1 Ni Simona Petero, ruindu'ba ago lazo'ba Yesu Kristo ro resi.
Ànya se taŋgye Lu amaro ro ndi Opa'ba Yesu Kristo si kusu taoma ndra te oso amaro ronye ono ri.
2 Tai'dwero ndi taliatokpe be ka'do ämiri ndra ago ndra tana tauni amiro Lu uniro ago Yesu Opi amaro unina ro ono ro.
Läzi Lu ro 'Di Onjionji Ndaro ri
3 Mbara taŋgye Lu ro ozo ŋga cini se màlebe orine sina ori ŋgye mätu'ba ro rote tauni amaro nda se kuzi ama be 'desi ndaro ndi takado ndaro nda uni robe la'done rosi. 4 Liti ono yasi nda ozo ŋgapäṛi 'desi para liŋgyiekye se nda ko'ba tana be te ämäri, tana ta ŋgapäṛi kwoi rosi mipavo robe ni ŋgalovo se 'bädri ya kabe 'ditufu ono risi, ago nyàla'dona taŋgye a'do Lu ro ro 'da. 5 Tana ta gi ono ro nyojo mbara cini si takado adroane taoma amiro dri, ago takado amiro dri nyadroa tauni, 6 tauni amiro dri nyadroa andivo rita; andivo rita amiro dri nyadroa yaiŋgyi, yaiŋgyi amiro dri nyadroa a'do lu'ba ro; 7 a'do lu'ba ro amiro dri nyadroa ŋgalu ädrupii ro, ago ŋgalu ädrupii ro amiro dri nyadroa ŋgalu. 8 Kwoi orivoya ni a'do se ämiri a'done sina owo, ago ondro nyà'dote ànya be ndra, ànya o'bana ami ko a'done tovo ro oko nyà'dona losi oye oyero tauni amiro Opi amaro Yesu Kristo roya. 9 Oko nda se ka'do kote ŋga kwoi be orivoya oso 'diaza se mina ndre vo ko kadoro ronye. Nda orivoya miako ago ije tase äwäṛi nda be ni takozii se uku ri ana tana te.
10 Ka'do inye, ädrupii maro, nyòjo mbara cini si läzi Lu ro ami uzi ro ndi onji robe unine 'duro, ondro mìye te inye, nyè'bena taoma amiro ko alona. 11 Liti ono yasi ozona takado 'da ociza ämiri Miri 'Bädri'ba äduako Opi amaro ago Opa'ba Yesu Kristo ro roya.
12 Ago ka'do inye ondoalo mologona ta kwoi tana 'da ämidri, mìni ànya gica ago nyèdre gica ŋgyiri taŋgye se mìru be ono ya owo. 13 Musube orivoya kado märi ami teŋgane ta kwoi kogo koto robe ämidri oso mabe drigi 'du orivoya lidriidriro ono ronye. 14 Mänite anjioko me'bena lomvo oŋgwaoŋgwa ro ono 'da ndriro, oso Opi amaro Yesu Kristo kitibe märi ŋbelero ronye. 15 Ka'do inye mojona 'da mbara cini si liti usune ämiri ta koyi oyizana drî ya tu cini si odra maro vosi.
Ànya se Ndre 'Desi Kristo robe ana
16 Mà'ba mi kote ta itiiti awi dri mà be ta ikyi mbarapara Opi amaro Yesu Kristo ro ro tana o'bana unine ämiri owo. Mi andivo amaro rosi màndre 'desi parandra ndaro te. 17 Ama orivoya lau tuse ozo taoro ndi 'desi be te ndäri Lu Täpi si ana si, tuse ata ikyite ndäri ni vo Lägulägu Liŋgyiekye yasi ekye: “Ono orivoya Ŋgwa modo maro ro se mulu tawi owo, ta ndaro si ma tawi.” 18 Andivo amaro meri ata ono te ikyivoya ni vo'buyakuru yasi, tuse ama be nda be 'bereŋwa alokado dri ana si.
19 Ago lazo se apete nebii si ana a'bate ŋgye ämäri. A'dona kado ämiri biogane tana erine, tana anya orivoya oso lamba kabe voeyi vouni ya ronye madale 'buzevo osina gwo ago tu etona gwo ago ŋgaeyi 'bi'bi kyenoŋbo ro ro eyina vo 'da ya amiro ya. 20 Caoko, ndrani ŋga cini risi, ämiri tana oyine anjioko 'diaza unina ko taegyi nebii ro Taegyi ya tazevona edrene andivo ndaro si. 21 Tana lazo nebii ro ikyi ko ni ole lidri ro yasi, ago lidri orivoya ŋga rita Tori Alokado ro zele lazo se ànya kopebe ana ikyite ni Lu resi.
1 From Simon Peter, a servant and apostle of Jesus Christ—
To those who through the righteousness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ have been given a faith as precious as ours:
2 May grace and peace be yours in full measure through your knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord.
God's Call and Choice
3 God's divine power has given us everything we need to live a truly religious life through our knowledge of the one who called us to share in his own glory and goodness. 4 In this way he has given us the very great and precious gifts he promised, so that by means of these gifts you may escape from the destructive lust that is in the world, and may come to share the divine nature. 5 For this very reason do your best to add goodness to your faith; to your goodness add knowledge; 6 to your knowledge add self-control; to your self-control add endurance; to your endurance add godliness; 7 to your godliness add Christian affection; and to your Christian affection add love. 8 These are the qualities you need, and if you have them in abundance, they will make you active and effective in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. 9 But if you do not have them, you are so shortsighted that you cannot see and have forgotten that you have been purified from your past sins.
10 So then, my friends, try even harder to make God's call and his choice of you a permanent experience; if you do so, you will never abandon your faith. 11 In this way you will be given the full right to enter the eternal Kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
12 And so I will always remind you of these matters, even though you already know them and are firmly grounded in the truth you have received. 13 I think it only right for me to stir up your memory of these matters as long as I am still alive. 14 I know that I shall soon put off this mortal body, as our Lord Jesus Christ plainly told me. 15 I will do my best, then, to provide a way for you to remember these matters at all times after my death.
Eyewitnesses of Christ's Glory
16 We have not depended on made-up stories in making known to you the mighty coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. With our own eyes we saw his greatness. 17 We were there when he was given honor and glory by God the Father, when the voice came to him from the Supreme Glory, saying, “This is my own dear Son, with whom I am pleased!” 18 We ourselves heard this voice coming from heaven, when we were with him on the holy mountain.
19 So we are even more confident of the message proclaimed by the prophets. You will do well to pay attention to it, because it is like a lamp shining in a dark place until the Day dawns and the light of the morning star shines in your hearts. 20 Above all else, however, remember that none of us can explain by ourselves a prophecy in the Scriptures. 21 For no prophetic message ever came just from the human will, but people were under the control of the Holy Spirit as they spoke the message that came from God.