Ata Ädu Dawidi ro
1 Kwoi ni ata ädu Dawidi ro owo:
Ata Dawidi ŋgwa Yisai ro ro,
ata mano se Lu eŋgate 'desiro kuru ro,
'di äṛuäṛu Lu Yakoba ro,
loŋgo liŋgyiekye oŋgo'ba Yisaraele ro ro:
2 Tori Lu ro atate masi,
lazo ndaro orivoya kala maro ya.
3 Lu Yisaraele ro atateni,
gaga'ba Yisaraele ro atateni märi ekye:
“'Diaza se kabe lidri miri taŋgye si,
se kabe 'dimiri turi Lu rosi,
4 laba orivoya oso ŋgaeyi kyenoŋboro kitu ituvoya ronye,
ago oso kyenoŋbo se pere 'dikolo ako ronye, oso kitu se kabe käyi o'ba oŋgane ni gyini yasi u'di 'buro vosi ronye.”

5 Lu äṛuna zelevoi maro 'da oso inye
tana nda 'ba tao'baro äduako te mabe,
tadriole se änina ko perene,
tao'ba se änina ko utwene.
Ono ni tase cini malebe owo;
se a'dona ndi ŋgaopeṛe maro,
ago endaro Lu o'bana ndi a'done inye.
6 Oko luako'bai laba oso kukyi se avote cowa ronye;
tana änina kote ànya urune drì si;
7 oko 'dise aza kabe kukyi odo ka odona logo si kode äzuce si,
tana azana ànya 'da kpeye asi si.
Kyila'bai Mbaraekye Dawidi ro
(1 Ambâ 11:10-41)
8 Kwoi ni ävuru kyila'bai mbaraekye se Dawidi be ro owo: se käti ni Jose Basebete ni Takemona yasi; se ni dri'ba 'di “Nätu” ro nda ye kyila te äzu ndaro si mànoago kama njidriena (800) be ago tufu ànya te kpeye.
9 Ṛirina se aza be kyila'bai mbaraekye se nätu kai lako ni Eleazara ŋgwa Dodo ro, ni käläsi kala Ahohi ro yasi, nda ndi Dawidi be ogboyite Felesete'bai se kotokalabe kyila oyene ana be ondro kyila'bai Yisaraele ro keŋgye iyite owo. 10 Nda ŋgate ago toga Felesete'bai te madale drì ndaro orote; ago drì ndaro lebete bando lomvo; ago OPI ye ŋgaopeṛe 'desi te tuse ana si. Ago 'do vosi kyila'bai Yisaraele ro egote kovole Eleazara re, oko toto te boŋgo totrine ni avo lomvosi.
11 'Dooko ninana se aza be kyila'bai mbaraekye se nätu kai lako ni Sama ŋgwa Agee ro ni Arara yasi. Felesete'bai otoyikalate voaloya Lei ya, ämvu se duduṛu amba edrete kigye ana ya. Ago Yisaraele'bai mute ni Felesete'bai ri. 12 Oko Sama edrete kitoriya ämvu se ana roya, ago gagate, ago tufu Felesete'bai te. Ago OPI ye ŋgaopeṛe 'desi te tuse ana si.
13 Ago lidri nätu ni opii 'butenätu lakosi oyiyite, ago ikyiyite tuse jalia kabe oye esane si Dawidi re Kugyi Adulama roya, 'dooko lowa Felesete'bai ro otoyi gawa te Vodelero Rafaima roya. 14 Tu gi ana si Dawidi orivoya vo mbaraekye luturo ya; ago kyila'bai Felesete'bai ro orivoya Beteleme ya. 15 Tu alo si gyi lu fu Dawidi te ago nda atate ekye: “Oso aba 'diaza alo ezi gyi gwo märi umvune ni koro Beteleme ro se dereŋwa lomvo ana yasi!” 16 'Dooko kyila'bai mbaraekye se nätu kai ŋgoyivote gawa Felesete'bai ro yasi, ago ndiyi gyi teni koro Beteleme ro se dereŋwa lomvo ana yasi, ago eziyite Dawidi ri. Oko Dawidi lekote umvune; ago nda date ŋgapäṛi ro OPI ri. 17 Ago nda atate ekye: “OPI, mänina ko gyi ono umvune alona! landrena ndi oso ago ma kari lidri nätu se konjayibe adri ànyaro lomvo kwoi ro umvuna!” Ago nda gatezo umvune.
