Ope ṛe ago Odra Abisolomo ro
1 'Dooko 'Bädri'ba Dawidi otokala lidri se orivoya cini nda be ana rote, ago nda 'ba otaozo'bai 'desi rote kutu drisi ago kama drisi. 2 Ago Dawidi zo kyila'bai te, nda lonyi gboko kyila'bai rote nätu, alodi orivoya Yoaba zele, alodi aza ädrupi Yoaba ro Abisai ŋgwa Zeruya ro zele, ago ninana Itai Gata'ba zele. Ago 'bädri'ba atate kyila'bai ndaro ri ekye: “Ma andivo moyina kpa kyila ya ami yibe.”
3 Oko ànya atayite ekye: “Hwa, beṛo ko miri oyine ama yibe. Tana ondro mä̀mu bete, ànyari ta amaro otine i'do. Ondro telesi kpäkyi amaro kodra be, ànyari ta amaro otine i'do. Oko lagye miro orivoya oso kutu 'bute (10,000) amaro ronye. Ni kadopara miri orine noŋwa 'bakici ya, ago mizo ŋgaopa robe ämäri.”
4 'Bädri'ba atate ànyari ekye: “Mayena tase nyusube kadopara ndra 'do ndi.” Ndi 'bädri'ba edrete dereŋwa eciro 'bakici ya lomvo, ondro kyila'bai ndaro kate ugu ofo tesi kama ro ago kutu ro owo. 5 Ago 'bädri'ba ta Yoaba, Abisai ndi Itai be te ekye: “Ta maro ta mìye ŋga kozi aza ko agoanji Abisolomo ri.” 'Bädri'ba kabe ota ozo ta Abisolomo rota dri'bai ri kyila'bai cini eriyi tana te.
6 Ndi kyila'bai Dawidi ro fote tesi vo kyila roya ago yeyi kyila te Yisaraele'bai be kokye Eperaima ro ya. 7 Ago kyila'bai Dawidi ro peyi Yisaraele'bai te ṛe, ago äfu lidri te amba tu gi ana si, otina orivoya kutu 'buteritu (20,000). 8 Kyila larirute wari ana yasi, ago vo kwokye ro 'do tufu kyila'bai te ndrani bando drisi.
9 Ago ndri oko Abisolomo 'bedrite kyila'bai azaka Dawidi robe. Abisolomo kugu umu doŋgyi ndaro si, ago doŋgyi kugu umu gwoṛi vudi ro zele si oko, drî Abisolomo ro ŋga lele ṛo anda lakole gwoṛii ro ya. Ago doŋgyi ndaro ugu umute driya ago e'be nda te pelevoya lakole vokuru ro gyini be ya. 10 Oko mano aza ni lidri Dawidi ro lakosi ndre nda te, ago oyi iti tana te Yoaba ri ekye: “Mindre, mandre Abisolomo te pelevoya vudi dri.”
11 Ndi Yoaba atate mano se kiti ta be ndäri ana ri ekye: “Mindre nda ndi! Mi'de be ko nda ufune lau vo dri etaya? Aba 'dooko ma'dona ndi yai'dwesi tonyo mo'di ro 'bute alo ozone miri ndi kyini kundu robe.”
12 Oko mano ana atate Yoaba ri ekye: “Aba ondro nyozo tonyo mo'di ro gica kutu alo (1,000) märi, mänina ko drì maro eŋgane ŋgwa 'bädri'ba ro dri. Tana ama cini merite 'bädri'ba ozo ota te mi, Abisai ndi Itai be ri ekye: ‘Ta maro ta miye ŋga kozi aza ko agoanji Abisolomo ri.’ 13 Ondro ka'do maye nda bete koziro adri ndaro ufuna si (änina ko ta aza da'done ni 'bädri'ba ri), 'dooko mi andivo nyeŋgyena mi ndi pere.”
14 Yoaba atate ekye: “Male ko saa enjine oso ono ronye mibe.” Ago nda ru äzu nätu te ago so Abisolomo te käsi ya sina, 'dooko nda dri gi lidriidriro pelevoya vudi dri. 15 Ago agoànji 'bute alo uŋgyi'bai lakazà kyila ro Yoaba ro ro, muyi lomvo Abisolomo rote, 'diyi nda te, ago fuyi nda te.
16 'Dooko Yoaba vo cekuṛe te, 'dooko kyila'bai ndaro egoyite ni osovoya Yisaraele'bai vo; tana nda tadri ànyaro te. 17 Ago ànya ruyi avo Abisolomo rote, ago voyi te 'bu 'desi ya kwokye ya, ago ànya droyi kuni te donjo driigye. Ndi Yisaraele'bai cini mute 'ba ànyaro yasi.
