Abisolomo Ogbote Dawidi be
1 Ono vosi Abisolomo ru arabia kyila oyero ndi farasi be te andivo ndaro ri, ndi lidri 'butenji be umune mile ndaro ya. 2 Ago Abisolomo ka oŋga ondoalo kyenoŋboci edrene telesi liti ro dereŋwa eciro 'bakici ya ya. Ago ondro 'diaza alo kate ikyi 'bädri'ba kandra vure be, Abisolomo zi nda te, ago atate ekye: “Mi ni 'bakici eŋwani yasi ya?” Ondro nda koza tadrite ekye, ma ni 'bakala Yisaraele ro ono ono yasi oko, 3 Abisolomo atate ndäri ekye: “Mindre, ta miro orivoya kado, ago ŋgye; oko 'diaza i'do kundueŋga'ba ro 'bädri'ba ri ta miro erine.” 4 Ago Abisolomo ugu ata kpate ekye: “Aba a'ba ma gwo ni vureope'ba ro wari ono ya ago 'dise aza vure be ka ikyi ma kandra, mapena vure ndaro ndi ŋgye.” 5 Ago ondro 'diaza kikyite ändine ndäri taoro oyene Abisolomo ru drì ndaro te ovo nda te, ago njunju nda te. 6 'Do ni tase Abisolomo yete Yisaraele 'bai cini se kikyite 'bädri'ba re vure ya ri owo. Ta'doro Abisolomo za ya Yisaraele'bai rote yi lune.
7 Ago ädu ndroa su ro rosi oko Abisolomo atate 'Bädri'ba Dawidi ri ekye: “Molo'baru miri mi'ba ma oyine Eberona ya tao'ba maro se ma'ba be OPI be ana ondene. 8 Tana tuse maribe Gesura ya Siria ya ana si, ma'ba tate OPI ri makye: Ondro ka'do OPI kologo ma gite kovole Yerusalema ya, 'dooko mayena mätu ndi OPI ri.”
9 'Bädri'ba atate ndäri ekye: “Nyoyi liatokpero.” Ndi Abisolomo ŋgate ago oyite Eberona ya. 10 Oko Abisolomo zo lazo'bai te ndrwiro 'bakala cini Yisaraele ro yasi, ekye: “Ondro nyèri cekuṛe te, 'dooko nyàyo ta mìkye Abisolomo te orivoya 'bädri'ba yi Eberona ya!” 11 Ago lidri kama ritu (200) oyite Abisolomo be ni Yerusalema yasi se äzi ànya te ŋgwazi ro, ànya oyi yi iro wairo, niyi ta aza ko. 12 Ondro Abisolomo kate ŋgapäṛi oloro tori ro ozana oko, nda zo lazo te Aitofele tavoata'ba 'Bädri'ba Dawidi ro vo ni Gilo yasi. Ago taäyi 'bädri'ba lomvo a'dote mbara be, ago oso'bai Abisolomo vo otina ugu a'dote amba.
Dawidi Mute ni Yerusalema yasi
13 Ago lazo'ba aza ikyite Dawidi re, ago atate ndäri ekye: “Ya lidri Yisaraele ro ro lute Abisolomo ayani.” 14 'Dooko Dawidi atate ruindu'bai cini ndaro se nda be Yerusalema ya kai ri ekye: “Mìŋga mì'de mä̀mu ri, ukyi mari 'da voopaako ni Abisolomo ri, mòyi ri foroforo, ukyi nda otavo amaro 'da ndri, ago oye ama 'da koziro, ago toga 'dise cini 'bakici ya 'da bando si.”
15 Ago ruindu'bai 'bädri'ba ro atate 'bädri'ba ri ekye: “Tase opi 'bädri'ba kusube oyene ono ama orivoya nja oyene.” 16 Ndi 'bädri'ba fote tesi ago 'di cini zo ndaro ya soyite nda vo. Ago 'bädri'ba e'be 'ditoko ogyeako ndaro te 'butealo vo zo 'desi miri ro ro ondrene. 17 Ondro 'bädri'ba kofote tesi, ago lidri cini kosote nda vo oko; ànya edreyite zo äduro lomvo. 18 Ago ruindu'bai cini ndaro lävuyite nda lomvo si; ago voondre'bai 'bädri'ba ro ndi kyila'bai se kama njidrialo (600) Gita'bai se kosoyibe ṛo nda vo ni Gata yasi kayi lävuyi kpa gwo.
