Amonona ndi Tamara be
1 Abisolomo, ŋgwa Dawidi ro orivoya endreŋwa liŋgyiekye aza be, ävuruna Tamara. Ago Amonona, alo aza ŋgwàagoro Dawidi ro ro, lu anya tawi. 2 Amonona a'dote tusuro ta ŋgalu ndaro ro endreŋwa ndaro Tamara ta 'doro, nda a'dote adravo ro; tana anya orivoya ŋgutikodroŋwa yi, ago landrete rritiro Amonona ri ta aza oyene anyari. 3 Oko Amonona orivoya bereazi aza be äzite Jonadaba, ŋgwa ädrupi Dawidi ro Simia ro; ago Jonadaba orivoya mano 'diodo'ba yi. 4 Jonadaba atate Amonona ri ekye: “Tana e'di kyenoŋbo cini si tori miro a'do gwo mäyuro niya, ŋgwa 'bädri'ba maro ro? Inye'do minina ko tana itine märi ya?”
Amonona zatadri te ndäri ekye: “Mulu Tamara, endreŋwa ädrupi maro Abisolomo ro tawi.”
5 Jonadaba atate ndäri ekye: “Nyu'du vuru kitapara miro dri ago mi'ba mi a'done oso mi adravo ro. Ago ondro täpi miro kikyite mi ondrene oko, nyata ndäri mikye: ‘Mi'ba endreŋwa maro Tamara, kikyi ŋgaonya ozone märi onyane. Ago mi'ba anya kala'di ŋgaonya ma milesi, tana mandre robe ago manya robe ni anya rigyesi.’ ” 6 Ndi Amonona u'dute vuru, ago 'ba yite a'done oso adravo ro ronye.
Ago ondro 'Bädri'ba Dawidi kikyite nda ondrene oko, Amonona atate ndäri ekye: “Molo'baru miri mi'ba Tamara endreŋwa maro kikyi ambata ndiṛiŋwà ro o'bene märi ma milesi, tana manya robe ni anya rigyesi.”
7 'Dooko Dawidi zo lazo te zo 'desi miri roya Tamara vo, ekye: “Nyoyi zo ädrupi miro Amonona roya, ago nyala'di ŋgaonya ndäri.” 8 Tamara oyite zo ädrupi anyaro Amonona roya, ago usu nda te u'duvoya vuru. Anya ru kyira te, ŋgate, ru ŋga ŋgao'bero te, ago 'be ambata ndiṛiŋwà rote nda milesi. Ago anya eda ambata teni ŋgao'bero drisi ago ozote Amonona ri, 9 oko nda gazo onyane. Ndi Amonona ekye 'di cini kutwe tesi ni zo yasi. Ndi 'di cini fote tesi ni nda resi. 10 'Dooko Amonona atate Tamara ri ekye: “Nyezi ŋgaonya zo yasi ya mare noŋwa, tana manya robe ni mirigyesi.” Ndi Tamara ru ambata se anya ko'bebe kai te, ago ezi ànya te Amonona ädrupi anyaro ri zo yasi ya. 11 Oko ondro anya kezi ambata te loto ndäri onyane oko, Amonona baṛi anya te, ago atate anyari ekye: “Nyikyi u'dune mare, endreŋwa maro.”
12 Tamara zatadri ndaro te ekye: “Ko inye ädrupi maro, miru ma ko mbara si; tana ta anya oso inye 'do aye ko Yisaraele ya; miye ta ko koziro oso 'do ronye. 13 Moyina ma da'done eŋwaro ni driupi riya? Ago mi nya'dona ndi aloaza ŋgakozi oye'baro Yisaraele ya. Ka'do inye molo'baru miri nyeji 'bädri'ba; tana nda lagana ma ko zo ni ogyevoya miri.” 14 Oko nda gatezo ta anyaro erine; tana mbara ndaro ndra ni anya drisi, ago nda ru anya te mbara si, ago u'dute anya be.
15 'Dooko ya Amonona ro osote ndra Tamara lomvo, ago yaoso se ya ndaro kosobe anya lomvo yauono te ndrani ŋgalu se nda kulu anya be sedri sina ana drisi. Ago Amonona atate anyari ekye: “Miŋga nyoyi teri.”
16 Oko Tamara atate ndäri ekye: “Hwa, ädrupi maro, ma onjane oso ono ronye orivoya kozi parandra ni tase miyebe märi drisi.”
17 Oko Amonona eri ta Tamara ro kote. Nda zi agoanji se kabe ruindu ndäri ana te ago atate ekye: “Nyolofo toko ono tesi ni mare si! Nyolofo anya tesi ago mise käläsi.” 18 Ago ruindu'ba lofo anya te tesi ndi se käläsi te.
