1 Elisa zatadrite ekye: “Nyeri ata OPI ro se kabe ata ekye: Ondo oso saa nonye oko, agyena ŋga ŋgaojoro twialo kaaza ro 'da sekele alodi si, ago agyena ŋga ŋgaojoro twitwi ritu kyifo ro 'da sekele alodi si dereŋwa Samaria ro kala.” 2 'Dooko dri'ba kyila'bai rose kabe lomvo 'bädri'ba ro okwana ni 'do atate Elisa ri ekye: “Aba ondro ka'do OPI andivona kupi käläsi vo'buyakuru ro gwo 'bu ku'di gwo, ŋga oso ono ronye a'dona ndi ya?” Oko nda zatadrite ekye: “Mindrena 'da mi andivo miro rosi, oko miri aza onyane i'do alona.”
Oyi kyila'bai Siria'bai ro ro
3 Kari'bai se azaka orivoya dereŋwa 'bakici ro kala, ana atayite iyivoya ekye: “Tana e'di màri gwo noŋwa odra kotene niya? 4 Ondro ka'do mata gwo makye: ‘Màci 'bakici ya, mä'bu orivoya lau madrana ndi lau; ago ondro màrite noŋwa madrana kpa. Ka'do inye mì'de mòyi gawa Siria'bai roya, ondro ka'do ànya ketayi ama te màrina ndi lidriidriro, ago ondro ka'do ànya koleyite ama ufune màdrana gwo.’ ” 5 Ta'dota ànya ŋgayite ṛo vopäripäri oyine gawa Siria'bai roya; oko ondro ànya kosayite sidri gawa Siria'bai roya oko, ànya usuyi 'diaza alo kote lau. 6 Tana OPI 'ba kyila'bai Siria'bai rote kporo arabia, farasii ndi kporo kyila'bai amba robe erine, ta'dota ànya atayite ànyavoya ekye 'bädri'ba Yisaraele ro ezi 'bädri'bai Ete'bai ro ndi 'bädri'bai Ezipeto'bai robe te ànya gotane. 7 Ndi ànya muyite ṛo vopäripäri ago e'beyi zo boŋgo ro ànyaro, farasii ànyaro ndi doŋgyii ànyaro be te, e'beyi gawa te vona ya ago payite toto adri ànyaro ayani.
8 Ondro kari'bai se su kai kesayite sidri gawa roya oko, ànya ciyite zo boŋgoro ya, nyayi ŋgate ago mvuyi ŋgate, ago ànya ŋgyiyi mo'di, logo läguläguro ndi boŋgo se ànya kusuyibe lau ana te, ago oyiyi da'doyite. 'Dooko ànya go egoyi kpate ciyite zo boŋgoro aza ya, ago ŋgyiyi ŋgate ni kigyesi go oyiyi da'doyite. 9 'Dooko ànya atayite iyivoya ekye: “Tase mabe oyena ono ko ŋgye. Tu gi ondro ono orivoya tu lazokado ro; ondro ka'do màri gwo titiitiro madale vo kiwi gwo leni kyenoŋbosi, 'dooko ezana ama ndi; ka'do inye mì'de mòyi lazo ozone katidri 'bädri'ba ro ri.” 10 Ta'dota ànya ikyiyite ziyi dereŋwa okwa'bai 'bakici rote, ago itiyi tate ànyari ekye: “Mòyite gawa Siria'bai roya, oko màndre 'diaza alo kote ago mèri kporo aza kote lau, ŋga aza i'do oko toto farasii ndi doŋgyii be ayani oyioyiro, zoi boŋgoro ri iro gi vona yasi.”
11 'Dooko dereŋwa okwa'bai ziyi läzi te, ago iti tana te katidri 'bädri'ba ro ri. 12 'Bädri'ba ŋgate ŋgäkyi si, ago atate dri'bai losi ro ndaro ri ekye: “Tase Siria'bai korayibe ama lomvo ono mitina tana ndi ämiri. Ànya niyite ama orivoya täbiri ro, tana ta'doro ànya foyite ni gawa yasi andivo ànyaro da'done wari rriro ya, ànya usuyite ekye: ‘Ondro Yisaraele'bai kofoyite ni 'bakici yasi ŋgaonya uṛine oko, mä̀ru ànya robe lidriidriro ago màci robe 'bakici ya.’ ”
13 Alo aza dri'bai losi ro ndaro ro atate ekye: “Mi'ba lidri azaka kuru anjoko farasii ro ke'bebe nji ono ro, tana ànya se ke'bebe noŋwa ono kaoye kpa a'done oso lowa Yisaraele'bai ro se kodrabe nja iyi ronye; mì'de màzo ànya màndre tase ka'dobe robe.” 14 'Dooko ànya njiyi lidri azaka te, ago 'bädri'ba zo ànya te arabia ritu si ago atate ekye: “Nyòyi tase ka'dobe kyila'bai Siria'bai ro ri 'do ondrene.” 15 Lidri kai oyiyite le Golo Yaradene ya; ago ndreyi boŋgo ndi ŋga azaka be se Siria'bai kuguyi e'bena be liti drisi umu ànyaro karagbagbaro si ana te. 'Dooko Lazo'ba kai egoyite, ago itiyi tana te 'bädri'ba ri.