Ono ni taoye turiako si kyila'bai mbaraekye se nätu kai ro owo.
18 Abisai ädrupi Yoaba ro, ŋgwa Zeruya ro, ni orivoya dri'ba kyila'bai 'butenätu ro, nda ye kyila te äzu ndaro si lidri kama nätu (300) be ago tufu ànya te, ago nda a'dote liku be kyila'bai 'butenätu kwoi lako. 19 Nda likute parandra kyila'bai 'butenätu kai lako, ago a'dote dri'ba ànyaro; oko liku ndaro ojokote 'dise nätu kai be.
20 Benaya ŋgwa Yoyada ro ni Kabazela yasi, orivoya kyila'ba turiako yi. Tu alo aza siya layi rosi nda oyi cite kugyi aza ya ago fu ibi te. 21 Ago nda fu Ezipeto'ba aza te. Ezipeto'ba ana orivoya mano ṛoŋgoro ro yi se orivoya äzu be drì ndaro ya. Oko Benaya oyite nda dri dofo be, ago ivu äzu teni Ezipeto'ba ana rigyesi, ago go fu nda te loto äzu modo ndaro si. 22 Ŋgase kwoi Benaya ŋgwa Yoyada ro yete, ago nda a'dote likube lidri se 'butenätu kai lako. 23 Nda a'dote orivoya liku be kyila'bai mbaraekye se 'butenätu kwoi lako, oko liku ndaro ojo kote 'dise nätu kai yibe. Dawidi 'ba nda te dri'ba ro vookwa'bai ndaro dri.
24 Kwoi ni kyila'bai azaka se orivoya lidri 'butenätu kai lako owo: Asaele ädrupi Yoaba ro; Elinana ŋgwa Dodo ro ni Beteleme yasi, 25 Sama ndi Elika be ni Aroda yasi, 26 Eleza ni Peleta yasi, Ira ŋgwa Ikesa ro ni Tekoa yasi, 27 Abiezera ni Anatota yasi, Mebunai ni Usa yasi, 28 Zalamona ni Ahohi yasi, Maharia ni Netofa yasi, 29 Elebe ŋgwa Baana ro ni Netofa yasi, Itai ŋgwa Ribai ro ni Gibea Benjamina yasi, 30 Benaya ni Piratona yasi, Idai ni vodelero Gaasa ro yasi, 31 Abialabona ni Areba yasi, Azamaveta ni Baurima yasi, 32 Eleyaba ni Salabona yasi, ŋgwàagoro Jasena ro, Jonatana, 33 Sama ni Arara yasi, Ahiama ŋgwa Sarara ro ni Arara yasi, 34 Elifeleta ŋgwa Asabai ro ni Maaka yasi, Eliama ŋgwa Aitofele ro ni Gilo yasi, 35 Ezero ni Karemela yasi, Paarai ni Araba yasi, 36 Igala ŋgwa Natana ro ni Zoba yasi, Bana ni Gada yasi, 37 Zeleka ni Amona yasi, Naharai ni Berota yasi, lakazà kyila ro uŋgyi'ba Yoaba ŋgwa Zeruya ro ro, 38 Ira ndi Gareba be ni Itere yasi, 39 Uria Ete'ba.
Vona cini orivoya 'butenätu fonjidrieri.
David's Last Words
1 David son of Jesse was the man whom God made great, whom the God of Jacob chose to be king, and who was the composer of beautiful songs for Israel. These are David's last words:

2 The spirit of the Lord speaks through me;
his message is on my lips.
