ithream, whose mother was Eglah. All of these sons were born in Hebron.
Abner Joins David
6 As the fighting continued between David's forces and the forces loyal to Saul's family, Abner became more and more powerful among Saul's followers.
7 One day Ishbosheth son of Saul accused Abner of sleeping with Saul's concubine Rizpah, the daughter of Aiah. 8 This made Abner furious. “Do you think that I would betray Saul? Do you really think I'm serving Judah?” he exclaimed. “From the very first I have been loyal to the cause of your father Saul, his brothers, and his friends, and I have kept you from being defeated by David; yet today you find fault with me about a woman! 9-10 The Lord promised David that he would take the kingdom away from Saul and his descendants and would make David king of both Israel and Judah, from one end of the country to the other. Now may God strike me dead if I don't make this come true!” 11 Ishbosheth was so afraid of Abner that he could not say a word.
12 Abner sent messengers to David, who at that time was at Hebron, to say, “Who is going to rule this land? Make an agreement with me, and I will help you win all Israel over to your side.”
13 “Good!” David answered. “I will make an agreement with you on one condition: you must bring Saul's daughter Michal to me when you come to see me.” 14 And David also sent messengers to Ishbosheth to say, “Give me back my wife Michal. I paid a hundred Philistine foreskins in order to marry her.” 15 So Ishbosheth had her taken from her husband Paltiel son of Laish. 16 Paltiel followed her all the way to the town of Bahurim, crying as he went. But when Abner said, “Go back home,” he did.
17 Abner went to the leaders of Israel and said to them, “For a long time you have wanted David to be your king. 18 Now here is your chance. Remember that the Lord has said, ‘I will use my servant David to rescue my people Israel from the Philistines and from all their other enemies.’” 19 Abner spoke also to the people of the tribe of Benjamin and then went to Hebron to tell David what the people of Benjamin and of Israel had agreed to do.
20 When Abner came to David at Hebron with twenty men, David gave a feast for them. 21 Abner told David, “I will go now and win all Israel over to Your Majesty. They will accept you as king, and then you will get what you have wanted and will rule over the whole land.” David gave Abner a guarantee of safety and sent him on his way.
Abner Is Murdered
22 Later on Joab and David's other officials returned from a raid, bringing a large amount of loot with them. Abner, however, was no longer there at Hebron with David, because David had sent him away with a guarantee of safety. 23 When Joab and his men arrived, he was told that Abner had come to King David and had been sent away with a guarantee of safety. 24 So Joab went to the king and said to him, “What have you done? Abner came to you—why did you let him go like that? 25 He came here to deceive you and to find out everything you do and everywhere you go. Surely you know that!”
26 After leaving David, Joab sent messengers to get Abner, and they brought him back from Sirah Well; but David knew nothing about it. 27 When Abner arrived in Hebron, Joab took him aside at the gate, as though he wanted to speak privately with him, and there he stabbed him in the stomach. And so Abner was murdered because he had killed Joab's brother Asahel. 28 When David heard the news, he said, “The Lord knows that my subjects and I are completely innocent of the murder of Abner. 29 May the punishment for it fall on Joab and all his family! In every generation may there be some man in his family who has gonorrhea or a dreaded skin disease or is fit only to do a woman's work or is killed in battle or doesn't have enough to eat!” 30 So Joab and his brother Abishai took revenge on Abner for killing their brother Asahel in the battle at Gibeon.
Abner Is Buried
31 Then David ordered Joab and his men to tear their clothes, wear sackcloth, and mourn for Abner. And at the funeral King David himself walked behind the coffin. 32 Abner was buried at Hebron, and the king wept aloud at the grave, and so did all the people. 33 David sang this lament for Abner:
“Why did Abner have to die like a fool?
34 His hands were not tied,
And his feet were not bound;
He died like someone killed by criminals!”

And the people wept for him again.
35 All day long the people tried to get David to eat something, but he made a solemn promise, “May God strike me dead if I eat anything before the day is over!” 36 They took note of this and were pleased. Indeed, everything the king did pleased the people. 37 All of David's people and all the people in Israel understood that the king had no part in the murder of Abner. 38 The king said to his officials, “Don't you realize that this day a great leader in Israel has died? 39 Even though I am the king chosen by God, I feel weak today. These sons of Zeruiah are too violent for me. May the Lord punish these criminals as they deserve!”