16 'Dooko lidri Samaria ro foyite topayi gawa Siria'bai rote, ago ogye ŋga ŋgaojoro twialo kyira kaaza ro sekele alodi, ago ŋga ŋgaojoro twitwi ritu kyifo ro sekele alodi, oso ata se OPI katabe ronye.
17 'Dooko 'bädri'ba ka'da dri'ba kyila'bai ro se kabe vo ndaro okwana ni ana ṛote dri'ba dereŋwa ro ri. Ta'dota lidri lutute nda drisi dereŋwa kala, ago nda drate, a'do te oso se Elisa katabe käti ikyi 'bädri'ba ro nda re si 'do ronye. 18 Oso Elisa katabe 'bädri'ba ri se ekye: “Ŋga ŋgaojoro twitwi ritu kyifo ro agyena 'da sekele alodi si ago agyena ŋga ŋgaojoro twialo kaaza ro sekele alodi si, ondo oso saa nonye dereŋwa Samaria roya ana ronye,” 19 se dri'ba kyila'bai ro zatadrite ekye: “Aba ondro ka'do OPI andivona kupi käläsi vo'buyakuru ro gwo 'bu ku'di gwo, ŋga oso ono ronye a'dona ndi ya?” Ago Elisa kozatadri be ekye: “Mindrena 'da mi andivo miro rosi, oko miri azana onyane i'do alona” ana ronye. 20 A'do ndi ndäri inye, lidri to nda te dereŋwa kala, ago nda drate.
1 Elisha answered, “Listen to what the Lord says! By this time tomorrow you will be able to buy in Samaria ten pounds of the best wheat or twenty pounds of barley for one piece of silver.”
2 The personal attendant of the king said to Elisha, “That can't happen—not even if the Lord himself were to send grain at once!”
“You will see it happen, but you won't get to eat any of the food,” Elisha replied.
The Syrian Army Leaves
3 Four men who were suffering from a dreaded skin disease were outside the gates of Samaria, and they said to each other, “Why should we wait here until we die? 4 It's no use going into the city, because we would starve to death in there; but if we stay here, we'll die also. So let's go to the Syrian camp; the worst they can do is kill us, but maybe they will spare our lives.” 5 So, as it began to get dark, they went to the Syrian camp, but when they reached it, no one was there. 6 The Lord had made the Syrians hear what sounded like the advance of a large army with horses and chariots, and the Syrians thought that the king of Israel had hired Hittite and Egyptian kings and their armies to attack them. 7 So that evening the Syrians had fled for their lives, abandoning their tents, horses, and donkeys, and leaving the camp just as it was.
8 When the four men reached the edge of the camp, they went into a tent, ate and drank what was there, grabbed the silver, gold, and clothing they found, and went off and hid them; then they returned, entered another tent, and did the same thing. 9 But then they said to each other, “We shouldn't be doing this! We have good news, and we shouldn't keep it to ourselves. If we wait until morning to tell it, we are sure to be punished. Let's go right now and tell the king's officers!” 10 So they left the Syrian camp, went back to Samaria, and called out to the guards at the gates: “We went to the Syrian camp and didn't see or hear anybody; the horses and donkeys have not been untied, and the tents are just as the Syrians left them.”
11 The guards announced the news, and it was reported in the palace. 12 It was still night, but the king got out of bed and said to his officials, “I'll tell you what the Syrians are planning! They know about the famine here, so they have left their camp to go and hide in the countryside. They think that we will leave the city to find food, and then they will take us alive and capture the city.”
13 One of his officials said, “The people here in the city are doomed anyway, like those that have already died. So let's send some men with five of the horses that are left, so that we can find out what has happened.” 14 They chose some men, and the king sent them in two chariots with instructions to go and find out what had happened to the Syrian army. 15 The men went as far as the Jordan, and all along the road they saw the clothes and equipment that the Syrians had abandoned as they fled. Then they returned and reported to the king. 16 The people of Samaria rushed out and looted the Syrian camp. And as the Lord had said, ten pounds of the best wheat or twenty pounds of barley were sold for one piece of silver.
17 It so happened that the king of Israel had put the city gate under the command of the officer who was his personal attendant. The officer was trampled to death there by the people and died, as Elisha had predicted when the king went to see him. 18 Elisha had told the king that by that time the following day ten pounds of the best wheat or twenty pounds of barley would be sold in Samaria for one piece of silver, 19 to which the officer had answered, “That can't happen—not even if the Lord himself were to send grain at once!” And Elisha had replied, “You will see it happen, but you won't get to eat any of the food.” 20 And that is just what happened to him—he died, trampled to death by the people at the city gate.