3 The God of Israel has spoken;
the protector of Israel said to me:
“The king who rules with justice,
who rules in obedience to God,
4 is like the sun shining on a cloudless dawn,
the sun that makes the grass sparkle after rain.”

5 And that is how God will bless my descendants,
because he has made an eternal covenant with me,
an agreement that will not be broken,
a promise that will not be changed.
That is all I desire;
that will be my victory,
and God will surely bring it about.
6 But godless people are like thorns that are thrown away;
no one can touch them barehanded.
7 You must use an iron tool or a spear;
they will be burned completely.
David's Famous Soldiers
(1 Chronicles 11.10-41)
8 These are the names of David's famous soldiers: the first was Josheb Basshebeth from Tachemon, who was the leader of “The Three”; he fought with his spear against eight hundred men and killed them all in one battle.
9 The second of the famous three was Eleazar son of Dodo, of the clan of Ahoh. One day he and David challenged the Philistines who had gathered for battle. The Israelites fell back, 10 but he stood his ground and fought the Philistines until his hand was so cramped that he could not let go of his sword. The Lord won a great victory that day. After it was over, the Israelites returned to where Eleazar was and stripped the armor from the dead.
11 The third of the famous three was Shammah son of Agee from Harar. The Philistines had gathered at Lehi, where there was a field of peas. The Israelites fled from the Philistines, 12 but Shammah stood his ground in the field, defended it, and killed the Philistines. The Lord won a great victory that day.
13 Near the beginning of harvest time three of “The Thirty” went down to Adullam Cave, where David was, while a band of Philistines was camping in Rephaim Valley. 14 At that time David was on a fortified hill, and a group of Philistines had occupied Bethlehem. 15 David grew homesick and said, “How I wish someone would bring me a drink of water from the well by the gate at Bethlehem!” 16 The three famous soldiers forced their way through the Philistine camp, drew some water from the well, and brought it back to David. But he would not drink it; instead he poured it out as an offering to the Lord 17 and said, “Lord, I could never drink this! It would be like drinking the blood of these men who risked their lives!” So he refused to drink it.
Those were the brave deeds of the three famous soldiers.
18 Joab's brother Abishai (their mother was Zeruiah) was the leader of “The Famous Thirty.” He fought with his spear against three hundred men and killed them, and became famous among “The Thirty.” 19 He was the most famous of “The Thirty” and became their leader, but he was not as famous as “The Three.”
20 Benaiah son of Jehoiada from Kabzeel was another famous soldier; he did many brave deeds, including killing two great Moabite warriors. He once went down into a pit on a snowy day and killed a lion. 21 He also killed an Egyptian, a huge man who was armed with a spear. Benaiah attacked him with his club, snatched the spear from the Egyptian's hand, and killed him with it. 22 Those were the brave deeds of Benaiah, who was one of “The Thirty.” 23 He was outstanding among them, but was not as famous as “The Three.” David put him in charge of his bodyguard.
24-39 Other members of “The Thirty” included:
Asahel, Joab's brother
Elhanan son of Dodo from Bethlehem
Shammah and Elika from Harod
Helez from Pelet
Ira son of Ikkesh from Tekoa
Abiezer from Anathoth
Mebunnai from Hushah
Zalmon from Ahoh
Maharai from Netophah
Heleb son of Baanah from Netophah
Ittai son of Ribai from Gibeah in Benjamin
Benaiah from Pirathon
Hiddai from the valleys near Gaash
Abialbon from Arabah
Azmaveth from Bahurim
Eliahba from Shaalbon
The sons of Jashen
Shammah from Harar
Ahiam son of Sharar from Harar
Eliphelet son of Ahasbai from Maacah
Eliam son of Ahithophel from Gilo
Hezro from Carmel
Paarai from Arab
Igal son of Nathan from Zobah
Bani from Gad
Zelek from Ammon
Naharai from Beeroth, Joab's armorbearer
Ira and Gareb from Jattir
Uriah the Hittite.

There were thirty-seven famous soldiers in all.