18 Tu oriro Abisolomo ro si nda ede ŋbiṛi te Vodelero 'Bädri'ba roya andivo ndaro ri, tana nda atate ekye: “Ma teinye ŋgwaago ako se ävuru maro o'baza orine lidriidriro.” Ago nda zi ŋbiṛi ana te ävuru modo ndaro ro dri. Ago äzite Ŋbiṛi Abisolomo ro le tu ono si ono.
Iti Odra Abisolomo ro tana te Dawidi ri
19 'Dooko Aimaza ŋgwa Zadoka ro atate Yoaba ri ekye: “Mi'ba mämu lazo be 'bädri'ba ri, tana OPI pa nda te ni kyila'baazi ndaro rigyesi.”
20 Oko Yoaba zatadrite ekye: “Ko miri lazo ugune tu ondro ono si, oko nyuguna lazo 'da tu aza si, oko ondro ono miri lazo ugune i'do, tana ŋgwa 'bädri'ba ro drate.” 21 'Dooko Yoaba atate Kusa'ba ri ekye: “Nyoyi nyiti tase mindrebe ono tana 'bädri'ba ri.” Kusa'ba se ana ändite Yoaba kandra, ago mute.
22 'Dooko Aimaza ŋgwa Zadoka ro atate Yoaba ri kpa to'dina ekye: “Ŋga aza kaca a'do ya mi'ba mämu Kusa'ba vo.”
Ago Yoaba atate ekye: “Nyaumu kpa etaya ŋgwa maro? Miri päläti urune lazo ugu ta i'do.” 23 Caoko, Aimaza atate ekye: “Ŋga aza kaca a'do mämuna ndi.”
Ago Yoaba atate ndäri ekye: “Mimu.” 'Dooko Aimaza mute liti gobe Vo Rriro Yaradene roya yasi, ago eŋgye Kusa'ba te.
24 Dawidi rite lakole dereŋwa ritu roya; ago vookwa'ba tute kuru tiṛi drisi ago edrete dridopi dereŋwa roya, ago ondro nda keŋga mi ndaro te kuru oko, nda ndre manoaza te eziimuvoya iṛe. 25 Vookwa'ba zi 'bädri'ba te ago iti tana te ndäri. Ago 'bädri'ba atate ekye: “Ondro nda ka'do bete iṛe, 'do nda orivoya lazo be itine.” Ago nda ezi imute ga lototi. 26 Ago vookwa'ba ndre mano aza kpate eziimuvoya; ndi vookwa'ba zi dereŋwa gaga'ba te ago atate ndari ekye: “Mindre, manoaza ka kpate eziimu iṛe.”
'Bädri'ba atate ekye: “Nda ka kpa lazo ezi.”
27 Ago vookwa'ba atate ekye: “Mandrebe 'di käti ana ka imu oso Aimaza ŋgwa Zadoka ro ronye.” Ago 'bädri'ba atate ekye: “Nda orivoya mano kado yi, ago nda kikyi lazokado be.”
28 'Dooko Aimaza zi 'bädri'ba te ṛeṛe ago atate ekye: “Ŋga cini kado.” Ago nda ändite 'bädri'ba kandra militi si gyini dri ago atate ekye: “Räṛu ka'do OPI Lu miro ri, se ozo mbara te miri lidri se ogbote mi 'bädri'ba be ono opeza ṛe.”
29 Ago 'bädri'ba atate ekye: “Inye'do ta cini ndi kado agoanji maro Abisolomo be ya?”
Aimaza zatadrite ekye: “Yoaba ka ruindu'ba miro ezona be, meri kporo amote amba, oko 'bo e'diyi ya aba mäni ko.”
30 'Bädri'ba atate ekye: “Mizaru telesi ago nyedre lau.” Ndi nda zarute ago edrete lau.
31 Ndri oko, Kusa'ba esate, ago nda atate 'bädri'ba ri ekye: “Lazokado tana opi 'bädri'ba maro. Tana kitu ono si ono, OPI pa mi teni mbara 'dise cini koŋgabe midri ro yasi.”
32 'Bädri'ba atate Kusa'ba ri ekye: “Inye'do ta cini ndi kado agoanji maro Abisolomo be ya?” Ago Kusa'ba se ana zatadrite ekye: “Ka'do ndi inye kyila'baazi mi opi 'bädri'ba maro ro ri, ago ànya se cini koŋgabe midri mi oyene koziro, ka'do ndi oso agoanji ana ronye.” 33 Ndi 'bädri'ba a'dote tusuro ndra, ago tute zo ya kurusi ya dereŋwa drisi ago liyite. Ago ondro nda kate ugu oyi oko nda trete liyi be ekye: “Äye ŋgwa maro Abisolomo, ŋgwa maro, ŋgwa maro Abisolomo! Aba madrana ṛoni vo miro ya! Äye Abisolomo, ŋgwa maro, ŋgwa maro.”