19 'Dooko 'bädri'ba atate Itai Gita'ba ri ekye: “Nyoyi kpa ama yibe etaya? Migo kovole orine 'bädri'ba to'di be, tana mi orivoya 'di atra yi, ago mi kpa ni orivoya 'dise aza kimu teni 'bädri iro yasi owo. 20 Nyesa miro drigba dri tandrobe, ago ondro ono mà'bana mi kpa ugu abane ama yibe vose mùgu oyibe kigye ondreako ago uniako ono ya ya? Migo kovole, ago miru ädrupii miro tro mibe; OPI kaka'da ŋgalu 'duro ndi ta'diri be miri.”
21 Oko Itai zatadri 'bädri'ba rote ekye: “Ma ruäṛu Lu lidriidri ro si, ago mi Opi 'bädri'ba maro rosi, vose nyabe a'do kigye, kode odra yi kode adri yi, ma ruindu'ba miro ma'dona kpa kigye lau.”
22 Ago Dawidi atate Itai ri ekye: “Kado yi, nyugu oyi.” Ago Itai ugu oyite, lidri cini ndaro ndi ŋgàgaŋwa ànyaro cini be. 23 Ago lidri cini liyite amba ondro kondreyi oso'bai Dawidi vo kate ugu oyi owo. 'Bädri'ba zadri Goloŋwa Kedorona rote, ago lidri cini oyite troalo ànya be vocowa ya ro.
24 Abiatara efote, ago Zadoka efo kpa te ndi Lewe'bai cini be, kayi ugu Sänduku Tao'baro Lu ro uŋgyina; ago eriyi Sänduku Tao'baro Lu ro te vuru, madale lidri cini fote tesi ni 'bakici yasi. 25 'Dooko 'bädri'ba atate Zadoka ri ekye: “Miŋgyi Sänduku Tao'baro Lu ro kovole 'bakici ya. Ondro musu takado teni OPI resi, nda logona ma 'da kovole ago o'bana ma 'da Sänduku Tao'baro ondrene to'dina ndi vo ndaro oriro be. 26 Oko ondro nda kata gwo ekye: ‘Male miko’, 'dooko ma nja ni no, nda koye tase kusi nda be 'do märi.” 27 'Bädri'ba ugu ata te kohani Zadoka ri ekye: “Migo kovole 'bakici ya liatokpe ro, ami ndi Abiatara be, ndi ŋgwàagoro ritu amiro be, Aimaza ŋgwa miro, ago Jonatana ŋgwa Abiatara ro. 28 Mindre, marina gi ami kwotene goloŋwà vocowa ro kala, madale nyologona ta lutu märi.” 29 Ndi Zadoka ndi Abiatara be ŋgyiyi Sänduku Tao'baro Lu ro te kovole Yerusalema ya; ago ànya riyite lau.
30 Dawidi ugu liyite ondro nda kate utu kuru 'Bereŋwa Ice Ido ro ro dri owo, nda pa awi ro ago drî ndaro tako tako ro. Ago lidri se cini nda be kai takoyi drî ànyaro kpate, ago ondro ànya kayite ugu utu kuru oko, uguyi liyite. 31 Ago iti tate Dawidi ri ekye: “Aitofele orivoya tavoata'bai lidri se Abisolomo be kai lako.” Ago Dawidi mätute ekye: “Äye OPI, mämätu mi, nyotoza taäyi Aitofele ro ka'do ta amamaro.”
32 Ondro Dawidi kutute dridopi lutu ro, se abe Lu mätu kigye ana ya oko, nda ndre, Usai Akite'ba ikyite drî ndaro utune boŋgo ndaro orivoya lewalewaro ago durufu be drî ndaro ya. 33 Dawidi atate ndäri ekye: “Ondro ka'do be miri oyine mabe, nya'dona ndi ŋgaläŋgyi ro märi. 34 Oko ondro migote 'bakici ya oko, nyata Abisolomo ri mikye: ‘Ma'dona ndi ruindu'ba miro 'bädri'ba, oso ma'dobe ruindu'ba ro täpi miro ri kyeno ana ronye, ago yauono ma'dona ndi ruindu'ba miro’, 'dooko mipena tavo ora Aitofele ro ndi ṛe märi. 35 Inye'do kohanii Zadoka ndi Abiatara be ṛo ko orivoya lau ya? Ka'do inye tase cini nyabe erina ni zo 'desi miri ro 'bädri'ba ro yasi, nyiti tana kohanii Zadoka ndi Abiatara be ri. 36 Mindre, ŋgwàagoro ritu ànyaro orivoya ànya yibe lau, Aimaza ŋgwa Zadoka ro, ago Jonatana ŋgwa Abiatara ro; ago ŋgase cini nyabe erina nyezina tana ndi märi ànya si.”