Tamara vo orivoya boŋgo runduṛuro yola royi anya lomvo; se ni liti boŋgo ovoro ndiriŋwa kodroŋwà ro 'bädri'ba ro ro tuse kyeno ana si owo. 19 Ago Tamara fo torofo te drî anyaro ya, ago wa boŋgo runduṛuro yola ro se anya kovobe lomvo ya ana te; ago anya 'ba drî te drì ya, ago ugu liyite amba oyivoya.
20 Ndi ädrupi anyaro Abisolomo atate anyari ekye: “Inye'do Amonona ädrupi miro u'dute mibe ya? Nyipi ta 'do drina, endreŋwa maro, nda orivoya ädrupi miro; miru tana ko ya ya.” Ago Tamara rite zo ädrupi anyaro Abisolomo roya, iṛe ago tusu ro.
21 Ondro 'Bädri'ba Dawidi keri tase cini kwoi tana te oko, nda a'dote kyilaro amba. 22 Oko Abisolomo ata ta kado kode kozi aza kote Amonona ri; tana ya Abisolomo ro osote koziro Amonona lomvo, tana nda topa endreŋwa ndaro Tamara te.
Tavologo Abisolomo ro ndi Umu be
23 Ndroa ritu vosi ondro Abisolomo kate 'bi timele ndaro ro olona Bala Azora ya, loto 'ba'desi Eperaima lomvo oko, Abisolomo eji ŋgwàagoro cini 'bädri'ba rote a'done lau. 24 Abisolomo ikyite 'Bädri'ba Dawidi re ago atate ekye: “Mindre, ate 'bi timele ma ruindu'ba miro ro olona. Molo'baru mi 'bädri'ba ri ndi ruindu'bai miro be oyine ma ruindu'ba miro be.”
25 Oko 'bädri'ba atate Abisolomo ri ekye: “Hwa, ŋgwa maro, ko ämäri oyine cini, ukyi a'do'da ŋgalägyi ro miri.” Oko Abisolomo so gi anda, oko 'bädri'ba ozo vo kote ago eji Abisolomo te oyine.
26 Oko Abisolomo atate ekye: “Ka'do te inye, dia mi'ba Amonona ädrupi maro oyine ama yibe.”
Ago 'bädri'ba atate ekye: “Nda oyina gwo ami yibe etaya?” 27 Oko Abisolomo toŋgo kala Dawidi ro te ago nda 'ba Amonona ndi ŋgwàagoro cini 'bädri'ba robe te oyine Abisolomo be.
28 Ago Abisolomo ozo tate ruindu'bai ndaro ri ekye: “Saa aza ya ondro Amonona ka'dote riyäro ni vino risi, ago ondro matate ämiri makye: Mìfu Amonona oko, 'dooko mìfu nda. Nyùturi ko; Inye'do mozo ota 'do ṛo ko niya? Nyà'do turiako ago nyèleye ko.” 29 Ago ruindu'bai Abisolomo ro yeyi tate Amonona ri oso se Abisolomo kota ànya be ronye. 'Dooko ŋgwàagoro anjoko cini Dawidi ro ŋgate, vona cini alo alo tute doŋgyi iro dri ago mute.
30 Ondro ànya dri orivoya liti ya oko, lazo sate Dawidi ri ekye: “Abisolomo fu ŋgwàagoro cini 'bädri'ba rote, alodi ànyaro aza e'be kote.” 31 'Dooko Dawidi ŋgate towa boŋgo ndaro te ago u'dute gyini dri; ago ruindu'bai cini ndaro se kedreyibe gbikyi nda lomvosi kai towayi boŋgo ànyaro kpa te. 32 Oko Jonadaba ŋgwa Simia, ädrupi Dawidi ro ro atate ekye: “Ko 'desi maro ri tavousune ekye äfu ŋgwàagoro 'bädri'ba rote kyiti, Amonona dra toto ni. Abisolomo 'ba ta ono teṛo ya ya oyene, ṛo ni tuse Amonona kuru endreŋwa ndaro Tamara be mbarasi ana si. 33 Beṛo ko 'desi maro 'bädri'ba ri taomane ya iro ya ekye ŋgwàagoro cini 'bädri'ba ro drate; Amonona dra toto ni.”
34 Oko Abisolomo mute. Ago agoanji se koribe vookwane keŋga mi ndaro te kuru oko, ndre, lidri amba te ikyivoya ni liti Oranaima ro lama telesi 'bereŋwa ro yasi drisi. 35 Ago Jonadaba atate 'Bädri'ba Dawidi ri ekye: “Mindre yauono ŋgwàagoro 'bädri'ba ro kate esa, ndi oso se matabe ronye.” 36 Ago ondro nda konde atate oko, ŋgwàagoro Dawidi ro esayite, ago treyite liyi be, ago Dawidi ndi ruindu'bai cini ndaro be liyiyi kpate.
37 Oko Abisolomo mute yi opane Talamai ŋgwa Amihuda 'bädri'ba Gesura ro re. Ago Dawidi liyite madaro ta ŋgwa ndaro rota. 38 Oko Abisolomo mute, pa yite Gesura ya, ago rite lau ndroa nätu. 39 Ondro tusu odra Amonona ro ro kokyete ni ya 'bädri'ba ro yasi oko, 'Bädri'ba eto ta Abisolomo ro usuna te ndra.