Absalom Is Defeated and Killed
1 King David brought all his men together, divided them into units of a thousand and of a hundred, and placed officers in command of them. 2 Then he sent them out in three groups, with Joab and Joab's brother Abishai and Ittai from Gath, each in command of a group. And the king said to his men, “I will go with you myself.”
3 “You mustn't go with us,” they answered. “It won't make any difference to the enemy if the rest of us turn and run, or even if half of us are killed; but you are worth ten thousand of us. It will be better if you stay here in the city and send us help.”
4 “I will do whatever you think best,” the king answered. Then he stood by the side of the gate as his men marched out in units of a thousand and of a hundred. 5 He gave orders to Joab, Abishai, and Ittai: “For my sake don't harm the young man Absalom.” And all the troops heard David give this command to his officers.
6 David's army went out into the countryside and fought the Israelites in Ephraim Forest. 7 The Israelites were defeated by David's men; it was a terrible defeat, with twenty thousand men killed that day. 8 The fighting spread over the countryside, and more men died in the forest than were killed in battle.
9 Suddenly Absalom met some of David's men. Absalom was riding a mule, and as it went under a large oak tree, Absalom's head got caught in the branches. The mule ran on and Absalom was left hanging in midair. 10 One of David's men saw him and reported to Joab, “Sir, I saw Absalom hanging in an oak tree!”
11 Joab answered, “If you saw him, why didn't you kill him on the spot? I myself would have given you ten pieces of silver and a belt.”
12 But the man answered, “Even if you gave me a thousand pieces of silver, I wouldn't lift a finger against the king's son. We all heard the king command you and Abishai and Ittai, ‘For my sake don't harm the young man Absalom.’ 13 But if I had disobeyed the king and killed Absalom, the king would have heard about it—he hears about everything—and you would not have defended me.”
14 “I'm not going to waste any more time with you,” Joab said. He took three spears and plunged them into Absalom's chest while he was still alive, hanging in the oak tree. 15 Then ten of Joab's soldiers closed in on Absalom and finished killing him.
16 Joab had the trumpet blown to stop the fighting, and his troops came back from pursuing the Israelites. 17 They took Absalom's body, threw it into a deep pit in the forest, and covered it with a huge pile of stones. All the Israelites fled to their own hometowns.
18 During his lifetime Absalom had built a monument for himself in King's Valley, because he had no son to keep his name alive. So he named it after himself, and to this day it is known as Absalom's Monument.
David Is Told of Absalom's Death
19 Then Ahimaaz son of Zadok said to Joab, “Let me run to the king with the good news that the Lord has saved him from his enemies.”
20 “No,” Joab said, “today you will not take any good news. Some other day you may do so, but not today, for the king's son is dead.” 21 Then he said to his Ethiopian slave, “Go and tell the king what you have seen.” The slave bowed and ran off.
22 Ahimaaz insisted, “I don't care what happens; please let me take the news also.”
“Why do you want to do it, my son?” Joab asked. “You will get no reward for it.”
23 “Whatever happens,” Ahimaaz said again, “I want to go.”
“Then go,” Joab said. So Ahimaaz ran off down the road through the Jordan Valley, and soon he passed the slave.
24 David was sitting in the space between the inner and outer gates of the city. The lookout went up to the top of the wall and stood on the roof of the gateway; he looked out and saw a man running alone. 25 He called down and told the king, and the king said, “If he is alone, he is bringing good news.” The runner kept coming closer.
26 Then the lookout saw another man running alone, and he called down to the gatekeeper, “Look! There's another man running!”
The king answered, “This one also is bringing good news.”
27 The lookout said, “I can see that the first man runs like Ahimaaz.”
“He's a good man,” the king said, “and he is bringing good news.”
28 Ahimaaz called out a greeting to the king, threw himself down to the ground before him, and said, “Praise the Lord your God, who has given you victory over the men who rebelled against Your Majesty!”
29 “Is the young man Absalom all right?” the king asked.
Ahimaaz answered, “Sir, when your officer Joab sent me, I saw a great commotion, but I couldn't tell what it was.”
30 “Stand over there,” the king told him; and he went over and stood there.
31 Then the Ethiopian slave arrived and said to the king, “I have good news for Your Majesty! Today the Lord has given you victory over all who rebelled against you!”
32 “Is the young man Absalom all right?” the king asked.
The slave answered, “I wish that what has happened to him would happen to all your enemies, sir, and to all who rebel against you.”
33 The king was overcome with grief. He went up to the room over the gateway and wept. As he went, he cried, “O my son! My son Absalom! Absalom, my son! If only I had died in your place, my son! Absalom, my son!”