37 'Dooko Usai bereazi Dawidi ro kaosa 'bakici ya oko Abisolomo ka kpa osa Yerusalema ya.
Absalom Plans Rebellion
1 After this, Absalom provided a chariot and horses for himself, and an escort of fifty men. 2 He would get up early and go and stand by the road at the city gate. Whenever someone came there with a dispute that he wanted the king to settle, Absalom would call him over and ask him where he was from. And after the man had told him what tribe he was from, 3 Absalom would say, “Look, the law is on your side, but there is no representative of the king to hear your case.” 4 And he would add, “How I wish I were a judge! Then anyone who had a dispute or a claim could come to me, and I would give him justice.” 5 When the man would approach Absalom to bow down before him, Absalom would reach out, take hold of him, and kiss him. 6 Absalom did this with every Israelite who came to the king for judgment, and so he won their loyalty.
7 After four years Absalom said to King David, “Sir, let me go to Hebron and keep a promise I made to the Lord. 8 While I was living in Geshur in Syria, I promised the Lord that if he would take me back to Jerusalem, I would worship him in Hebron.”
9 “Go in peace,” the king said. So Absalom went to Hebron. 10 But he sent messengers to all the tribes of Israel to say, “When you hear the sound of trumpets, shout, ‘Absalom has become king at Hebron!’” 11 There were two hundred men who at Absalom's invitation had gone from Jerusalem with him; they knew nothing of the plot and went in all good faith. 12 And while he was offering sacrifices, Absalom also sent to the town of Gilo for Ahithophel, who was one of King David's advisers. The plot against the king gained strength, and Absalom's followers grew in number.
David Flees from Jerusalem
13 A messenger reported to David, “The Israelites are pledging their loyalty to Absalom.”
14 So David said to all his officials who were with him in Jerusalem, “We must get away at once if we want to escape from Absalom! Hurry! Or else he will soon be here and defeat us and kill everyone in the city!”
15 “Yes, Your Majesty,” they answered. “We are ready to do whatever you say.” 16 So the king left, accompanied by all his family and officials, except for ten concubines, whom he left behind to take care of the palace.
17 As the king and all his men were leaving the city, they stopped at the last house. 18 All his officials stood next to him as the royal bodyguards passed by in front of him. The six hundred soldiers who had followed him from Gath also passed by, 19 and the king said to Ittai, their leader, “Why are you going with us? Go back and stay with the new king. You are a foreigner, a refugee away from your own country. 20 You have lived here only a short time, so why should I make you wander around with me? I don't even know where I'm going. Go back and take all your people with you—and may the Lord be kind and faithful to you.”
21 But Ittai answered, “Your Majesty, I swear to you in the Lord's name that I will always go with you wherever you go, even if it means death.”
22 “Fine!” David answered. “March on!” So Ittai went on with all his men and their dependents. 23 The people cried loudly as David's followers left. The king crossed Kidron Brook, followed by his men, and together they went out toward the wilderness.
24 Zadok the priest was there, and with him were the Levites, carrying the sacred Covenant Box. They set it down and didn't pick it up again until all the people had left the city. The priest Abiathar was there too. 25 Then the king said to Zadok, “Take the Covenant Box back to the city. If the Lord is pleased with me, some day he will let me come back to see it and the place where it stays. 26 But if he isn't pleased with me—well, then, let him do to me what he wishes.” 27 And he went on to say to Zadok, “Look, take your son Ahimaaz and Abiathar's son Jonathan and go back to the city in peace. 28 Meanwhile, I will wait at the river crossings in the wilderness until I receive news from you.” 29 So Zadok and Abiathar took the Covenant Box back into Jerusalem and stayed there.
30 David went on up the Mount of Olives crying; he was barefoot and had his head covered as a sign of grief. All who followed him covered their heads and cried also. 31 When David was told that Ahithophel had joined Absalom's rebellion, he prayed, “Please, Lord, turn Ahithophel's advice into nonsense!”
32 When David reached the top of the hill, where there was a place of worship, his trusted friend Hushai the Archite met him with his clothes torn and with dirt on his head. 33 David said to him, “You will be of no help to me if you come with me, 34 but you can help me by returning to the city and telling Absalom that you will now serve him as faithfully as you served his father. And do all you can to oppose any advice that Ahithophel gives. 35 The priests Zadok and Abiathar will be there; tell them everything you hear in the king's palace. 36 They have their sons Ahimaaz and Jonathan with them, and you can send them to me with all the information you gather.”
37 So Hushai, David's friend, returned to the city just as Absalom was arriving.