Amnon and Tamar
1 David's son Absalom had a beautiful unmarried sister named Tamar. Amnon, another of David's sons, fell in love with her. 2 He was so much in love with her that he became sick, because it seemed impossible for him to have her; as a virgin, she was kept from meeting men. 3 But he had a friend, a very shrewd man named Jonadab, the son of David's brother Shammah. 4 Jonadab said to Amnon, “You are the king's son, yet day after day I see you looking sad. What's the matter?”
“I'm in love with Tamar, the sister of my half brother Absalom,” he answered.
5 Jonadab said to him, “Pretend that you are sick and go to bed. When your father comes to see you, say to him, ‘Please ask my sister Tamar to come and feed me. I want her to fix the food here where I can see her, and then serve it to me herself.’” 6 So Amnon pretended that he was sick and went to bed.
King David went to see him, and Amnon said to him, “Please let Tamar come and make a few cakes here where I can see her, and then serve them to me herself.”
7 So David sent word to Tamar in the palace: “Go to Amnon's house and fix him some food.” 8 She went there and found him in bed. She took some dough, prepared it, and made some cakes there where he could see her. Then she baked the cakes 9 and emptied them out of the pan for him to eat, but he wouldn't. He said, “Send everyone away”—and they all left. 10 Then he said to her, “Bring the cakes here to my bed and serve them to me yourself.” She took the cakes and went over to him. 11 As she offered them to him, he grabbed her and said, “Come to bed with me!”
12 “No,” she said. “Don't force me to do such a degrading thing! That's awful! 13 How could I ever hold up my head in public again? And you—you would be completely disgraced in Israel. Please, speak to the king, and I'm sure that he will give me to you.” 14 But he would not listen to her; and since he was stronger than she was, he overpowered her and raped her.
15 Then Amnon was filled with a deep hatred for her; he hated her now even more than he had loved her before. He said to her, “Get out!”
16 “No,” she answered. “To send me away like this is a greater crime than what you just did!”
But Amnon would not listen to her; 17 he called in his personal servant and said, “Get this woman out of my sight! Throw her out and lock the door!” 18 The servant put her out and locked the door.
Tamar was wearing a long robe with full sleeves, the usual clothing for an unmarried princess in those days. 19 She sprinkled ashes on her head, tore her robe, and with her face buried in her hands went away crying. 20 When her brother Absalom saw her, he asked, “Has Amnon molested you? Please, sister, don't let it upset you so much. He is your half brother, so don't tell anyone about it.” So Tamar lived in Absalom's house, sad and lonely.
21 When King David heard what had happened, he was furious. 22 And Absalom hated Amnon so much for having raped his sister Tamar that he would no longer even speak to him.
Absalom's Revenge
23 Two years later Absalom was having his sheep sheared at Baal Hazor, near the town of Ephraim, and he invited all the king's sons to be there. 24 He went to King David and said, “Your Majesty, I am having my sheep sheared. Will you and your officials come and take part in the festivities?”
25 “No, my son,” the king answered. “It would be too much trouble for you if we all went.” Absalom insisted, but the king would not give in, and he asked Absalom to leave.
26 But Absalom said, “Well, then, will you at least let my brother Amnon come?”
“Why should he?” the king asked. 27 But Absalom kept on insisting until David finally let Amnon and all his other sons go with Absalom.
Absalom prepared a banquet fit for a king 28 and instructed his servants: “Notice when Amnon has had too much to drink, and then when I give the order, kill him. Don't be afraid. I will take the responsibility myself. Be brave and don't hesitate!” 29 So the servants followed Absalom's instructions and killed Amnon. All the rest of David's sons mounted their mules and fled.
30 While they were on their way home, David was told: “Absalom has killed all your sons—not one of them is left!” 31 The king stood up, tore his clothes in sorrow, and threw himself to the ground. The servants who were there with him tore their clothes also. 32 But Jonadab, the son of David's brother Shammah, said, “Your Majesty, they haven't killed all your sons. Only Amnon is dead. You could tell by looking at Absalom that he had made up his mind to do this from the time that Amnon raped his sister Tamar. 33 So don't believe the news that all your sons are dead; only Amnon was killed.”
34 In the meantime Absalom had fled.
Just then the soldier on sentry duty saw a large crowd coming down the hill on the road from Horonaim. He went to the king and reported what he had seen. 35 Jonadab said to David, “Those are your sons coming, just as I said they would.” 36 As soon as he finished saying this, David's sons came in; they started crying, and David and his officials also cried bitterly.
37-38 Absalom fled and went to the king of Geshur, Talmai son of Ammihud, and stayed there three years. David mourned a long time for his son Amnon; 39 but when he got over Amnon's death, he was filled with longing for his son Absalom.